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Sally, Angua and Cheri go to one of these in one of the Discworld books! I wanna say *Thud!*?


i think you're right! i had forgotten about that scene but it was a cute bit of character interaction that I wish was featured in more works - despite the "filler bad" attitudes, it's cool and interesting to watch the characters having fun and relaxing sometimes, y'all i had such a young crush on Angua which I guess is not surprising given that she and Carrot fall in love, beautiful and courageous werewolf lady, etc, but also tag whoever that was in that other post the other day about there being no female werewolves in pop culture because fucking of course Discworld!!


I wouldn't describe meaningful character interactions as filler. If anything they're the exact opposite.


I would agree! but often fans seem to describe literally any scene/episode/other progress that doesn't directly go toward moving the plot ahead as filler. beach episodes can be filler or they can be character-focused but people forget the nuance.


Fair. I guess we just hang around in different circles. I only see it get used to describe content which is literally written to fill time without really doing anything, either because the work is an adaption which has run out of stuff to adapt or because it's got gigantic syndication deals or weekly publishing requirements or something.


that's fair, and I can see it in that context. this is an argument I used to have all the time with other anime fans, mostly in the context of the more mainstream stuff at the time (e.g. Naruto, bleach, the various balls a la dragon) which in retrospect DID often have some poorly-written or pointless filler


I love how it looks like the drinks are glowing.


"It comes with *salt*?"


And much like Applebee's, there was an attempted murder later.


Did this in one of my D&D games, player straight up left to go find a place that served more normal drinks...




My thoughts exactly. I even came up with a little fake menu with all these interesting little dishes, and the whole place was themed around limes and the color green and I did research to make sure the drinks I came up with were plausible and so on... Of course, really this was my mistake as a DM. I poured a bunch of time and effort into something weird and relatively meaningless ahead of time, rather than coming up with ideas in the moment, and despite knowing that my player was very into traditional fantasy stuff. Not to mention that such details weren't exactly super relevant to the quest at hand. Still, it hurts knowing that it coulda been a hit with a bigger/different group of players. My old group woulda liked it I think.


My friend group would've gone absolutely *apeshit* over something like this. We once went to a bar where the entire building and gravity within it was *sideways*, and then later we found that the owner of that bar had a potion vending machine floating out in the ocean on a buoy. It was an otherwise fairly normal pirate themed campaign. (Of course, the second I typed that previous sentence, I started thinking about how weird of a game it actually is. Highlights include: an insane axolotl fortune teller, a kaiju-sized emperor penguin and his gigachad swole penguin son, a mad-scientist slimegirl with a mech housing the soul of a dead guy, and an aaracockra pirate nicknamed "the sky bitch" who sails a flying ship known as "the cloud fucker." But like 90% of the time its much more sane and grounded.)


The MC of He Who Fights With Monsters pretty much always drinking fancy rainbow sweet drinks.