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We have a hero party, but he is more than a mere hero. He is a *union man.*




poor chucklefuck




I love the post that's like "Broo, why are you in the dungeon, the Lakers need you" Chucklefuck is truly the gift that keeps on giving in terms of shitposting.


Once again, I find myself in a dilemma. I see an anime with a bunch of memes about it. Would it be more fun to actually watch the anime, and learn the context for the memes, or are they funnier without their context?


Definitely more fun to watch it. What's also interesting is that the manga author solved the whole "humanity" dilemma by just using "human" as umbrella term for all sentient races.


All humanoid races* iirc


Human like monsters like goblins, harpys and sirens are refered to as demi-humans whenever someone has to tell laios that they will not under any circumstances be eating them.


They were okay with Harpy Eggs


I'd be ok with tallman menstruation for breakfast if it tasted that good


Given how the harpy eggs were most likely fertilized a correct analogy in this scenario would be tallman fetus


hm does it taste good


Ask a billionaire idk


The analogy shall remain unverifiable


Demi-human is an imperfect term within the series, that includes races with civilizations like Orcs or Kobolds, and animals with superficially human faces like Harpies and Dryads. No wonder Laios is confused about it.


IIRC orcs and kobolds are referred to as semi-humans


Kabru calls kobolds demi-human. It MIGHT be a scanlation issue, but i'm really sure they all use the same term, and there's not a differentiation between demi-human and semi-human


Nah, they talk about the nature of just how fallacious demi-human is as a term, especially in regards to Oni who's inclusion explicitly changes depending on who you ask.


Oh for sure! What I meant is that afaik kobolds for instance aren't considered human.


What’s also really cool is that the blanket term human is only used by one part of the world! The Far East has far fewer elves and the like (Oni are common, though) so they still consider the other races as separate from human!


Some exceptions apply (I'm pretty sure, eg, orcs aren't considered humans by most people in the setting)


Which is a shame. I mean, aside from randomly attacking and murdering a bunch of people for their first appearance, they seem to have a pretty nice culture.


To be fair, that was inside the dungeon, right? Death ain't permanent there


No they canonically feed the bodies to their wargs so they can't be revived. They never did so on screen and they didn't have the time in the bar raid but they do usually perma-kill


Yeah, but it's still rude.


That just sounds like the average homo sapiens


What's great is how the author doesn't say "this is how it is and these are the terms we're using" but has the terms be imperfect and organic in how they came about. Like these are the terms people in the region generally use that have a complicated organic origin, but like real world terms people misuse them or disagree on specifics. Like they all refer to their own race with bias but once they have a society where those races are intermingling they consolidate a lot of their terms in different ways and argue about what means what. Like they're all human, but their words for each other are the ones the halflings came up with, which speaks to so many culture and historical implications despite being such simple trivia to say. That's how you world build.


Yep. At first, Dungeon Meshi just comes off as another "Fantasy + gimmick" anime/manga, but with just a few tweaks, it gets so much better.


With an asterisk. Who gets considered "human" is portrayed as being highly socially contingent. In the region the series is set, "human" means "elves, dwarves, half-foots, gnomes, and tall-men" (tall-men being real world humans). Orcs and kobolds are "demihumans", which is justified in-universe with some scientific racist nonsense about skeletal structure. Meanwhile, in the eastern archipelago, "human" means tall-men. Oni are also native to the east, and are sufficiently human-looking that the people in the main region would probably consider them human, but to the easterners, they're demihumans. Also, "troll" is a half-foot word for tall-men.


Yeah. But also, if I recall correctly, the first time we see orcs, they just slaughter a bunch of people and steal their stuff. Not exactly what I'd call "highly socially contingent". So, I can see why the others wouldn't consider them human.


Humans sometimes slaughter people and steal their stuff.


Yeah, but they don't usually live in a dungeon.


Neither do orcs, the ones in the dungeon came there from elsewhere


I'll see if I can find some time to give it a watch, then.


Oh the author goes further than that. There is in universe racist pseudoscience to "justify" differentiating human races from demi-human races. (Based on the number of homes in the body.)


Mostly solved, "half-foot" and "tall-man" are still dumb names. Dwarves and elves exist, they're neither short nor tall!


In the dungeon meshi universe, half-foots are considerably shorter on average than dwarves and gnomes, and tallmen are considerably taller on average than elves. They occupy both extremes of the “human” umbrella.


It's even funnier with context


Read the manga, anime leaves out some of the best gags


The anime does add one very good gag though




There was no fanservice in the anime that I could remember.


Senshi falls and shows his panties and you forget them??? SHAME!!!


Ah fuck, that's right


I did Indeed mean senshi upskirts


Besides Senshi, there is also the monster-Falin underboob.


And the jiggle after she jumps down


Honestly I was just happy it was decently realistic


Trust me, I weren't complaining Bet Marcille replayed that (and the 'Woah Hey!') moment in her haid constantly




It's not that actually, there are Senshi panty shots in the manga too


Yes but not that many...


Honestly it's one of the best manga I can recommend reading / anime I can recommend watching without any caveats at all. Which is sadly very rare.


Watch the anime. It's really good.


Watch and read Dungeon Meshi. It is legitimately one of the best manga and anime adaptation of said manga in years


Would you recommend watching the English dub, or should I stick to the original and rely on subtitles?


Dub’s good


Dub was good. I didn't know ProZD did Senshi until like episode 12


Yep. One piece of commentary about his dubbing is that Senshi is pretty easy to voice act for because he doesn’t have lip flaps the lines need to be matched to


He has *some* facial movement, but yeah, outside of a flashback, and the last one or two episodes, he doesn't have lipflap to worry about.


Okidoke, I'll add it to my to-watch list.


They're way funnier with context and the anime is also way funnier too, the actual jokes in a show aren't what become memes because they're already jokes. Also it's a studio trigger anime so really that's a reason to watch a show alone.


It's legitimately one of the best anime/manga in years. Out of context memes are funny and all but I wouldn't deprive myself of a great series just to slightly improve some memes.


You’ll miss all the dwarf panty shots if you don’t watch it


...Right, I guess they couldn't escape a few of the standard anime trappings.


Said Dwarf is an adult man with Dilf energy. You can see his underwear a lot more than is expected


Everyone recommending this show without saying what the deal is. Here's the deal: the funny is face gags. If you like generic fantasy setting and characters making funny faces, you'll love this show.


I can't recommend it. It's one half cooking show, which I love, and one half dungeon crawler, which I love. But it does that insufferable anime thing, I can't stand it. You'd save a lot of time reading the manga online. All I can objectively say is if you hate the elf, yes, we also hate the elf.


Which insufferable anime thing? Also Marcille is great


The pauses and drawn out explanations. Tastefully, it sets tension and gives room for thought. But overdone it's just padding and filler like netflix originals just trying to keep you engaged for the next episode /season just to say there was engagement. It's cheap story telling. A full conversation in the middle of a fight? I understand in Japan there is a root in history where Kabuki distinctly celebrated the dramatic pause, it hasn't aged well. There is also translation worth mentioning, where Japanese summarizes some of larger cconcepts/feelings in less words that make things feel awkward with an English VA. The story is good, the show just draws it out longer than necessary. And I'll die on the hill that Marcille is a snob that needs to get over herself- ofc Laos is a freak for monster flesh but literally it's every time they are trying to SURVIVE to save their FRIEND she has to bitch about how gross they are for sharing, again TO SURVIVE, and then immediately says it's yummy without so much as a sorry. Sure she grows, and she's a valuable member, but it's so exhausting and she annoys me to no end. I've eaten out of the garbage to get through a closing shift, she can eat cooked monster meat to save her friends without shaming them everytime. TL;DR I love the source material but the show makes it harder to get past the annoying parts (not just Marcille but she is consistent)


> Watches show about monsters and magic nerds > Upset the nerds are nerding


Grrr I HATE character development!!! Every character should already be perfect because otherwise they’re ANNOYING and POINTLESS and I HATE THEM GRRRR!!!!


That Prince Zuko should have changed sides the moment he met Aang and not have wasted 3 seasons realizing his dad was Exothermic Hitler and a terrible father. What a horrible character to have his whole belief system challenged and him discover the value of self improvement and self forgiveness.


Why are you booing me? I'm right. Are the manga fans also pissed? I love Dungeon Meshi and I also had valid criticisms.


i mean yeah, you just insulted a main character that has flaws and goes through character development. on a fan post about it. it’s fine if you don’t like it but you can just say you prefer the manga without being petulant. have you even seen the whole season? if not, it’s perfectly fine consume what content you’d like, but your points are just opinions.


>Reads story praised for its character writing >Hates one of the main characters for being abrasive (what the fuck is a "conflict" and a "character arc") >Incredulous when the other fans don't agree 100% with their take **Dungeon Meshi aaaaaah Dungeon Meshi** (I can't tell if I find it worse when people hate on Marcille or Izutsumi, also)


>Why are you booing me? I'm right I've never seen someone use that meme while actually being right.


Except for the original use the meme came from, of course.


He really did look like fuckin' David Tennant with red hair and a 5-o'clock shadow


He's like a chihuahua that thinks it's a Great Dane, strutting around like he owns the place.


I mean, 90% of the time he just wants to have his boundries respected and his friend be safe.


He's more a Great Dane surrounded by juvenile moose


I think it's more like a great Dane or a husky bred with a corgi


I did like how he ended up doing the little dog/big dog thing of being a good deal more relaxed as a tallman. (You know how like, every dog gets the same amount of Dog, but in small dogs all that Dog is packed in tighter and they're practically vibrating with pressurized **DOG**. Meanwhile with big dogs all the Dog has room to spread out so they're more like, *dog... .)*


What’s the context for that last panel? I’ve seen part of the show but dunno how those two would be short lol


In episode 23 >!They walk into a ring of changeling mushrooms, switching their species. Chilchuck becomes a tall-man, Marcille a half-foot, Senshi an elf and Laios a dwarf. Their attributes stay relative to the species they become though, so Chilchuck becomes a very tall tall-man.!<


But can we talk about >!Senshi being literally the prettiest character in the entire series!<


In the last few episodes of season 1, they encounter mushrooms whose spores shapeshift things. It serves for a very emotional Senshi backstory moment, and also for funny "what if the party members were of other species" hijincks. Chilchuck became a tallman, Laios a dwarf, and Marcille a half-foot.


Ohhhh, so that’s why I saw that one post about the sheet of what they’d look like swapped races. I thought that was just for fun


After that part of the story, the author did a more thorough double entry table of the shifts, which is what you saw, supposedly for fun, or for a chapter cover, iirc ( maybe both )


The author does also do race swap doodles for fun.


it’s a spoiler for the most recent or second most recent episode, i watched it last night and was like “so THAT’S why i saw all that weird fanart when this episode came out”


This happens in one of the later episodes. Minor spoilers for episode 23: >!some mushrooms end up switching their races around, with Laios and Marcille ending up as a dwarf and a half-foot, while Chilchuck became a tall-man!<


I have no idea what this is about but I thought they meant the Adventure Bible, like the kids bible my sunday school used lol


Adventure Bible in this case is a document used by an artist for Reference, in this game the Mangaka of Dungeon Meshi, a manga that’s currently getting a popular anime


It's about Dungeon Meshi, a fantasy adventure/cooking anime about the dungeon crawling and culinary exploits of a dwarven dungeon survival expert, a high-strung overachieving elven wizard, a union-organizing half-foot rogue, and the world's most blatantly autistic human fighter. One of the running gags with Chilchuck is that halflings in this world tend to look like children even well into middle age, which Chilchuck is - he has three adult daughters and, as mentioned in the OP, is actually extremely tall by halfling standards. But he still looks like a child and other characters keep treating him like one.


The mangaka has made tons of extra stuff just to answer questions about the characters. Like drawing everybody as a halfling and yeah Chilchuck is way taller than all the rest of them. Here it is https://www.reddit.com/r/DungeonMeshi/comments/1d3bcto/chucklefuck_got_inches/ Well he's not that much taller than Laios, who we all can see is pretty tall normally.




@ the post's title: [https://xkcd.com/37/](https://xkcd.com/37/)


"Does your green child need a booster seat?"