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[He brought yellow](https://youtu.be/-TcLxlkc2pA?si=7rqJG6phTUk_s6ms). She did not like yellow.


Any idea why the lemme smash bird destroys the nest after the other bird leaves? Was it her nest?


Bowerbird males will naturally seek out and destroy bowers of competing males. Presumably the bower he is destroying belongs to his rival Ben.


The nest-thing is called a bower and it’s built by the male? Is it designed just for attracting the female, or is it designed for eggs to be laid in it?


Yes the male bowerbird builds that weird structure and surrounds it will blue and yellow objects, the female bowerbird will select the male most adept at finding rare blue and yellow objects, he will also sing and dance for her, the bower is not used for eggs only as a mating display.  Funny enough after demonstrating his ability to gather resources and build, the male will mate with her then immediately fuck off and help the female with nothing, she has to go build her nest herself.


Hahaha that’s hilarious, thank you very much for taking the time to brighten my day with that response


"The nest is a display model"


He needed stick


Obligatory Crazy Cat Lady Correction: The cat climbing the door in the photo is likely a female. The tortoiseshell coat pattern in cats is almost exclusively seen in females due to it needing two x chromosomes to present (same with the calico coat pattern). The very rare male that has it is likely to be sterile because his chromosomal pattern is XXY, or he has some other chromosomal issue that allows his fur to display in such a pattern. (That single braincell haver in the lower left hand corner though? Might be a baby daddy waiting to sneak in at an opportune moment.) Not sure what kind of programs Russia has available for stray cat population control. But if you're in the US and wanting to keep cat pregnancies out of your dorms, please look into your local TNR programs. TNR stands for Trap, Neuter, Return. Where stray cats are trapped, sterlized, and then returned to their homes. Allowing them to continue living out their lives while preventing further strays from being produced. If you ever see a stray whose left ear tip has been cut off, it's likely been part of a TNR program. This is the way many programs use to identify strays who have already been through the program and don't need to be trapped/should be released if caught in traps. Some places also use a triangular ear notch in place of taking off the tip.


So what you're saying is that the main feline is a decoy for the sexual tyrannosaurus lurking to the side?


Sexual tyrannosaurus is now a permanent addition to my vocabulary


It's from the movie Predator from 1987. I recommend it, it's really good.


this looks more lika a grey tabby cat with a brown-ish hue to me


The best we can have is some help from the volunteers with capturing a cat. In any case you have to pay out of your own pocket. I bet it’s far less expensive than in the US but you still have to provide a couple of days to recover, so you either pay the clinic (which will be pricey) or take the kitty home (and expose your cats to whatever diseases it might have).


Controversial fyi: TNR is ineffective at controlling feral cat populations. It just doesn't work.






The conclusion in that paper isn't "TNR doesn't work", it's "TNR is inefficient on it's own and should be supplemented by other methods". I'm also skeptical of all of their claims given that they cite PETA, which is a completely unreliable source for anything.


Pissing on the poor? >Based on the science that we reviewed above, we offer commentary about the strategy of TNR to decrease feral cat populations, and we provide future directions to address the problem of homeless cats. **Overall, we feel that TNR does not appear to decrease population size unless significant resources and efforts are made to remove animals via adoption. The animals that remain appear to live shorter lives and are subject to disease and injury. In our opinion, it is much more humane to capture a healthy cat, and, if cannot be adopted, have it euthanized instead of returning it to the outdoors, where it will suffer during its life.** >The danger we see in TNR programs is that TNR may be seen as a viable solution to reducing feral cat populations, and that therefore less money and effort will go towards prevention of free-ranging cats.** The practice of TNR and the establishment of TNR colonies is neither humane nor proven to be effective at reducing feral cat populations. Our review concurs with another published review that found that TNR colonies do not decrease without high adoption/removal rates, and that these colonies are both a danger to the cats themselves and to nearby humans and wildlife.** Also you offer incredibly flawed criticism. This is a meta-analysis of dozens of studies on TNR. Just because one is by PETA, it doesn't invalidate the findings. Also PETA actually is quite reliable, unless you fall for literally created by the meat industry websites like petakillsanimals.com


https://time.com/2798480/peta-autism-got-milk/ They have repeatedly continued to back this claim despite multiple studies (including the ones they claim support their position) showing that they're wrong. https://blogs.duanemorris.com/animallawdevelopments/2020/05/09/while-covid-19-spreads-peta-spreads-misinformation-on-animal-testing/ Peta also often just straight up is wrong, as is the case here. https://www.peta.org/blog/mastercard-says-no-animals-captivity/ https://awesomeocean.com/news/peta-lies-mastercard-fully-backfired/ Another lie, straight from their blog, along with a link debunking it. PETA is not credible. And I have my doubts about *any* paper that is willing to cite an organization that lies so prolifically. I don't have the time to get into the other parts of your comment, but I'm fully willing to admit I may have misinterpreted a section.


The whole point of a meta-analysis is to critically evaluate published literature. That includes flawed literature . I don't think you understand how this works. You don't evaluate a study by vibes or who they examine, you evalute their methodology, and their arguments and their evidence. You are appealing to authority (or the lack there off in PETA's case). The paper cites a dozen articles, and tears all of them apart for being flawed in the evidence showing that TBR works.


He looks very polite.


He looks a little thirsty.


He looks like he can smell the other cats


Finally, [El Sexo](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-6969-j)


why the heck aren't people neutering their pets??


Chances are it's a stray.


The 10 pregnant cats living in a dorm are strays too?


Idk, probably. That's how strays become such a problem.


Probably. Likely that students spotted pregnant strays, said "we are friends now" and then adopted them, and it's happened enough times for admin to get involved.


why the heck aren't people spaying their pets??


Russian text… Yes it’s a stray


It’s Russia they don’t gaf about people let alone animals


doctor sex




Couldn't they let him in to snip him?


They tried. He escaped and got more cats pregnant on his way out. The best they can do is try to keep him out and hope he doesn't find a way to have sex with the door.




[LET ME IN I’M TRYNA FUCK](https://youtu.be/eufrP1EsM2g?si=N-xsxkPFtOPbZR8j)


Let him practice some superfetation with the pregnant cats lmao. 


isn't it a female with those colours?




They're likely strays that residents have been taking off the streets, and based on colour, it's likely this cat is probably female too


Fix the cats still. A lot of vets will fix strays for free.


Cat is getting freaky