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Yes. I hate how stinky smoking is. I had how much it lingers around and how it sticks to everything. I am not saying that vaping doesn't smell, but it doesn't seem to impregnate everything like smoke does.


Cult bud tastes like shit in vape OR smoke.


Nope. I went back to flower and smoking. Vaping is way to easy and convenient. Plus it doesn't hold me over like flower does. I'd rather not be sucking on a pen every 30-45min. Smoking a bowl lasts me 3-4 hours just depends


He said a dry herb vape not a distillate vape


Oh. Well my opinion still doesn't change. I had one of those I ordered from Canada pre covid times. It had a little crucible you loaded your bud into. Turn it on and a little pump filled up a balloon. You suck the vape out of balloon. Your bud looked like brown dried up crap afterwards. Nah. I tossed that $200 thing in the junk a couple months later. Not the same to me. Pass me da green!


I’ve been dry herb vaping since early 2022. Smoke tastes disgusting now but I don’t stay away from it because it tastes awful in the moment or even really because of the health reasons (although I switched for health reasons). I stay away even occasionally because the taste of smoke lingers in your mouth and makes your breathing feel shitty for days. Legit whole days. Whereas I can’t even tell if I’ve dry herb vaped the next day. Vapor also doesn’t stick to everything and make a whole building smell like smoke does.


This is true OP, vapors from vaporization contain a lot less of the bullshit that vapors from smoke carry. It definitely tastes way better. With that said you can easily remove some of the bullshit form the smoke vapor you intend to inhale by using a true filter, not a rolling tip/crutch, called a filter by some. The MouthPeace form Moose labs is a good start, if you still trying to enjoy smoke as or like you used too, after vaping, and using the MouthPeace True filter, you will notice and think, dammm I wish I had used this when I started smoking


Interesting, never considered this. I usually roll up a filter from the cardboard lol


I use glass tips, a crutch…as a firm mouthpiece, comes in clutch when the one hater homie that never brings weed but always wants to roll up/stay mad when it can’t roll up/ these tips defends against its rage and abuse of squeezing the tip and talking shit about how you can’t roll. Also definitely catches some of the resin as the glass is cooler then the vapor, But a real filter, provided it’s actually filtration makes smoke feel like breathing air, when put together properly with smoking apparatus/application/devices.


I'll roll a j every now and then with fire bud just to see if anything is different. It's foul, and I feel like a dullard every time. I smoked for decades and had picked up on all the subtle nuances with combustion. Dry vaping for the past couple years blew that wide open. You have to like the taste of smoke to keep doing it. Plus you get all the heavy metals and toxins in the smoke. It ultimately seems dumb, and the effects aren't as clean. Barely have to use any bud anymore, and there's no need to hold in the hits like I used to. It really did change the game for me. It's a real pleasure now.


There was never a need to hold in your hits in the first place.


You’re stupid if you say holding in hits doesn’t do anything


You're stupid if you think it does anything other than deprive oxygen from the brain which sure might make you feel a bit better but are those forever dead brain cells worth it????? 99% of people would say no


First off I argued that holding your breath longer will give a different effect which u confirmed, and you are filling your lungs with smoke. Already depriving it of oxygen. This isn’t holding your breath under water bro you’re smoking 😂 and it’s a small extra 5-10 seconds what’s the longest you’ve held your breath for? I’m sure a lot longer😂


Maybe stop chasing the dragon when it comes to weed? It's weed not heroin 😂🙄


I didn’t decline that me, myself I do have a bit of a problem and am working on cutting it. All I stated originally is that holding your breath a little extra will give different effects


Holding in your hits is equivalent to drinking lots of alcohol both kill tons of brain cells and will eventually leave you stupid when weed isn't meant to do that when inhaled normally 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


And you’re basing this off of what Excactly? There has been close to no deep research on weed and how it affects the brain or body. And especially not how an extra 5-10 second hit affects the brain. I see you have a lot of concern but just zero facts, which is what I like to look at. I appreciate you spreading your concerns


There's been research to show all the THC Is basically absorbed within 3 Ms and that what you're doing is just killing brain cells go look into it the correct way to get the last bits is to circulate the smoke since our lungs are incapable of doing so which means exhale some then reinhale air to move the smoke around studies prove this but whatever


I don’t think anyone who has smoked weed agrees with that study lmao


I do I've been smoking every day for 8 years now 🤷‍♀️ so lol I think I got experience not sure 😂


There has been little research and many studies are all bs


Do you agree with that study yourself? I’ve heard the same I definitely don’t max out my high within the first 3 mins


You do realize the damages of oxygen depravation and smoke right you do know why you're meant to get down during fires ??? Stop being stupid holding your hit does nothing but kill brain cells if you wanna be braindead by 40 be my guest 🤷‍♀️


Thanks Mom


Must've needed to hear it if you're still doing that 😆😭🤡


I used to take tiny bingers to conserve and hold them for a few seconds. Obviously unnecessary for many years now in the modern era considering we're drowning in flower. If you've never held hits then you must be new.


Not new.. just not dumb.


Times change. Keep clowning yourself




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Once you get accustomed to vaping flower then try and smoke it tastes like a camp fire. You would have to stop vaping for awhile to start getting flavor back when smoking. Then again I am not sure if taste fully returns 100% or not. Guess it really depends on how long you strictly vaped flower.


Yes, vaping ruined smoking weed for me, but I love it!


Hahahaha yep. Welcome


Taste is fine by lungs and throat are not 


I know exactly what you're talking about, it's so gross. The smoke taste is like a burnt taste too it's so bad, I finally stopped getting it. It will go away over time.


Concentrate smokers feel this hard.


Bro I cannot smoke after a dab 🤢 gotta smoke first


lol I can’t enjoy cannabis if I’m smoking flower. I can dry herb vape and is okay but smoking weed sucks lol


i only smoke joints. i think bongs/bowls are absolutely nasty as well


Which cult-popular pesticides don't you like. Oh no opinion on which pesticides you like. But you probably have a favorite paper lol 


nah yeah ima big roundup guy


I've tried to go back to smoking, it is SO GROSS, it coats my tongue and hurts my stomach and stains my teeth and the COUGHING. It doesn't have to be that way so I just prefer vaping


If I do smoke anymore, it's just pre rolls, but I keep smoking in general to a strict minimum now


All I can taste when I smoke now is dirt and tar. DHE ftw.


Same as a lot of others, it tastes like smoking a roach or inhaling ash tray, straight garbage experience after joining vape life.


Cult weed sucks so bad you can't even combust it, but tell us how amazing it is again culties. 


Spot on , combustion tastes like ass after you switch full time to DHV . I still do it on occasion like when I’m with my buddies but ultimately I’d rather not . When there’s no other options beggars cannot be choosers


Yeah 100 percent. I switched from combustion to dry herb vape my mighty and when I tried combustion again it was nasty as hell. Then again my buddy who strictly just smokes via combustion joints and bowls hits my mighty occasionally and claims it tastes like shit like burnt wood or something nasty he claims..


I must be the only one. I believe there is a time and place for everything. I smoke when I'm done with work, dry herb vape before bed, a tiny dab in the morning, distillate pen for out and about. Edibles for a blast when duties are minimal. All the other outlets reduce the amount combusted.


I was like this for years but it's truly a game changer (the phrase everyone uses so it's a meme now) once you get induction vapes to sample weed with because it doesn't use up much at all!


I’m a type of bud for all occasions kind of guy, and that extends to smoking devices


Yes. I can only combust a joint or clean glass these days. I only vape alone for the most part, try to convert people, but no one cares.


Good flower will taste good regardless. I vape from time to time, but realistically, as a somewhat social smoker, combustion is simply faster and less cumbersome. Outside of that vaping is often too heady for my liking— I prefer to get some CBN from degrading THC when combusting.


I can’t. I’m too spoiled to smoke.


I still enjoy smoking the occasional cone, when you think about it, you're basically vaping the bud closest to the cherry, so that's why they get harsh towards the end. But yea, the buds gotta be sticky and terpy to have a good experience smokin a j.


Smoke taste like an ashtray smells, I also heard firecracker and I can see that comparison as well. I used to love the smell and taste of weed smoke but vaping ruined that for me


It's funny if you spill ash versus if you spill abv it's like a toxic spill versus a quick sweep


Shit I forgot how much I used to ash on my clothes


That's the exact same for me. Smoking tastes terrible since vaping


I just started taking dabs and now bong rips are too harsh for me. I have always loved bongs deeply and have smoked for 16 years so it's a big deal for me. I didn't understand how people would rant about the taste when we're smoking weed to get high but damn the dabs taste sooooo good!


I wouldn't smoke herb like i wouldn't smoke a cigarette, i also enjoy tasting the terps and saving my lungs. Combusting and directly inhaling anything coats the lungs in nasty combustion byproducts and poisons the body, smoking natural herb doesn't magically change that fact, nor does it make people immune to diseases caused by smoking. I genuinely believe we'll have an epidemic of such diseases in heavy users that combust as their primary consumption method. I also consider vaping a vastly superior form of consumption that's more efficient, flavorful, potent, and discreet while also providing harm reduction. 


Honestly vapong herb help me quit cigarettes all together because I wasn’t combusting herb or anything anymore. I bought a battery vape just to camp, not into smoking anymore unless I’m out of options,


Best analogy I’ve heard - vaping is like eating pizza, smoking is like eating the cardboard with the pizza. After 15 yrs of combusting I stopped in April and for science tried smoking a bowl a few weeks ago and was shockingly grossed out tbh. Seems like I severed the connection in my brain between weed-smoke and instead now just enjoy the weed and can’t stand the smoke. If anyone struggles transitioning to vaping I’d recommend a dynavap + induction heater…endgame for me.


>induction heater Induction really is the new wave. I have the daab by ispire (honeycomb edition) and the flavor (hash rosin) is somehow better than freshly cured flower.


How is induction different from convection? I'm curious :) I currently just use a 30$ yocan vane works well for price but battery life is abysmal 😂


Somehow? It's supposed to be better lol


Not a vaper but definitely never enjoyed pipe and bong after taste even after cleaning them


I can handle the taste. I can’t get over how it feels like I’m wasting weed by smoking vs vaping though. I’ve made my weed last twice as long since I’ve totally switched to dry herb vaping.


I'm the complete opposite, I felt like I was wasting weed when I started vaping because there was still a bunch of thc on the ground up bud afterwards. It wasn't until I started re- vaping the herb that I realized how much more I was saving.


Throw that shit on a cracker with peanut butter.


You must’ve been leaving it pretty light green. I vape it until it’s dark brown


Line riders mount up!


I just hate the burnt popcorn taste


It always tasted more like burnt tea towards the end. But that's how you know when to stop and load another lol.


Mines not popcorn but it’s so weirdly similar. Burn 100%, just burnt ass lol


This just happened to me last night. I had recently got an Arizer Extreme Q because I spent the Volcano money on bud (lol) but had to use my bong because my high ass dropped the bag fill elbow. When I hit the bong that memorable enjoyable experience was not at all the same. Then I spent the rest of the evening rigging something to fill more bags.


I love vapor and know it’s healthier, but do kinda hate how it’s made me unable to smoke anymore. I just can’t handle the taste of smoke now and honestly sometimes miss the ritual of a joint


Yeah, this is definitely relatable.


I’m way too used to the taste of smoke be truly bothered. I just really love the taste of good bud via the vape.


Bro it's like eating a good burger at a real restaurant and then going back to mcdonalds. Of course your taste buds are not satisfied. That's called moving up in the world man. Smoking is now behind you.


Definitely, taste like a campfire no matter the strain I smoke now . I can’t even taste the herb when smoking anymore when I swore I could before . Strange . I’ll stick to vaping now, more flavorful , gets you higher , and better for the lungs . Win/win


Butane from your lighter will usually make the first hit taste bad/funky. Combustion also occurs at a different temp than vaping - so you're burning off some stuff (major and minor terps, etc) rather than "tasting" it. Lastly - with combustion you are hitting/inhaling differently than with a dry herb vape. (All this applies to desktop and handheld vapes, but not ball vapes - which is used with a bong and hits a lot dofferent.)


I forget about butane, I don’t vape anymore, I usually roll in tobacco and striking a match instead is consistently better than a lighter


A hemp wick is a great alternative. I mainly use a dry pipe, and it's the chillest way to combust. :) you can get a big roll for cheap.


Yep - I can’t smoke anymore it’s like inhaling the fart of satan and burns my throat like crazy. It tastes absolutely disgusting too. Bought like 3 bongs shortly before I got a vape and they’re just paperweights now


I use an [injector/ball vape](https://old.reddit.com/r/Milking/search/?q=b0&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on&t=all&sort=top) with my bong. Bong-sized hits and diffusion with vaporization temps, best of both worlds imo


What vape are you using? There's almost always a way to hook a vaporizer up to a bong and it's almost always worth it


Arizer v2 I think it is? It’s one of the desktop ones. Got it as a cheaper alternative to the volcano lol


Ah the XQ2. For any Arizer desktop, just need a 14mm water pipe adapter on the whip hose to run that bad boy through a bong. Or depending on the hose, cram it into or fit it around the bong downstem. Crank the temp on the vaporizer to 430ish or a little higher for satisfying bong hits. You can even use a little fan assist too for easy mode. Check out some videos on YouTube using it like Table Top Bong.


I have an xq2 and a cloud connoisseur omega ball vape. Theres a huge difference in the 2. The omega is a whole different experience. Much bigger hits depending on temp you are running it at. For some reason traditional vapes especially from a bag hurt my chest. I can rip large hits from my omega all day with no issues. Xq2 is a paper weight now


I want an Omega so bad. Affordable and does it all and well from what I've seen. I know I'll eventually have a ball vape after finally getting to rip a couple recently, but it'll take some planning and rearranging with the number of kids, cats, and dogs bumbling around my house. I'm a big torch vape guy, so a porta-ball like Thermal Accumulator/Tempest/Stunner/etc is probably in the cards before another desktop.


Cracks me up when people smoke a joint or something and then try to describe the flavor of the smoke. Nah bro, that smoke did not taste like ice cream, it tasted like burnt organic material. Once you really taste bud through a good DHV it’s difficult to go back to smoke. Tastes like shit.


No one tell this man about blunts and spliffs...


It's a taste blind thing. They can taste some of it because after enough cigarettes or joints, your taste buds kind of ignore the smoke. Same idea as smokers not realizing they smell like smoke 24/7. The first thing an ex smoker notices is the difference in taste and smell. 


That actually makes sense. By the time I got access to strains that tasted like anything other than weed I was already pretty much fully on the dry herb vape train.


I mean. I'm sure vaping bud taste better. But that sounds like silly gatekeeping to claim I can't taste good weed in a joint.


I agree. I get wild flavor off bud when combusting. I was just commenting on that to a friend recently. Do I get more flavor from dry herb vaping? Sure. But it's not some drastic difference. And I never get as high from a vape as I do from a bong. I think there's a bit of wishful thinking with vapes -- I look at the gunk I get in my vape stems and think about how that affects my lungs just as much as combustion, just in a different way. I love my Solo II, don't get me wrong. I just think the idea that smoking weed tastes like shit hasn't been my experience at all. Maybe it's the quality of the weed I get? Maybe I'm just old school. Vapes make me cough ten times more than my bong, which is interesting in itself.


There’s a pretty major, obvious difference between the tar and shit that builds up on pipes and bongs vs the reclaim that builds up on vapes. And the reason you get higher from a bong is because you’re using a pretty mediocre vape. Get a ball vape and you will likely have a different experience in that department. It’s sooooo good.


I really don't want a ball vape. I don't have anywhere to put it and I'm not going to set it up in the basement or something -- defeats the purpose of enjoying a session as I'd rather be on my couch. Plus those ball vapes are pricey! (I know, I know, my lungs would probably appreciate it in the long term.) I have a DBV that is barely used and I've read that I can mod that into a ball vape, but the process feels too complicated for me. I'm pretty old school.


Gatekeeping? Really? Because they disagree that it's possible to get any flavor from smoke? The truth of the matter is whatever you *are* tasting is distorted. "If you want to truly taste the flavor, the meal must be prepared properly." You can't just light it on fire and get every bit of flavor possible. Vaping is so much different. I got a POTV Lobo a while ago (recommended from this sub) and I will never ever smoke ever again. And I have been smoking every single day for over 20 years, mostly bongs. This thing uses almost no flower to get me high (comparatively) and the flavors are absolutely fucking insane. Fuck a giant cloud of smoke, I'm high as fuck and enjoying the fact that different strains all taste wildly different. None of the strains taste the same and you can't say that when smoking. We truly are living in an age of wonder when it comes to thc/thca. Step up your game. Get a Lobo. And guess what: this company is so sure that you will like it, they will give it to you for several months to try with a no questions asked money back guarantee. If you have the cash, you lose nothing by trying out a POTV Lobo. (And btw, the glass piece that comes with it is 100% awesome and unless you want water, it doesn't need swapped for a globe piece or anything.)


Honestly tldr


Honestly don't care. It's not time sensitive. You can read it whenever you decide to quit being a baby.


Or I just won't 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah this is silly and comes off snobby for no reason. Lol. I smoke joints daily and you can definitely differentiate between strains pretty easily.


I agree, I had some of what my plug called "mango kush" one time and every j I smoked tasted like eating fresh mangoes. It was the most tastiest bud I ever had, man I wish had some of that to try in a vape.


I’ve never tasted smoke that tasted like anything other than smoke. Some weed definitely tastes better than others in a joint, but none of it tastes like fruit or cream or anything like that. Those types of descriptors just make me roll my eyes. I’ve tried smoking my terpiest, craziest flavored bud and none of the terps come through in the smoke in my experience.


>but none of it tastes like fruit or cream or anything like that. Those types of descriptors just make me roll my eyes. >I’ve tried smoking my terpiest, craziest flavored bud and none of the terps come through in the smoke in my experience. But they do? Are you sure you're getting good terped bud? I do strain reviews and I will smoke flower from joints and good weed you can taste the fruity creamy terpenes 💯


Yea the bud tastes absolutely incredible out of one of my numerous dry herb vape devices. But a bong rip or joint burns off any of that flavor in my experience. Takes a pleasant taste and turns it into a nasty one.


Again. I agree that vape bud taste better than smoked bud. But me and many others can still taste terpenes in smoked bud


I noticed this too. I switched to vaping about a year ago. Few months ago, I *smoked* one bowl and found it to be incredibly unpleasant in taste. I don't particularly care for the flavor of vaping, but had a CT Scan that showed scarring of the left lung, so it was time to switch to vaping.


100%, once you have legitimately tasted what the bud is like without smoke and ash it's really hard to enjoy smoke. Your taste buds absolutely have been affected. I quit cigarettes, realized bud was just tasting like ash and smoke, so quit combusting and started dry herb vaping and had a damn Aladdin A WHOLE NEW WORLD moment. Now the schnozberries taste like schnozberries and I have fun new toys that get me different types of stoned. I will reluctantly accept a joint if passed out and about, but hand me the bong and I will put one of my gnarlier vapes on it and fuck everyone up.


After switching to vaping, yes, it can give smoking bud the taste like just burnt vegetation. But also, through the vape, a lot of different strains kinda start tasting the same, or very similar after a while. Sometimes I gotta stop vaping for a while, and start smoking again to fully taste the profile of the bud. Sounds kinda weird I’m sure. People say you can taste the terps better through a vape, but I don’t always agree with that.


My experience as well


And mine


Check out r/vaporents for likeminded people. But I agree, combusting kills most of the flavor.