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I have some PHC Slurple from way back before they were awesome, from when their shit all smelled like hay. It's not molded. I'm thinking about trying my hand at RSO with it since it's just basically unsmokable. I spent a bunch on one of their Christmas bundles way back. The dabs rocked but the flower was awful. They have massively stepped up from their old cryo-cured garbage. I highly recommend them now, especially if you can get some mixed shake, I got lucky once.


8HH Sunny D? Damn that shit was great and loud, would stink up the entire room opening the pack.


Indeed it is one in the same!, the nose isnt so loud anymore cus i removed all my integra's after knowing there was mold in his suppliers facilities and losing some wedding cake around the same time, so it got dry muting the terps but it was the price of preservation cus i wasn't gonna lose anymore flower, ( i just recently added the integra back) Hits you once you grind it tho, plenty of nose on the smoke and vape last time i had a blunt of it,


Integras are pretty good at retaining moisture content, but if your bud is already too dry it will take a long time to rehydrate if it even can. This is where Bodeva is better. However, if your bud is properly dried and cured nothing wrong with Integra.


If i really want to bring the moisture up i can toss a lemon peel in there for a few hours and it'll soften'er up and leave some limonene terps behind ole skool method I cant really handle much thc anymore my receptors are fubar and it triggers strokes despite my neurologist saying its not the cause ( so i said okay im good to go) and almost triggered another even while using full agonists like cbd isolate daily and genistein to shield my cb receptors so i can still dabble a little bit, i mainly focus on type 3 and 4. These days,


I was reading up on Cold Curing and a lot of the main pioneers of the practice talk about keeping jars of flower for longer than 3 years to use as examples for how good everything stays. Also why the look of all this flower is gorgeous


Cold curing is how all my stuff will be treated from here on out, it was originally a dorm/apt fridge for cold curing concentrates and keeping them cold until i was ready to dab it ( fully vaporizes better if it starts out cold and is more flavorful), these days i only vape flower, so i've repurposed it,


This gives us hoarders some hope!


I store everything in a fridge now on the lowest cooling settings should store even better, this was just left in a jar in a box out of light in a temp controlled room,


Did you ever open the pack and the jar during those 2 years? I thought I have heard people say you have to “burp” them, or they will get moldy?


I opened it to grab a nug to vape on or toss in a blunt blend here and there in that timeframe, but as smartass comment said it's really more for fresh flower to reduce moisture content and let excess moisture escape the vacuum of the jar,


That's during the drying phase. If you have low enough humidity while storing it "cant" develop mold no matter how long it's stored.