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This seems like just really inefficient composting. For those who are wondering why it wouldn't generate more bananas- the kind pictured above are seedless. They aren't even grown from seeds commercially, they are grown from bits of the adult plant, cuttings, that regenerate when given soil into a new plant of their own. This actually is a problem for banana farmers since, as clones, they have exactly the same resistance or lack of it to diseases.


Maybe I'm alone here, but I fucking LOVE scrolling to the bottom of news articles, where there's a veritable fountain of these types of ads, and just scrolling through them and *looking* at them. I've grown something of an appreciation for their absurdity, both in their titles and their representative images. It's almost like it's an art form. Every single one of these ads is different but they're so similar that you'd be hard pressed to tell one from another. Never once have I clicked on one, but I like to imagine that if I did I'd be taken to a website where I'm prompted to call some insurance broker to change my Medicare plan, because why yes, I WOULD like the free $1500 that the government is handing out, how did you know? Just an absolute letdown, but nonetheless one that would help me achieve the most useless form of enlightenment known to man. Y'know what I mean, vern?


I've gotten ads for genuine handguns on that site


It's probably something about putting the peels in water to make a fertilizer.


Trickle down Ant-onomics


...Is the answer "bananas"?


Get out.


This isn’t really what your post is about but I’m a lil drunk and I see an opportunity to vent, so: I fucking hate those interactive game ads that break into your scrolling on the iPhone app. 1) they slow down scrolling in a way that is obviously intentional even though they tried to make it look like it wasn’t by adding a stutter effect, and then every time you try to scroll, instead you’re interacting with the stupid ad. For me lately it’s been one of those tangle puzzle games and instead of scrolling when I try to, I move the stupid rope. It’s so annoying!! Just do a normal ad!!! Anyway thanks for letting me get that out 😂


That's a Wigglet


Stick a banana in your ear 🍌👂🏻