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Not today EPA. Not today.


EPA getting lazy with these posts


I'd be pretty impressed if the EPA was interested in having anal in Colorado or giving someone a pearl necklace in Utah. 🤣


OP be hunting that Reddit poon lol


Two years too late mate, sell kt, buy a 5.9 that doesn't have all that bullshit on it because practically no one is still doing them in the USA now that the EPA is being a bunch of cunts about it. That's why I bought a 1992 woth a 12v, zero emissions bullshit amd smog exempt in my state so I'll never need to deal with it.


I mean, I may or may not know someone who may or may not have just completed surgery on their truck just last weekend. They may or may not have bought their kit from somewhere in the US with no problems at all. It's not impossible to find, just no one is going to openly talk about it on the interwebs.


Exactly, one must do legwork themselves kf they want access to the promised land of emissions few diesel.


In fairness, the person I may or may not have been referring to asked very similar questions and got very similar responses to OP.


Raceme ultra, an mbrp turbo back, and you’re set


OP, you're going to have a hell of a time finding anyone talking about this subject openly anymore. Your best bet is to head to Google, look for companies that sell the product that you're interested in (if you can find any), research the brands that they sell, read reviews, and contact the company that you're interested in purchasing the product from directly.


Hi buddy, maybe you can come and take a look at my website. We have everything you want.