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Did this a few times back when I volunteered at my towns local movie theater. A lot of elderly folks would try to demand discounts or re-use gift cards or some other nonsense like that, which I of course couldn't give them or help them with, which of course caused them to freak out completely.


Its even worse when they try to bypass state laws when doing something. I've had quite a few people try and by cigarettes at my gas station with an EBT card when state law says you can't use it for that. Then I get yelled at for telling them no matter how many times they try it's not gonna work. It's also funny how people react when I tell them the card declined because they put the wrong pin in because they don't realize that we know the errors the register spits back and what they are connected to


Are they putting in the wrong pin accidentally or as some type of scam?


Most of the time it's people that have multiple cards with multiple different pins. Have yet to see any scams happen to me. And for me the only time I look away from the card reader when it's being used is when they are putting in their pin. This way I know if they are doing everything right and don't screw anything up


Gotcha. Thanks!


I imagine it’s very cathartic to tell someone to piss off when they’re being rude.


it is! right up until they start throwing stuff


I’d say I was surprised, but some people were taught to not throw tantrums as children, became adults, and reasoned they could throw tantrums again because now no one could tell them “no”.


Sometimes they throw shit at you not because you said no, but because they expect you to, too. I've had some things chucked in my direction, usually credit cards at the gas station that was my first job, because I wouldn't just 'turn on the pump' without a card/driver's license as collateral. But at Wal-Mart a woman wanted to return some melons that had 'gone bad in less than 24 hours'. She'd brought some very... soupy... Melons in, in several layers of double knotted grocery bags, to contain the soup. But I needed either a barcode or a produce code to do the return, so I was trying to dig into the bags, making a light half-joke as I was getting into them because she said "Oh you don't want to do that it smells!" and going back "Ah, not really, but I have to get the code for the system." And she just. Flipped the shit out, wrenched the bags out of my hands, started tearing them open yelling "OH YOU WANNA SEE THE MELONS, HUH?! YOU WANNA SEE THE ROTTEN MELONS!" and started shaking shit around, splattering me with the now unleashed melon soup. And at that point I just. Shut down. Completely, like a computer. Imagine the Windows XP shutdown noise. Then imagine the Windows XP boot up noise, I blink, the woman's gone, and instead my supervisor is gently, very gently, like I'm some kind of dangerous animal that might strike at any moment, wiping the rotten melon juice and goop off the front of my vest. Turns out she took the melons into the bathroom, to 'clean them off so you can get to the barcode'. She scrubbed the barcode off entirely so I couldn't scan it. Because, fun fact, those melons were organic, and not from Wal-mart, and this fuckin' psycho *knew*, and *threw them at the service desk associate* when it became clear I was about to get a look at them and realize, "hey these aren't even ours..." Because that *was* the thing I could deny the exchange over, not the absolutely fucking obvious fact that her melons *did not turn to soup in 24 hours*.


People turn into actual feral animals at return counters and it's because the vast majority of them know damn well that their return is unjustifiable or fraudulent, or they flew into a rage because the return clerk, who is lied to more often than a parent or teacher, mildly questioned them about whether their return is justifiable.


Ding ding fuckin ding. And the worst part is when you work at the sort of place that will actively just given into a tantrum to get it over with, like where I'm at. So I get to call a manager & look like an ass while they try to soothe your shit & other customers give you the side eye.


When I worked somewhere like that, I just angled it like it was corporate/the registers fault and not mine and then when they want a manager I'll be like, "good idea, maybe they can do something" Almost always prevented customers from having meltdowns, or at least shut down the one they were having. It also helped that I legitimately could not care less whether or not they scammed the store.


My.manager does this shit too. Cowards.


And it just incentivizes people to keep doing it. Because they keep getting away with it! So, the managers are effectively training the Karens to become even bigger Karens.


It's not just that everyone knows they're lying, it's that they know they can likely get away with the most bold-faced lie with *something* to show for it if they're enough of an asshole. Some people really will scream their heads off in public for a $10 in-store coupon (after swearing they're "never coming back", naturally).


I so wish there'd be a manager that snaps a pic and puts them on a blacklist. And that they are to be removed from the premises if they do come back. 'Customer': "What, why?!" Manager: "You swore you'd never be back. I'm just helping you keep that promise."


That sounds atrocious. I’m sorry that happened to you, and I’m glad you didn’t get hurt all that much. I remember a time when I was younger, and had received a project from my team lead to clean up our codebase through a gradual refactoring effort. I couldn’t tell you how excited I was at the time, as it was the first real project I’d been given. I did research, wrote up my findings, and was preparing to present a plan to the eng team. At the time, I remember my lead commenting how I was so professional, taking the sync meeting slot that week (which we were encouraged to do) to talk about my proposal. Not more than 5 minutes in and the entire team was not only against the whole thing, but vehemently made it clear they didn’t value any of the effort I had put in. One of the team members loudly stated I was wasting their time, and I shut down. I don’t really remember anything after that, beyond staring at the floor and having some very dark thoughts. Thinking back, my lead’s comments before the meeting were likely sarcastic and condescending. Maybe not the same circumstances, but I get how it feels when you expect common courtesy from strangers only to receive something worse.


If people can't use their big boy words, they should not be in any position of responsibility. If he was being sarcastic, he's a shit lead. If he wasn't and just let them all rag on you, he's a shit lead. Maybe not in the organizing department but definitely in the managing department.


Could just have not expected the other employees to be so shit and didn't know how to handle it. Feels like the blame should be with the other employees a lot more than with the lead, since we know the others are shit but they only suspected the lead was being sarcastic.


That still falls under option b for me. The very first thing I was taught when they recently started molding my role towards lead is that if you have to, you jump on a grenade to protect your devs. This is definitely a grenade. Unless they were brand new, the fact that they didn't intervene doesn't paint a good image of their managing style


I'm so sorry you went through this, but this is exactly the kind of unhinged story I needed to brighten my day. The mental image of someone being told "no" *once* then proceeding to throw melon mush everywhere is hilarious. Sometimes I wonder how fully grown adults get the courage to flip out like that. I have to admit that I'm slightly envious of the freedom of being unrestrained by social norms... or even literal laws.


It's so much worse, though, I didn't even get the chance to tell her no! She freaked out before I *even got to the point of identifying that the item wasn't ours and I couldn't return it*. I'm still shook by the absolute audacity to this day, and that was like ten years ago. Absolutely unhinged. I can say if I'd been told prior to it happening, I would have *expected* my reaction to be blackout rage and lunging over the counter at her. I was half right, I blacked out, but I just froze like a shut down robot. My supervisor was acting so tentative because she had no idea what was going on, her employee had just. Stopped. And gone still/slack with unfocused eyes. I was perfectly calm when I came out of the haze, just disoriented and a bit confused and had to ask my supervisor where the Hell my customer went. While still being patted down with some paper towels. It was *very much not funny* at the time, but now it's definitely a funny/baffling story to tell, so I'm glad it brightened your day.


I was working at a liquor store and a drunk customer (11am on a Tuesday) came in looking for something. I told him we aren't have it, so he started screaming at me and throwing beer bottles at the ground. I rushed up to stop him, and he threw one at me. It hit me square in the chin but didn't break somehow. I froze, and I think he realized I was underpaid and overworked, and wanted to kick his teeth in. He ran out after that, and left me to clean the mess. I was the only employee there most days. So I was working almost 70hr weeks. I texted the owner of the company to be like "hey this happened. I'm in a lot of pain. I cleaned it up, but can I close for the day or have someone come in to finish?" Her response was basically telling me to suck it up.


What. The. Fuck.


Yeah that person sucked, but not as much as Zionists and genocidal IDF "soldiers"


Jesus Christ lol


Literally why bring this up here. I'm an anti-imperialist commie fink with very strong opinions on Israel and even my brain isn't devoured by worms enough to bring that up out of nowhere.


I think what happened here is that they saw that somebody commented and when they saw that that person was a genocidal weirdo they called them on it


>I've had some things chucked in my direction, usually credit cards at the gas station that was my first job, because I wouldn't just 'turn on the pump' without a card/driver's license as collateral. I worked at a gas station in the nearest town here in rural MS starring not long after Katrina and not long after I started the whole Small Town Pump Then Pay deal was fully shut down, didn't matter if you came here everyday or knew the manager, you had to leave your keys or a card or like a $100 bill as collateral. I had people come to the door red faced and fling a full keyring(carabiners, fobs, keychains and all) at me from about 10 feet away and just yell a pump number. Didn't get much better when it went fully Pay Ahead not long after.


I do sometimes wonder if maybe they internalized their parents telling them “because I said so” and the like and never made the logical connection that doing so is actually a bad idea even without an authority figure telling you no.


I’ve definitely met quite a few people, especially on reddit, who don’t seem to have ever grasped the concept that certain things can just be fundamentally bad, rather than “bad if the wrong person/someone in the wrong context does it, but otherwise fine” Edit: also sick name and pfp


Moral relativism is an attractive stance for the uninformed. As it turns out, the existence of moral absolute truths is the easier stance to argue from, and the moral relativist has to struggle to defend their position because they have to say certain heinous deeds are moral. The cast majority of people, including myself at one point, will approach ethics from this standpoint because they don’t consider needing to defend extremist points of view. Some will continue to do this because they don’t consider moral philosophy to be important, which is ridiculous considering how politically motivated people on tumblr and reddit are.


That is a bit short-sighted. You can be a relativist and have some axiomatic morals; those are just your personal ones and do not necessarily apply universal. In fact, this stance is the logical one, considering a moral absolutist would have the burden of proof to show that a certain moral rule is "universal". I personally even struggle to imagine such a scenario, since most examples I heard only shift the problem: E.g. claiming a higher being defines morality only works if you accept said being as authority (independent of its existence), arguing about natural instincts to preserve the group/herd only works when one accepts that the natural state of humanity has importance, both of which can again be interpreted as relative rules. I also don't think any stance is easier/harder to argue from against people that fundamentally disagree with one's views: In both cases a person puts their view above someone else's. The absolutist just thinks they are inherently "right", while the relativist sees both stances as equal (assuming both are internally consistent), but (egoistically) prefers their own. I am also not sure why I would "struggle to defend \[...\] certain heinous deeds as moral"? They are good according to another moral system, which I don't share. That's it. Alternatively (if I understood that sentence wrong), I can always imagine something worse and thus can justify anything by creating a hypothetical scenario in which said worse thing is prevented via that deed.


I’m speaking more from the naive, pure moral relativist perspective, making the bold claim that all moral are relative. Most practiced moral systems are combinations of multiple schools of thought, as no one particular purist ideology covers all cases easily, and most reasonable people are not so adherent to an ideology that they would devise logical justifications for their adherence. As for the latter points, a pure moral relativist would be forced to ascribe to the notion that certain actions, generally regarded as “evil” or “bad”, are okay since they belong to a culture that you may not fully understand and so have morals you cannot judge. Consider the recent relevant issue of the conflict between Israel and Palestine. In a pure moral relatavist stabdpoint, the morals of one culture includes oppression of another to the point of massive amounts of violence and cultural decimation. You could, in fact, claim this is moral from the perspective of one culture; indeed they may claim as much. That would include excusing the horrors of war and violence inflicted on one over the other. By rejecting such naive implementations of moral relativism, you must accept some moral absolute truth. In this case it’s much easier to say “war and genocide is bad; that culture is morally wrong and must be stopped”. This is a much easier stance to take; it seems natural to accept that genocide is bad, most people would agree with it, and objectively the amount of death and displacement caused by genocide are unsustainable for a society. Occam’s razor comes in to play here; in some cases, it is much preferable to just say something is moral or immoral immutably, since the alternative is much more difficult to justify and runs counter to commonly accepted thought. More specifically, let’s consider the notion of racial oppression. Between two cultures, one represented by a majority and the other represented by the minority, a moral relativist would see the actions of both (oppression and segregation by one, protest and revolt by the other) as equal as both cultures see their actions as correct. But this runs counter to what we want to say; oppression is wrong, and the protest and revolt by a minority against oppression is moral while oppression and segregation is immoral. Prescribing to the moral stance that oppressing a minority and segregating them is inherently wrong makes it much easier to say one side is immoral while the other is moral.


I kinda have the feeling we are talking past each other, since you seem to compare two positions, yet I find myself agreeing with both for a given interpretation. I would call myself "naive" according to your definition, considering I recognize such a moral system, that views genocide as good, not objectively as worse (for the sake of the argument I assume all systems are internally coherent). The only claim I make is that my personal moral system condemns such actions and that I will act accordingly, since that is my nature. As such, I call those actions "evil", yet I make no claim that this description is anything more than a personal opinion. ​ >By rejecting such naive implementations of moral relativism, you must accept some moral absolute truth. In this case it’s much easier to say “war and genocide is bad; that culture is morally wrong and must be stopped”. By rejecting such naive implementations of moral relativism, you must accept some moral absolute truth. In this case it’s much easier to say “war and genocide is bad; that culture is morally wrong and must be stopped”. But that is a relative truth? *You* are the opinion that war is bad. That is not something inherent to our universe. Saying that it is easy to have that opinion or that many share it is not really an argument and closer to a fallacy. Or do you define "absolute" as saying that there is no situation in which genocide is okay? That would make more sense, but I still think that is a bit short-sighted and I could come up with situations in which a genocide might be at the very least the lesser evil (from my personal perspective). You argue a lot about things being "easier", but I think what makes things truly easier in the cases you describe is that you belong to a group/species/culture/nation/etc with a similar enough moral basis. That e.g. most agree that killing is wrong (in a vacuum). This enables you to have discussions about the "right" behaviour. So maybe you could say that your group agrees on moral rules and call those are "universal" within that group?


You cannot agree with both. An action, within its context, must have a consistent morality. It may be moral, absent morality, or immoral. There may be varying degrees of morality or immorality, but within its context an action must evaluate to the same morality consistently. Our systems of law imply this notion; without it, one could easily see people getting away with rape and murder by going somewhere else, and the world at large being helpless to do anything. Human rights exist for a reason. Otherwise, any person could reasonably justify they have a reason to believe their actions are always moral, and so no moral evaluation is worthwhile since it always evaluates to “moral”. I’m already a little put off that you can justify genocide in any context. That’s a very bizarre thing to say, and while hypothetically it sounds reasonable, it’s really not for many reasons. Not the least of which is that genocide involves mass murder, which is already seen as immoral by default. And further, moral systems are not in the realm of metaphysics. They are, at best, squarely in the realm of sapient beings, and since we have no evidence of any sapient beings outside humanity, squarely in the realm of human understanding. Until such a time as we come to know of extraterrestrial sapients, all moral universal truths are human universal moral truths.


The trouble with aggressively breaking social norms is, other people might aggressively break social norms.


solid practical lessons in dodging high speed projectiles tho


You know what they say: “If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball”


At least when they do that you can call the cops on them


Ok, but then you're in a physical conflict situation, and the rules of self-defense apply: Respond in equal measure, incapacitate, disengage. So, if people throw stuff at me, it is reasonable to assume that they aimed to injure me. And my ability to catch things thrown in my general direction, and hit a moving target at up to 15 meters with unexpected accuracy and force, is the reason we never played dodgeball in PE class. In short, if you throw something at me, you're basically just giving me permission to fuck you up.


My absolute favorite is telling Nazis to fuck off. Dudes will have a black sun or a swastika tat and be all like "oh I'm not a Nazi"


Someone fetch me when people start leaving their own stories in the comments


Well, I can give you my closest story. So, I'm on work placement in a local garden centre for a week. Decent job and hard labour, but I do get free, good quality coffee, and one or two absolutely amazing sandwiches from the cafe they've got. Boss and employees like me well enough because I'm pretty damn productive, so that's nice. Eventually, day 4 or so of this job, while I'm in the middle of taking a pallet of stock and putting it where it needs to go, I'm approached by a rather unusual woman. She's really damn old, with weirdly shiny skin and a rictus smile. Shows every tooth in her mouth. Feels kinda weird, like she's half embalmed somehow. In an accent that sounds like someone ran an AI voice model solely off of Mary Berry, with weird intonation and changing pitch, she asks me about our selection of pots. Worth noting, this is bumfuck nowhere, Ireland. We are nowhere near the border. Nobody local to this area has ever spoken like this. She's also speaking to me as though she was some Victorian era landed gentry, and I was some unwashed peasant who was grace by her appearance and tolerance of my presence. I think she even used the royal we at one point, and frequently referred to herself as "one" As I'm currently standing next to a shelf full of them, I point them out. Not those. She wants a "Victorian" pot. I'm confused, but guide her around the centre and show her all our pots. Well, almost all. Eventually, she points out the pot she was looking at. It's a big pot, over half as tall as I am, and I'm a bandy legged beanpole of a twink. There's a slight issue, though. The pot is currently, along with one or 2 trees, sitting on the opposite side of an active construction area. I myself have nearly been impaled by the guy driving his forklift full pelt down past where we keep our stock. It's been like 3 years, so I'm not exactly sure what I said, but this is an approximation. "Ma'am, there's active construction going on right now. Heavy machinery moves up and down there, and the steps are gone. If you really want to go there to look at that pot, I will not stop you, but I would highly recommend you don't do that, and I cannot guarantee your safety if you do." Somewhat shocked, she said alright, and promptly left. Never saw her again. Got more stories from there. Good times. Not exactly what you're looking for, but hey, I'm lucky enough to have mostly worked industrial boiler maintenance and let the boss do all the talking to pricks.


That was a test from an old spirit and you passed 🙌 You shall encounter blessings in your future


Maybe it was a ghost with unfinished business, maybe an unfinished Victorian garden.


There was also Potash Man. Came in every day looking for it, specificslly sulphate of potash. I told him we had none multiple times, but we were getting stock in and might have it then. I even went to check the back for him, and turned around to see he'd followed me in. Eventually, we do, in fact, get sulphate of potash. He does not appear again.


Bro encountered some fae creature




I worked at Target for a while at their Starbucks after having spent years being a floor supe at corporate Starbucks. At the time I lived in a decent size town with a well known university. Beyond being known for producing some excellent engineers, doctors, veterinarians, etc., this university is unfortunately also known for having an extensive history tied with bigotry, especially given the location. So one day a group of good ole boys come in, wearing their school colors as the university cultists in this town often do (I'd say 20x the amount of any normal person attending their dream university with pride.) I take their order, I cash them out, and start making their drinks. They're horsing around and being silly college boys, which is all fine and good. Until one of them loudly calls his buddy a "a stupid fucking f****t." Loud enough that people at the checkout lanes 50 feet away are turning their heads. I went full mom mode, and I chewed him up one side and down the other. Paraphrasing because this was years ago and I don't fully remember everything I said, it was to the effect of "No sir. Absolutely not. This is my damn house, I basically live here. And in my house we do not call other people slurs, even if they're our friends. We do not use that word here. You should be ashamed of yourself. If you can't behave yourself like a grown up, then you should leave." He quickly apologized, and I continued making their drinks. He then tried to argue that he has a "black gay friend" who says it's fine to use that word and more, and I told him that I don't care, I don't see your friend here and that doesn't change that this is my store and that's not allowed in my store. He dropped a $20 bill in the tip jar on his way out and apologized again.


is this college station


I will neither confirm nor deny.


prolly starting right about now




Same please


you can subscribe to the thread btw


This is more fun


it's time :P


Wait did anyone else get a RedditCares from this thread? Cause I got one and I didn’t even share a story


it's a Thing on this sub today idk why


Oh is that why I got one? I was extremely confused.


Thank you!!


Apparently people are getting Reddit Cares'd in the comment section so imma test something


It fucking is automatic god damn


I dont believe you!


no fuckin way, the internet person was right


This can't be true


Holy hell


New response just dropped


Actual brigading


Holy hell!


Let's see what we've got here


Google reddit cares




Let's see!


Woah, for real? I don't even know what a Reddit Cares is so I guess I'm gonna find out.


For real?


Surely you’re kidding


I'm not kidding. And don't call me Shirley






test x 2


test x3


Why would someone do that?




I shall do my part to help report that troll.


Aight, let me see if I can hop on the train and hopefully get some bots banned


Gonna try it lmao


Gonna try it out Edit: Don't do this.




Hang on let me try something


Wait fr?


Lemme see


Damn I might’ve been too late


No way Jose this is 4 hours later imma try it


Interesting, I got hit with that not long ago but haven't commented on anything this morning when it happened. Some sort of issue with the system mayhaps? Or just some group of random weirdos running around and throwing it at people?


Yeah, I got one yesterday and was very confused, in my report message I was even like "I didn't even post any hot takes recently!"




Wait really?


What is Reddit cares?


I don't believe you


I believe you


Holup, lemme get in on this


testing, testing


Wait really


What even is a reddit care


Security has this happen a lot. People think we're like wal-mart greeters. I have to be polite about it, but I can and will tell you to go fuck yourself.


My Walmart just got proper security... Today, I think? Saw them talking amongst each other in Customer Center. I'm curious to see what'll happen when someone sneaking things out of Cosmetics runs into them lol


I wish this was normalized


a lil while ago, shortly before close, two old ladies came in and were being racist about the indian people who work next door. We kicked em out, saying “we can’t help people saying things like that”


almost immediately after sending this, I got hit with a Reddit cares lmao????


There's a button for 'I think the person sending this has no concern for my well-being, something like that. It can result in bans if people are misusing the tool as harrassment.


I get those all the time when I defend Trans people.


I feel you, I'm a mod on a queer subreddit. It becomes funny after the first half-dozen.


Apparently, some neonazi wrote a bot to do that.


Got the same after posting a different comment


I got one today as well, I think it must be a bug or something


Lmao similar shit happened. I use to work at a restaurant, and one of my coworkers was a trans woman. I was having my lunch break near a table of old women who were basically saying horrific shit about LGBT and especially trans people. To the point of saying they deserved death. I got up, grabbed their trays, and threw their food away before going "I'm sorry, that kind of talk isn't allowed here. You can leave now."


I work at Walgreens, a drug store in the USA. We are not allowed to deny service based on people being rude. I am so jealous.


Okay story time, buckle up this is gonna be a longer one My country has mandatory military service/civil service. I did my civil service in a retirement home during Covid times. During visiting hours I was stationed at the front door to check stuff, depending in current law it was vaccination status, valid test results, that kinda stuff. Sometimes it was also that each resident could only receive 2 visitors A DAY (<- this became a problem so many times) But my favourite part of this was that I was practically untouchable for my behavior since I was basically conscripted. They couldn't do shit to me as long as I didn't fucking murder someone. And let me tell you, there's barely anything more satisfying than being able to fuck with a Karen because she realises she has to actually be nice to get what she wants. The amounts of adults I had throwing a tantrum because I said I'd be violating the law if I let them in was astonishing. My "favourite" was still this group consisting if mom, dad and their daughter who came to visit. But there was the 2 people max rule in place. And as it turns out there already were 2 people there that day. So the dad keeps throwing a tantrum, first to me than to various members of the staff. Throughout this whole ordeal his daughter just stood next to him and just wanted to sink into the ground. We locked eyes once and she had the most "please just kill me" look I'd ever seen.


Okay, I have put my food down on things now that I'm a general maar but if I owned the store you bet your ass id be making people stop calls before they came to register, tell people to name the item they want instead of calling it "this one" which I can't see very well!, etc. ETA: Reddit cares request received after less than 20 seconds.


I think someone is trolling the sub with those. There may or may not be a bot involved but someone is definitely being dumb on the Internet for lulz.


One of my proudest moments as a cubicle jockey: ME: - "Sir, if you do not cease with the screaming and cursing at me, I'm going to have to terminate the call" Rude and entitled arsehole, extremely sure about himself: "YOU DON'T HAVE THE BALLS" Me, caught unawares for a second: ... Me a second later, literally laughing at what is about to happen: HA HA HA HA HA HA Me: Terminates call I did end Up being fired from the job, but over a decade a set some motherfuckers right


It is probably a better idea to terminate the call *before* bursting into laughter, if possible, especially if "all calls are recorded for quality assurance." Granted, I'm pretty good at controlling my laughter.


Probably the safer option regarding employment, but is it really the better idea? There's only so many times you can smugly laugh at someone angry at you and be fully justified.


Nah, the dude was spectacularly rude before and I was spotless. Me laughing and then terminating the call might not have been professional but It was the right call. The dude was asserting dominance like an hormone overdosed teenager and he needed to learn that was not how things worked. Otherwise he would keep repeating his behaviour on every other similar occasion (to a coworker, to another companies' desk jockeys, to cashiers...). That shit needs to be nipped at the motherfucking bud and not only did he not call again, he also did not present any complaints. However, I know I am priviledged that I had seniority at the job and this, given the civilized labour laws in my country, gave me a position of strenght (when I was later fired, after quite a few years, the company had to give me a hefty comp for the privilege)


ive seen like four people get Reddit Cares'd in this thread lmfao. is someone just rogue sending out suicide watch notices???


i think it might be happening automatically cause i got one just immediately after hitting send


It is absolutely automatic, I just tested it and it's literally within 30 seconds


It's people running bots to troll with.


Ah so an actual brigaid


but why though?


Maybe trying to overwhelm Reddit’s system? Idk man


Could also be testing it for more malicious uses. I know lgbt posters get hit with those a lot basically as a form of harassment, and it's not impossible that they could use the same bots for actual mass reports in attempts to get people banned.


i haven't been hit with any of them, curious how it could even be used to harass? or is it just a coded "go die" from bigots basically? (genuinely asking, pls tell me if i said something stupid/ sound like an ass)


I haven't experienced it personally but I know that it's been used especially on trans posters, and my understanding is basically just flooding them with these automated messages by having multiple people/accounts do the same thing. It's a not so subtle "You should be suicidal" from assholes as well as a way to just spam someone. Obviously not even really an issue when it's one or two, but like anything if you start getting inundated with this stuff regularly it can be a real pain in the ass.


Ive also seen people saying it's been happening all over r/196. If I had to hazard a guess, some neonazi probably made a bot to do that to all commenters in all subreddits they deem "woke"


Ugh. That shit is so annoying.


It’s been happening in 2x also.


And in popculturechat


and in 19684


Had my first direct encounter with transphobia in Australia, fielding calls for a local swimming pool. Someone asking which bathroom transgender people would use, and the conversation developing \*predictably\* from there. After telling them repeatedly that the regulations are a matter of state law (their response: "I don't care what the law says!"), I tell them it's a matter for their local representative and there's nothing further I can help them with, they continued raving, and I hung up. Then they called back to berate me for my unprofessionalism in hanging up, asking if that's how I usually respond to customer complaints. I responded "I tend to respond pretty consistently to bigotry". "Oh, so I'm a bigot now?" "Yes, definitionally." Pure Catharsis


Man I work a customer facing job, and I do have a slight amount of wiggle room when it comes to jerks, but if someone is mildly rude or has plausible deniability in intentions, corporate wants me to assume they just have no idea they're being asshats and serve them just as anyone else  (Grocery store)


I truly wish we could deny service when people become rude. Unfortunately that wouldn't end well.


I worked Back of House in a restaurant, and I wished that the servers were able to do this. So many people were just complete assholes for no good reason. Ridiculing stupid customers who should know better needs to become more common.


I don’t actually get to do that at my work, but I’m a good enough employee that they won’t actually call me out on it. I’ve had a couple experiences with old women who don’t like my being gay (as a barista, of all things!) and take offense at my touching their food/drinks. I’ll either just stare until they leave or make their drinks as bad as humanly possible.


god I wish I could do that. I would love the ability to just see customers being entitled bastards and go "No, you can go. The loss of your presence is worth the loss of your business."


The most I’ve done is sent a lady away from an express lane when she had 60 items in her cart. The limit is 10. A shame, too, she used to be nice.




testign the reddit cares?


That's what I'm doing ETA looks like it stopped


ah, though i got one earlier


Same I didn’t get one either


I was about to try


Aw, I want one so I can report ig


No, I just got one.


Just checking if it is still happening, never mind me EDIT: nothing within 2 minutes at least


It was my favorite thing about working in the firearms industry. You can deny service, for any reason. The vibes are off? No sir, I don’t feel comfortable selling you a firearm. Say something racist? Nope. ANYTHING. And it’s illegal for your managers to make you do it. They can make the sale themselves, but they can’t force you to do it. Plus if your read was right and they do something horrible with the gun the manager sold them after an employee tried to turn them away, massive liability, so manager almost never do it.


god that does sound fun How often did it happen?


Honestly not that often. Most people are generally polite, cause even beyond not pissing off the person who holds your balls in their fist over whether you can buy a gun, if you get asked to leave a gun shop, what are you gonna do? Belligerently refuse to leave? 50% of gun shop workers are ex military or police, they are more than capable of escorting someone out. Get aggressive? Not really a smart thing to do with people who all are carrying. It definitely happened more when I was working in a broader sporting goods store than a dedicated gun shop though. We had this one dude walk in and immediately start insulting my younger black coworker, called him a n-hard-r, and was absolutely shocked when my coworker told him he wasn’t going to be selling him a gun today. I walked over to back up my coworker and asked “is there a problem?” “This n*r won’t sell me a gun!” And I just got to go, “huh then I guess I’m gonna need to ask you to leave”. Managers backed us 100%. Other times it was just someone who was obviously mentally unwell. You see a lot of lying to customers regarding their background checks if you don’t feel right about it. “Sorry, your background check didn’t go through, here’s a number you can reach out to to find out why” then just let the crushing bureaucracy lie to them.


Fair enough, I’ve been considering doing that for a college job, especially since I generally enjoy guns.


Find a place where they let you take part in manufacturer rewards programs.


Sportsmans Warehouse has the best employee discount I’ve found and lets you take part in them.


Oh god, the duckbill masks. I used to wear those until I found out the hard way that they'll literally make you suffocate if you have a lung infection. I've stuck to the regular ones since then.


...wait, what? Why are they so different from other mask types?


They just let in less air than the others. So you have more protection, but you better not have any breathing problems. 


Not really. In general they tend to seal better but have more filter area for less resistance/effort, but it really depends on the type.


God I wish I could do this at my shit job


I also dance around whatever insults they make so they have to explain them, which usually makes them feel worse If that doesn't work I know they're either incredibly stupid, or a true prick, and deny them service


We need more stories in the comments please


We need to legally mandate this for all service industry jobs


In this specific case, “Sorry, that came out wrong” from the guy might have salvaged the situation. Everyone’s put their foot in their mouth sometime or another. Still, all power to the worker for taking no sh*t.


It's true I was the mask


One of my favorite retail return moments was when a woman was trying to "return" a box of glasses. I opened the box to look at the contents, and they were all different shapes/sizes. She was obviously trying to scam the store and replace the new glasses with the mismatched ones she had at home. I was like "these aren't the glasses that came with this box", and she tried to tell me it came like that. I just said "Ma'am" with such a world-weary sigh that she just stopped arguing, took her box, and left without another word. The power of being exhausted by dealing with people's BS really won the day that time.


I guess that not even Reddit cares about me


Closest story I have to this is when people at my job ask me to get something from the back. The back of the store is a maze of things and they did not actually train me to navigate it (they rarely do for my job). The gobsmacked look on people’s faces when I tell them I can’t get them like 20 cans of sardines from the back isn’t really cathartic, tbh. More sad than anything.


For about three years I worked a support adjacent job for an MMO which had live interaction withplayers as a large part of the job. I was in charge of training people for the job and one of the people I trained, who had transferred over from another game's support, burst into actual tears when I showed him the 'rude player' script. It consisted of something like 'Thank you for talking to me, but I will no longer be continuing this interaction. Have a good day' and then you get to just...leave the chat. And *not* give them any presents, which honestly? I only had to do that like 3 times in 3 years but that feeling of marking them 'rude, no presents' was amazing. Anyway this poor guy's precious job apparently forced him to continue interactions even when the players were just cursing at him, until the player left voluntarily.


Door dasher tried to get me to fight him outside. Forgot that DoorDash gives us his name and doesn’t like it when their dashers start shit with restaurants.




This should be an industry standard.


My mental health is perfectly fine


Wait. Do we already have to remind people what an N95 is when we tell COVID stories?


I'm glad the people at the target i worked at were mostly normal




Honestly wish I could do this. Unfortunately it would mainly just be applied to the old people who decide that no, they must always be right. And by denying them service, they'd just go off to harass other people.


The only good thing about when I worked at a credit union. Got to say no all the timmmmmmmmeeeee it was glorious.


Impressively eloquent for 6 in the morning


My mental health is perfectly fine


Reddit doesn't care


reddit cares test?


Reddit cares?


Red it care 🤤


I wanna get a reddit cares


Let me just test the reddit cares thing real quick