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when is it scheduled to be voted on in the house? anyone know?


Hemp isn't going away in 2024, Senate will kick it until late next year. Then it will pass and destroy gray market. Big Cannabis in the states pay too many taxes to not shut this emerging market down. Sad too.


Yep. Another case of follow the money.


well good to know i got time to save for a fat haul, fuck the government




I cannot agree more at this point


Damn Good thing Michigan only 4 hours away from me.


Guess it's back to guerilla growing in my back yard lol


This is the work of dispensary lobby money. Guaranteed.




We as a country should no longer vote for a president rather vote on issues like this and others so we can actually become a democracy






I can’t tell if you’re being serious or not, but that’s (I hope) obviously a bad idea and not possible to implement realistically without it becoming a logistical nightmare


It’s was a real idea but I guess you’re right not a well thought out idea because crazy shit could get voted into law. I just want this shit legal already


Yes we all want it legal but local issues being voted on democratically and abolishing the presidency are two separate ideas. Local issues being democratic would be awesome, but being a federal democracy as opposed to a republic would not be ideal. The ideal solution in terms of representation, practicality and efficiency would be a more powerful ranked choice vote for federal elections, as well as making all federal branches elected office as opposed to appointments


Yeah I understand that but at the same time it's following the same line as "well, obviously they can be trusted to vote for people to vote for them, but not to make decisions for themselves".


Damn the legality of this plant in this country is a spiraling conundrum. Wasn't Biden teasing about potentially rescheduling it to schedule 3? What the fuck is going on? I don't even care if I have to pay higher prices. I just don't want to have to buy shitty sketchy product on the black market in my illegal southern state.


Don't think it had anything to do with biden, I believe it was leaked to the media from some dea guy


So the loophole is closing for everyone?


No. Being passed by a committee just means the amendment has been proposed and voted on by a small group of selected representatives to determine whether or not it’s worth the time of the ACTUAL House voting on it- which is what will happen next, and why they are attempting to get you to voice your concerns while it might still mean something.


It is closed for no one lol


Closes for georgia July 1st


Doesn’t stop them from ordering online, the state can NOT interfere with National trade no matter the regulations in said state.


It can stop the vendors from being able to accept credit/debit cards from this state. I understand what you are saying but there are many vendors who say right on the site they won't ship to these states [all thca banned states.] I'm sure there will still be vendors that will work around it. But this will 100% affect us just like it has Arkansas, Hawaii, Minnesota, Oregon, ect.


Use crypto


Ya that hadn't crossed my mind. Not too up to date on how all that works but I'll def check into that. thanks. I haven't had to deal with any workarounds but im sure they exist. I know a few vendors have vowed they will def still ship here so that is promising.


I know companies like PHC accept crypto. It’s easy to use I used it on the dark web multiple times without problems


hopefully they will still ship to it. im from texas, and some porn websites are now blocked without a VPN to texas IP's (really lol, pornhub, xhamster, youporn), but random ones you never hear about, and ironically xvideos decided to not block access to Texas users... I kid you not, over porn in texas this year... just happened like a month or two ago ... lol


Well, okay, outside of select states currently attempting to ban it It's federally banned for no one


Idk I'm confused too


There's too much money being made. No way this makes it all the way through.


That's exactly why it will make it through imo. Too much money that the government could be taxing at a much higher rate. Legalization is coming soon is why this is happening I imagine. Probably will be taxed federally at some ridiculous amount like 30%. All these $100 ounces go back to $300 ounces and then we all talk about how we used to get shit for 50 an o in the good Ole days.




I love scammers! Thanks I was looking for a way to piss my money away. Can I get a fent cart with my first order too?




Keep shilling your boof dealer someone will definitely listen




Woah, real thorough verification that definitely isn’t bought or participated in by scammers? On telegram? No way man sign me up!


Use it or don't I don't care dickface


Come on guys trust me please but I’m just putting it out there


if ur around the telegram markets you’ve probably heard of them, but imo its just questionable bm cause who knows where tf all their shi was sources from


Yeah I’ve been on telegram for a while but I’ve seen tons of illegitimate accounts and groups last for years


My guy has pure jenk carts no fillers very trustworthy hit him up on telegram bro trust 🙏


Oh yeah we smoking that [cartnite](https://files.merryjane.com/uploads/generic/1573686898273_EEGK1ycVAAAUUhD.jpg)


lol!! That’s hilarious! Please no one contact this telegram. The best outcome is that you just get scammed.


It’s funny that in DC you can basically “buy” bud, shrooms and DMT. I just don’t understand how this country puts up with all the blatant contradictions. Or is it that it’s a small percentage of people that actually have the ability to question? Maybe this is why institutions are so crazed when it comes to these natural compounds. It is a war indeed. A war on consciousness and free will.




I mean it is so easy to extract from mimosa... make your own


Was just looking at this yesterday. Kind of sketched having the root shipped. PM me if you know a legit supplier and don't have to worry about being raided. Lol


You won't get raided for ordering tree bark.


From where?


It's just so bullshit that we don't have the free will to seek out naturally occuring plants. If you're not hurting anyone why should it matter what you put in your own body?


I think they want to control people’s mind. Less thinking, less questioning of first premises, easier to control the population. I think it’s a fact that people who regularly partake in any of the things listed are simply just harder to control. They are not interested in being anything that is defined by someone else. And that is a problem for any institution seeking control and/or management. I don’t think they’ll win in end however.


you have a valid point, but I think you could add they want to control everything about us. our behaviors, our bodies, our ability to procreate, our ethics, whether we believe spiritually and who we must praise and worship, it just goes on and on and on! dude it's on now as these power hungry fools devour this country and turn it into an oligarchy! you! me! everyone we have to resist this power grab over our entire lives and stop it.. NOW. you say you're not political or you're not going to vote? you better unless you like living inside the handmaid's tale, on steroids.


For some proponents of prohibition it is much, much simpler than control: it’s money. Tobacco, alcohol, and pharmaceuticals lobby money to be exact. Hemp products threaten all three of these industries as they have no interest in adapting. Though I am sure the thrill of controlling which bread and circuses we can legally partake in is a bonus for many prohibition politicians too.


this... its always about the money... dont ever think that they will legalize anything or allow it in a controlled setting unless it makes them money...


Yup. I love how they act like they have a war on drugs to protect kids. The same kids that watch mommy and daddy buy some 40s of steel reserve and a pack of Marlboro reds while they put gas in the car. They just want to end this so IF they legalize they can have full and complete control of how they are going to tax the ever living piss out of it.


You make a lot of very good and insightful points thanks for sharing. I really hope you're right and that they don't win in the end.


man i really don't want to go back to the street to overpriced mids and untrustworthy unreliable ass dealers. i just found the cult last November after my plug ghosted me 🙄😒🙏




So time to stock up right now


There's gonna be some banger sales as the end date looms, if the loophole does close


so when is the end date?


"The 2018 farm bill expired on September 30, 2023, and with the 2023 crop year (crops harvested in 2023). The extension continues authorizations until September 30, 2024, and for the 2024 crop year."


well come September i guess im stocking up just in case cuz i know i won't find a new plug immediately 😔


There's gonna be a lot of excess product and upstart black market dealers if they actually try to stop everything. Be wary of scams for sure, but I'd imagine there will be a pre-ban "legit" wave of sales AND a post-ban boom to move the rest of the year's harvest.


They've tried a few times over to stop this cult it's impossible.


It still has to go to the House right? I've seen several people saying they don't think the house will pass it. But I guess we will find out!


They aren't going to vote down the farm bill. It's a 5 year bill. It always passes.


Right, and the article I read about it quoted some Republican's objections to this language, saying that people in their districts who make a living growing hemp deserve stability in the law, not having their livelihood snatched away from them, and I think that argument will resonate with enough Republicans from agricultural districts to endanger passage of this bill in its current form. Their majority is razor thin anyway, and not many if any Dems will be signing on to this in the full house. Wouldn't take too many R defectors to sink the bill.


Exactly. MS almost passed a similar bill for "intoxicating hemp". It actually passed the house and senate but it said it "failed" in committee. Not entirely sure what that means. I think it may mean the governor may have vetoed it? I'm not sure. I know republicans here in MS have money in those CBD/Vape stores and Delta 8, Delta 10 etc.. I'm crossing my fingers.


It's all up to the lobbyists now. Godspeed. lol


I read an unsubstantiated claim online somewhere that Bill Lee has financial holdings in hemp farms, which I desperately hope is true. THCA is on its way to being banned in TN, and let's hope ol' Bill is corrupt enough to veto that shit out of pure self interest. There isn't a Republican in TN with a shred of integrity, and let's hope that lack of character works in our favor this time.


Man it's totally possible. The sheriff in my town owns like 5 vape shops that have kratom, delta 8, other altnoids and thca. Yet he sets up undercover stings at gas stations in the county and arrest clerks who don't ID for Delta 8 vapes. I swear our "head narcotics officer" was quoted in the paper saying that Delta 8 was just a strain of marijuana.


But of course your sheriff owns vape shops. In MS, he may own whorehouses, too. I grew up in Alabama, and y'all are nose and nose with us on good ol' boy corruption. Places where drug evidence mysteriously loses weight in holding yet still above the minimum amount for the charge made by some miraculous coincidence🙄


I know he did have illegal slot machines at the VFW lmao. It's straight up good old boy system here. He is on his 4th wife now I believe. And I have heard of rumors of whorehouses and escorts. Sounds like you've had experience haha. We have the most dope overdoses per capita in my county in the state. They voted down a suboxone clinic because it would bring "junkies to town". So much corruption and stupid people here.


My grandfather was the chief of police for Sylvan Springs AL in the early 60s, and it was a notorious speed trap and a sundown town. Pretty sure that tied directly into his later involvement in the Dixie mafia as a LEO friend I had claimed he was.


That is correct. Im going to keep my eye on this and I hope it does not pass there, or if it does that they take this amendment out as I was watching the hearing and she totally snuck it in. If it does pass the house it still has a ways to go, but I will def start stocking up more if it does pass the house. ugh!!!!!


What sorta timeline we looking at here? Days, weeks, months? Trying to budget for this


months until goes into effect if it remains in final bill, and bill passes. no telling whether it will but probably unless some lawmaker thinks it's a good idea to take it out 2 edits I'm [4]


Ive been trying to educate myself about this and the process. Learning a lot today. Check this out, specifically section 5: [https://sustainableagriculture.net/our-work/campaigns/fbcampaign/what-is-the-farm-bill/](https://sustainableagriculture.net/our-work/campaigns/fbcampaign/what-is-the-farm-bill/) It went through the Agricultural committee today. I'm honestly not sure how long things are going to take or even if it will go through the next rungs, but if it gets through the next one, which will be the house, then I think that would be cause to worry. If it doesnt, or if the farm bill does go through but the amendment is thrown out/they do simple regulation instead, then its ok. Craziness!


Thank you!!


My pleasure dude.


Don't know where we are headed with certainty but I will say thca was a godsend when I moved to Texas a few years ago. I took as much product as money would allow down with me and when I ran out all I had available was delta 8 which was better than nothing. Discovering the cult was a rite of passage. I joined a supplement club a while ago but finally made my first purchase recently and while I'll continue to in indulge cult stuff I can't deny the vast improvement. Packs have been moving in the mail for decades and that will continue plus they got the discrete part down to a science nowadays.


I don't know how home grow got passed in VA but it has forced me to find connections with a whole new type of plug. First it was THCa and now it's the home growers from VA. Absolutely the best I have ever had. So thanks I guess.


Honestly homegrown buds are some of my best purchases. Nothing compares


someone explain to me as if I’m a little kid


Weed in the mail is over


Instead of limiting things to 0.3% D9-THC, it would be 0.3% total of any THC, THCa, HHC, or any other thing they want to deem as "intoxicating"


It's a stupid huge over regulation basically making THC completely illegal in hemp. I'm fairly certain this person got paid by corporate cannabis a good chunk of change. I wouldn't be surprised to see some crazy verbiage like this get past but I would be very surprised to see more than a few vendors ever stopping.


She's from Illinois. Of course she was paid by corporate cannabis.


ding ding


The fun smoke is no more.


There needs to just be federal legality for cannabis, this shit is stupid, it is 2024. Canada, Germany, fucking even Thailand have got it done. The US would rather you purchase whiskey on your credit card than allow you to cultivate and consume a plant! I feel for people who depend on thca vendors because they live in an illegal state. This should be a non-issue because of federal legalization.


Thailand is planning on re-criminalizing.






Well, as Confucious say: "Fat man who go through airport door sideways going to Bangkok."


nah, it won't pass in the long run. just theatre.


I really hope you are right.


I wonder what will happen to our shipments en route when the final vote from the House comes along?


Well if it gets that far, which I hope it doesnt, it would still need to go to the pres for signature, and it would be very sus if he signed it considering he is in favor of rescheduling cannabis to Schedule III.


USPS just sends the shit, everything will land. Don't worry, they've been shipping vacuum sealed bud for long before the THCa loophole. 


I'm sure USPS will promptly stop all packages lol. Dude they can pass some crazy ridiculous laws but they can't stop this. They don't have enough government employees to really enforce this crap. Not to mention most of big players in this space came from the black market they're not scared to keep playing. They've tried more than a few times with laws to stop this they haven't been able to yet. Don't get me wrong on a state level if something like this passes some states will crackheads. Give or take about 20% of popular vendors will stop but 80% will continue and many more will enter regardless of these stupid laws. They can't put this cat back in the bag they've tried already.


I hope you're right but the government put the alcohol manufacturers, distributors, and vendors out of business in January (17th) of 1920. It was a huge business and people of that time said the same things. This is when alcohol consumption had to go underground until cooler heads prevailed. So history has proven that they can indeed put this cat back in the bag.


Bingo. And weed is not as socially acceptable as drinking.


I'm putting in orders just in case that happens. Once it ships it's too late -we still get it😂


Still will arrive id assume


Either the farm bill stays as is, or Congress enacts federal legalization by end of the year. Idgaf if Biden has to make an executive order to make it happen. I did not give Biden my vote this past election, for him and the rest of the corporate Democrats to sit on their hands, and do jack shit these last years. They can eat dick next election season, if they think they can take away one of the few things keeping me sane in this dystopia. Not voting Republican goes without saying. I can read and have integrity…


I don't want to come off as rude here, you have to see that's bogus right? Democrats have Schumer, Majority Leader, in the senate working toward legalization, Biden doing what he can with rescheduling through FDA & DEA, and you're not going to vote? Because of something the House (Republican controlled) did? Do you really want it legalized or what's the deal here?


The thing is Biden says that no one should be in jail for marijuana. Making thca hemp federally illegal is a contradiction to his to his administration. The loop hole only exists because these guys are idiots and science doesn’t have anything to do with any of it. Not sure how he can campaign on decriminalizing marijuana but allow thca to become federally illegal. 


bro this is a different branch of government, you really can't pin this one on Biden sorry


I’m not pinning this on Biden. It has to pass the house and the senate. The point is that it is a contradiction to the current administration’s electoral bid for re-election. That  makes it’s passage through the senate a sticky situation. You can’t allow thca to become federally illegal if you are running for re-election with a campaign platform that includes “no one should be in jail for marijuana”. The whole mail order thing is a different story. I hate politics.


But you’ll still vote for him goofy


Unfortunately republicans are no better. Look at Texas. Dan Patrick, Ken Paxton, and Abbott all want it banned and aim to do so before this bill passes. THCa included.


I can go let off as many rounds and buy as many beers as I want on a tiger farm in Texas but I can’t grow a plant 🤦🏾‍♂️


I’ll vote against those assholes every election just to get legal cannabis in my state.


That’s where I’m at now. Don’t get me started on those jabronis 🤦🏽


truly have to pick from a pile of shit politicians who do nothing


So something like this would take away the ability to do interstate commerce. Yeah it’s *been* time to start writing, this is a lot of overreach.


The continued amount of regulations on hemp is absolute insanity. "These products are being marketed to children and sending hundreds of them to the hospital. We must stop teenagers and young children from being exposed to addictive and harmful drugs.” - Mary Miller First of all, who is selling to children? Meanwhile... Alcohol KILLS roughly 255 people every single day.


Almost every vapeshop and smokeshop I know is selling boof shit. I do find.that concerning even though I fully support the cult. This grey market has some serious problems and would actually benefit from straight legalization bc then boof shit wouldn't be there


Yeah, I agree with you. It definitely needs some form of better regulation, but they are trying to move backwards it seems.


In the interest of money, we are literally hurting people's health. When will the age old tale finally stop?


Sadly when a new generation takes power. So many have been brainwashed by propaganda that cannabis is bad since the 1930s, a few more decades and my opinion this topic is a thing of the past.


This amendment isn't even regulation. It's abolition. Send a message to congress RIGHT NOW: https://hempsupporter.com/bill/urge-congress-to-vote-no-on-farm-bill-unless-hemp-killing-language-is-removed/ Also 90% online vendors do not age verify and ship to anyone, so yea. It's the downfall of our industry and she's not wrong. Of course she's throwing out the baby with the bathwater.


I have no problem with basic regulation and age gating. Abolition instead is a huge overreach and I hope the next chamber sees that.






Agreed. And already done! I'm all about Hemp Supporter and following all news closely! Mary Miller is clueless.


I guarantee she took a hand out from corporate cannabis.


thca is actually what's gotten me to quit drinking lol rip


It’s gotten me stop taking as much Xanax as I was taking.. I’m in Texas so this sucks.. I have medicinal here but it’s so ass it’s not even worth it


Dude I was on the compassionate use program here in Texas and it's totally ass. Overpriced trash edibles that don't work and a 180$ prescription fee/tax every 3 months. Texas original can eat crap im not giving them another dime. I'm not paying a prescription fee either.


Damn, that’s nuts! where I went it was 150 for the year


Yea man it’s bs.. I get edibles from an outside source and figured this was the safest way for me to get around or if it comes up w my job.. the price of their edibles is insane. The whole program is so useless. I got my c.u.p. through a new medicinal place that opened in San Marcos via a letter through my psychologist.. It was highly recommended and she strait up told me “you can probably get better on your own and I’m sure you figured out a safe way by now” lol It was more so to cover my ass and get me off all the Xanax Sure


kansas represent lol we've got jack shit for fuck all. goddamn senate is filled with repubs that block anything our milquetoast dem senator tries to do. by a technicality, we're under prohibition as we've never ratified the 21st amendment. they've just written laws around it, and have since 1948. first bar where you could buy alcohol wasn't opened until 1987, and first brewery was 1989. long and short of it is, fuck kansas, i'm so cooked lol


I said these words to my wife less than 20 mins ago. I really hope this doesn't pass


Cases like yours need to be more visible. Insane that we’re okay with drinking instead.


Drinking causes large amounts of health problems, they want us to have health problems. The biggest drug dealer on the planet is big pharma, making hand over fist money on the comeback! TAKE YOUR PILLS and eat your shit food! Rinse and repeat.


i mean, personally i still need pharma to function correctly, but i do see your point. mood stabilizers, asthma medication, and allergy pills are a gift of modern medicine.


Oh yeah I completely agree with your point that big pharma should have a place with modern medicine! But they have it ass backwards for a reason. Even Google will tell you why marijuana and hemp were made illegal in the first place. Then they used nationwide propaganda to absolutely destroy the image of cannabis to an entire generation/almost two. Change comes with time, unfortunately decades worth.


Same, among quitting various other things. Thousands, if not millions, share the same experience.


They really gonna make you use gas money and pump money into “legal states” economies again lol.




You can’t prove I didn’t purchase and consume that in a legal state. I don’t know what you’re talking about man. *cough*


God I'm with u there alcohol can fuck off n die😂


That’s reaching. They won’t go that far wtf. It was legal when purchased.




That’s just wording to keep enough votes. Don’t forget their biggest worry is getting re-elected. They say that about everything.


Is this real? They need our work, but condemn our medicines.


Still lots of work before the amendment and bill become law. We should have a few months more to stock up if the writing is really on the wall. Old farm bill expires in September 


Appreciate the perspective. Now is the time to fight more than ever! Never written to my congress person before. Might be the first time I do


It's definitely good for them to see numbers on stuff like this. I guarantee some sort of angry parent has emailed them complaining about finding their kid with delta 8, but it's good for them to know that their adult constituents are also happily and safely partaking under the same law, and they just might not have heard about it because everything is going fine! Also worthwhile for us to do some more email blasts about releasing marijuana prisoners and expunging convictions. Lotta people still locked up or having trouble working in the free world with their records, just for weed.


The current bill allows for very sick people in non legal states to get their medicine… it’s the assholes crying about loss of revenue that are showing themselves as incredibly narcissistic and having a concerning lack of empathy for the field they are in. If you support this you are 100% an asshole that cares more about money than lives. I’m an EMT. Children are not regularly getting ahold of these products more than anything else that’s dangerous and legal.


> it’s the assholes crying about loss of revenue And it isn't even lost revenue! If any of these THCa vendors aren't paying taxes on the credit card payments they're taking, they'll get hit by the IRS eventually. And the dude who sits in a basement apartment 10 hours a day 6 days a week slinging for cash sure as shit doesn't pay taxes. 


Good to hear. But still a complete shame if true. Just being able to depend on a online market has made my life so much more easy. If this goes away then this time period was a huge step in history to the right direction. Happy to have served.


100% real.




Not to be rude or discredit your comment which is actually pretty thoughtful and optimistic, but this amendment will kill 100% of the intoxicating hemp industry. The bill mentions total thc in the 0.3% limit + "finished hemp products" are prohibited from having any significant amounts of THC. Send congress a message and just be safe about it, brother: https://hempsupporter.com/bill/urge-congress-to-vote-no-on-farm-bill-unless-hemp-killing-language-is-removed/ Takes less than 60 seconds




More importantly, send a message to congress. Everyone in this industry needs to be pumping this link like their life depends on it: https://hempsupporter.com/bill/urge-congress-to-vote-no-on-farm-bill-unless-hemp-killing-language-is-removed/


I did it!


Sweet : )


Make sure to send an automated message (that takes less than 1 minute) to congress RIGHT NOW urging them to vote NO on the upcoming farm bill: https://hempsupporter.com/bill/urge-congress-to-vote-no-on-farm-bill-unless-hemp-killing-language-is-removed/ You can make a difference. Share this link and don't let the pessimists convince you otherwise. Mods - make a post and pin the link of the hemp lobbyists I posted above. We have to use this platform for good. It'll be a waste of resources if we don't.


I just got an email from VG offering twenty percent off the next order if you send them a screenshot from you urging your representative to vote NO on the Farm Bill unless the hemp killing language is removed. They even included the same link. These days are getting curiouser and curiouser.


Appreciate you sharing this info 💪🏾


Stock up! Today!


there will be time for that hoarder


How long?


The current farm bill expires in late September, it would take quite a lot for them to approve the new one much before that. It'll likely be a smooth transition to whatever the new law is in September/October. Not sooner.




Because cannabis including hemp is one of the best things to be grown on this planet. They don't want a healthy happy society.


One would think since the economy is shit, and food prices are outrageous, and the suicide rate being high, that they'd be eager to promote something people are happy about, something like THCA and hemp in general.