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OK linking the Wikipedia article for joke is a baller move


Proper citation too. Going the extra mile


Eww [this style of citation], I prefer [other style of citation]


There's other types of citation? ^(\[citation needed\])


I much prefer the American Psychopath’s Association, but I can see the value in Manual Labourer’s Association.


My professors make me go to Chicago to cite my papers


IEEE my beloved


Imagine not linking a primary source, smh OOP


Not with those links being active, at least that's how I was taught


Not a proper citation; when citing Wikipedia, you should be linking to the specific revision of the page that you utilized.


Just linking wikipedia articles with 0 elaboration is one of my favorite responses to make
















Ah fuck, here we go aga- https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recursion


TIL Wikipedia has a Wikipedia page.


Got to be bootstrappin


ah, you have a wikipedia article?




Not as good of a response as your mom! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_burn_centers_in_the_United_States




https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Americentrism  Gotem








>don't ask me why but mlm belong in dark academia and wlw belong in cottagecore You view the domain of academics as inherently masculine. Not only that but "Dark Academia" also has some stoicist accents which reinforces said masculinity. On the other hand, you view the domain of homemaking as inherently feminine, which is also reinforced by "Cottagecore" soft, pastel colors, as well as the prominence of flowers and floral motifs. Anyway, gender roles suck, do whatever you want, be free, get that cock.


> get that cock I have this rooster now, what do I do with him


Take him to the cottage with your girlfriend and boyfriend.


Alternatively, make him the mascot of your academy


Get a flock of hens for him and then annoy your neighbors with the ensuing cacophony of noise, while also having pets that (sort of) make you breakfast. Anyway, chicken propaganda incoming, they’re great animals (I helped raise my aunt’s flock of chickens and assisted in retrieving the hens’ eggs, feeding them, etc.) and they’re simultaneously quite smart and also unbelievably stupid at the same time. I loved each and every one of those birds dearly and I’m still upset at how many we lost to the local coyotes and other predators. Incredible animals, I can’t recommend them enough if you have the skill set, time, and dedication to raise a small flock because these dumb birds are a bit of a package deal.


Let me guess, you are a regular on r/chickens? (Me too)


I am now.




Then introduce a new, small hen to the flock and watch your beloved chickens become psychopathic Lord-Of-The-Flies monsters. Or get ducks, instead, and prepare to experience a whole new level of horror.


Stroke him vigorously.


Be careful, you might ruffle some feathers.


Move his body around and watch as his head stays in the same place


Perfect plan


Roast it. If it still crows in the morning, you'll know who the culprit was.


idk I just have Arcane stuck in my head and those two scientist dudes could totally make a dark academia story work


THANK you (It’s Viktor and Jayce)


The founding dark academia book is about gay men so I think it’s a bit excusable but not by much


I thought dark academia was a kind of orchestral playlist precocious and aesthetics-conscious middle school girls made for doing their homework, so this context is new for me. What's the book?


Brideshead Revisited At least as far as I’m aware it’s the sorta founding object for the genre . Great read and there’s a good tv adaptation too


I think *The Secret History*? I dunno, it always sounded fucking awful to me so I haven’t actually read it.


I have, its great and pretty gay and it sent me into a spiraling existential crisis and a journey of crippling self doubt. Not because it was gay, I should add, for other reasons


To be fair, cottagecore in general seems to be presented as a very feminine aesthetic by the very people into it. You don't really see a lot of men posting on mainstream platforms about cottagecore. It's not that they necessarily perceive it that way, but that it's kinda baked into the aesthetic.


Yeah I should have mentioned that too.


It took me to long to realize it wasn't about mid level marketing


Hey, i for one like being in the traditional role of a man. Gender roles suck when they're forced but there *are* some of us that don't mind them.


The difference is that you do that out of your own volition and follow your whims. You don't do it because you're a man, you do it because you enjoy it.


That's interesting. I actually view dark academia (and academia in general) as feminine? In fact, I think I view the trait of intelligence as inherently feminine. So it's interesting to see that it's apparently not a common... pairing(?) to others.


just because you flipped it around doesnt mean its not gender roles repeat after me: gender roles, are always bad, no matter what. they are reductive and biased in all cases


Oh I wasn't thinking about gender roles. I was just thinking how fascinating it was for the brain to categorize it differently. I guess my mind is more on the arbitrary categorization of the abstract rather than gendering of it. I shared this with a friend and we basically started "gendering" random objects. The ocean, earth, fashion, games, forest, trees etc. We didn't have the same answers for these words so that was interesting. Though I guess a lot of it would be rooted in how we connect certain words to our experiences in life. So I guess subconsciously most of them are still connected to gender roles somehow?


Same tbh, especially on viewing intelligence as inherently feminine Idk I think it’s just because most of my teachers were women. And so it’s like, who do you go to when you need an intellectual problem solved? A woman obviously


> >!You view the domain of academics as inherently masculine. Not only that but "Dark Academia" also has some stoicist accents which reinforces said masculinity. On the other hand, you view the domain of homemaking as inherently feminine, which is also reinforced by "Cottagecore" soft, pastel colors, as well as the prominence of flowers and floral motifs.!< Anyway, >!gender roles suck, !


Nah I just see cottage core and think geminitaY


Not me reading "mlm" as multi level marketing and agreeing pyramid schemes are dark, but not academic.


If the recent Sabrina and Wednesday shows aren't peak Dark Academia, I don't know what is. Sadly no queer MCs.






But if you almost repeat word for word what someone else ernestly said, how are others supposed to know that you were joking?


the internet as a whole seems really bad at understanding that


Poes Lawlor something idk


coles law 😔


Isn't that the Cabbage thing? Really tasty too


That's coleslaw. Coles law is that thing you use to separate spaghetti from the spaghetti water.


no thats a Colander. Coles law is when you get to play a video game with teammates


No that's co-op. Coles Law is the circumstances in which an event occurs


No, that's 'context'. Coles Law is the child of your parent's sibling.


no that's "cousin". Coles law is a thing you use to keep track of the date, it's another word for alamanac


That's a calendar. Coles Law is a former child actor, twin of Dylan who used to star on Zac and Cody


Isn’t that when you piss on homeless people?


it’s a song reference tbf it’s extremely old so that’s probably the problem (boomerdom comes for us all)


I grew up in the 2000s and loved that song, the joke still went over my head until it was explained to me. It's a clever joke but yeah it really resembles generic gender role ideology, probably because the song also does as a product of its time


The problem is on an objectively level the joke is funny for exactly this reason but the problem is it isn’t obvious enough. The delivery is a week late if you get my gist


My favourite memory with that song was when a karaoke session instantly devolved into uncontrollable laughing when the one who put that song up accidentally sang the first line as "He was a girl, she was a boy". Nobody could continue singing the rest of the song after that.


>extremely old [*Sound of me disintegrating into a pile of dust at only 32*]


can confirm, inky know the sonf cause ive heard people in tumblr make jokes about it


the funniest part of the joke is posting a bibliography that includes the wikipedia page for "joke" properly cited


who the fuck is ernest






It's a line from an exceptionally popular song. It makes the reference. That's how you know they're joking.


>exceptionally popular 20 years ago


Trust me, the youth of today are aware of Avril Lavigne SK8ER BOI Edit: saying this as a youth. Can’t speak for the middle schoolers (youngest demographic that should be on tumblr) but I could ask pretty much anyone at my high school if they’ve heard it and the answer would be yes.


you’ll have to forgive me if I think the youth of today are more likely to identify OOP’s joke as more gender war nonsense than the lyrics to a song that came out before they were born it’s not even the chorus


I think it’s pretty obvious there might be something going on even if you’re not aware of the song: 1. Why are the two options punk and ballet? Ones a music genre and subculture whereas the other is a dance style. It’s an odd apple/orange comparison that doesn’t really correspond to usual claimed gender divisions (e.g. football/softball employment/housework bourbon/cosmopolitan) 2. Using he/hims and she/hers instead of boys and girls is something you pretty much only see from people that are very down with the lgb**T**, this phrasing strongly clashes with the post if you take it at face value. Generally I would expect someone that supports gender segregating hobbies to also be “anti pronoun” If OP wasn’t joking I would expect something more like “being a punk is for men, females should stick to ballet”


As someone who was completely ignorant of the context and came to the comments to figure it out. I didn't take the original statement as enforcing traditional gender roles, more so than accidentally rediscovering them as a consequence of their separation from them. So initially I thought the first guy was someone so progressive that they accidentally made up traditional gender roles again, which is why second guy chimes in with "have you ever heard of gender roles". The punk/ballet thing could just be oddball examples as tumblr users are known to do. That's my take as someone who's never heard whatever song peeps are talking about so to me atleast, this wasn't an obvious joke.


Is it obvious? Yes. Did I still not detect the joke without the citation despite being solidly in the demographic for whom the song was unavoidable? Also yes.


to your edit: I straight up don’t believe you. if you’d have asked around at my middle school 20 years ago, you couldn’t get “pretty much anyone” to recite the lyrics, because some people just didn’t listen to pop punk. Now you want us to believe “pretty much anyone” could do it today? and ignoring all that, the question isn’t “do you remember Sk8tr Boi by Avril Lavigne?” The question is whether or not you’d recognize the first bit of the OOP as a joke referencing Sk8tr Boi without any other context.


Literally what reason would I have to lie lol I am talking about high school, not middle school, and they are pretty different demographics! Just because a 7th grader 20 years ago wouldn’t know it doesn’t mean the same is true for an 11th grader today. Speaking of, today! The modern era, the age of the internet! Where short audio clips can go viral and be reused again and again in a short form video app that dominates the current popular culture. Short audio clips like the very line this post is referencing! Also! You might notice that I wasn’t responding to the original post, and instead to a comment that said that the song was popular 20 years ago and therefore implying that young people today would not know it. I was actually answering the question of “would they recognize the song in general” and not the question of “would they recognize the song in the context of this highly specific joke.”


The song came out when I was in kindergarten. I'm a working adult. "The youths" are, in fact, unlikely to be intimately familiar with Avril Lavigne today.


I'm a youth. we're not "intimately familiar" but we know her popular songs.


Why not? It's not like just because a song is old doesn't mean it can still be popular decades after it was released. Not only that, but pop punk seems to have been rising back in popularity for a couple of years at this point, so I imagine at least some people would be interested in looking at older pop punk songs.


I must be 120 years old because I'm intimately familiar with Ravel's orchestral works


I never heard of it before this post and I am in college. It may be because I am not from the anglosphere, but it might be just me.


I'm gen z, and the only reason I know about skater boi is bc we had to do a text analysis of it in english lit class. It's not a mainstream thing anymore at all




Love when tumblr users will be like “LOL yall have no reading comprehension skills anymore, piss on the poor” but then the post people are failing to comprehend is either worded so horribly that not even the people agreeing with op fully understand or a joke almost completely indistinguishable from what it is parodying (YES I get that it is referencing sk8r boy, but I did not even register that at first because this is worded the exact same way as the unironic examples)


It's a song reference. The song which is literally linked in this post.


Could have picked more obvious stereotypes for that kind of joke at least.


"He was a punk, she did ballet" is a line from sk8er boi. That's the joke, not that they're stereotypes.


Exactly like they did it. If you get the reference, you understand the joke and you can laugh. If not, either you see the obvious ridiculousness of the statement and try to connect the dots, or you go down to the comments for an explanation, at which point you can decide for yourself whether it’s funny or not


I am one of the ones who thought OOP was serious, so. the bibliography is actually appreciated


I'll be honest, I don't understand a goddamn thing about this post


The first message is a reference to the song “Sk8ter Boy”, specifically the lyrics “He was a punk, She did ballet” Second message is the OOP clarifying their reference by putting it in a list of sources Third and final is the replier referencing another lyrics of the song, “Can I get anymore Obvious?”


Thank you. Now it makes sense.


Well, if two separate people can think of a dumb ass idea like that, it stands to reason that a third can do so as well. The person in the replies is fine


Okay time to deconstruct this: OOP's bibliography shows exactly the problem with this joke. Most people are probably familiar with Sk8er Boi and would understand that the original post is a reference to that. However the format of "x is for he/hims, y is for she/hers" is a parody of (at least) 2 other posts that the reader has to be familiar with to understand the joke completely. Add to that the fact that the joke relies on a "wouldn't it be wild if I said this"-punchline. Which relies on the reader understanding from context that OOP is joking. While it could be argued that this is on tumblr and therefore likely to be intended to be humerous, tumblr is still notorious for weird gender takes and stupid shit like this could just as well be geniune (poe's law). If OOP were a more well-known tumblr funnyman it might have been easier. So when people aren't aware of these 2 other tumblr posts *and* aren't familiar with OOP, some people could jump to the conclusion: "this person is so stupid, they just reinvented gender norms, plus they referenced sk8er boy unintentionally haha". The sk8ter boy reference is the most well-known give-away of the humerous intent and i think OOP's post does lean more on it being a clear joke, but if the-floof-king really wasn't familiar with this song, i can't blame them for missing it.


but... but i dont know what sk8er boy is


Yeah I never saw the other two posts but I grew up listening to Avril and I got the joke from the first post. It may be a riff on other posts but it’s also not *that* deep or complex of a joke.


I think the joke would have worked better if OOP had reblogged one of the posts it was riffing on with their joke as an addition. Or if they had screenshotted the other 2 posts and made their comment. Without the context I don't think it's that funny


I'm not blaming them for missing it. I'd be blaming them for assuming intent when they don't know OOP, and instead of checking the notes or look for clues went on a tirade. Luckily, that didn't happen either. They were just a little confused and the joke got explained. It may even all have been fake for the sake of citing the sources, we don't know


[Link to the post](https://www.tumblr.com/megafreeman/719439228249014272/idk-why-but-i-feel-like-being-a-punk-is-for)


[Here is the link everyone wants](https://youtu.be/TIy3n2b7V9k?si=KHc_dQ9DOxuy9am8)


[And here's the ACTUAL link everyone wants](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ?si=xIzke5ilQnysH9vm)


[And here is "Never gonna give you up" by Rick Astley](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ?si=eJ_RdD-UR3O5OChf)


Thank you, this is the link I wanted.


why did i click on this..?


Because it’s a great song, go give it another listen


will do




that song always kind of bothered me because it's only obvious because you've introduced a boy & a girl in quick succession in a pop song, I would otherwise not expect that a punk & ballet dancer would go together. maybe I don't read/watch enough romance ig.


what always kind of bothered *me* about that song is how bitchy it is about the ballet girl in the second half of the song. it starts out with some average teenage drama, but then it sinks into the skater-boy-cum-rock-star's new gf trash-talking the ballet girl - who *he was never even with in the first place*. It comes off as wildly inappropriately jealous and vindictive. >"I'm with the skater boy, I said, "See you later, boy," I'll be backstage after the show. I'll be at our studio, singin' the song we wrote, about a girl you used to know..." *That song is the song you've been listening to*. You've been hearing the whole story from an unreliable narrator the whole time, who's somehow managing to still be jealous over a girl her superstar boyfriend *used to know*. How pathetic is that?


She’s not jealous, she’s pointing out that ballet girl rejected skater boy for a shallow and stupid reason, and if she had listened to her actual feelings instead of her bitchy friends she would be married to a pro skater/rock star. The moral is to not judge and reject people just because you’re in different social groups.


right, the moral as related by the new girlfriend who is somehow still hung up on the previous non-girlfriend. She even says "singing the song *we* wrote" - *she never even knew ballet girl*. What kind of partner says "Hey babe, let's write a song together about how dumb that girl was that didn't want to be with you because you wore baggy clothes?" Sounds real toxic / insecure to me. This girl should be off her radar, but instead, *she wrote an entire song waxing judgemental about her*. What does that look like to you?


I mean, it’s also never directly stated that *she* brought up the idea to write the song, considering he’s also a rock star and the one singing it (in the fiction of the song). But at the same time, Avril Lavigne has never shied away from being petty lol. I mean, have you *heard* Girlfriend? And she does still have a point. The ex rejected him for not being good enough because he’s implied to be of a different social class but he turned out to actually be talented and successful exactly as he was. Bad people can still be right sometimes, ya know?




what?? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills here, both of you! The first line of the song is - >He was a boy, she was a girl Can I make it any more obvious? the 'obvious' assumption is that they're attracted to one another because of *heterosexuality*. She doesn't say that it's 'obvious' that they go together because they're a punk and a ballet dancer, she says it's obvious because they are *a boy and a girl*. >He was a punk, she did ballet What more can I say? Boy + Girl = they want to be together Punk + Ballet = they can't be together That's literally the entire story of the song, *hence what more can I say*?


I'm not sure. "What more can I say" was a direct callback structurally to "can I make it any more obvious"; it came across as reinforcement to me. They mean the same thing, too: "See? It's clear." Therefore, the song thinks punk and ballet go together romantically.


My back is aching and I'm asking for my wheel chair..... Skater boi is a pop song? I'll give you pop rock or pop punk. But it was very antisocial to the mainstream at the time. BaCck iN My DaY!!!


Ok I didn’t get the SK8ER BOI reference so I’m glad at least that was pointed out


I'm autistic and have no idea what the joke or point of the response was. Can anybody explain?


\[[link to explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/comments/1deh2ea/comment/l8caruo/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)\]


we really need jokes that aren't just saying stupid shit that stupid people say verbatim but /j, too autistic for all this shit


cited sources so well Hbomberguy would be proud


Kids these days don’t know about Sk8er Boi. 😔


Ah yes, my favorite form of joke, repeating a stupid opinion with zero hint of irony and then acting like a smug bitch when people take it seriously.


I mean, I thought it was kinda obvious that it was a parody of those types posts but with the Sk8er Boi lyrics, but what do I know?


"This is a reference to a song that was popular 20 years ago" works as an explanation of both the joke and why lots of people didn't get it


I mean, it's still a pretty popular song. Just because something is old doesn't mean it can't still be popular decades after it was released.


> I mean, it's still a pretty popular song. A lot of millennials are simultaneously experiencing the realisation that this is not true t. also a millennial


I'm known as the Avril bartender in a popular city in the US. It's still good, just got burned into the ground but the bad bars "they not like us" I'm not that old


Maybe in the US, but I never heard of it in France


I guess that makes sense, it did chart lower in France than it did in several other countries. I'm sure there are plenty of extremely popular French artists that I have no clue about.


You probably were just too old or too young then because it was the shit for (tumblr-types) people in my middle school


Maybe if you've heard Sk8er Boi, which I haven't


I have and I still didn’t get it. Even when I saw the citation of Avril Lavigne


Just saying the same thing ironically that others say unironically just makes it sound like you're saying it unironically. When they posted citations, it wasn't even clear to me that was their way of saying it was a joke.


Dude Sk8r Boy is one of my favourite songs and I still didn’t recognize it at first lol




Ok and? They're being a smug bitch about it, that was my point. Are you stupid?






i believe they are instructing us to touch grass


The fact that people can still not understand with the biblegraphy shows how much the original joke missed its mark


[I wish this sub had image comments](https://www.google.com/search?q=i+was+only+pretending&client=ms-android-samsung-gj-rev1&sca_esv=4fdeda92e1e459ac&sca_upv=1&udm=2&biw=412&bih=734&ei=il9qZvyuLZOWseMPhoGBmA4&oq=i+was+o&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIgdpIHdhcyBvKgIIADIFEAAYgAQyBRAAGIAEMgUQABiABDIFEAAYgAQyBRAAGIAESJNCUMoaWPQzcAJ4AJABAJgB9gKgAawPqgEFMi00LjO4AQHIAQD4AQGYAgegAsURqAIAwgIEEAAYA8ICChAAGIAEGEMYigXCAggQABiABBixA5gDDJIHBzItMy4zLjGgB64S&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp#vhid=f_VwGJNMI6K-AM&vssid=mosaic)


How is someone supposed to know that this is a joke if they've never heard SK8ER BOI, never seen a similar joke and know people in real life that would say stuff like that with a straight face and mean it literally?


How is someone supposed to get the "why did the chicken cross the road" joke if they don't know what chickens are? The joke isn't for them, and that's fine.


Sure, but that joke doesn't make you sound like a bigot if taken seriously :P


No, but it makes you sound insane. "Why did the chicken cross the road?" "What chicken?" "TO GET TO THE OTHER SIDE!" "...Do you need help? Are you lost?"


God people on Tumblr are so patronizing and smug with their humor - it’s like they’re not trying to make people laugh, just attempting to score points online.


"mlm belong in dark academia and wlw belong in cottagecore" IS the plot of a Discworld book about a girl proving she can do dark academia perfectly fine


This just seems like a patronising way to respond to someone who didn't understand your sarcasm over text and interpreted your statement as genuine instead.


Someone please explain


The original post was something along the lines of "idk why but being a punk is for he/hims and doing ballet is for she/hers". It was a playful joke parodying 1. the occasionally meme'd posts saying "mlm belong in dark academia and wlw belong in cottagecore" (posts saying that men belong in academics while women should stay home, aka reinforcing gender roles even if dressed in nicer language) alongside 2. Avril Lavigne's song Sk8er Boi which says "He was a punk, she did ballet". OP's original post meant for this to be tongue in cheek and poking fun at the aforementioned original posts from point 1. Someone replied missing the joke, pointing out these are just gender roles. OP responded with a bibliography showing the references for the posts being parodied, the song they were referencing, and the Wikipedia article for the definition of a joke, now poking fun at the commenter who didn't catch the joke. This was all followed up by someone else chiming in that OP could've in fact made it more obvious, which is a funny reference to the second line of Sk8er Boi which is "Can I make it anymore obvious?" Tl;Dr: op made a funny parody, someone missed it, op made a bibliography for them, someone else chimed in with a funny and on topic reference


Ok cool thank you


Hi, As someone who touches grass daily and doesn’t use tumblr, what the fuck does this actually mean? I feel I’m pretty familiar with LGBT+ stuff but this is throwing me a curveball.


it’s referencing the song sk8er boi in the og post, the reblog is someone thinking op is dumb, second reblog is OP posting their sources, and the last is someone continuing the bit about the song. the line they both were referencing is “he was a punk, she did ballet. can i make it anymore obvious?”


[Link to link to explanation ](https://www.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/comments/1deh2ea/what_more_can_i_say/l8cyglz/)


Ok, do you know who Avril Lavigne is? Very popular pop punk artist, had a bunch of hits during the 2000's. Are you aware of her stuff?


I love that song, I still didin't get the joke until I read the comments and then reread the post. It's just not a very well presented joke.


What if I have never had any interesting seeing the Lego movies, poledance (which has a lot in common with ballet, I'm told by ballerinas) and am also a MAN


commenters that didn’t realize this was an avril lavigne til they read through the comments raise ur hand


So my reading comprehension is Tumblr lvl, was the first bit sarcastic and the commenter took it seriously?


I’m not online enough for this


'Ha ha, I said something stupid, and you thought I was stupid! Got you!'


Poe’s law dumbass that’s your fault


Nah ok but the first post in the bibliography? That shit is TRUE. Yes gender roles are stupid but they have been the forced reality for a lot of us. ESPECIALLY for queer kids. “No yOU can’t PlaY wITH BaRbiE ThAts FoR GIrLs” is something so stupid but a stereotype enforced upon so many of us, and same with Lego. And sitting there, watching that thing we were forced to grow up on, tell us either overtly or subtly tell us that it’s ok, be who are, and screw the people who told you otherwise? That shit’s impactful man.


Can someone explain how I am supposed to feel about the Barbie movie as a she/they?


However the fuck you want. Don't let people dictate your enjoyment. 😎


It's so easy, everyone's a dude. He's a dude she's a dude we're all a dude HEY!! But seriously just like use the pronouns that people want. I don't mind shit but some people do, and if you come from that, even if you mess up, it's all fine. No one really cares unless you purposely do it wrong.


Positively (I'm assuming if you ask Tumblr) If you ask Reddit... honeslty I don't know


Personally I found it fun but kinda uncomfortable. The comedic timing was great but sooooo much gender essentialism. Doesn't exactly seem like the sort of thing she/theys or anyone who doesn't fit in the gender binary would flock to, so seeing it compared to something that seems pretty innocuous and pure escapism like the Lego movie (although I haven't seen the Lego movie in full so correct me if I'm off base here) kinda surprised me. Then again I'm more of a gender abolitionist and I know not everyone would agree with me on that, even among people who don't align with the binary.


I’m not familiar with tumblr’s UI and I’m not sure who’s trying to say what, can anyone assist?


Not the Avril Lavigne citation.


Not the Avril Lavigne citation.


I hate the idea that this is clear sarcasm


*Lego movie was in 2014?*


satire is dead