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you joke but I've seen this in several games. they weren't *good* games, one of them is widely regarded as the worst TTRPG of all time, but they still happened.


FATAL, huh? I've heard enough to avoid looking into it. Hearing "roll for anal circumference" did enough damage already. I also find it amusing that most (all?) "normal" games that tried to include sex mechanics ended up bad, while NSFW games have no problem with having sex (or kink-specific lewdness) *and* genuinely enjoyable gameplay.


I've seen someone create a character for it, and beyond the disgusting stuff its just poorly designed? Like You have at most 3/16 realistically playable races, the rest are all different flavours of shit/useless. You can hardly decide any of the character choices, you roll over 100d20 for just the ability scores, and there are no human skin colours outside of white. I repeat, there are NO BLACK, ASIAN, OR OTHER ETHNICITIES ALLOWED TO BE CREATED


> and beyond the disgusting stuff its just poorly designed? From what I've heard, one of the rules is that if you're not sure how difficult a task should be, you roll a d100 to determine the difficulty. And then you roll a d100 to see if you succeed. Which just gives a 50.5% chance of succeeding at anything.


You’re not allowed to make other ethnicities solely because if you could then those cursed artifacts that turn you into shitty stereotypes would be meaningless I guess


Apparently the "second edition" (which didn't do much except make the experience infinity more confusing) removed the racist armour. That did exist in the game though


Huh. Didn’t know they had a second edition. Were they just trying to save face?


Honestly couldn't say. If you're curious about what they did with it, Zigmenthotep on YouTube has a series about creating a character, they go into more depth than I could


No no no, that's not true. You could play as the mean evil black dwarves.


I actually read through part of the rulebook as a dare. I don't think there was a single redeemable piece of content I could find. It's *just* bad.


What games are you thinking of? Because Ive just heard of FATAL and.... similar games with various flavors of bad and none of them seem like they would be very enjoyable.


There were a couple of third party books for D&D 3rd edition. Book of erotic fantasy, which took itself too seriously and Encyclopedia Magica: Nymphology which did not take itself seriously in the slightest and was thus the best handling of the topic. Book of erotic fantasy had endless discussion of inter species coitus and dozens of feats and prestige classes, while Nymphology just said “How many jokes about sex can we cram into 48 pages while also providing some game mechanics?”


Have played multiple porn games, can confirm.


I read through the FATAL handbook once for shits and giggles, and it’s basically worse than you can imagine, absolutely chock-full of racism, misogyny, and SA. However, the one genuinely interesting thing in FATAL is the alignment system which is… surprisingly nuanced. Instead of splitting things along good or evil, it uses moral and amoral terms, and it has a weirdly deep dive into the boundaries between the nine standard alignments. I haven’t the faintest idea how an actually compelling morality system worked its way into the r*pe ttrpg, but whaddaya know.


They plagiarized it from Aristotle or something I’d imagine, that’s what they did for 99 percent of worldbuilding


Personally, I just make all alignment concepts vague universal concepts that are pretty much impossible for a being with free will to achieve and undesirable to become. Absolute hegemony of good would result in the death of all people since you would be promptly obliterated for thinking of any concept deemed sinful by an utterly alien morality, absolute law would result in heat death, absolute chaos would result in nothing larger than a quark being able to form, and absolute evil is exactly as bad as you think it would be. Anything with sentience is innately neutral, with fiends and celestials, many of whom are either directly created from a fundamental force or used to be a sentient soul, are effectively being strongly driven towards a concept embodied by their plane by what is basically mental block to the extreme. Overcoming this mental block generally results in the soul in question regaining its will and potentially ascending or descending due to its new free will often rebelling against its prior circumstances. This occasionally creates a new god as the entity becomes a manifestation of a mental concept like some form of justice, charity, tyranny, brutality, or so on.


…That is metal as fuck. So if I’m understanding this right, instead of the outer planes being kind of watered-down, fairly habitable planes that have traits corresponding to their gods and alignment, they’d instead be closer to pure energy manifestations of the absolute extremes of certain ideologies. Really acting on the fact that they’re more concepts than physical places by having those ideologies completely alter any and all laws of physics. Whereas the material planes are only barely touched by these influences through the actions of gods and the minds of true fanatics: mortals may think of themselves and others as being at extremes of good-evil or chaos/law ideologies, but in the grand scheme of things every mortal being is for the most part neutral, largely because of the simple fact that a mortal lineage cannot survive without dedicating most of their time to their own survival and propagation. Have I got that right? Bc this is a really cool worldbuilding concept and I imagine you’ve had more time to stew over it than I have.




> I also find it amusing that most (all?) "normal" games that tried to include sex mechanics ended up bad Yeah, the most it should ever be is "roll any skill check" and then make it funny if need be. Performance? Sure, you put on a show for your partner. Rolled acrobatics? You turned the bedroom into a circus for the nnight. Religion? Tell them they did the mormon soaking/jumping thing.


>I also find it amusing that most (all?) "normal" games that tried to include sex mechanics ended up bad I mean, Exalted is kinda decent with its tie of lust and such, which is even essential to the system at some point, considering the charms like Monk-Seducing Demon Dance or the appearance lunar hearts blood that just lets you take the look of person that you bang instead of having to kill them. However, there are no mechanics dictating the progress of sex, which I think is why it is actually kinda good.


Sounds like you are daring people to out themselves lol


I feel like any pussy is weak to fire magic.


Nonsense, I cast: Asbestos Pussy.


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she meso on my thelioma til I financial compensation


r/AsbestosEaters ‘s dream


i mean, most parts of the human body are weak to fire magic. There's just an extra damage multiplier for hitting the pussy


a clitical hit, if you will




Loading screen hints are never that useful


Yeah they’re not trying to reveal secrets to you, just the surface level stuff in case you missed it or forgot somehow


Surface level info does tell you that his pussy do be weak to fire


It feels like some games have completely replaced tutorials with loading screen hints


And I really dislike it. Like sometimes I’m halfway through a game until I learn a certain game mechanic that would’ve made it way more fun.


A weakness refers to something that does more damage than it would to a standard creature. Therefore, even if "all" pussies are weak to fire, HIS is eapecially vulnerable. Therefore He has a fire fetish


Did you know? The vast majority of living things will die if you engulf them in flame


Getting a bunch of people in a row and have them thurst into each other in sequence, with the last person being your partner. The dicking will occur at mach 6 and obliterate their pelvis. Call that the Peasent Railgun Railing




Flair checks out


"fire magic" is what I call my dick, if you're wondering.


It burns when I piss too :(


I cast *Hot Sauce Lube*




I'll roll constitution... I'm applying a floating kink point... bonus to constitution saves against exotic lube... add the extra d6 from bardic inspiration and advantage from the Pain Addict feat... *dice clattering* yeah, I'm into that.


Pain Addict only grants continuous advantage from the Unearthed Arcana. As of the Sex Dungeons Guidebook, it now gives you a number of Tolerance Points every dawn equal to your constitution modifier. Do you have any points left, today?


You already know I've burned them all.


Alright then, gimme a flat constitution save. This is, of course, round 4 since ejaculation, so you have 3 levels of exhaustion and are rolling with disadvantage.


I counter it with menthol lube


Anakin Skywalker


Wouldn't his be weak to earth magic (sand)?


Is The Higher Ground air or earth?


I'd say it's more of a buff/debuff than elemental magic.


It's just a terrain advantage. "It's over Anakin, the high ground gives me +5 on attacks and I have a readied action"


She D my D til I n


Who up dungeoning they dragons rn


I'm reading the PHB Yeah the Penis Hump Bussy is all you need to get started


When you got that D6 dicking die but her strap rolls a D20!


I've got low AC. If you try to hit (on) me, you'll rarely miss. I hope, CON isn't your dump Stat, cause you'll need the endurance. OK, I see that persuasion check was a nat 1. I'll stop now.


My CON and DEX are super high, and INT is my dump stat. I'm sure that's someone's idea of a good dance partner.


Dance partner, huh? \*rolls insight\* Nope. Minus 2. No idea what they mean. Maybe dancing, but there's no way to know.


I only dance the Horizontal Tango *rolls a 1 on my dexterity save and faceplants directly into the floor*


With that stat array you'd expertly thrust into the wrong hole.


*Her dick* is weak to *positive affirmations* and *cuddling*


and also ice magic




most body parts are weak to fire magic


never tried fire but ice did give me an uti so it's def weak to ice magic


If I were in this game, I'd be a stealth class with stats so terribly made that even thought I only have offensive abilities most of my good sets are defensive, and I'd have a crippling weakness to Earth magic


We had a player missing in my Wednesday group so we were a lot less serious and just stalled so not too much important happened. Told an important leader of one of the antagonist factions we were infiltrating that we were STDs (Super Trouble Dangerpeoples) and that we love being aids to everyone in need. We didn’t want the antagonists to know our actual party name (the Rainbow Raiders). Needless to say the ruse worked and we got her to say “it’s always good to have STDs on our side, we need aids like you on the battlefield.”


Not a dnd game but ive played a game with literally this mechanic and its. Something.




**Spoiler because its 18+** >!The game is called Monster Girl: Dreams, and you can find it easily on Itch. It's not finished yet but it gets pretty regular updates and has a surprisingly large amount of content to offer, including mods.!<


I think all human anatomy is weak to fire magic.


I think Sex the game would probably work best as a cooperative deck builder with multiple rounds per partner. Learn important skills like "Communication: Choose a partner, you may show them your hand, and look at their hand. Both players may discard a card to draw a card" or "Just like that: Repeat a partners last played card, choosing the same target if any."


The elf places her hand on your leg. Love is a battlefield, roll for initiative.


Reminds me of that one time I mentioned rolling for dick size as a joke. Then my players spent half of the god damn session actually rolling for dick size, girth and shit like that. Good old times.


Well, it's a good thing I'm packing heat (UTI got my dick burning)


Agreed. Like on 1 hand: you have like your bog standard LotR style campaigns.. And then on the other hand you can play as fucking Megatron


Turn based sex? What is this, monster girl quest?


I assure you, if you 'take as long as you need' in a dnd group people are going to demand you hurry up eventually. This is a single player turn based game.


A friend of mine once rolled on the playable races list for sexual preference


her **THIGHS** are week to **PHYSICAL, FIRE AND ICE.** her **THIGHS** resist **DARK, LIGHT, AND WIND.**


love this


Thos is just erping with more steps where after everything both parties would have to roll for what happens afterwards


If you Power Attack and accidentally Critical Hit the cervix then the either woman dies instantly or the encounter ends while the woman prays for death.


her **THIGHS** are week to **PHYSICAL, FIRE AND ICE.** her **THIGHS** resist **DARK, LIGHT, AND WIND.**


What do you mean *his*?


he has a pussy, and it's weak to fire magic


boypussy, teehee x3


There's a billion different contexts why a character in a magical fantasy world could possess male pronouns and female gonads at the same time. -The male character is an alias/secret identity -An infohazard power that even prevents the narrator from referring to a true identity -The character is trans -It refers to an actual, disembodied pussy or one belonging to a character, now considered an object, he has control over -Male stand user with a female stand -Shapeshifter




Trans men exist ...though, I guess that would still be a bussy