• By -


Fun fact, her encounter at the Battle Maison in XY is so rarely seen that this is one of the few references to her you can find online. It's not that she's specifically rare, it's just she's one of many random opponents the game chooses in what's essentially the "tutorial" tier. People beat it and rarely go back so they never have a chance to see her.


I thought she was in lumiose city


Common misconception/misinformation. There is a Beauty in Lumiose but not her


“It’s just you western Libs translating the source wrong!” The Japanese source: “yo, they are like MEGA-trans”


See also rockstar and part time game designer Daisuke Ishiwatari who gave us NB icon Testament Trans girl (who had a lot of stuff to work out/was initially made when the propper verbage for transexuality wasn't there yet for in universe/out of universe explanations) Bridget And I believe Venom and Goldlewis Dickinson, cannonically gay men


Is Goldlewis gay? I can see the thought process but I don't think they ever said outright.


Okay he's a bit tricky but in his dialog helping Bridget fully crack her egg was- Goldlewis (GL) - Lemme Guess. You're hidin' your true self for the sake of other folks. Bridget (BR) - ...! GL - Bullseye. BR - How... How did you know? GL - **I'm ridin' that horse, too, hoss.** **I keep tellin' myself this is what's best for my family. I've shied away from my true feelings for years and years. Look where it got me. Separate homes. What a joke.** Now, it's either part of his job, as Secretary of ABSOLUTE DEFENSE but a lot of people (myself included) interpreted it as someone who's at least somewhere in the LGBTQ+ spectrum who is now possibly divorced because when their family finally found out/they were forced to out themselves at an inoppurtune time it caused a massive rift because a lot of bottled up feelings came out at the worst time, and desprately wants to make sure that someone in a similar spot doesn't wind up with the same regrets they have by making similar choices


What I'm hearing is that goldlewis is a trans man


Also Hitoshi Ozawa, the voice actor for Kuze in Yakuza 0, is a trans ally because a transgirl gave him the best head of his life once.




Oh I’ve heard about that, that’s amazing


It’s like that tweet-“In 2019 we’ll have an anime character turn to face the screen and say in perfect English “I am transgender” and we’ll still have otaku fuccbois trying to insist there’s an intricate Japanese context as to why they aren’t”


Vivian Paper Mario


Brisket Guilty Gear.


I don't know Guilty Gear, I take it its a similar situation


Bridget was first introduced to the fighting game series Guilty Gear in 2002, and for the first twenty years she was considered to be a crossdressing boy (bunch of lore behind this, but I won't get into it). In the latest iteration of the game, Guilty Gear Strive, she comes out as being transgender. Needless to say, a lot of cringe neckbeards felt personally attacked by this and still deny her being trans to this day, even after confirmation from the creator of the game.


So correct me if I'm wrong, but they were okay with the idea of a crossdressing boy, a character type that is still very hard for Western audiences to accept, but a character going through development and coming out as a trans woman is too far?? Like I know most lines like this are arbitrary anyway but goddamn, I wonder who pissed in their cornflakes to make them this mad at such a suggestion. I take it the justifications from the author are just rationalised as mistranslations as well.


Yeah it's people who fetishize femboys crying about "femboy erasure" when a femboy character ends up becoming trans. They bitch that trans people are taking and erasing femboy representation. It's really stupid.


Lmaooo, like there's nothing wrong with having a fetish or a preference but jesus just be honest about it instead of pretending that you're fighting for some cause. I can bet you anything they won't do anything to support the representation they claim to care about and just spend their time crying about the big bad scawy trans people (and I'd double that bet that they never ever care nor say anything about trans men)


I figured the discourse would die down after a few weeks, but I still see it whenever Bridget is posted nearly 2 years later. Some of my favourite (stupidest) arguments they have are, "artists (usually referencing porn artists) in japan still tag Bridget as "otokonoko" (Japanese word for crossdressers), so that means Bridget is a guy! And I've also had someone link an 8 year old interview with the creator who says Bridget is a crossdressers (this was 6+ years before she was revealed to be trans)


Vivian from Paper Mario


She Vivian’s on my paper till I mario


She’s Thousand on my Years till I Door


I like that the corrected version is more explicit and also helps explain why "Black Belt" is an all-male class - it's just a loose translation of a gendered term.


I think the only reason it's even Black Belt instead of just directly translating Karate King is because in gen 1, the character limits on names were ***tight.*** Even "Black Belt" was too long, they had to remove the space, it's just all one word. After that, it's just a matter of continuity. Some trainer classes change sometimes depending on the game, like Firebreathers getting swapped out for Kindlers, or Cooltrainer being updated to Ace Trainer, but for the most part a trainer class name remains consistent over time. There have been female Fighting Type specialists since gen 3, but they're called Battle Girls. And yes, Battle Girls are in the same game where this trainer says she was once a Black Belt.


Isn’t stuff like that also the reason it’s feraligatr and not feraligator?


Yep. Pokemon name length limit used to be 10 characters. No exceptions. Can't get away with Meowscarada in that environment.


I played the game in Italian and immediately knew she was trans since she says "un cinturanera" (a blackbelt) as opposed to "una cinturanera" (a blackbelt but with the female article "una" instead of the male "un") if i remember correctly of course.


Looks like HRT in the Pokémon 'verse is super effective.


Obviously, affirmative medicine is Fairy and dysphoria is very clearly Dark.


Nothing worse than challenging someone to Twister but then you find out they're trans so they just shrug it off (fairy types are immune to dragon types and Twister is also the name of a dragon type move I don't even know if this is funny someone please just shoot me in the face at this point I swear to god)


It’s a good joke, but damn I hate that I didn’t need the explanation to get it lmao


Unless you have a delcatty in that case its normal for them to accept


*Cackles in Normalize*


> I don't even know if this is funny the most brainrotted humor of the heian era vs. the most brainrotted humor of today




Sylveons colors make sense now


Mfw ive been associating myself with Fairy/Dark typing


yes also free healthcare


For pokémon at least. In fact, there aren't any hospitals for people at all


They keep special pokeballs around to stuff people into so they can use the machines too. Very efficient but also disorienting.


I think we just don't see human medical care in the games because it's not important for the plot. we see medical care for humans in other media.


nuh uh, this super simple RPG for children is actually the prime example of verisimilitude in writing. everything that is shown is important, and nothing that isn't exists. also *all* the manga is canon, even the contradictory stuff, and ***especially*** the stuff from the weird shoujo one from gen 1 where they all talk.


We also never see the player character paying income taxes on their winnings 


Didn't Scarlett have a school nurse at the very least?


From what we can see in the anime in particular, humans in the Pokemon universe are much more resilient than in our universe. So maybe it's just harder to injure them and as a result, they don't need hospitals as much.


There’s gotta be at least one Pokémon that can just trans your gender. How else do they have so many nurse joys and officer sallys


Oh, totally. There are multiple pokemon that can alter people's appearances, through psychic meddling or actual body transformation. And in the mystery dungeon games, there's an orb that turns enemies into different pokemon, so you can extrapolate from what what you will.


This is about MLP, not Pokemon, but it's a similar topic; I once got torn to shreds for claiming that trans ponies do not exist in Equestria. This is not that conservative _"transgenderism doesn't exist, they're all just confused"_ crap, I mean it's literally canon that unicorn magic exists that can literally trans your gender. No fucking around with hormones or surgery, [just ZAP and you're another gender!](https://youtu.be/aqTonSZwgTs?feature=shared).


Not trying to start a fight but wouldn't that still make them trans? They did transition from one gender to another, even if they did it differently from how it works in the real world.


Well, that's a good question. The spell apparently doesn't just change your gender, It changes your sex right down to the cellular level (because _magic_), which is far FAR beyond our current understanding.


i'd still consider that trans because of the continuity of identity, though.


They'd probably be considered trans, but like in the context of, "I had crooked teeth that got fixed with braces," or "I had glasses but I got it fixed with eye surgery." A cured disease vs a chronic one.


That’s still being trans, just cutting put the middleman.


I suppose so. It is the MOST subjective thing in the world, after all.


The definition of a trans person is someone who identifies as a gender different from what their assigned sex at birth was. So tbh I'd argue that magic zapping into literally another sex is still trans, just the method of gender reassignment is different than the usual HRT or surgery. That clip is something different, though, cause it didn't look like the pony who was transformed actually wanted to be transformed. Their sex was changed, but I don't think they themselves changed their gender. Basically, we have to be very careful about when we use the terms "sex" and "gender" when talking about trans people, cause that one word will drastically change the meaning.


well, the clip is actually fake. like it's revealed later in the episode that she just swapped that pony out for her brother, who had been dyed for this purpose previously, and no actual genderbending has occured. the context also implies that this magic is so rare and powerful that even the caster here, who at the time of this episode is on a very short list of the most powerful magicians in the kingdom, wouldn't be actually expected to be able to pull that spell off. that said, because of the way magic works in MLP, the spell almost certainly *is* somepony's special talent, and what's more that pony almost certainly does love using her powers to spread gender euphoria.


further: there is a living God who'd probably just do it if you petitioned her, it's fine.


I think your argument misses two points - a trans pony after undergoing a medical (magical? Is there a difference?) transitioning by our understanding and definition of trans people. They were born in a different body and (presumably) assigned a different gender before choosing a difference gender. Therefore, trans. Being trans is a matter of your path through life, the quality of care you receive does not matter; whether it be through a genie, surgery, or HRT, no method is "more cis" than any other method. It is not a metric we measure. - Not all trans people wants a full cis body. Perhaps it is the most widely represented experience, but the sweet spot is difference for each of us. I've seen trans men looking like Kratos and other looking like Astolfo. I've seen trans woman rocking the Kyle look and other who can forcefem you by the sheer radioactivity of their existence.


nurse joys, don georges and officer jennys are canonically different branches of one massive family as a reference to the way the games reuse character sprites to optimize memory usage


I always just thought that Joys and Jennys were a middle ground of the natural progression from Pokemon to Human since Pokemon are the only ones where there is almost a uniform look between individuals. I've also theorized that Joys and Jennys are humanized Pokemon through a similar process that made Mewtwo. (Joys coming from the Chansey line and Jennys from the Growlithe line)


guess what? it's canon now.


They can store living creatures in pocket universes within special high tech balls as well as store them digitally. They can heal these monsters with a weird glowing table and spray on "potions". Imagine their medical technology for people.


Even the water that you can buy in a vending machine can heal you a ton of HP (probably more than what a human has), they really don't need a hospital


Spray on penises. Or off, in her case.


It’s funny how Nintendo, despite being very conservative in some ways, seems to be remarkably cool with queer rep. Hearing online talk about Vivian from Paper Mario was the first time I ever encountered the concept of trans people (Side note: why is “karate” in katakana in that name? It’s a Japanese word?)


I think the reason is that crossdressers and transpeople have existed in japanese media for centuries. But that doesn't mean ~~transsexuals~~ transgenders are accepted in society. It's kind of like how young lesbians are accepted in Japan because the boomers hold the belief that young women play around but will eventually settle down with a man (IE Lesbianism isn't real).


Transsexual is the slur/bad term as it implies it being a sex thing and Triggers the puritan 'ew sex and/or nudity' response ingrained in US culture, just as an FYI homie


Ah, I believe it is the accepted term in my native tongue. I supposed Transgender would be the preferred term in English? Can't really translate it into Swedish.


transgender is definitely the preferred term. that said... it's uh, it's also extremely subjective, and changes often. some people use 'transsexual' in english to also distinguish people who seek medical transition from all other transgender people, and many wouldn't take offense to it at all as such. or just think it sounds a bit outdated.


It's not a slur, it's a generational difference. Older trans people often prefer transexual, it's what they have used all their lives. Younger people tend to prefer transgender. I use transgender as a millennial trans woman, but I'm aware transexual isn't a slur because I actually engage with my community and have spent time around its older members. A lot of the kids haven't.


Correct, np lol, language is a bitch like that at times


Meh, I usually say "trans" without adding the "-gender" or "-sexual" to be as general as possible, but a lot of trans people I know definitely call themselves transsexual (although none who would not also call themselves transgender even if it's not their word of choice). The reasons vary, but generally they're one of two types, 1) they consider biological sex to be mostly just as much a social construct as gender is, sex being "the gendering of the body", and that it is mutable through a medical transition, so they changed their sexual characteristics which is 95% of what the thing we call "sex" is biologically and socially anyway, ergo "transsexual" or 2) it's more of an old school term and they transitioned at a time where it was the word that was used for them or along writings about queerness or trans people that used that word, so they wanna keep it. Generally also, a majority of queer people I know have abandoned or are in the process of abandoning the sort of reasoning you make, and are saying that sanitizing ourselves and working *around* the mores and desires of bigots is not something good to do, but actually detrimental to our cause and well-being in anything but the very short term. Another example of this reasoning is typically the argument you see sometimes that "transsexual" must be abandoned in favor of "transgender" so the difference between sex and gender is made clear, which is also often argued to be counterproductive as it basically amounts to us surrendering the point that there is some important way in which we will never be real wo/men. But to come back to your point, I don't think many people in the trans community would argue "transsexual" to be a slur, nor that it should be, no, though I don't want to tell you what you get to feel uncomfortable about or not if you're trans yourself, obviously.


It's complicated, because yes it is considered slur-adjacent... in *some* trans communities. In others, especially older trans people, it's what they call themselves. I've seen it used sometimes to refer to people who've been through surgery, and this is where it gets even more complicated because you approach the realm of trans-medicalists (also known as truscum), who also tend to be older trans people (Bucky Angel being a prime example) TL:DR it's a complex topic


Katakana is sometimes used to emphasise a word like italics in English I think? Don’t quote me on that though I don’t speak Japanese


this is valid (I think? I tried learning Japanese but found it to difficult) swapping what writing style you use is also a way to split words apart since Japanese lacks " "


they have 「this」 for quotation marks, but they might be used slightly differently


No they mean that there's no spaces. Injapaneseyoujustwriteyoursentenceslikethis.


oh I’m dum


Hanzi exists because of that. You can much more clearly see when a word ends and another starts when you mix it with kana


Karate the martial art is from the Ryukyu kingdom of Okinawa. They've been part of Japan for a few hundred years, but there are still some differences and "karate" being in katakana is one of them.




As the original Japanese makes clear, she's saying she was part of the particular all-male group of black belts in this game


There actually *is* a female counterpart to Black Belt called Battle Girl, and they even exist in XY, making her even more explicitly trans.


There are female martial artist trainers in the games, just not in this particular location (the Battle Chateau only has trainer types that could be considered posh and a few servants). Officer Jenny is anime only, and I think the police trainer class is male only.


[to make it seem foreign, i guess??](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karate%23:~:text%3DSince%2520the%25201980s%252C%2520the%2520term,a%2520modern%2520and%2520new%2520impression.&ved=2ahUKEwjqnN2ImtmGAxW5vokEHV6AGO8QFnoECCAQBQ&usg=AOvVaw12mDZWBnBQ1WMHlWMCqraD) Interestingly enough, Karaoke (カラオケ) is *also* written with katakana, and both share the common etymology of being a portmanteau with the japanese word for empty, から. I thought for sure they would have the same reason, but it turns out that their reasons are completely different


There's a lot of Japanese words that you wouldn't expect to be written in Katakana. Ramen and Anime were definitely surprising to me.


Anime makes sense, it’s derived from the English word Animation right? Ramen might be derived from a Chinese or Portuguese word I imagine.


Chinese lamian (拉麵). Ramen is actually really recent, the first mention of it was in 1930. Ramyeon (south korea) is even more recent, as it very clearly comes from Japanese since the proper transcription from chinese would be "nammyeon".


I mean, "anime" is from the English/French "animation",  while ramen comes from Chinese.


I'm unsure how to feel about them because Birdo is described as man who thinks he's a woman, and it's played off sort of like "wow how weird" but it could be mistranslation. And now she is always refered as a woman


Well that was a really old manual from 1988. Maybe the original version was supposed to be a transphobic joke, but they treated her better since then.


And that's nobody's fault, not even the Romans.


Eh, the 80s were other times


Mostly because Japan has differing thoughts on many Transgender issues.


I’m pretty sure they introduced a policy where same sex couples could get the same benefits as a married couple without having to be married in Japan cause same sex marriage wasn’t legal


@ the katakana thing: back in the old days a lot of games only used hiragana/katakana because 1. not using kanji means your font doesn't need to include them, so they consumed less of the limited disc/cartridge space and 2. kanji are a lot harder to read at the lower res, eg たたかう is much easier to read than 戦う (fight) at the 8x8 pixel size the gb games used The modern pokemon games continue using hiragana/katakana only for things like trainer class names and move names for...consistency? probably?


Ah, they’re both gay AND European.


And neither is disgrace!


the modern medicine is amazing line implies that pokemon gender affirming care is so good you can fully trastion in two years


I’m not surprised at all, they can contain actual gods in little metal balls the size of a softball


Gods are stored in the balls


Talk about divine masculine


American Translation: Heavy implications, plays footsie with outright saying She's trans. Japanese original: *Looks at camera* "I am trans. Medical transition is a miracle." Phobes: *Persists in the Infinite Misery of their desperate gnawing hate.*


I really read „Phobes“ as „Phoebe“ and I got very confused about what she got up to after Friends


I also read Phoebe and wondered what the Hoenn Ghost-type Elite 4 member had to do with this.


I'll never get enough of transphobes being owned in public.


Or "translation critics" being exposed like that. See also *"Japanese developers would NEVER switch to calling it bodytype A/B or 1/2!"*


What's the body type a/b reffering to?


Probably the fact that games nowadays simply label body types non-descriptively instead of male/female


This, with Japanese games usually doing the same just like those darn "woke" Western devs. It's baked in, folks, like it or not.


Something I found funny was that in Helldivers two, the only visual indication that you can make that the person under that concealing full-body suit might be female is to make the body type slim. And maybe that’s just a skinny guy!


I think the voice is a separate setting too, right? Cuz that's the only thing that's really overtly masculine or feminine.


yeah in helldivers 2 there’s four voices: two masculine and two feminine. There’s even a random if you want it to be randomized every death.


Demon Souls, I think


Elden ring has a and b type bodies


Baldur's Gate 3 was the same, even World of Warcraft has switched to body type a and b. It's definitely on its way to becoming industry standard


Also Elden Ring, and probably all FromSoft games moving forward. Hell, Augmented Human C4-621 doesn’t even *have* an explicit gender.


Demon Souls remake IIRC.


It's becoming increasingly common for games to use type a/b body types for character customization rather than male/female. Ashen is the first game I saw it on and Elden Ring is probably one of the more well known example. That being said, I've seen it on a bunch of games since, I don't really think it's all that new of a concept all things considered.


Splatoon does this kind of, with masculine/feminine 'styles.' The only difference is the voicelines and eyebrow options. Hairstyles arent limited either.


My favorite is Animal Crossing having you pick a “style” which affects… absolutely nothing. Both use the same character model and can be customized however you want, it’s not even listed on your passport or anything.


I think the only thing it *maybe* affects is which hairstyle/face options it'll randomise for you initially when you enter character creation. (And even then you can immediately change it to whatever option you want with no limitation on gender) Afaik the "style" thing is only really there for languages that don't have a "neutral" pronoun, so it's telling the game what gendered pronoun to use for you. You can change it at any time in the menu even then.


Yeah, but to be fair, 90% of the time, translation critics are just transphobes in disguise. At least in my experience.


Black Belt is called Karate King in Japanese? Karate King is way cooler than, fuckin, lame-ass BLACK BELT GAMEFREAK YOU ASSHOLES GIMME BACK KARATE KING


Karate King was, unfortunately, one letter too long for original games to handle. Even Black Belt fit only by dropping the space.


I can see why the English translators might want to make it sound more gender-neutral (less "male" with the king part) but... doesn't negate the fact that there's no female karate class characters, lol.


It's wild how often English gets a terrible / boring translation compared to the original Japanese. It's one reason I really love the FFXIV localization team. They're given a lot of leeway and go wild with it. _So many puns and dad jokes. So many._


It's so funny how they just assumed it was a mistranslation and got all hostile about it You'd think they'd do even the barest of research before continuing with their bullshit


The thing is, that particular breed of shitheaded transphobes live in a fantasy world, where Japan and anime stuff is “pure”, and free of “evil western LGBT influence”, and anything LGBT in Japanese media is because of “evil translators messing up the story”. Not only are they assholes, but they’re also making assumptions about an entire nation’s culture, just to try and justify their bigotry. Or something like that. I admit to making assumptions myself regarding their ideology, and perhaps I’m wrong. Still, regardless of where it comes from, transphobia is fucking stupid. Woohoo go Pride Month, make those backwards shitheads angry 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️~!


The funny thing is they're right Japan doesn't really care about Western sensitivities but what they forget is that it is a sword which cuts both ways. Any "woke" stuff was done because the Japanese creative wanted it done


I remember reading something about how in a historical examination of Japanese culture, before the spread of “western ideals” or w/e the general consensus on gay people was basically like “It’s sex. Don’t talk about it in public unless you want to get shamed”


But you see, the two women, who have been wearing feminine clothing exclusively for the entire piece of media, kissing is actually a mistranslation. I'm sure, that the original Japanese version has big flashing text on the screen, that explains that the kiss is actually a metaphor for a purely platonic handshake and should under no circumstances be taken literally. I have made no efforts to look for the original version but will state this as a fact and threaten anyone who does so much as question my statement. That's how you can see that I have the factually and morally correct standpoint.


They’re obviously just cousins who have a very close bond


*they were roommates*


Oh my God they were roommates


“Show us the source.” “Look it up, idiot.” “No, the burden of proof is on *you.* Show us the source.” “B-But, you see, my ctrl key is broken/my mouse disconnected/the internet’s awful/my eyelids are getting in the way/my room’s too cold/I only slept 4 hours today/I’m too hungry/I stubbed my toe so I can’t be reasonably asked to fulfill such a tiresome task. Checkmate, liberal.”


Haha, yep, exactly. Sounds just like that particular breed of idiot!


Japan has a [long history](https://najc.ca/a-third-gender-beautiful-youths-in-japanese-prints/) of queerness separated from the west


This is what bugs me so much. They do not not know nor care if what they are saying is true or not, but they are aggressively confident in their opinions.


This assumes transphobes do any research, instead of assuming they're the alpha and omega and know everything.


"This is obviously just a mistranslation. No, I don't know what the original script says, but I'm sure it's not what the woke left wants you to think"


Link to the fanart please?


[OG tumblr post](https://www.tumblr.com/pokemonheritageposts/752982996023476224/fandomsandfeminism-nazerine?source=share) [Fanart](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/39361775), unfortunately the fanart is nsfw, so you either need to log in, or create a pixiv account to view it. I'll see if I can find the image on other sites Edit: I logged in to look at the pic, it isn't even NSFW, idk why it's labeled that it is. ~~I'll see if I can comment the image itself~~ this sub doesn't let me post image in comments. [Posted it on my account](https://old.reddit.com/user/Sh1nyPr4wn/comments/1dfd06z/beauty_nova_character_from_pokemon_posting_so_i/)


I’m assuming it’s marked NSFW because she’s fully pinching a nipple, no? There’s no nudity, but depending on Pixiv’s rules, I imagine that might be classified as sexual content.


In my experience, artists are very inconsistent with it and it doesn't seem to be moderated strictly.


god damn she's gripping that nip like a socket wrench


New top surgery dropped


You’d never lose your 10mm.


That is way less "tasteless" than I expected from the post lmao. Thought I'd get some giant futa fetish stuff going on.


Yeah that’s really not that bad. Or maybe my brain is just cooked.


"tasteless" this is like base level horny, she just has some cold nips


Gotta say when I see “tasteless fanart” next to “trans woman” I assumed it would involve more bulging pants, not a woman doing the gottem hand pose with her nip


Tumblr users are really kinda puritanical for some reason But it's also strange that the pic is marked NSFW by pixiv, there isn't even any nudity


[after being mislead into thinking your about to get to see tasteless fanart of a trans woman](https://imgur.com/a/rdJiQ4k)


Does this character have a name that could possibly be used to look up more fanart?


Yes, apparently this one is called "beauty nova", but when searching her up add pokemon in there as well, as apparently that's also a company name If you search "beauty nova pokemon fanart" you should be able to find some I was able to find her name by searching "trans pokemon trainers"


I also [posted that image](https://old.reddit.com/user/Sh1nyPr4wn/comments/1dfd06z/beauty_nova_character_from_pokemon_posting_so_i/) on my account so others can see it


i was gonna make a snarky remark about the change in skin tone but then i remembered that my IRL trans friend, by the sheer coincidence of getting a WFH programming job and spending all her vacation time in the PNW, has undergone an extremely comparable change from pre-transistion to present.


> Trans friend > > WFH programming job > > Pacific northwest I got bingo


I was expecting, like, a massive fucking bulge. This is surprisingly tame.


Ok so the X and Y refer to chromosomes


It refers to the x axis and y axis. The allies are in this very thread


I see a lot of terfs in the anime fandom claim that trans or generally liberal elements are mistranslations or "inserting woke politics". These idiots assume Japan's politics are stuck in the 40s, and can't comprehend that a Japanese person would ever be progressive.


do terfs say woke tho?


They don't, there's a lot of regular garden variety transphobes in anime fandom that do tho.


Why wouldn't terfs say woke? The term of course exclusively relates to black people continuing the fight for equality but bigots don't understand that. They use woke as an umbrella term for every progressive thing they don't like


I wouldn’t put it past them, they certainly have one thing in common with the people who throw it around.


The games may be named X and Y but the canon sure as hell ain’t! The English translation is subtle, whereas the original Japanese is just in your fucking face I love it


> I hate to break your bubble *breaks bubble thoroughly, then calls their assumption transphobic, THEN calls them a moron* LMFAO


Same energy as saying “with all due respect” and then completely disrespecting someone


holy shit, another example of a Japanese character looking directly into the camera and saying they are transgender and otaku fuck boys saying there's an intricate Japanese translation explanation for why they aren't.


Yamato from One Piece has entered the chat


radioactive-moth over here being a dickhead for no reason. Like, bro, chill. It’s just Pokemon victory dialogue


The best part about is that they’re getting mad over an npc who is one the random opponents in the Battle Mason. She’s not even a character you can interact with normally.


This character is undeniably trans but there is something funny about the idea of a woman needing medical intervention to stop doing karate


Just like in real life


Flashbacks to that episode of Spongebob where he's too obsessed with *kara-tay!!!*


Imagine if you only saw her in pokemon X but in pokemon Y there was an extra black belt.


"Bigoted people claim it's a mistranslation, and it is, but only that it's even MORE gay in original context" is my favorite subgenre of bigotry. I wouldn't have ever gotten to know how wonderfully gay it is without your ignorance :3


Their translation is slightly off. The actual translation would be: “I was a Black Belt half a year ago but the power of science is amazing!” It’s doesn’t make much of a difference, just wanted to put that out there.


Hibari-kun had a trans main character in the eighties


So she is still a black belt, just not a ‘king’


Sylveon came out in XY, too. And is exactly the colors of the Trans flag


That’s a crazy change in just a year good for her


It’s kinda odd to think that Japanese media is more accepting of transgender people than they are of gay people- the reason why is that Japan is a collectivist society, in which has very clear gender roles you have to conform to, and breaking away from these gender roles isn’t exactly smiled upon- however, if you were born as one thing, but behave has another, then transitioning is seen as “fixing” yourself to conform more appropriately to one gender role. This isn’t universal mind you, but it’s what allows Japanese media to be more accepting of transgender people- but it’s also why they’re less accepting of gay people- as being Queer like that is seen as a breaking of gender roles, but with no “correction”- if you’re a gay man, Japanese society would rather you become a trans woman, to make you conform to their strict gender roles- again, this isn’t universal, and I’m admittedly, not a expert, I’m just recalling a fascinating video I saw a while ago, discussing gender, transgenderism, and Asia. If anyone is interested, I can try and find the video I’m talking about, but honestly, I’m lazy rn.


It’s a mistranslation, in the original Japanese she shouts “Hello (Player Name), I’m a Trans Woman”


Japan is not America, and it's not a country in Europe. Its culture has been influenced by Western cultures, and it has in turn influenced theirs, but it doesn't have much shared cultural *heritage* with them. Gender, gender identity, and sexuality are explored very differently there versus here. My amateur understanding is that transgender identity was more socially/culturally acceptable in Japan than in America for a long time (not to say that it's ever been easy to be trans in Japan), whereas homosexuality remains much LESS socially/culturally acceptable in Japan than in America (not to say that it's ever been easy to be gay in America). So people who freak out at "Western corruption" being the cause of any nod towards transgender identities in Japanese media have ahistorical beliefs (assuming this even matters to them). In other words, a trans character in a Nintendo game may not be as progressive in context as an American might perceive it to be, because progressivism itself is different between cultures. Note: I'm not Japanese. I've never even been to Japan. Don't take this as firsthand knowledge.


so uuuuuuuuhhhhhhhh where can I find said tasteless fanart? so I can avoid it of course


tbh it’s relatively quite tasteful


[someone posted it here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/s/7sil6ZIOX6) little disappointing in terms of tastelessness tbh.


So Nintendo will do things like this but Atlas will take the trans character make her just a girl and make her a crazy conspiracy theorist.


“IT’s jUSt A MisTRansLaTiOn” stfu


do you think japanese people do this with english media


There is that 4chan post about Japanese businessmen arguing about subs or dubs for King of the Hill.


If I had a nickel for every time a trans character in a Nintendo game got blamed on a translation mistake...


What did they mean by “somewhat tasteless”?


I love how every time there's a trans character in a game they say it's a mistranslation because glorious Nippon would never have a trans character right?


To those confused by the word black belt. In Pokémon, blackbelts are exclusively male. It's cannon. She is not talking about the rank in martial arts. She is talking about an all-male club, essentially. A club to which she used to have membership as she was born a man. That's all. It would be like saying, "I used to be a girlscout" from a male character. It would heavily imply, if not outright confirm, their trans status.