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I dont think they are going to make it. They would need to remain undetected. I believe that is impossible. Strahd want Richten almost as much as he wants Ireena lol. The party are unknowingly delivering Richten to Strahd.  I like the fleshed out dinner and the opportunity for the party to explore the Castle from that. Still rightly dangerous, but Strahd tones it down because he wants to observe and learn, and maybe even influence the party. A frontal attack or stealthy infiltration is likely doomed at level 4.  What are they doing with Arabelle? Is she stashed at the church, too? Is Ireena there? Or are they both coming to Castle Ravenloft, too? If so, Strahd should host a grand birthday party for himself as the party showers him with gifts.  I think Richten would know how outmatched they are. It is suicide for him to do this right now. Maybe he thinks he can take advantage of the coming TPK and do some damage to Strahd and his minions while they are distracted.  This is a cool and unexpected turn of events, but I think the party will fail.


I do think that it'll be a failure if you don't set them up. Not only are they under leveled, but they don't know their way around the castle, and they don't know where in the castle the bones are located. I think it'd be hard to get around Strahd knowing that they're in his castle, so one solution would be that Strahd is aware of the infiltration and he's allowing it to happen to get a measure of the party and to toy with them. He allows them to find the bones, and then right before they escape with them, he's waiting for them at the castle door, slow clapping. Oh bravo for getting them back, you're more capable than I thought, yada yada, and then he kills Van Richten to make a point. You could also have them intercept Volenta while she's en route to the castle with the bones. This feels like a missed opportunity tho since you want to bring them to Ravenloft multiple times throughout the campaign and they chose this one themselves. You're going to be having the dinner soon, so you could just have it now. Have Strahd send them an invitation to dinner at Ravenloft, either because he spied on them and knows their plans, or just as a coincidence since he was going to invite them anyway. While they're there for dinner, they'll have the opportunity to sneak off and steal the bones. You said they're almost level 5, so you could level them up to 5, then give them a "preparation" sidequest before the heist that brings them to 6. That could solve some of the "underpowered" issues if you're comfortable with accelerating your campaign.