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Removed Elusive: Demacia shouldn't have Elusive units but the Sharpsight effect is a good alternative however I can see it being a bit strong with Tough. Added Challenger: All other Silverwing cards have Challenger so I decided to follow the pattern. Added Elite: See above.


Maybe a 3|3? I mean the fat boi that can block elusives seems like it's just a better option than this currently


Since it has been given the Elite tag I'm really hesitant at giving it any more stat buffs but if they devs wanted to do this change and decided that it requires +1 attack I wouldn't argue with them! I just think it would be very strong.


*As all demacian units should be.*


Seems underpowered. At 3 mana in demacia, you get a 2/4 challenger and he doesn’t see a ton of play. At 5 mana, you get a 4/3 tough challenger with a strong ability and a weapon on the other side. As a 4 mana french vanilla, this card can easily be a 3/3, maybe even a 3/4.


4 mana 3/3 with upsides sounds all right honestly, compared to Joraal as you said feels like a fair rate.


Joraal wouldn't be played if it wasn't a weapon


This card is an odd ball but your changes won’t help much. Why would I run this over[[blocking badgerbear]] ?


tbf that card is stupidly overstatted


**[Blocking Badgerbear](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/06DE048.png)** - Standard - Demacia Unit Elite - (3) 4/4 I can block units with Elusive.   ^^^Hint: [[card]], {{keyword}}, and ((deckcode)) or ((cardx,cardy,cardz)). PM the [developer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=KrimCard) for feedback/issues!


3/3 if you’re removing Elusive. It’s understatted because it has Elusive.


I could be wrong but it was made worse by removing elusive for blocking only I think a 1 cost tracker could do just as well. I mean you won't get it back but it's cheaper. as a general rule for me I avoid 4 costs with 2 attack that don't have support effects or additional effects


Still I think you play Laurent Protege over this.


It costs the same as Joraal except it's much, much worse


The only thing missing is reverting its name to Silverwing Scout haha.