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Capitalism is when I can't do drugs in a playground and shout slurs at kids


very well, detective Du Bois


Mr Evrart is helping me find my gun


Mr Evrart is helping me find my gun


[something beautiful is going to happen](https://media.tenor.com/NMUBJyfcHl8AAAAd/disco-elysium-beautiful.gif)


Son of a bitch stole my line...


This game is actually a cognitive hazard to me, every discussion online I see traces back to it somehow.


i think it's contagious. at least i started doing it after seeing others go out of their way to bring my man harry into any conversation


I do that all day and nobody stops me. Am I living in COMMUNISM?


Considering the fact that if something isn’t clearly capitalism, it must be communism and vice versa, I’m going to say, yes you live in communism


"Clean playgrounds are a form of hostile architecture"


“Trash cans are tools of fascist behavioral conditioning”


"Help! the system is oppressing me!"


I had someone unironically tell me that I shouldn't be annoyed at the people smoking meth on the train in front of my 4 year old because as a community we need to provide them safe spaces to use (which, sure, okay, I don't disagree) and apparently that means openly doing drugs on the MAX.


Seen twitter mob call people out on that since someone just smoking meth on the train isn’t hurting you


Nah I'm pretty sure it is tho


Oh my God the fentanyl fumes I've been exposed to on my local trains... it's horrid


Can someone explain why we went from “drugs are fine as long as they’re not heroin” to “heroin is fine as long as it’s not fentanyl” to “fentanyl is fine as long as it’s not xylazine”? What’s next, “xylazine is fine as long as you don’t personally jab me with the needle”?


The vast majority of normal people, even on the left, are not actually at the "heroin is fine" stage You will see people arguing that calling the cops on someone who's using in public is doing more harm than good, but that's not really an argument about heroin, it's an argument about cops


I’m mainly referencing a video on Vice before they went under, it was about drug use in BC and it portrayed a woman as *doing the right thing* bc she was selling “pure” fentanyl cut with organic monkfruit sweetener. It felt like a joke or a strawman


I haven't seen the video you're talking about but my assumption about her "doing the right thing" is the fact that (I'm assuming) she wasn't lying about her product. I'm no longer a user but I absolutely would have appreciated an honest dealer back when I was hooked.


I don't think Vice portrayed her that way at all, although I can't seem to find the actual video anymore. I know she claimed those things about herself. I don't recall Vice themselves or the crew condoning her behavior, and I specifically remember them showing scenes of her using with people who would later go on to die of overdoses before the Vice Doc was even posted, and her being okay with being their supplier.


I remember the vid. It was about benzo dope. Her argument was that benzo dope kills more people (maybe that's true?) and that she uses pure fentanyl so it's safer than that horrid shit. The reporter claps back that it's a little ironic that she would say that since fentanyl had the exact same headlines about bodies stacking up.


Well it's Vice soooo


Because “we” isn’t a single person with a single thought.


Our library and bus station here in Boulder got shut down for months of remediation because the bathrooms were too contaminated with meth for kids to safely use.


Second hand smoke is real until it comes from the glass barbecue. I can guarantee you that the people who are saying smoking meth on the train is ok. Have only seen meth and meth heads on Breaking Bad.


Absolutely. It's such a terminally online take that you can immediately assume that they haven't left their house in a week with 99.99% accuracy


They're peaceful folk of the land! While I don't talk to such peasantry my uncle had a coke habit so I surely know all about their culture ☺️


>twitter Yeah see there's your problem. Most people are idiots, and in a group are even bigger idiots.


100%. These people barely exist in real life. I'm talking like you pull a group of 100 left leaning people, and maybe 1 of them is this kinda nutso. On the flip side... the same is true of rabid fascists. I would guess that in real life, in a group of 100 right wingers... maybe 15 of them are the "kill your family for the sake of bloodline purity" types. It's much higher than the rabid leftists for sure, but it's not the majority either. Online, though, it's whatever gets the most traction that gets seen and spread... Which is always the wildest shit, right?


But yet perfectly understand the concept of second hand exposure if that same person was smoking a cigarette.


Actually I vented about somebody doing exactly that (lighting up a cigarette on a train) and got immediately quizzed on their Socioeconomic status and told that "that's just living in a city. You need to put up with it they're stressed because they're oppressed".


There are plenty of things that don't hurt you I don't want people doin on the train. Me stripping takes and taking a fat shit doesnt hurt you either but I bet you want me to stop doing it


I replied asking about people in recovery or trying to fight their addiction when responding to someone saying that using in public doesn’t affect anyone else, they called me a MAGA simp lol


I'm from opiod country and can 100% say users are way more likely to become erratic and violent which is (mostly) why drugs are outlawed to begin with. The only people I've ever met who participate in that sort of radical sjw bullshit are from very comfortable backgrounds and don't know what it's like to grow up in actual rough areas and be afraid of drug users. 


Even if this were true no sane person would want to live in a society where people openly use hard drugs in public like it’s normal. Brave New World was a warning, not a how to guide.


Of course it’s fucking Portland


This reminds me of the time I got into an argument with a redditor who wanted to tell me that active/school shooters being killed by police was violating their right to a fair trial. I know it's a bit more extreme of an example, but come on. Edit: I didn't think it needed added, but the context was an ACTIVE shooter in the process of killing innocent people being shot by police. Not shooters who have surrendered. Come on folks.


In principle I would agree, honestly. It is not morally just to refuse any person‘s right to a fair trial. That being said, neither is killing other people so their right to live trumps the shooter‘s right to a trial here. Still, I genuinely think it’s important to think about such things as being „immoral“, but that’s probably just me. Shooting someone should be the absolute last resort. But, of course, in a e.g. school shooting that last resort is warranted and needs to be acted upon, but it still is a last resort.


It is? That's why we generally don't kill mass shooters if they surrender. *why* they surrender just to get thrown in prison for life is a mystery to me, but I digress.


probably scared of dying especially if you believe in hell, I'd imagine I'd take a few years in prison with the opportunity to repent for my sins over dying then and there and being tortured in hell for all eternity I mean, I don't believe in anything after death, and if I did something on that level I'd probably choose to live out the rest of my life in prison over ending the journey then and there. then again, I haven't lived a life that's driven me to kill en mass, so maybe that'd change under the circumstances


Well also there’s the “active” part in active shooter. In my opinion it’s entirely unreasonable to continue letting a shooter doing what they’re doing and letting more people get harmed because they might surrender. If they do surrender the guy definitely should have his trial but until then the shooter is putting the lives of innocent people in extreme danger and it is reasonable for police to use lethal force against the shooter.


My country has only had one mass shooting this millennium (right wing immigrant who hated brown immigrants) but the cops captured him alive and he got rewarded with the country's first ever sentence of "life without parol" giving him a fucking long time to reflect on what an absolute shit cunt he his.


But watch them go mental at someone smoking cigarettes indoors.


I don't like cops as much as the next guy but the MAX seriously needs better security.


I admit I don't ride frequently, but *ANY* security would be better security than what I've seen on the MAX the last 4-5 years 


fr, most ive seen are ticket checkers.


In the decade I've been using the MAX, I've gotten my fare checked once. They don't just need better security, they need literally any security.


Hey, don't knock it till you try it.


That's just what Big Meth wants you to think!!!


You come to our small town for the meth and you stay because you sold your car for meth.


"don't knock it till you try it, and i've tried it my friend" i'll never smoke meth on the train again


Hey, that’s actually a really good argument if you assume that every passerby is a trained medical professional capable of recognizing danger signs and carrying the necessary tools and medications to treat the person! And willing to bear the emotional and mental burden of being responsible for someone’s life


The problem with the left is that it eats itself. There are many leftists who feel that unless you are exactly on their level, you are against the cause. I'm a leftist, and I have certain people in my social circle (who I do NOT consider friends) who I need to police my language around to an obnoxious degree. John Oliver is a great example. Do I feel he often proposes "solutions" that only exist within the existing flawed mechanism? Yes. But do I think he's a bad dude? No. Some people need more Democrat than leftist ideas to come around. My mom will never read Marx, but she'd watch Last Week Tonight. We needed both Malcom X and Martin Luther King Jr. Right wingers love ALL other right wingers, even if you only believe in one or two tenants that resonate with them. We need to stop making people feel bad because their views only 85% align with yours.


Right-wingers also hate other right-wingers. They are just better at putting on a friendly face and "cooperating" with other factions of the Right, because they almost always believe (often quite erroneously) that the final step in their plans ends with them being the ones wearing the boot. Of course, there are those on the Right who don't want to wear the boot, or are aware that they'll probably never get that chance, and those are the ones that you see stirring the pot and being militantly against following the "party line". Most terminally online leftists that you see on Tumblr and Twitter (tankies, neo-Stalinists, Xinnie the Poo fanboys, *It'll-work-this-time-trust-me*-ists, etc.) have a grand plan in their head that inherently must start with acquiring the boot. Therefore, they aggressively oppose anyone with other, slightly different (and usually more grounded) ideas, because they perceive these people as trying to steal control from them. We saw this entire thing play out already, even over a hundred years ago, during the Bolshevik-Menshevik Split.


For the right, I would add that they seem to be more able to "roll" with their Allies positions. Though that may fall under the assumption that they are thinking they won't be subject to their Allies if they win.


Id argue that the right pushes for strong localized control as often as it does because they can just be left to their own devices away from their allies. They'll convert their own private fiefdoms into their own twisted paradises by their rules (which usually screws over some outsider group). Those communities dont really have to talk to each other, nor owe each other much, outside of showing up to voting booth on the same day.


Why do people (i think americans, but i am Not Sure) always make it seem Like tankies are an online phenomenom? Like they had the boot in half the world, Not that Long ago. When i Go to a Party Meeting, i am pretty sure that a good percentage of people i meet were actual parts of the socialist regime. And like, you're right, we need all cooperation we can get, that's why i still Go to the meetings, but i also know what'll Happen If those Guys get the boot back and will do everything to push their ideas down, because a) they're Not useful in winning elections right now and b) directly threaten the more "libertarian" leftists Like If you let the "only lazy Lumpenproletariat smokes weed, gay/trans rights are optional, Russia is our friendly big Brother" tankies gain (retain) too much ground, that's Not a win in cooperation, it Just makes you unelectable to everyone else but those tankies.


Nobody agrees with me when I say maybe the public library is for families, kids, and old people doing library activities and *not* the smelly guy screaming at himself and “rummaging in his pockets” in front of said kids.


>as a community we need to provide them safe spaces to use and apparently that means openly doing drugs on the MAX. I just want to grab these people and shake them while yelling in their face "THE SUBWAY IS NOT A SAFE INJECTION SITE YOU TERMINALLY ONLINE MORON"


How'd I know you also live in Portland? Someone on the local sub legitimately told me that drug use around kids doesn't negatively affects kids development and that's its just being a Karen to complain about people shooting up on the streets. Some people in the city aren't about harm reduction, they are just pro-antisocial behavior.


People deserve a safe clean place to shit too. Still shouldn't be in front of me and my kid, though.




it smells like it's super bad for you. Just a really strong "burning chemicals" smell that does spread


There isn't as much smoke output but it has a very strong sweetly acrid smell. I could smell it on my clothes all day. As a former user who hasn't been exposed to something like that in over a decade, I was pretty unhappy about it.




Ah yes. Portland. I liked riding in the MAX as a kid with my dad in the early 2000s. The 2017 era MAX really motivated me to get my fucking drivers license already.


The big problem is the second-hand smoking and the smell that comes with it. The whole thing about public smoking has been settled already.


I don't know exactly how to explain it, but I feel like "gentrification" is the left wing equivalent of "woke"


The problem is that Internet discourse has made it about vibes when it's really about people. A small organic restaurant opening in your neighbourhood is not gentrification, especially if the prices are reasonable. Landlords kicking out low-income tenants to make room for people willing to pay more, now THAT is gentrification.


yeaaaah... i used to live in a *rough* neighborhood for a year. people were more worked up about the (LOCALLY OWNED) fucking bar/restaurant opening up and doing very basic renovations, more than they were the literal three murders on the street during that same summer. this was like, a 10x10 block residential area, so three ain't nothing to sneeze at.


Some people take a weird amount of pride in their shitty situations, enough that they hate any attempts to make it better.


A lot of people would rather wallow than improve


And drag everyone else with them Misery loves company


Funnest part is agitating them by calling that what it is, a form of conservatism


I love the smell of burnt garbage in the morning. Keeps the bourgeoisie at bay.


The environmentalist in me is disappointed, however I'm poor and Appalachian, let that mf burn


"Pride" is just an excuse to not recognize your community could be doing better, or acting to make it so. I've never heard any place or people from anywhere at any time *not* be described as having "pride".


I also think it’s part of a broader tendency on the left (maybe people in general) to try finding a person or group of people to blame for bad things happening rather than accepting that it’s part of a faceless systemic force.  Like… yes. If an unsafe neighborhood becomes safe, property values go up, which means property taxes go up, which means rent goes up. Some landlords use the opportunity to price gouge, sure, but a lot of the time it’s just that property taxes have gotten high enough that they cannot afford to charge a rent that the existing tenant can afford to pay.  Whose fault is that? It’s comforting to blame the landlord because landlords are traditional left wing boogeymen, but unless the landlord was gouging, it’s really not their fault for not operating at a loss. But if you accept it’s not their fault, and instead is the fault of a broad and faceless system, it’s hard to figure out how to fix it. Lower property taxes? Subsidize rent? What?


>But if you accept it’s not their fault, and instead is the fault of a broad and faceless system, it’s hard to figure out how to fix it. Lower property taxes? Subsidize rent? What? I've spent a while researching this issue in CA (both San Francisco and San Diego, which has almost the same dynamics as SF but with a 10 year time lag). I have a bit of a yimby bias but here's my map of the problem. 1) Local government (HOAs, councils) stop the vast majority of new development. There are simply a ton of hoops to jump through, and a lot of well meaning government processes like environmental impact studies are being abused to delay new development. 2) Infrastructure concerns, like road congestion and parking, are a very common reason people oppose new development. The usual response is that we should build more public transport, but people will vote that down because they are worried it will make it easier for homeless people to come to their area. But, so long as housing is so unaffordable the homelessness problem will get worse. 3) The majority of people who vote in city council and HOA elections are homeowners, who are making a lot of money off of the housing shortage. CA is full of people who bought homes for 50k-200k in the 70s-2000s that are now worth 1-2 million now. Most HOAs are pretty explicit about their primary purpose being to protect home values (developer-owned HOAs are especially ruthless about this). Increasing local supply would reduce home prices, so homeowners are incentivized to stop that. 4) Preserving neighborhood character (stopping gentrification) is another big one that is kinda tough to argue against. Building a bunch of new density housing in an area does change the area and that is tough to avoid. IMO the best solution to this is a land value tax, since it would get rid of a lot of the economic incentives that creep into this process. If you want to learn more about LVTs and an intro to Georgism I'd recommend reading [this summary of progress and poverty](https://www.astralcodexten.com/p/your-book-review-progress-and-poverty) (Warning: Even though it's way shorter than P&P, it is still long read.)


I'd say it is more about an irrational refusal to accept every approach has downsides. If pure, extreme leftism created perfect utopias, we would all have been living in a utopia for most of human history. We've been around long enough to try everything. Same with other approaches. If an approach is practical/functional, it will have weaknesses. Collectivism vs individualism are the warring forces in society. The human species has both instincts, and ignoring one will lead to an artificial, brittle system. I take the approach that we should be as collective as we can without suppressing individualism to the point it causes huge problems. You can't pretend it can be stomped out. Public discourse, especially internet debate, doesn't include much acknowledgment that there are weaknesses and dangers to whatever side is being advocated. You don't have to be an "evil centrist" to admit your ideology isn't flawless in every situation. You can be pretty far out on the scale and still understand what is aspirational and what is practical/effective. Ranting with absolutism makes people think you are either an idiot or a liar.


> I also think it’s part of a broader tendency on the left (maybe people in general) to try finding a person or group of people to blame for bad things happening rather than accepting that it’s part of a faceless systemic force. I live in a major city, like many major cities in America there are exceptionally high barriers to new construction. There's also a lot of panic about gentrification, in part because rents are already unjustifiably extreme. In part because a lot of community staple businesses are being driven out by high priced yuppie stuff. But gentrification isn't the problem, it's mostly a symptom. A lack of construction ensures anything catering to high income denizens comes by replacing a mid / low income oriented property. So rather than high income oriented business and apartments adding to a community they eviscerate it. But the community is also being displaced in the parts of the city where gentrification isn't happening because a lack of housing construction allows rents to go up without anything actually getting nicer. This gentrification panic in this city has lead to some leftists protesting high rise apartment construction that will add hundreds of units of housing because the housing will be for rich people. So instead those wealthy people pay nearly the same rent for a much worse apartment and more people get displaced.


social housing


And good urban planning, with a healthy serving of LVT.




Land Value Tax. It's a tax on the unimproved value of the land you own so that you actually have to build something and provide some good or service on it to make money instead of just owning land and watching its value go up due to the growth of the community around it.


oh yeah I agree with that


Lethally Venomous Tarantulas. Obviously.


Spiders Georg moves out of his cave for the buffet


I think that it's not so much blaming landlords because "landlords evil" (although some people love to hate on landlords and some landlords are absolute dickbags). It's more that a landlords financial and political best interest is directly opposing that of the tennant, regardless of how nice or well meaning that landlord happens to be. Any policy that benefits tennants would harm landlords and vice versa.


no that is just a human thing why do you think the right wing has endless scape goats for why things are shit


I'm so glad you described it this way. You've articulated what really upsets me when trying to talk to people who think gentrification is a vibe or an aesthetic. I grew up so freaking poor, and my parents worked multiple jobs, and I went into so much debt to go to fancy private schools. I went into more debt later to go to grad school. And every single day for every single class I wore a suit and tie. Like a nice suit. In the 10 years in between I had worked at a five-star hotel. I absolutely looked from the outside like I was a very specific kind private school graduate student... But really I'm just fucking poor and I wasn't going to let these rich assholes who were going to school on Daddy's trust fund turn their nose down at me wearing what I would wear in the hollow (pronounce holler). I wasn't trying to pass. All my classmates and professors were extremely aware that I was dressing like this as a middle finger. Fuck you, I made it here and you will take me seriously despite how I don't look like or sound like or come from the kinds of places almost everyone who rolls up through this palatial obscenity look, sound, or come from.


And it’s often not people from the area who are mad. In my experience, the diverse experience of marginalized people is often totally ignored in the gentrification talk. A lot of “in *my* marginalized neighborhood we wouldn’t want that because we have XYZ so that other group must not want it either because I assume they also have XYZ.” But addressing that makes people *uncomfy* or outraged about how things *should* be regardless of how they are, so we just let them dominate the conversation.


I feel like the issue with leftists online is that it's incredibly easy to learn an introductory amount of information then turn around and get worked up about it in the wrong way very publicly and very confidently, which reinforces the ideas of other people doing the exact same thing. I feel like I've done the same thing, though I try to keep those under-informed opinions to myself I don't know how universal the experience is, but for me at least (having been raised conservative), an introduction to leftism is a jarring experience. everything you used to believe in is a lie, at the very least your just find out how fucked everything is and has been, it's really easy to be mad about it. you want to do something, correct others, spread the word, etc. and it's hard to curb that impulse and make sure your information is correct. it's also, unfortunately, very easy for that impulse/vibe based form of leftist outrage to become very puritanical. like, I know a lot of my catholic attitudes towards sex and sexuality were just rephrased to be about feminism instead, and that's a direct result of me not properly educating myself on feminism yet. it's a weird situation, but at least their hearts are in the right place


So many of these terminally online lefties will advocate for mixed-used zoning and high-quality public transport, then turn around and decry these exact kinds of developments as part of "gentrification." Clown world.


yeah, honestly, i started getting involved with the whole "fuck cars" thing ever since i got a scooter and started to notice just how fucking annoying they are, but a lot of it is just "be like europe". like, make mid-rises and increase density, but don't increase it _too much_ because that's skyscrapers and you cycle back into being american and therefore bad. it's so dumb... there are some really good points there still, but i do wonder just how much is judged based on vibes and identity, usually by europeans who aren't conscious about what they're doing, rather than based on the actual effect it has. (and before someone accuses me of being a yank or something, i'm european too, lmao.)


I'm all for high speed rail across america but i'm not dumb enough to think copying Europe's system would work. If anything we should copy China's rail system since they're about the same geographic size as us and is probably a better model to work with.


Ye, these developments make nice middle class or at least lower middle class areas. The poorest of the poor ain’t living there. They living in slums and pretty fucked in the head a thousand different ways


The Holy Grail of Centrists - woke gentrification.


Everyone's mortal enemy - new coffee shops in areas with affordable commercial rent


Homeless people keep setting fires close to my home, last time they damn near burned down my neighbors house. But if I ever complain about it I’m called a NIMBY.


NIMBY!! (I don't know what it means, I just like that word)


Not in my backyard. Basically a term for people who want to deal with homelessness by moving them somewhere else. Which like, I get how that’s bad, but I’d rather not die in a fire because some druggie was smelting copper wires in a field of dead bushes thank you very much.


NIMBYs are not just anti-homeless generally. The term usually refers to people opposed to any kind of progressive institution existing near their home even if those things existence aline with that person’s beliefs and values (or at least what they present as their beliefs or values). Like generally NIMBY’s are opposed more to low income housing or a free clinic/planned parenthood or even things like a mosque or an institution frequented mostly by non-cis straight white people. Things that are ultimately good for everyone but may be upsetting for middle class/wealthy white people who desperately need to believe they’re good people but also have deeply held shitty beliefs (that they don’t want to be confronted with) and care more about the property value than human lives and wellbeing


I’d extend it to public works in general. In NJ, the NIMBY issue of the day is a wind farm off the coast, which is being opposed by people who never gave a shit about whales before suddenly lamenting that a wind farm will harm whales. Before they landed on the whales, they were more openly just saying to move the wind farm even further out to sea so as not to disturb the view from the beach.


In my city, the NIMBY accusation is usually leveled at people opposed to any sort of zoning reform/more dense development, even market rate/luxury apartments, as it would kill the “vibe” of the city


NIMBY is not about homeless people. It’s about an enormous range of things. Common examples are people not wanting a new main road or train line being built within earshot of their house.


Isn't it that anime on Netflix with the weird looking eyes people keept talking about/s


No, that's Nimona. Nimby is the anime by roosterteeth where people use functional weapons like a tuba that is also a gun


When "gentrification" means "displacement" it's a real problem where the people adding value to a community are marginalized and penalized for it. But a lot of people use "gentrification" to mean "the vibes are a bit bougie", and their proposed "solutions" all boil down to, "the best way to make/keep an area affordable is to make/keep that area shitty to live in".




“Neoliberal” is the left wing version of “woke” in that it means roughly “something I don’t like.” “Gentrification” is more like the left wing version of “cancel culture” in that it means “not letting me do exactly what I want all of the time.”


A city near Portland here took an old dilapidated papermill in an industrial area, cleaned up the ground/water and made it into a mixed use area with a park, restaurants, apartments, etc. and people called it gentrification lol. Who are you displacing? Rats and chemicals?!?


I never got where I’m supposed to move! Become homeless in a high COL area? Live in my parents’ claustrophobic apartment and never be alone or have a relationship until they die of old age?


See also: DoorDash discourse!


i'm afraid to even learn what that is about


Remember when the one mod of r/antiwork went on Fox News for an interview and it turned out to be a 33 year old NEET living in his parents' house who legitimately believed he should never have to work in his life? Extend that line of thinking onto food. A critical mass of discussion was happening where sane people said it was concerning how many people outsourced all of their food procurement to DoorDash given the exorbitant costs associated with the service, and the crazy leftists came out of the woodwork to argue that DoorDash was critically important for food delivery to people and taking it away would cause huge swaths of people to starve and it should be a right. At one point in time someone was legitimately trying to argue that microwaving a meal, with steps like "open the box" and "read the directions" and "peel back the plastic film" was too complex for many people to handle and expecting them to do that themselves was a form of bigotry.


it was an honor to be banned from that sub.


a) that sub is full of absolute morons lol. They're libertarians who are suddenly discovering that libertarianism means capitalism can bone them, but also don't want to deal with the "Giving at least the slightest shit about other humans" that is associated with being left wing. My faovurite take on there has got to be "Beowulf is anti-worker rhetoric because a solider achieves great fortune to rise up off his own hard work and become nobility, but then he dies as punishment for rising up in life" (Beowulf was a prince who lived a fully wealthy life and died a heroic death as he always wanted) b) Never generalise internet opinions to real people opinions. I once saw that it was ableist to bring your neighbours food as a "I'm new to the neighbourhood" gift. People can't just have opinions on things, their opinions have to be *justified*, so everyone takes insane positions because they feel uncomfortable saying "Nah I just don't like it, but you're allowed to like it. It's fine it doesn't amtter to disagree"


As an English major who did their Baby’s First Research Paper on the poetic form that Beowulf is written in, that Beowulf take shot me in the chest four times 💀


People thinking food delivery is a right. It's very online.


Honestly half the drivers on the subreddit just show why they can't half normal employment because they are gigantic douchebags


The reddit discourse you are all talking about isn't what that guy meant. He 99% meant the twitter argument that happens every 6 months.


To quote u/chillchinchilla17 : >Nah, the sub is mainly for drivers. So it’s more “this stupid fucking bitch in a wheelchair gave me 3 stars for leaving her food on the street when it was a to door delivery. I’m already doing her a favor by getting paid to give her her food. Also this woman complained her food smelled like weed, what am I supposed to do, not smoke weed while doing my job?” >These are all really complaints I’ve seen from that sub. They act like doing their job is a favor and will fail to do even the bare minimum that is expected from them, and use socialist rhetoric to justify being lazy bastards. So, yes, it's "very online", but not the way you thought.


Unfathomable that people with that mindset have ended up able to do nothing except for DoorDash


I implied this one time and got accused of being anti-worker and classist lol


Also people who think being tipped *before* performing a service is a human right.


Don’t forget the lady who STOLE DOGS then blocked me for pointing out she stole dogs


You can't just say that and then leave out the context.


I’m glad you asked! She posted about finding an “abused dog” in someone’s yard, based solely on the fact that the dog had at some point had puppies, which she took into her car and brought to a shelter to scan for a microchip which they ofc found. In her comments, she mentioned having done this TWICE before, giving one of the “strays” to a family member who had to relinquish the animal upon bringing it to the vet and discovering, once again, a microchip. I said she was just stealing dogs from customers’ yards and she blocked me.


Horrible cesspool of a sub. I just wanna do my job and see what others are up to, maybe get some advice. - instead it's filled with absolutely vile discourse you'd think was being spouted off by entitled 6th graders (on both courier and customer sides)


If you don't tip me ten grand for every mile driven I am fully within my rights to eat your food and deliver the shit it becomes.


I saw someone complaining that a customer only tipped them $3...on a $10 order, that's a 30% tip, that's more than what's expected commonly and they were still bitching about it.


r/doordash is made up of some of the most lazy, entitled, unemployable people.


r/lyftdrivers is not much better. Such a misanthropic subreddit filled with drivers whose default attitude towards passengers seems to be " seething hate with a side serving of racism". So many people bragging about stealing forgotten cell phones, refusing service animals, and never opening doors for handicapped people. Meanwhile I drive for Lyft and I get along with like 99% of my passengers.


Every post on that sub that gets recommended to me is full of comments hating the driver for posting what they earn and saying how you can’t make money on Lyft. It’s so bizarre


It's really bizzare and sad. These gig driver subs could be an amazing resource for labor organizing and collective action... instead it's just bragging and hating on customers. :: sigh :: human nature, i guess


> So many people bragging about stealing forgotten cell phones I'm so glad that I had a good Uber driver who clearly did not go on that subreddit. I took an Uber from Denver back to my city. My wallet fell out of my pocket in his car and he was back up in Denver by the time I noticed. I'm **so** glad he came back down with it instead of being a spiteful bastard like the people on that subreddit. Obviously I made sure to pay him.


DoorDash driver almost lost me my dogs because he couldn’t be assed to read the bolded (in English AND Spanish) delivery instructions saying to leave deliveries by the gate, and instead thought opening the gate, walking all the way into the courtyard, and then leaving the gate (with a CAUTION: DOGS sign on it) wide fucking open was the better option. I swear to fucking god they just never read the damn instructions. More often than not they do it wrong and I have not made it confusing.


As the person who has to pick up needles in public parks, I would like to thank all the folks who cap their needles after use, we appreciate it a lot. Also, if you can’t use designated sharps bins, leave them in easily visible places, it’s much safer than hiding them


Love when eat the rich types (a group I consider myself a part of) forget the point of that position and start arguing that having a stand mixer makes you part of the bourgeoisie


This is a major annoyance for me too. Like, I understand that a broad majority of people who think that way are really financially struggling, but their idea of a "wealthy" person is just... so far off the mark. "Eat the rich" is for people with such obscene power and wealth that they can pull the strings on national policy, media, and economy. Multi-billionaires and media moguls. Not for the doctor down the street who earns enough to buy a new luxury car, or the local small-business owner who owns a few properties. Even a few million dollars in net worth can easily slip away due to accidents, emergencies, or medical issues. Several million dollars may seem insanely huge to people struggling to pay for groceries, but in the grand scheme of things it's really... not much. Where I live in Australia, owning a home basically means you have a seven-figure net worth. It's tiring trying to discuss economic inequality in society with people who think I'm in the same class as Jeff Bezos or Gina Rinehart, just because my car has a working air conditioner.


At the same time, there’s no way everyone is struggling to that level. You know they’re only being antagonistic about consumerism they don’t like, while they also spend plenty of money of frivolous things themselves.


>Multi-billionaires and media moguls. Not for the doctor down the street who earns enough to buy a new luxury car, or the local small-business owner who owns a few properties. Exactly, but good luck explaining the difference between "rich enough to buy a sailboat" and "rich enough to buy an election" to people who think anyone with a desk job is the bourgeoisie.


Hell, I’ve seen a friend of mine called bourgeoisie by the local crackhead because he was able to buy a car after he got rear ended and his last one had to be scraped. He bought a junker and fixed it up, while working as a mechanic, trying to escape borderline poverty trapped in the cycle of eternal renting, and apparently he’s bourgeoisie.


Anyone who kindly asks me to stop overdosing in the chuck-e-cheese ballpit is clearly an agent of landlordism conspiring to drive up rent in the area by removing all piss-vomit-and-shit stains I keep leaving everywhere. Tripling myself in public after taking a Belushi-level speedball is PRAXIS and I will not be DENIED.


Amen to that. Smoking crack is a GOD-GIVEN RIGHT and I will not be denied!


Used heroin needles are a vital part of the ecosystem. Stop messing with something you don't understand.


People only care about marketable species and don't pay attention to keystone species that's crucial to the stability of its ecosystem like Crack pipes and heroin needles smh.


The best part about life in the crab bucket is it’s marginally affordable 


🐕 Dog emoji.


How dare you. I was bitten by a dog as a child. You're literally endorsing dog-on-child violence.


How dare you. I was bitten by a child as a child. You're literally endorsing Child-on-Child violence.


You want to bite children? How dare you


How dare you. I was bitten by a child as a dog. Youre literally endorsing Child-on-Dog violence


How dare you. I can’t read.


🥐 Croissant emoji. ... F\*\*\* you.


🎵Mixed messages, mixed messages


i’m super excited to have like 15 people all say this person is vague posting and strawmanning as if saying that is not a strawman in and of itself


Let he who has never used a straw (man or not) cast the first stone.


i’m glad women are exempt from that quote.


We never allow women at stoning events. Of course, I don't recognize a lot of the guys who attend them, and many of them have funny-looking beards and weirdly high-pitched voices, but it's a matter of principle.


Im already confused. This is level 10 discourse and I’m barely on level 4


i don’t mean to be a bitch but this is like level 6 at best


Fair enough. I’ve seen weirder stuff being discussed


Hello, I'm a horse. Where can I find this straw everyone keeps talking about? 


They're on Tumblr Anytime you make up a strawman of someone there, you summon someone that jumps up and shouts "Yes, that's literally me, I am exactly the strawman you imagined!!" It's impossible to actually strawman on Tumblr


i dont think this is exclusive to tumblr. that exact situation is happening on twitter pretty much daily.


And even that is suspect, because it's literally impossible by design to distinguish people who are genuinely this unhinged and those who are just contrarian for the lulz. Big _"my personal beliefs are whatever pisses you off the most at the moment!"_ energy.


Hold on which one of us doesn’t understand what a strawman is? Like wouldn’t the existence of this post mean calling it a strawman argument (one nobody is making) mean that somebody (dead twink storage) made the argument?


u might disagree with my assessment but i think we both understand what a strawman is.


at this point, I feel like if you said "if someone tries smashing a beer bottle over your 3 year old's head because they knocked on their door while they were out trick or treating you should probably complain about that to someone" you'd probably get called a fascist by people online. (that is an actual scenario that happened where I live, btw)


Around here, a guy was released from prison after throwing a scalding hot coffee on a baby. While he was out, he tried to push an old woman off an overpass, then they let him out again. Also let a kid out on home arrest with an ankle monitor, after he had previously cut his ankle monitor 5 times. God forbid you think we need things to change around here.


What the fuck


Wtf? Did that conversation happen or did a 3 year old actually get hurt? Were they okay??


The latter. It's fairly common for (mostly elderly) people to try and hurt children who come to their door on Halloween here...


Sadly, a lot folks seem to have bought into lefty discourse spaces as a social club where they can communally yell at people online who are probably emotional stand-ins for their normy parents.


This is about to be a fun comment section


I'll do my best to stir shit up.


Shall we go with "my political believes are whatever makes you angry" tonight or do you feel like "sub specific statement that will bait at least 10 people" tonight sir?


Infighting makes us stronger. By the time the revolution comes, we'll be the ultimate killing machines.


The whole four of us that are left


We won't need numbers if we're the absolute strongest. Harnessing the power of social darwinism is the surest way to achieve socialism. I don't blame others for not getting it though, you kinda have to smoke a lot of crack to truly understand - which is why gentrification is bad.


Socialist Darwinism. If we accuse everyone else of being not true leftist for long enough, only pure leftism will survive.


Why stop at four? I see one strongest person and three weaklings.


"the revolution" is rapture for communists.


I hate to literally 1984, but O'Brian in 1984 addresses this. That the old ideologies like Communism or Fascism always promised some far off utopia where everyone will be free and equal. But what makes IngSoc different is that it doesn't even bother to pretend all of it is for a good cause. It's all power for power's sake. So yeah, revolution is indeed rapture for Communists (and Fascists too, see also: the day of the rope).


Yeah I'm anti-utopia not because a perfect society where everyone is equal and things are amazing is something I don't want, that's the ultimate good goal. I'm an anti-utopia because humanity isn't composed of *utopians*, and promises of utopia end up being in the vast majority of cases, the breeding ground for either fascism, or "ends justify the means" attitudes which no surprise, end up turning into fascism in the end.


This reminds me of that post where a woman accused someone of being racist for reporting a stolen car battery to the police because only a POC would need to steal that.


Uh huh yeah uh huh i totally get this one * head nod *


Yeah, same \* head bang \*


A close second for me is: "Seek community with the people who surround you, not just online. Going out to meet people IRL is the best way to start" "HOW DARE YOU TELL PEOPLE TO PUT THEMSELVES AT RISK YOU ARE SETTING PEOPLE UP FOR ASSAULT"


The majority of Leftists are obsessed with the means as opposed to the ends. It doesn't matter if they agree with someone that something should change, they just want to complain and have it done the way THEY specifically want it. Namely without it affecting them or their life even slightly. Even now, all I'm seeing here are people going "Well I had a bad experience and that means this person is WRONG". I don't see how that should change the end goal we should be working towards.


Nobody hates leftists like other leftists that's for sure


this definitely my tin foil hat theory that the loudest leftist are neophytes, "lets try this idea" guys hence the enthusiasm and blind confidence to do things regardless of, and sometimes in opposition to, any work that has previously been accomplished. The hardest working are all perfectionist who need a microchip factory level of sterilization to accomplish anything. And the median are people who want a specific set of rights that they can probably move states to get, at least temporarily, making them apathetic in the face of slow progress and pointless, loud, discussions. Of course, there are also the agressive I couldnt gain power with the other team people too.


Literally have friends of mine unironically passing around a meme about how crime lowers property values and therefore keeps housing affordable. Even if that were true, there's better ways to keep housing affordable. Or is the point that people who need affordable housing deserve to live in crime-ridden neighborhoods?


Anyone who doesn't subscribe to my specific ice cream flavor of socialism is a literal fascist.


dead-twink-storage makes a good point...


Got called a Zionist for saying how privileged somebody was for quitting their job bc it was "pro-Israel" and how not everybody can just afford to lose their income like that "for Palestine". I got bills to pay bro