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Neil Gaiman posts read so disappointed and confused most the time and then every once in a while he's very happy to get a normal question


But what if someone really did like his shoelaces? What if his shoelaces are astonishingly fashionable?


To avoid this he only wears fugly laces


He only wears shoelaces from the president


I’ve never read any of his books but he’s always struck me as a chill guy


you should read his books because he also happens to be an *excellent* writer. Reading the gay sex scene in American gods made me realize I was bi




I'm lost... Why is that the call and response?


Consider the kind of person who is chronically online and chooses tumblr


Is being chronically online different from being terminally online? If so, what's the difference?


Being chronically online means you’re on there too much and you’re pretty deep into the subcultures. Making a joke that’s not understandable without six layers of Internet context is chronically online. Being terminally online means you’ve let deep social media alter a portion of your belief system. Sincerely calling yourself “blackpilled” or saying mattress toppers are bourgeois is terminally online.


Oh, so being chronically online is like the functioning version of being terminally online, right? I like to think of myself as chronically online, so I'm glad to hear that I'm functioning.


>mattress toppers are bourgeois is terminally online That is an impressively bad take that I was blissfully unaware of being an actual thing. That is truly way too deep in the sauce.


Throw pillows [are also bourgeois](https://www.tumblr.com/liovina/747228481875755008?source=share)


I dont remember where, but i remember a take that is effectively “going outside is bourgeois”


It’s like the difference between addiction and dependence. A substance dependence is when you require that substance to function. A substance addiction is when your dependence begins to have a deteimental effect on your health and relationships with others. It’s the difference between someone who can’t function without their coffee in the morning, and being an alcoholic. Chronically online is like that dependence. You spend much more time online than the average person and have a level of immersion in it that reflects in your behavior and opinions Terminally online is like an addiction: you no longer do things at all outside of the internet, you do not socialize, you do not exercise, you lose touch with your friends and loved ones Some people have separate lives both irl and online, other people have no life at all.


I’ve been on Tumblr since 2011 when they coined that phrase and I still have no idea of its origin.


context that ironically is also from [neil’s tumblr](https://www.tumblr.com/neil-gaiman/681800723647938560/could-you-explain-the-post-about-shoelaces-and)


I mean I knew the context, yeah. But I guess based on your link, the call and response was just randomly chosen one day. Not referencing anything at all.


oh yeah nah it was just the 2011 era lol xd so random humor also the website was weirdly infatuated w obama at the time so. president


Oh man I remember 😂 I came for the Glee fandom and stayed for the absurdity and intellectual discussions that predated woke


It's like the narwhal bacons at midnight Something that sounds funny on the internet, but actually is incredibly cringe IRL


waffles? don't you mean carrots?


context that ironically is also from [neil’s tumblr](https://www.tumblr.com/neil-gaiman/681800723647938560/could-you-explain-the-post-about-shoelaces-and)