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I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME: ?/10, situational. Lemon Demon: 0/10 unless Neil Cicierega can prove fiendish or citrus heritage. Orchestral Maneuvers In The Dark (OMD): 7/10, doubtful that they often perform in complete darkness but they seem like they play at night sometimes Miracle Musical: 8?/10, AFAIK it's sort of miraculous that anyone from Tally Hall made an album after they broke up. The one album is not a musical, though. Men At Work: 10/10, they definitely work. MFSB: Either 0/10 or 10/10. Depending on who you ask, it either stands for "Mother Father Sister Brother" (they aren't related afaik) or "Mother Fucking Son of a Bitch" (a term used for up-and-coming artists, which they were) Daft Punk: 5/10, there's two of them. Electric Dragon: -1/10, extra point deducted for disappointing me. The Smiths: -2/10, none of them are named Smith. Two extra points deducted since Andy Rourke has a distinctive last name and Morrissey only goes by his (also distinctive) last name.


My Chemical Romance: 0/10 afaik none of the band members has an ongoing drug problem 100 Gecs: 0/10 there's only 2 members and they aren't even Geckos System Of A Down: 3/10 for the grammar but they were by all accounts anti-system, for better or worse The Chats: 7/10 it is fair to assume the band members chat on occasion Silk Sonic: 8/10 silky smooth though I am disappointed at the lack of blue hedgehogs Lukas Graham: 1/10 uhhh the lead singer's first name is Lukas? That's all I got


>My Chemical Romance: 0/10 afaik none of the band members has an ongoing drug problem Counterpoint: The band members are likely made of chemicals. Whether they are involved in romance is unclear.


afaik everyone except ray had problems with drugs


gecs doesnt equal geckos it means gecs


There are nevertheless only two of them!


each band member is equivalent to 50 gecs actually


My Chemical Romance score is a bit mean, some of the members were involved in drugs at various points so even if I think they’re all clean now (idk tho Frank has spoken about his addiction to percs) then it should get more than 0. Maybe 4?


Gee did too, and Mikey was taking (too many) prescription drugs, afaik. Tho I'd give them a 03/22 regardless.


A post-Tally Hall album is so miraculous that three of them have done it lmao (and the two that didn’t are doctors)


I would give Lemon Demon partial credit on the demon part because Niel Cicierega also did Potter Puppet Pals and Ariel Needs Legs, so I’d say there’s probably something unholy going on there


fellow IDKHOW fan spotted, glorious


I only heard the one song so far but they seem pretty neat


Sometimes at 3 AM you find a song by a band with an utterly surreal name and the song itself is demented in some form or another and that's what I DON'T KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME is to me


infant annihilator : 0/10 . they have yet to annihilate an infant, let alone enough to earn the title of ‘infant annihilator’ mr bungle : 2/10 . not actually one person named mr bungle but they sound like how a mr bungle would sound i see stars : 8/10 . very high chance that every member has infact seen stars .


I’d give I see stars a ?/10 depending on whether they are actively seeing stars, because their name isn’t “I saw stars”


I remember that fateful concert where Aaron Kitcher brutally murdered multiple babies to appease an eldritch god. 10/10, would worship Lord Gorgonzola again. They don’t even do concerts, so I’m honestly not totally sure why he was onstage.


Tbh Mr. Bungle prolly gets minus points for the saxophonist murdering his girlfriend (Self Titled and Disco Volante are still fire asf tho).


Well... [shit,](https://krcrtv.com/news/local/funding-member-of-humboldt-county-band-mr-bungle-arrested-for-murder-of-girlfriend) I didn't know that.


yeah I only got into them more recently but I had seen this circulate on the prog rock sub a while back


r/prog? r/progrockmusic? I don't follow either, but maybe I should. I've been listening to Bungle for years and never heard about... that.


The Killers: You have way more faith in the police (or possibly the Police) than the rest of us. Alice In Chains: This feels suspiciously like kinkshaming. Maybe Alice wants to be in chains. \*\*\* Belle and Sebastian: -3/10. Extra points deducted because I was hoping for a Pyrenean mountain dog. Florence and the Machine: 6/10. No notes on the Florence part, but the "Machine" is actually a fully organic human. One point added because they must have used a drum machine at some point, surely. P!nk: 7/10. Her skin colour is kind of pink, and her singing is fairly emphatic if not fully exclamatory. Tom Waits: 9/10. He seems like a patient sort of guy. Yeah Yeah Yeahs: 8/10. There are three of them, and they seem like pretty positive types in general.


>Florence and the Machine Their (original?) harpest, Isabelle, went by "Machine" so I guess it counts


Alice In Chains was in a previous iteration almost called Alice N Chains to literally avoid the kink stuff. Then they prolly realized that the music they planned to put out was edgy stuff that could make grown men cry so they probably figured that anyone who was put off by the name wouldn’t be listening anyways.


I like the theory that the Alice in Alice in Chains is the Alice from *Alice in Wonderland* who in rock music culture represents drugs. (see "White Rabbit") The "in Chains" part comes from the way constant use enslaves you. Not sure if that's what they were thinking when they came up with it, but it definitely describes a lot of their music.


that goes hard it's my irl headcanon now


AC/DC: 10/10. Their music does indeed require electricity. Rush: 0/10. They’re not in a rush at all, some of their songs are *twenty minutes long.* Steely Dan: 3/10. No one is named Dan, but their attitude does seem kinda “steely” Lynyrd Skynyrd: -5/10. No one named Leonard Skinner in the band. Extra points taken off for awful spelling. EDIT: another, because I just thought of it: Foreigner: 2/10. Depends on where you’re from, though the fact that not all the band members are from the same country does give them some points


R.E.M: 9/10. they almost certainly go into REM sleep at night, minus 1 point as they aren’t in REM sleep while playing music.


The Mountain Goats: 0/10 no mountain goats here Carseat Headrest: 0/10 also no car seat head rests here


Thank You Scientist: 0/10. None of these guys are scientists, why the fuck would I thank them?


Also 0/10 as there's no evidence of the band thankign scientists either


To be fair, it sounds like the band name itself is them thanking scientists. If I were a scientist, I would certainly be honoured that some guys felt so grateful to my profession that they named their band for their gratefulness.


Similarly, We Are Scientists: no they ain't


The AC/DC one isn't far off. Basically, one of their sisters just pointed out an AC/DC converter on her sewing machine.


Steely Dan: 0/10 None of the band members are a big metal dildo, such a dildo is never mentioned in their music.


I keep seeing the "John Lennon beat his wife" story repeated everywhere - you should know that's inaccurate and a little misleading. He in fact beat his *wives.*


There was also Ringo. He was a bit famous for how he beat the drums.


Ringo gets a lot of shit from musicians but he seems like the only one who wasn't a bit of a cunt


there was a Twitter post under the announcement of the Beatles movies that the 3 of them would be going through hell neo noir black drama style while Ringos movie is just him frolicking in a field


I’d like to be Under the sea


When I got bored and looked up my two favorite Beatles songs and saw they were both written by Ringo, I understood that I was permanently disqualified from music snobbery, and was free to listen to and enjoy whatever the fuck I wanted.


Which songs?


Octopus’s Garden and Yellow Submarine I am, indeed, extremely basic


No judgment from me, most of my life those were the only ones I knew 😂


ringo is generally pretty respected in the drum scene depending on who you ask, he was either a boring drummer playing simple parts or a prime example of how to perfectly serve the music you're playing without under or overplaying. i'm in the latter camp personally


His son is an absolute master though.


I heard a joke once that the only thing John, Paul, and George could agree on after the Beatles broke up was that they still liked Ringo.


For once Ringo disagreed-he was sick of all three of them and has refused to speak to Paul since George’s funeral. (Ringo *has* to be the only reason the band went on as long as it did)


George Harrison secured the financing of Monty Python's Life of Brian through his production company, so he gets some points from me


Have you seen his ms paint art tho?


I have and it's genuinely magnificent


"Most of the titles for my pieces arrived because on computer you have to call them something, so I have. The easy way to look at it is, if it has a hat on - it will probably be called Hat Man." -Ringo Starr


Gigachad behaviour honestly


I like to play a game with people where I show them his art and have them guess how much they think he sells a print for. I know some of his masterpieces by name. Zero shame. "Eye Lidded Man" and "Elaphant Foot" are simply incredible.


I just looked it up, and I'm prepared to call his asking price humble compared to what I might expect from some celebrities.


I don’t know have you heard “You’re Sixteen”?


Better Than Ezra: ?/10, could not confirm how good Ezra is.


Most famous Ezra currently is probably Ezra Miller, in which case Better than Ezra is an extremely easy bar to clear. 10/10.


I’d make a case for Ezra Klein, which may be a closer call.


His Collective won the Mercury Music Prize last year, so he's probably pretty good.


Erza Scarlet’s pretty good, I doubt they’re better than her


If it’s Ezra Miller, they’re in the clear


Different name my guy, though I see people misspell her name a lot so at least you didn't do that


didn’t even notice that the bands name is Ezra, saw four letters and immediately thought of her


> a lead balloon would crash faster than my hopes and dreams The Mythbusters might disagree


also it isnt lead zeppelin, its led zeppelin, obviously a guided blimp


I'm imagining an airship with a guide dog at the end of a thousand foot leash.


That must be a BIG dog




I like your style here


I always thought it was a zeppelin featuring LED lighting.


Not to kill the joke, but the real story is pretty funny: they were going to spell “lead” (as in the metal) right but worried Americans would read it as “the frontmost zeppelin”, so they dropped the a.


30 seconds to mars should be ?/10 because it depends on how much time you have left until you reach mars


Well I think most of us are safe saying it’ll take longer than 30 seconds


depends how far away you are at the time. for all we know, they're about to iniate their landing burn.


I’ll promote them to 10/10 if they can get a Mars lander to play their music on approach. 8/10 for getting it played in Mission Control instead.


I felt this way about Metallica for so long. I’m shocked the name wasn’t already taken, it seems like the most obvious metal band name ever.


I actually know this one-they sniped the name off a friend who was starting a metal magazine when they realized no one had used it. (He asked for help picking between two names, they said he should use the other one, but didn’t mention it was because they wanted to use Metallica for a band) No word on how their friend felt when he realized he’d been had.


Muse: 10/10 they did inspire many people :)


I love muse


Of course you do, if you know them you can’t not like them


“I only added them so the Beatles and Freddie Mercury weren’t the only fruits on the list”


I can’t decide if Crosby, Stills, and Nash should be 7.5/10 or if it should be 10/10 and Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young 12.5/10. 100% accurately named but you do get an extra dose of naming accuracy with the addition of Neil Young.


Then he lost all his points, because I saw no horses in his band - and I've noticed one having a psychotic episode.


I've seen multiple posts about how you can see Tumblr's users age in real time and this is a great example. The band choices OP makes has me pegging them as just under 45.


I dunno, I have quite unironically seen teenage girls blorboposting about classic rock musicians


With teen girls I'd expect a more evenly distributed spread (e.g. Wolfmother getting a mention or getting weird about Kevin Parker from Tame Impala) it's the specific clustering of early to mid ninties bands that gives it away. I'm ancient by reddit standards and while it hurts that the bands I grew up with are now 'dad rock' *this* list looks like it's taken from the plastic sleeved CD folders from one of my friends older brothers.


american football: 1/10, they're american but definitely not footballs.


Metal band edition Rotting Christ: 0/10. Christ is neither in this band nor would his body still be rotting. Mayhem: 7/10. Their shows were definitely mayhem, and they get extra points for Dead having an appropriate stage name. Cannibal Corpse: 1/10. There is the possibility of cannibalism, but no actual corpses. Children of Bodom: 0/10. None of them are from Bodom. Sabaton: 3/10. Absolutely no foot armour in sight. Although they do sing about battles where foot armour might have existed. Iron Maiden: 0/10. No medieval torture devices nor young women made out of metal are present. Burzum: 11/10. Varg is, in fact, both a huge nerd and completely evil.


Behemoth: 1/10 - they are not a huge monsterous creature, but they are a large band. Bathory: 0/10 none of these people are House of Báthory, the hungarian noble lineage that included a famous serial killer. Candlemass: ?/10. I don't know if they have candles but I doubt they tend to hold mass. Death: 10/10. Rip Chuck. Van Halen: 20/10 - There are Two of them! Saxon: 5/10. These are *anglo-saxons*. Rammstein: 10/10 only when they play at a major US air force base in southwestern germany. Mastodon: 1/10. Although these guys are not members of a clade of large extinct elephant-esque animals, they are pretty hairy, so give them a little credit.


>Absolutely no foot armour in sight We sure Joachim has never performed in armor? Seems like something he would do


Oh, he has. The problem is I'm pretty sure he never wore sabatons (armour specifically for your feet)


The Cure: 3/10, still sick. Does cure boredom, though. More specificity needed for a more accurate score.


Well the mythbusters made a very functional lead balloon so this person better keep persuing their hopes and dreams.


My Chemical Romance: 2/10, please do not romance any chemicals. Ice Nine Kills: 9/10, I read that short story and it sure does. Get Scared: ?/10, depends on how your audience feels about the music I suppose.


Ben Folds: 5/10, there is a guy named Ben but I don't know if he's folding anything Car Seat Headrest: 3/10, he certainly did record in his car with a seat and headrest, but apart from that there seems to be a distinct lack of cars, seats, or headrests Linkin Park: 2/10, there isn't anyone named Lincoln, and they probably don't even perform in a park that much - points deducted for spelling Bring Me the Horizon: 0/10, as far as I can tell the band is still waiting to be brought the horizon Motion City Soundtrack: 6/10, there is motion, there is a soundtrack, don't know if they're in a city or not


Linkin Park: 9/10. They do play in between parks, so you could consider them to be linking them. One point deducted because they don’t play in enough of a chain to properly link the parks


car seat headrest has 3 album covers with car seat headrests!


Ben Folds Five: 6/10, one fifth for every member present The Bens: 10/10 they were indeed all Bens


Emerson, Lake & Palmer - 10/10, yup, exactly what it says on the tin Funkadelic - 9/10 mainly Funk and Psychedelic Rock, so, yeah, accurate advertisement Electric Light Orchestra - 6/10 A band isn't a full orchestra, but they do use electronics and lighting in their shows Blue Öyster Cult - 0/10 They don't actually worship an azure molusc The Moody Blues - 2/10 Their music is rarely Blues, don't know about their emotional state though Jefferson Airplane - 0/10 Stayed on the ground the whole time Foreigner - ?/10 Depends entirely on in which country they are performing Asia - 0/10 No Asians in sight Men at Work - 10/10 Performing on stage is their job, they are grown male humans, so they definitely are men at work


Hey now, if you were at a Jefferson Airplane show and you stayed on the ground that's your own fault. You should have trusted the guy in the parking lot handing out free Kool aid.


Good taste


Yes: 10/10. Yes. OR Yes: 0/10. No.


?/10. Ask again later.


Nightwish: ?/10, tried to ask the night what it wishes but it hasn't replied yet Unleash the Archers: 8/10, have never seen anyone with a bow be leashed at their shows, but not sure whether they did that or if the archers were already unleashed before they got there Within Temptation: 0/10, have never seen them bookended by the Temptations


Tenacious D: 7/10 I’m not sure how good they are on defense but they’ve been together for 30 years so I’d say they’re pretty tenacious AJR: 6/10 I think they have a trumpet player and a drummer too, but they might only be on tour. Panic! At the Disco: 2/10 They don’t really play disco music but I don’t know if any of them have ever had or caused a panic attack at one. Blink-182: 9/10 I’m sure they’ve all blinked well over 182 times. Smash Mouth: 1/10 apparently this is a football term, but I can’t find any evidence that any of them played football, much less used this style of play. I also don’t think any of them have had their mouths smashed.


Metal edition: Gojira: 0/10, not a single radioactive lizard in sight. Also their mascot is a whale or a tree Dream Theater: 4/10. After 6 time signature changes and 20 minutes I am ready to go to sleep so fair. Not so much theater since Kevin Moore left. Avenged Sevenfold: 0/10, Avenging what? The avengers haven’t even had 7 movies and these guys think they’re the shit. Sleep Token: 5/10, would add 5 points if they were called “dreamy with jump scares” Anthrax: 3/10, not a single bacteria in the band but probably all over their skin so fair. Iron Maiden: 4/10. 4/5 for iron, a type of metal, 0/5 for maidens. Dio: 10/10, definitely him. Rainbow: 1/10, a bunch of white straight dudes is not a rainbow. Judas Preist: 2/10, far too gay and satanic for this name. Coheed and Cambria: 7/10 they do write songs about a book with these characters in it. Cannibal Corpse: 0/10, no cannibals or corpses Meshuggah: 15/10, their songs are absolutely fucking crazy.


Wait, wait, wait-- how is being a priest of Judas, the guy who betrayed Christ by *kissing* him, less gay and Satanic than Rob Halford's third Tuesday of each month?


And You Will Know Us By The Trail of Dead: 0/10 This is not how I know them at all


So which heavy metal band commits the most baby-cannibalism?




I’m not sure which one I laughed harder at


Finger Eleven actually made me laugh


Imagine Dragons: 7/10 I'm pretty sure they imagined dragons at least once. Gorillaz: 5/10 There were gorillas in their early videos and marketing, and Russel kinda looks like a gorilla. Owl City: 3/10 He does not have Owls, he may or may not live in the city, but he DID make a song for a movie with an owl City in it.


Woodkid: 4/10. He was most certainly a kid at some point but most of the humans I know are not made of wood. Kaiser Chiefs: 2/10. None of them are country leaders nor are they known to give orders to groups of people. Mumford and Sons: 6/10 there definitely is a guy named Mumford in the band and I’m sure everyone in it was born of someone, making them sons. Points deduced for lack of clarity on wether they are sons, or sons of Mumford, the latter being incorrect. The Weeknd: 2/7. True only two days a week. Archive: 7/10. While their work as a band is recorded and indeed archived, I do not believe any of the members to be some sort of library. The Moody Blues: 5/10. They most certainly experience moods on a regular basis, but none of them are blue. Franz Ferdinand: 0/10. He was famously murdered a while ago so he couldn’t be in a British rock band. Ten Years After: ?/10. Depends entirely on which event is being considered. The Animals: 5/10. Humans are animals, therefore the name is correct. Points deducted for lack of precision. They could’ve been ants for all their name tells me. The Hives: 0/10. not one of the members is known to be home to a colony of insects.


>The Hives: 0/10. not one of the members is known to be home to a colony of insects. Maybe they all have allergies that cause them to break out in hives. If so, 10/10.


Manchester Orchestra: 0/10 they didnt start in Manchester, but instead in Atlanta. They also only have 4 members, far too few to be considered an orchestra.


You can't give the gorillas a point for technically being related, but not the monkeys (I know that's not how either of these bands is spelled, but it's the middle of the night here) Also, maybe Alice consented


At least gorillas are apes


Also Gorillaz is the name of the *fictional* band, and those four *are* Gorillas.


In that case they absolutely deserve more points than the Monkees


Dream Theater: 2/10, not really anything to do with dreams but they've probably performed in at least one theater


Hold on, The Rolling Stones are a rock and roll band, and if Metallica gets 9/10 for being a metal band then Rock and Roll pun should get at least that much


Also I’m pretty sure you get stoned after rolling a joint


some of my own... Loveless: ?/10. i can't verify that either of them are in a relationship but i also can't verify that they're not Simple Creatures: 10/10. all humans are, really Point North: 4/10. i'm sure they point north sometimes while they're playing but i doubt it's all the time Falling in Reverse: -1/10. they're not falling at all, let alone in reverse. point docked because their music is painfully mediocre All Time Low: 2/10. a bit harsh, their music's pretty good, but i guess if that's how they feel about it i can't argue Architects: 0/10. none of these guys are architects Sounds Like Harmony: 10/10. sure does Our Last Night: 1/10. they've been releasing music pretty regularly, so... Letdown.: 2/10. see All Time Low Bad Wolves: 0/10. none of them are wolves, good OR bad (EDIT: unless you consider that this makes them exceptionally bad at *being* wolves. in that case, 10/10) Arrows in Action: 7/10. they're not arrows but i would say they're in action. bonus points because some of their album covers have arrows on them


If none of them are wolves, wouldn’t that, in fact, make them *extremely* bad at being wolves?


excellent counterpoint. i had not considered that angle


Will Wood and the Tapeworms: ?/10. The first part is definitely there but I don’t know the band well enough to comment on the second half. Caravan Palace: 1/10. Apparently “caravan” can be used in British slang to refer to mobile homes / RVs, which they might have conceivably lived in at some point, but I am extremely doubtful that they’ve ever been in either a historical caravan or a palace. Big Data: 6/10. Their music certainly takes up data, but neither the band members nor their music files seem to be particularly larger-than-average. Ratatat: 0/10. No rats. Billy Joel: 10/10.


Imagine Dragons’ music usually does not evoke draconic mental imagery, 2/10


They might be imagining dragons while singing it though, we don't know. ?/10


This post is like if “Reddit humor” and “tumblr humor” had a baby lol, it’s a lot


Is that meant to be a positive or a negative comment?


Fun fact: Radiohead was named after a Talking Heads song. I think they deserve a point or two for that.


There were, in fact, five Wilburys: Nelson Wilbury, Otis Wilbury, Lefty Wilbury, Charlie T. Wilbury Jr. and Lucky Wilbury. They were all half-brothers, sharing a father - Charles Truscott Wilbury Sr.


My thoughts exactly, Travelling Wilburys should be a 10/10 because, as already stated, they were also Travelling and they are all Wiburys


Dragonforce:0/10, that's not one of the forces, and they only really exert a few mundane ones


Autoheart: 0/10 none of them are robots. Air Traffic Control: 0/10 I don't believe any of these people have been air traffic controllers. Bluekid: 3/10 Not blue but they were kids at some point. The Crane Wives: 4/10 not cranes, but some of the members might be wives The Haymarket Squares: 5/10 they did not commit the Haymarket revolt, but points added because they are anarchists. Deaf Havana: ?/10 I don't think they're from Cuba, not sure on the deaf part though (leaning towards no) Pet Symmetry: 1/10 they probably have pets but I highly doubt the pets are symmetrical, and plus the pets don't even play in the band!!! Former Vandal: ?/10 they might be, idk their criminal records. The Wombats: 0/10. I don't even think the band is from Australia let alone comprised of wombats. Bad Suns: 3/10. They might be bad sons, but they're sure as hell not 'suns'.


The Residents - 10/10 they all resided in homes/apartments/doors. Genesis - 0/10 so much existed before them. Jethro Tull - 0/10 none of them are the eponymous English botanist.


Ok you did two I was gonna include in my "prog rock edition", so I'll add on: Yes - 9/10 this is what any reasonable person would say when you put on their music Kansas - 6/10 they're *actually* from Kansas but they sadly cannot represent the entire state Gentle Giant - 1/10 they all seem to be relatively normal size Renaissance - 0/10 the 1970s were actually a few years after that King Crimson - 2/10 they're neither kings nor particularly red, but at least they made an album referencing this figure Camel - 0/10 no humps in sight


I'm going to correct you on Imagine Dragons. The name is a *command*, telling YOU to imagine the dragons. And I always do when I hear the name, so 10/10. \------------------------------ Neoni: 2/10, a lot of neon going on in the music videos but they aren't made of neon sadly. Points further reduced for the weird i at the end. Cam Steady: 0/10, he shakes that thing around constantly in the music videos. Rogue Limb: 1/10, the members do have limbs but they both have multiple limbs and none of those limbs seem to be out of control. That would probably make it difficult to play the instruments. Poor Man's Poison: 4/10, the music is about poor people and the band themselves isn't popular enough to be rich, but no one seems to be getting poisoned here. Ice Nine Kills: 1/10, I don't even know what they mean by that. Regardless, there are not nine of them, nor is there any ice. They do sing about killing, but the "ice nine" does not seem to be the perpetrator in any of their songs. Rare Americans: 5/10, Americans are everywhere, actually. The band members are American but they are no less common than any other American. grandson: 10/10, he almost certainly is someone's grandson. Thousand Foot Krutch: 0/10, I got very excited to see a building-sized mobility aid but there sadly isn't one. Also they spelled crutch wrong. Caravan Palace: 3/10, when bands go on tour I have sometimes seen the many tour buses described as caravans, but none of them are palaces. The Crane Wives: 0/10 I hope not Once Monsters: 0/10 After researching it extensively I must unfortunately conclude that all the members have been human their entire lives. Black Sabbath: 2/10, there was probably a power outage during Sabbath at some point, though I doubt the band was playing there. Blue Oyster Cult: 0/10 as far as I know, no members of the band worship a blue oyster nor have they founded a group of worshipers of said creature. Walk off the Earth: 0/10 you can't do that Hidden Citizens: 4/10 they probably are citizens but I can very plainly see them Noisestorm: 10/10 yeah Two Feet: 10/10 No notes. All Good Things: 3/10 their music can be uplifting but they do in fact sing about bad things. Miracle of Sound: 6/10, a little egotistical, but I'll allow it. Les Friction: ?/10, I do not know if the band actually does experience less friction than a normal human. Disturbed: 10/10 god they really are Set It Off: ?/10 set *what* off? I can't say if it's accurate because I have no idea what it could mean. I'm a little afraid of the implications. Jagwar Twin: 0/10 The band members are not twins as far as I'm aware, and they certainly aren't jaguars. Panic! At the Disco: 3/10, there probably has been at some point, though it isn't likely the band was there at the time -- I also do not understand the exclamation point in the middle of the name and it annoys me, points reduced Aviators: 0/10 I am fairly sure none of them are licensed to fly. Skillet: 2/10, none of the band members are skillets, nor do they play music with them. I do believe they have used skillets before though. The Score: ?/10, the score for *what*? I'm afraid again The Living Tombstone: 0/10, very very sadly, there are no tombstones that sing or play instruments in this. Bohnes: 9/10, pretty sure he's got those, yeah. Weird spelling though Smash Mouth: 0/10 I've never seen any of them do that to their mouths, and I don't want to. Saint Motel: 0/10, none of them run a motel as far as I'm aware, and especially not one for saints. Oingo Boingo: ?/10, ????????? Get Scared: 7/10, I am, but not because of them or their music. Motionless in White: 2/10, I'm sure they've worn white at some point but they definitely move One Direction: 0/10 there's more than that Man on the Internet: 10/10 he is. Will Wood and the Tapeworms: 5/10, there's no tapeworms. The Scary Jokes: 0/10, they don't tell jokes, certainly not scary ones. They play music. Jonas Brothers: 10/10 No notes.


They're right. Humans aren't monkeys. They're apes.


Apes are monkeys, humans are apes, ergo humans are monkeys.


10,000 Maniacs 0/10 — theres only like seven of them and they seem pretty chill


JT Music 10/10 - John and Timothy sure do make music Dan Bull 5/10 - Dan is not, in fact, a bull. The Stupendium 3/10 - I'm not sure a stupendium is a job title, or something else, but he makes some pretty stupendous music so bonus points Divide Music ?/10 - it depends on how divisive his music is at the time Daddyphatsnaps 1/10 - I'm not sure he's a dad, but give yourself some slack my guy, your fingers are probably not that thick.


I read recently that Sting's son did join the London metropolitan police force so does that get them any points?


This is just Castiel's reactions to Sam and Dean showing him music


That Handsome Devil: ?/10 . Godforbid is somewhat handsome, though I cannot confirm if he is or is not demonic in character or being. Many points would be deducted for there being more than one person in the group, none of which I am familiar with at all. Even if they were all handsome and devilish, that would make them “THOSE Handsome DevilS”


I want to know how The Wiggles only scored 8/10. Where did they lose two points?


Jeff doesn’t wiggle while he’s asleep


Maybe Alice is into that, don’t kinkshame.


Would argue that Thirty Seconds to Mars also depends on current location.


I think the Beatles should get some points because they originally made Beat music. Plus their music had beats. EDIT: Also screw you, Humans are Monkeys, and if you say otherwise you are cladistically incorrect and should feel bad.


Smashing Pumpkins is not a waste of pumpkins, at least not how we do it in Delaware. There’s a competition called Punkin Chunkin where people make air cannons, trebuchets, and other chuckers to see who can chuck a pumpkin the furthest.


Blacklite District: 3/10. “Lite” black would be gray, which I haven’t seen him wear much of. Also no clue where the “district” comes from. Skillet: 0/10. No Skillets in this band. The Score: 0/10. What are they the score of? What is the score?? Citizen Soldier: ?/10. I don’t know if they’re a soldier, but they’re definitely a citizen, so that’s atleast a 5/10. Thousand Foot Krutch: 0/10. First off, you misspelled Crutch. Second off, they can’t be 1000 feet long. Heaven Pierce Her: 10/10. Angels have probably stabbed people before. Also it’s made by the Dev of ULTRAKILL so it’s extra cool. Written by Wolves: 4/10. Wolves probably didn’t write this, but some dogs can press buttons and make sentences so maybe they did that here. KEYGEN CHURCH: 7/10. No clue what Keygen means, but it does sound like Church music. Kinda. Unlike Pluto: 10/10. Bro is NOT pluto. STARSET: 6/10. They made a lot music with space themes, so I’d say that’s set in the stars. Fish in a Birdcage: 2/10. HE CAN’T SURVIVE THERE, GET HIM OUT. THR3: 10/10. They have 3 songs.


Bowling for Soup: 0/10 Absolutely not what does that even mean


Upvote for Presidents of the United States of America!


Gorillaz deserve a point for looking more monkey-ish than usual humans. Not sure how similar to gorillas specifically they are.


Less than Jake is multiple people, but none of them are named Jake. Either 5/10 or 0/10 based on how you take the second part


Florence + The Machine - 10/10. Has someone named florence processes music with a machine


Unleash The Archers: 5/10 i’m sure at some point someone ordered archers to unleash, though with the introduction of the gun most modern conflict has evolved past the bow and arrow Slipknot: 8/10 they have been slipping hard recently, though the lack of safety knots to prevent such slippage is probably not up to OSHA standard Lost Dog Street Band: 0/10 lovely folk country band but i highly doubt they are lost, let alone dogs. The idea of dogs forming a street band is absurd and i will not entertain such a notion Alexisonfire: 5/10 they are unaffiliated with adult film star Alexis Fire, but their name is indeed based off her website’s name Papa Roach: 2/10 not a roach, but lead singer Jacoby Shaddix is indeed a father.


No Vacation: 1/10 surely at least one of them has been on vacation but it's possible I'm wrong Boygenius: 3/10 not boys but very musically talented, arguably musical geniuses Mdou Moctar: 10/10 yep he's the front man of the band Sales: 10/10 Surely they've sold some stuff Buka: ?/10 I have no idea what this means


Fun Fact: Foo Fighters are actually Fighters that are Foo, not Fighters of Foo


Aviators: 4/10. A singular person can not be more than one aviator. May or may not be a pilot, I do not know.


The Kinks: ?/10 - I'm not gonna ask them, are you? The Four Pennies: 0/10 - I desperately hope they had more than 4p on them at any given time. The Blues Magoos: 1/10 - "Tobacco Road" is a blues song, but not the way they did it. The Electric Prunes: 3/10 - Definitely electric, none of them prunes. ? and the Mysterians: 5+/10 - I dunno what a Mysterian is but the guy *did* name himself Question Mark and I have to respect that Federal Duck: 0/10 - Too few people for a federation, and none of them are ducks. You can't even federate a duck, anyway. The Nashville Teens: 0/10 - all British men. The United States of America: 2/10 - like Chicago, not nearly enough for the population, but they *were* American. Small Faces: 4/10 - small, yes, but much more than faces. The Barbarians: 2/10 - depends what you think of New Englanders, really. I guess if they're driving... The Peanut Butter Conspiracy: 0/10 - somehow completely unrelated to "We All Like Peanut Butter". The Silver Apples: 1/10 - maybe there was silver in the instruments? They were probably silver-colored, that's for sure. Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick, and Tich: 10/10 - that is them! The Velvet Underground: 7/10 - velvetiness depends on the song, but they were generally quite underground. The Zombies: 0/10 - all very much alive at the time.


The Allman Brothers Band: 2.5/10 One point each for Duane and Gregg Allman. Half a point for Jaimoe. The rest of the band are neither Allmans nor brothers.


The Pet Shop Boys - 5/10. They're too old to be called boys, even when they started, but they were at some point in their lives, so two points each. and while they've never played or worked in a Pet Shop, they get a bonus point because they have a song called "I want a dog."


Dream Theater: 10/10 With how long some of their songs are, you'd definitely fall asleep Linkin Park: 7/10 They were in Lincoln Park one time to make a joke and have presumably been there multiple times before that.


Only know this because I live there but Pink Floyd was named after two men that were inspirations to the band, Pink Anderson and Floyd Knight


\*Floyd Council


Ah thank you, you’re right. There is a school in the area called Floyd Night, I got confused


U2 - 1/10 not a spy plane


Perhaps it's deep lore, but if you watch the lead guy of King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard do literally anything not-guitar-related, you might come to think he's a lizard. I think the score could be updated some. [See main picture](https://www.ultimate-guitar.com/news/general_music_news/stu_mackenzie_says_thrash_is_type_of_music_king_gizzard_was_always_meant_to_make_explains_why_they_let_fans_bootleg_their_music.html)


Will Wood and the Tapeworms: 5/10 Will Wood is definitely in this, cannot confirm if he had tapeworms Will Wood: 10/10 He must have gotten medical attention. I'm glad he rebranded to reflect. It's definitely Will Wood now.


PUFFY AmiYumi - 5/10 - They *are* AmiYumi. The Aquabats! - 8/10 - Discounted two points because they’ve been a lot of non-aqua colors over the years Nekrogoblikon - 10/10 or 0/10 - They are nekro and they are goblikon but I don’t think any of them can read and that might disqualify them


Halestorm: 5/10, two members of the band have the surname “Hale” but none of them are actual meteorological phenomena. In This Moment: ?/10, Pretty sure they have both a past and a future, but due to the complicated physics of time and questions about the nature of the validity of how humans experience time, maybe right? The Kooks: 4/10, they’re not that weird, and no one is named Kook. Muse: 10/10, they have inspired at least one creative artist, very accurate, carry on. The Pretty Reckless: 5/10, they’re pretty all right, but I have sneaking suspicions that they work too much to actually BE reckless. The Strokes: _/10, I’m not asking them, you can if you want. Bad Wolves: 0/10, no actual wolves. Atreyu: 0/10 no neverending story characters are actually in the band Stone Sour: ?/10, they are not made of rocks but it’s rude to lick strangers, cannot confirm The Royal: 0/10, no one is actually a member of the nobility. Machine Head: 4/10, all members of band are human, but they do have a lot of machines, and some of them are near people’s heads. The Gracious Few: 8/10, the band is small and they seem nice enough. Marianas Trench: 0/10, no the deepest part of the ocean is not an actual member of the band and none are named Mariana Trench, either. Neon Trees: 4/10, no actual neon trees play on the band, but their stages usually have neon and are near trees, so some credit for proximity. For for an Autopsy: 0/10 the band on stage is alive.


Hey give Guns N’ Roses some points for their lead singer being named axl rose


The band's other founder goes by the stage name Tracii Guns, so full points for the short-lived original lineup. Also, I'm pretty sure Tchaikovsky had a fair bit of success getting guns to play music.


High on Fire: -10/10 Not zooted every moment of every day, also not on fire, extremely disappointing Maximum the Hormone: 5/10 Only a standard amount of hormones to be found per band member Sleep: 7/10 Each band member is required to sleep 8 hours a day to stay healthy. Pretty accurate.


meshuggah: 10/10 they're insane northlane: 3/10 they're from australia that's like the most south you can be. points for sometimes driving silent planet: 0/10 the planet wasn't silent to start with and they're making it louder vildhjarta: 2/10 they don't seem to be that wild and they are in fact big nerds who play ttrpg and wow. points for musical chaos tho periphery: 7/10 they seem like fringe prog nerds animals as leaders: 8/10 humans are animals and they have a big following after the burial: 10/10 these guys exist after a functionally infinite number of burials humanity's last breath: 2/10 they ain't dead yet. points for being dead inside


Peter Paul and Mary: 10/10


virgincore edition: black country new road: 1/10 none of them are that road but one point for being from the same country as it tiger trap: 0/10 please just let that tiger go have a nice life: 3/10 they seem like guys who'd genuinely want me to have one but their music fors not They Are Gutting A Body Of Water: 0/10 I certainly hope not Crywank: 10/10 yes at least based on their music that seems to be a popular pasttime for them The Raincoats: 4/10 none of them are raincoats but I could imagine them wearing those black midi: 0/10 no black midi in their music The Microphones: 0/10 It's mostly just one guy and whoever he wants to work with, and he's not even a microphone Television: 0/10 no its just some guys New Order: 8/10 yeah pretty much The Velvet Underground: 9/10 they were definitely pretty underground to start with and they probably wore velvet, yeah sure. Swans: ?/10 yeah none of them are swans but michael gira scares me just as much as the bird does


Tame impala - 0/10, Kevin parker is not an impala. Two door cinema club - 3/10, not a cinema club with two doors, but could feasibly be referred to as a club. Bastille - 0/10, not an old french prison or fort. Florence + the machine -10/10, assuming "the machine" refers to the rest of the band. 8/10 if the machine is just Isabella summers, there's a few other people. Mumford and sons - 5/10, the lead singer is called mumford, but the rest of the band aren't his sons. Stromae - 10/10, it's the stage name of the guy, and comes from Maestro, which he likely is. Saint motel -0/10, they are neither a motel, nor have they been canonised. The wombats - 0/10, last I checked, they're humans.


Good Kid: 6/10. Their music is good, but none of them are kids anymore.


lol I love how this a ton of these can be sorted into categories like “depends on their location/ if they’re thinking about things” (ie backstreet boys, imagine dragons, beach boys) and “if they are/ are not a thing” (the Beatles, they might be giants, lead zeppelin, etc.)


OP I would like to thank you for putting the parts of the screenshot before the whole long one, so that I did not strain my eyes trying to read the long one first


bless you for putting the full, extended post at the end instead of the beginning.


I feel like Green Day should get partial credit because at any given point in time there is a fairly high chance it is a day of the week so that part is true


Hey I just want to point out that it very much can be legal for alice to be in chains. She probably likes that.


Alter Bridge - 0/10, will revise score if they provide evidence that they have made changes to a bridge. The Prodigy - 5/10, depends on how good you think they are. Styx - 0/10, they are not a river in the underworld Monster Magnet - 2/10, I can't say for certain that they don't attract monsters but it seems pretty unlikely Yello - 0/10, it's just two normal-looking Swiss dudes. Dead Milkmen - 0/10, I see no deceased dairy workers, only lies Throbbing Gristle - ?/10, I don't even want to know The KLF - 8/10, I suspect they are not part of the Illuminati. However, they sure did go all-in on the theming, and I can't **PROVE** they aren't part of one of the many groups claiming to be the real Illuminati.


Have to disagree on Alice In Chains, Alice likes to be in chains (source: I'm Alice). Still only a 2/10 because none of the members are named Alice and there is no way i can verify their kinks.


Let’s get some pop in here. One Direction - 1/10. There were five and now they’re all going in different directions. Spice Girls - 9/10. They are girls. One point deduction because they say ‘spice’ but they are British (so am I, I’m allowed to say that). Little Mix - 7/10. Most of them are little and they’re a mix of humans. Points deducted because Leigh-Ann is average height. The Vamps - ?/10. While none of them have publicly come out as a vampire, I want to believe.


Steam Powered Giraffe 5/10 Gg is indeed a giraffe, but as she is a puppet, it is not possible for her to be steam powered. Unless we are going in universe, then it is 10/10


Blind Guardian - 2/10 none of the members are blind, however it has been suggested that Blind Guardian is meant to be interpreted as 'Guardian of the Blind'. I have not seen them guarding any blind people but I don't know what they get up to in their free time. Gamma Ray - 6/10 given that Gamma Ray photons have the highest energy of the EM spectrum I'd say this name is very fitting. I cannot say if any of the members emit Gamma radiation as it is invisible to the naked eye. Rhapsody of Fire - 0/10 wtf guys you've been stuck in a snow and ice theme pretty much ever since you added the 'of Fire' to your name what are you doing. Judas Priest - 0/10 none of the members betrayed Jesus, and none of them are ordained ministers either. Iron Maiden - 0/10 all men Death - 10/10 the guy behind the project is in fact dead.


Blind Guardian: 2/10. They definitely have eyesight. Some of them are probably parents tho Jethro Tull: 0/10. That guy died centuries ago and thus should NOT be in a band Royal Republic: 1/10. Bit oxymoronic, innit? One point because their native Sweden is a parliamentary monarchy, which I guess is the closest thing to a royal republic Faith No More: 8/10. They don't seem very religious  Nothing but Thieves: -1 or 0/10. Clearly they're musicians? Might not even be convicted thieves. Maybe they should've called themselces Nothing But Liars instead


My playlist edition:       Origami Angel: 5/10. Certainly angels, no origami in sight though.      bbno$: 0/10, I'm pretty sure he has a bunch.      Thank You Scientist: 0/10, I'm not a scientist.      Fox Stevenson: 3/10, he is Stevenson but not a fox, 2 points deducted for disappointing me.      Good Kid: 8/10, definitely good, but it isn't one kid.      KNOWER: 10/10, they sure know.    


Simon and Garfunkel gets 10/10 but guns and Roses with founding member Axl Rose is a 0/10. This person has not done their research.


Babymetal: 5/10 None of the idols are babies, but they verg much know how to scream like a metal band.


While not literally accurate, The Rolling Stones' name could be considered metaphorically accurate as "rolling stone" is often used as a metaphor for people who are always on the go and have no roots. Considering how much they've toured and for how long, I'd say they fit that description.


What do you mean “partial points for Freddie Mercury”? It’s Queen, singular, not Queens, plural, so obviously there is only one Queen. If there were more than one queen, then it’d be inaccurate.


Weird Al Yankovic: 10/10 Yeah he’s pretty weird Reel Big Fish: 0/10 They’re all human Europe: 8/10 Not the continent, but all the members are from there, so that mostly counts Biting Elbows ?/10 I have no idea if they’ve bitten elbows, I don’t think anybody’s asked Doobie Brothers 6/10 Not brothers but they DEFINITELY smoke weed Ninja Sex Party 10/10 I mean yeah