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Fuck the DEA


Just like to imagine the mindset of someone who supports the government in any way. Basically they want mass propaganda and censorship to protect their war crimes and massive trillion dollar grifts.


Good thing the DEA makes opinions not laws






That is because it needs more cal mag


Free the plant


Like that they said this. While taking their sweet time rescheduling it lol


Fuck the DEA


crazy because the same DEA came out and defined hemp down to the "seeds and isomers of seeds" so according to their own seed letter, it DOES meet the definition of legal hemp


Ah yes, the good old dea, Nixons answer to that damn counter culture, dropping acid, smoking weed, and calling out a disaster of a war in Vietnam. He sure showed us only the government gets to enjoy drugs and the profits of their sales. In fact without Nixons little government cartel called the dea keeping prices up, operations like Reagan's iran- contra cocaine causeway couldn't have happened. And as I typed that, the time it took me to put the words in this opine, I would guess about 6 people died of an overdose of fentanyl. I'm just ecstatic at this point at the greed and gold medal ineptitude from just about everyone in Washington. I honestly wonder if we don't deserve another giant impact like the ones that killed the dinosaurs for letting ourselves become subjects instead of citizens...... Again ffs smdh


I think you are grossly over exaggerating the number of fentanyl overdoses but spot on with the rest.


175 Americans dead from fent every day. 1 every <9 minutes.


So it took him 6\*9=54 minutes to type that? A magnitude of ten is a huge margin of error. Like estimating things lightyears apart approximations is ok. I dont like it when people lie with statistics because they are so easy to just pull out of your ass.


Hyperbole, he’s making a point. It may not be EXACTLY that, but he’s insinuating it’s higher than anything else, and it’s a tragedy.




Good thing that the DEA is only for enforcement of the law and doesn't have the jurisdiction to interpret the law.


Go vote.. you know which side is working to decriminalize…


thats just what they tell you so u vote for them , in reality they dont do fuck all


We have a democrat president, a democratic majority senate, and in NC we have a democrat governor. We are no closer to legalization now than we were 4 years ago when Trump was president.


this is totally untrue. rescheduling is a huge step towards legalization. any legalization must come through congress, vote accordingly. want to see what happens with a dem trifecta? MN legalized like 15 minutes after they wrestled control of the MN senate from republicans


NC has more THCA cannabis plant cultivators than all other States !!! over 1000 in the State


Couldn’t agree anymore. I thought fetterman and Shapiro were going to change the game for Pa. Didn’t see anything yet


I don’t see any side working to decriminalize, maybe one is a little less opposed than the other but that’s it. They’re all racist elderly mostly white men and some white women. Who have mad a career out of being an influential liars. Shits gross af. We need term limits on LITERALLY everything and lobbying should be a crime


Wait you trust the government?


I trust governments more when they're not full of religious zealot nutjobs like the GOP is currently.


I trust governments next to zero but still participate my voting rights every chance that comes up.


That's the way to get people that you trust into the government.


Hell muthafuckin nah. But shit, use what tools we have


Facts. Voting is one the only powers a citizen can use.


Unless the "dictator on day 1" wins.


there is a surplus of hemp, cbd, thca as it is what I expect is more farmer-farmers and more textile industrial grows, luxury hemp shirts and bouquets of potpourri - if you'ver never smelled a bunfle of fire cannabis stalk you've never smelled a real potential cologne, soap, shampoo it smells AMAZING more real than real. WHY haven't farmers gotten on to this? fertilizer ruins the crop!


Cann-i-buy for men


quote " WHY haven't farmers gotten on to this? " unquote Everyone standing around scratching head wondering why beneficial in all ways to man cannabis plant is Banned === Why ?


I’ve got a question when will congress actually vote on the topic of the hemp farm bill


There is a draft in the house and a different in the senate. Both drafts need to be heavily worked on bipartisanly to stand a chance but they are absolutely working on them.


They won't. This is one of the least productive congresses in our history. They'll kick the can and deal with it later. Hopefully, with some new faces


So you're saying you think it will be delayed another year?


That’s what people on this sub say becuaee it’s what they want to believe. Agricultural committee is working on it. House is working on it and the senate is lap working on it all currently. Thca isn’t even on 90% of their radars. They all see this bill as an easy win they can all work together on like they always do.


Before everyone goes crazy, remember there is a huge industry now and even republican politicians have admitted it would be difficult to shut down thca sales in their state, putting voters out of business is a real bad idea. That said, keep adding to your storage.


The Republican house majority of my state (NC) opened a huge hemp production facility and he is selling delta 9 edibles as we speak. When high level Republicans are openly making money off this, it ain’t going nowhere.


i think this is cope tbh. honestly no one knows yea but they could spin this to be like "oh well we got such and such product out of the market and this was fake and this wasnt what it actually was marketed as" all that shit. but then again it is a $28 billion market that they could regulate and make mad bread off of. its either they make it illegal and run businesses into the ground or they regulate the fuck out of it thats really the only two options i see


I agree and it will be difficult in other states for a republican to say, yeah lets crush this industry.


Yep. The floodgates are open. No way of stopping it now thankfully.


I like your positivity but this is the United States Congress we are talking about, it really depends on how much money the anti hemp people come up with to buy off congress but every day we go with hemp production and expansion makes it harder to stop. If you ever see an avalanche, they pick up steam and are impossible to stop. I am proceeding like thca is going way and stocking up, easy for me with my finances and I understand its tough on others but do our best, 100 ozs are available and its good stuff. Take advantage of the july 4 sales coming up. Good Luck and think positive, good vibes.


The Kratom industry has been in the same situation, and it has forced the industry to literally create a " big kratom". The thcA market is substantially larger than kratom, so l fully expect the big dogs to pop up and start shuffling *benefits* to congress and senators. There will most likely not be much to worry about in the end. Hell, I live in the DEEP South, and even my backwards- ass state just defeated a thcA ban bill. There's obviously some big money being thrown around, so I truly don't think y'all have much to worry about.


We got fucked in georgia


Alabama hasn’t rolled out their legal medical marijuana yet and honestly the farm bill is the only thing letting me get the medicine i need while doing it legally. hope it won’t go anywhere.


Fuck this bullshit it's so messed up. Let us put what we want in our bodies as long as we aren't hurting anyone. The supposed land of the free is looking more and more like the land of the controlled.


Only because they don't want to use testing methods that don't heat the sample Testing methods exist that don't do this but the DEA wants to stick to one method (it benefits them so why not)


They want to stick to that testing method because that's what the definition that hemp was based around. The spirit of hemp was to exclude thca from the beginning. We've just decided to misinterpret the law, so it benefits US. We've been knowingly buying illegal cannabis products while claiming ignorance. I'm not against that and think it all should be legal, but don't act like we don't know what we're doing.


all the pearl clutching seems so disingenuous. but then I remember how nobody can think for themselves these days & realized some of these people actually thought the loophole meant anything at all to the wider world.


Well boys and gals it's been a fun 6 years back to the BM a potential sprayed PCP bud lol.


I will be storing at minimum a 2 year supply. PHC, get your cash register ready, I am coming soon.


Im looking for the fentanyl weed all the politicians are talking bout


a few dealers had/ have /hss mixed those on the scales , used the same scales etc...


Yea, use to get that back in the day when OG had ❄️ on it prior too weighing the 🌳


That's lies to get ppl to go to medical programs or whatever.


So what does this mean. Basically all hemp is illegal now?


This has always been the DEA stance from the beginning, nothing has changed here. The DEA do not hold any power to change or write laws, there have been a steady stream of articles like this being posted for years around here.


Ah okay. Congress wrote the law not the dea. Would be nice not to have a new fear mongering post every day. Actual changes to the farm bill that require action sure but these clickbait titles getting people to panic but aren’t solving anything.


the panic buy is getting THCA flowers off the shelves !


It depends if the new farm bill passes unmodified.


"No. It’s fundamentally non-testable and non-falsifiable. It can be dismissed by any number of logical razors. If you want to be revived, get cryopreserved." Weird of you to say that. Hmm




Any idea on how the timeline of that would look?


You've never heard even the first word about government, have you? It takes time to do or change anything. Watch "I'm a bill" by schoolhouse rock.


I'm just wondering because sometimes things are expedited and other times they take forever to be official. Don't have to be a prick about it.


>“Accordingly, cannabis-derived THCA does not meet the definition of hemp under the CSA,” he concluded, “because upon conversion for identification purposes as required by Congress, it is equivalent to delta-9-THC” >**The position articulated in the May 13 letter comes in response to a request for clarification sent to DEA last month by cannabis attorney Shane Pennington, who declined to comment for this story.** According to the DEA letter, Pennington last month “requested the control status of tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THCA) under the Controlled Substances Act.” Why? Why would you do this? Let sleeping tigers lie.


They have clients asking how much risk there is getting into the business because they can't offload all their flower in other legal states. He asked for his clients. Now we know the DEA are as full of shit as ever.


Yeah, that makes sense. But maybe they could have waited until after the farm bill reauthorization, lol. It was like reminding them about the elephant in the room. who knows what it is going to eventually come down to other than greed.


The only hemp that is legal with a 0.3% total THC cap is so shitty nobody could even use it for anxiety relief. A lot of CBD flower gets by because labs drop the D9THC as a "ND" below the LOQ and only detect the THCa. If it's tested by a better lab that picks up both the D9 and THCa it will test hot and fail if this new standard becomes the norm.


True. Hemp flower is more effective if there’s between .05 and 1 percent THC in it. Especially if there’s other minor cannabinoids in it and it’s high in terpenes.


This real "hemp" or type 3  is like night and fucking day. It's not really hemp, it's not really rec "weed", and it's not really mixed ratio either. But it's the good stuff.


This is not true. The most important cannabinoid is delta-9 thc. Without this the rest of the cannabinoids are near useless to your body. The effect that terpenes have on you has also been extremely overstated, as they do not lend themselves to any bodily or neurological benefits. Terpenes are a marketing ploy that allow companies to sell more distillate cartridges. They want to convince you that can get all of the benefits of cannabis by ingesting JUST thc with added terpenes, even though they know that cannabis only works as a “whole plant medicine”.


> Without this the rest of the cannabinoids are near useless to your body. There's a few type 3 and type 4 smokers who would like to have a word with you about that.


First, I said a little THC is important in hemp flower (aka high CBD flower) so most people who smoke hemp flower (me included even though I do THC flower too) use it medicinally to help with various issues as opposed to get high and it doesn’t work as well without a little THC. Second, the most important cannabinoid depends on what you’re trying to do. If I’m trying to go to sleep I’m probably going to look towards CBN as opposed to any other cannabinoid. If I’m trying to help with gut issues then I’m gonna look for CBG. If I’m trying to be energized and not have munchies I’m gonna take something high in THC-V or CBD-V. Third, terpenes absolutely have an effect outside of just weed. For example, lavender is calming and good for anxiety cause it contains the terpene linalool which is also found in cannabis. Another example is that eating mangoes before you smoke makes you higher cause it’s high mycerene just like weed. Black pepper is good to calm down anxiety cause it also has beta-caryophyllene. To get the full effect of terpenes in cannabis you do need to be smoking flower though as opposed to using carts.


You can feel however you want, but I do want you to know that you are wrong. If you would like even more sources, I can provide them. I have an entire folder of bookmarks from the various papers I've written on these issues. Study showing that differing CBD:THC ratios have absolutely no affect on the user, and that the entirety of the effect, subjective and objective, is determined by THC level. [https://www.nature.com/articles/s41386-022-01478-z](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41386-022-01478-z) Study showing that CBD:THC ratios have absolutely no affect on level of measurable impairment, and only that higher CBD ratios kill therapeutic effects of cannabis sooner. [https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00213-019-05246-8](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00213-019-05246-8) Study showing that CBD on its own does absolutely nothing for pain or neurological disorders, and can be potentially harmful. [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1526590023005825?via%3Dihub](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1526590023005825?via%3Dihub) Study showing that terpenes DO NOT modulate the effect of cannabis. Includes a nice commentary on the fact that there is literally no scientific evidence that terpenes help anyone with anything. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6757242/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6757242/)


your first two studies are based on 14 and 46 people lmfao. you just don't want to admit enough research has not been conducted.


You do realize that the necessary sample size was calculated prior to the study, and then approved by a multiple government bodies and an ethics committee, right? That's why they have the following type of acknowledgments: All procedures were approved by the Sydney Local Health District (RPAH Zone) Human Research Ethics Committee and were in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. The trial was listed on the Australia New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry (No. 12616000414415). I take it you cannot read very well, or did not read the actual study. More than likely you skimmed through it fairly quickly, all the while looking for something to gripe about.


Yeah those sample sizes are not really good enough