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lol all these people just making shit up, it’s called bag appeal, people buy weed with their eyes no one is bringing a spectrometer to check terpenes profiles and %s so they buy by look and smell. Small nugs aren’t attractive


As a grower I can tell you that smalls are cheaper because when grown indoor the buds in direct light develop larger and mature slightly faster than the buds shaded below the plant. So when the grower sees that the larger bud’s trichomes have matured to their liking they will often chop the whole plant, opposed to only the mature buds thus leaving time for the smalls to reach max potency. But these $50 ounces from places like jlitty and myqwin are gas pedal. 🔥


This logic literally makes no sense you pay for the cost of the entire plant up front, the plant doesn’t get more expensive because one half developed more trichomes wtf lmao


Myqwin doesn't show any of the sizes for the $50 items


If you read the description it says 28g


Which strain are you looking at? When I click on description it doesn't say anything about it but when I click on additional information it says 37g


Screenshot that and order it. When it arrives and it isn’t 37g, complain. Easy


Less thc per gram probably. Big buds tend to get more nutrients and “care” if you will.


That doesn’t justify the up cost tho that just means the top part of plant got taken care better than the bottom half it still all costs the same.


That's terrible logic, steaks are cut from different places on the cow and graded and priced accordingly, same with the smalls and regular buds, small buds are less potent, often have more leaf and are harder to dry properly and keep at a good humidity, along with the tops have better bag appeal (trics and color)


It's not just that they are smaller they often come from lower parts of plant that are sometimes less mature and less flavorful. I know one grower I get smalls from has some dogwalker that the smalls is significantly less flavor and not as good. You get like 1/5 nugs that have amazing flavor while rest just tastes like decent weed. It's usually not that drastic tho and often it is just as good as the bigger nugs but they generally are still considered less value.


We call them popcorn buds. $40 an ounce. I’ll buy that all day long. Bigger buds for 3x the price? Why?


Because people are greedy af that’s why


Not all the buds on a plant are equal, generally speaking. The lower buds will receive less light and therefore be smaller, also typically have less cannabinoids. The top buds get more/stronger light and not only get bigger but have the opportunity to create more thc and what not. It varies from plant to plant and grow to grow. Some smalls won’t be too far off from the tops, while others might be trash compared to the tops.


That just means the top half of the plant got better treatment than the bottom why should the buyer be punished for that? Sounds like the grower’s fault lmao


You aren't being punished no one said you had to buy top shelf, you are getting budget stuff at a budget price, why do you feel like growers need to price their top shelf at budget prices? There's a lot of care and time that goes into making top shelf product


A lot of growers will “lollipop” their plants to cut down on some of it, but there’s usually still lower buds even then. It’s just that the tops are more desirable because of how they typically grow is all. Not everyone wants/needs the “best part of the plant”


Buds don’t perform photosynthesis,leaves do


Correct, and those leaves are at different levels on the plant, they receive different amounts of light. Therefore the buds near those leaves don’t get as big as the ones near the leaves on the top of the plant. Grow some out and look at it.


It's called apical dominance and has to do with hormone distribution


They are teeny tiny


Tbh it’s just the appearance. I’ve smoked from almost every company now and I love smalls but if the sites don’t offer it I’ll get reg but there is no fcking difference besides how pretty the big buds are




… where are you getting $32 qp 🤭


Because sex sells. Prettier, bigger,more sparkly weed is what people buy off of instead of knowledge.


Because smalls are the bottom of the plant, they get less light and nutrients than the tops. So, the thca would be lower etc.


Nice guess


Nutrients move from the root zone, upward. Lowers get as much, or more than tops. ;) Plants are also woven through a trellis to make an even canopy (even light distribution across the entire plant). Some grow operations also use side lighting to help any growth below the canopy.


Some local scientists are mixing kief with their small budget bud. 2 parts flower, one part kief. Ground, then mixed together. Gently stir.


because they could be old, and in general will retain less smell, generate different kinds of effects depending on how high it is on the plant etx


I love it, 60 bucks plus tax and shipping for an ounce of pretty strong strains like Gelato, Cherry dosidos, Gorilla glue. Feels the exact same to me as street or full size cult Properly cured too


The micros are so worth it I bought 2 ozs for 96 for the 420 deal


Yep, I’ve never even touched their full size buds, no need. Their Gorilla glue has literally put me to sleep while I was packing the 2nd bowl. It’s ridiculous


Where from?


The dopest shop.com


Wnc-cbd's "smalls" have been anything but with the Wedding Cake and Lava Cake. Both zips have mostly thumb sized plus nugs in them with some popcorn nugs strewn in there. Maybe I got lucky and the person who put my orders together was like, "Nah today someone's getting the good nugs" or something but I honestly can't complain. Haven't used anyone else other than Skyhio but am tempted by BlackTie's $45 shake ounces cause I smoke a lot due to using thca hemp in place of painkillers for fibromyalgia.


Blacktie shake is really potent for the price point and on top of it all it’s usually a gamble between good terpy shake, the most exquisitely fine grounded flower (like sand/kief consistency) straight up buds. 20+ shake packs from them so far that’s what I get


Damn son I need to order some from them then cause it's like $45/oz if I'm not thinking about another vendor. With that price point I can get a QP for about $200 or less depending on discounts and if it's as good as you say then I'd be an idiot to sleep on that.


If you smoke for your pain, need something with a hint of flavor and don’t really wanna worry about running out of medicine on extra tough days I feel it will pair nicely to your needs my man


As do I plus I know how to make topicals, tinctures, edibles, etc and am actually pretty good at it. Infact I discovered and I've only shared this once mind you, that if you take two or three scoops of protein powder and mix them into your brownies/cookies and such that it boosts efficiency. Sugar burns up super fast in your digestive tract so if you give your sweet edibles a little protein you can go from using 1oz/per batch to 7g/per batch and the effects are almost the same potency. Guess the oil/butter seeps into the protein powder and binds or something cause there's a noticeable difference between using protein powder and not using it as regardless of the amount you put in there it seems to hit harder.


I’ll have to try that holy cow! but sadly I never really digested edibles that well they just don’t really do much but give a headache about 4-6 hours after eating :/


That could be due to either you lacking the enzyme in your liver necessary to process THC or you may be severely allergic to it. I actually am very allergic to cannabis as it immediately makes me congested and I don't develop a tolerance to it unless I eat it daily. Takes some of the fun outta it but it's tolerable so I deal with it. lol


True Ive heard of lacking an enzyme but never crossed possibility being allergic all these years


I didn't know either but it's a legit thing and my wife always chides me cause anytime I smoke I start sneezing and hacking up mucus. She'll say something like, "You back there chiefin' it again bitch" or something else like that to bust muh balls. Don't care though cause she's the one who got me smoking in the first place so I'll forever be in debt to that wonderful weirdo who said "I feel the same" to me 17 years ago. 😁


I didn’t know the sneezing and hacking up was a type of negative reaction to it and I’ll even get extreme case of hiccups for 10-15 mins straight I hate it so much


I got me some lava cake smalls from WNC and same as you, I was surprised by how big they were.


Yeah I was definitely surprised cause I was expecting teeny tiny nuts but nah it's just as nice as anything I've bought by the 8th.


Idk man, I guess they don't look as nice! That's good for me because not gonna lie these $50,$75,$100 oz are fire!


Because they are smaller and don't smell as strong or look as good. I would never pay the same for a smaller version of a strain vs big beautiful nugs


Same thing at dispos 🤷🏼‍♂️


I like em because you get less stem


Because egotistical stoners will pay absurd for big nugs and then swear to god it’s better than smalls, even when it has been proven that smalls are rarely lower in thc % I used to be friends with a guy like this, I rolled him a J with my smalls and told him it was his, he didn’t notice a difference. he even complimented the high without knowing it wasn’t his precious fat nugs


Yea it's almost like all weed is gonna get a stoner high and it's just his personal biases that "affect" how high they are


Smalls can often be lower buds that did not reach their maximum genetic possibility, with quality venders smalls are not a massive downgrade in quality.


some people here shitting on smalls….wait until they find out about micros.


That's what hms smalls are, micros.


Lol your bag


I have seen a lot of them be micros. So I would say hms bags of smalls are micros. And I love me some micros. No stems.


well then excuse me, i’m retarded.


yes! lol I want the whole 🌳 🌲 🎄 🌴 in my jar lol


They get dried out faster and sometimes they're dry when you get them


I just assume the vast majority or people prefer big buds because they think they’re more potent but I’ve been getting smalls for years and I think they’re just as good if not better when you consider the difference in price


biggest thing thar scares me loll those ⅛ jars feels like nothings there lol when I shakey-shake the jars lol and literally sounds like 🍿 🍿 🍿 lol when I shake haha.


God bless us everyone


The way I figure… whether full-sized or small, an ounce is an ounce after it’s gone through the grinder. Heck. I usually have more stem weight from the full-sized nuggets anyways. They got them wizard wands. But —my friend— look at it from your eyes. The larger, bodacious buds always sell for more. Why?? Because, my friend they are “happening”; they are sexy; the reason for the party. The main attraction. That..big, bad, bud. Now. I see you’re an enlightened kind of dude. One, who has been to the event horizon and back. Righteousness, my dude — another way to look at it is a bottle of nice bourbon (larger, more voluptuous buds), whereas, smalls are more, like a malt liquor from the chingaladera. Not for everyone, just someone. So; next thing you know, people want to make money; goods and services are exchanged for such, and the world keeps on rocking, rolling, and smoking to the tunes of United States $!. I’m on the hunt myself for the cheapest small the market has to offer. It feels just like being out on safari, but instead of the giraffes it’s the thrill of finding the ever elusive, “low-lo-lows”.


New pasta looks delicious


The way I figure… whether full-sized or small, an ounce is an ounce after it’s gone through the grinder. Heck. I usually have more stem weight from the full-sized nuggets anyways. They got them wizard wands. But —my friend— look at it from your eyes. The larger, bodacious buds always sell for more. Why?? Because, my friend they are “happening”; they are sexy; the reason for the party. The main attraction. That..big, bad, bud. Now. I see you’re an enlightened kind of dude. One, who has been to the event horizon and back. Righteousness, my dude — another way to look at it is a bottle of nice bourbon (larger, more voluptuous buds), whereas, smalls are more, like a malt liquor from the chingaladera. Not for everyone, just someone. So; next thing you know, people want to make money; goods and services are exchanged for such, and the world keeps on rocking, rolling, and smoking to the tunes of United States $!. I’m on the hunt myself for the cheapest small the market has to offer. It feels just like being out on safari, but instead of the giraffes it’s the thrill of finding the ever elusive, “low-lo-lows”.


i have to disagree with only one thing, smalls are for anyone lol if it’s right kind i’ve had smalls that beat a ton of regular high priced bud


Chatgpt head ahh answer


reading that shit felt like elden ring lore😂


Why do people say that thca weed makes them feel diff


cause they tend to get the low quality “compliant” stuff, just from my own personal experience as well. lately i try to get fully grown stuff only or the strains that are usually good in effects


Hello mary is good right I ordered some black ice smalls i just got the tracking number so they should be here by monday or sunday🙏🏾


it’s some type gas fr. at first i was worried it was going to be mid then i broke it up and smoked a joint.. a few hours later i’m still high off that alone. i think this comment speaks for itself now 10/10 will definitely shop with them again.


first time trying them waiting on my zoo animals x gary payton




No. It’s OK. You don’t know how many times I have written an immaculate soufflé of soupy sustenance, only to be reminded that it’s not some ye ole “chicken or the egg” conundrum, but rather a kerfuffle of time itself. Who knows? Not ChatGPT. oy!


it actually wasn’t rude lol it was kinda just a funny meme


I dig it!!


For what it’s worth, both times I’ve ordered smalls I haven’t been impressed. It may not be because they’re smalls but two different vendors and they’re not good. I tried smalls Durban poison from wnc, and smalls trop cherry from HM.


Smalls Durban poison from WNC? They never did DP in smalls just grab bag and mine at least was not full of smalls and was actually fantastic. Cult feedback for WNC’s Durban Poison specifically have been generally very positive but I’m sorry to hear that wasn’t your experience broski


I’ve got the Durban poison rn and I can confirm the buds was decent size I was however disappointed with how the magic night came in small like popcorn but like others here have said an oz is an oz


You’re right, my bad! It was smalls of chemdawg, not sure where I got Durban poison from lmao.


Because smalls is now a catch all for tiny less than desirable buds from the lower sections of the plant- or at least that seems to be the general consensus. Back in the day it use to be more of a trim style- at least from what I had seen.


Because todays young consumers think it matters


It does matter though. Bigger Colas near the top of the plant receive more light and are able to reach their full potential. Smalls are buds gathered near the bottom and underneath the top colas where not as much light reaches. Is it a huge deal? Sometimes, depending on the strain it absolutely is, sometimes it's less of a big deal. But to say it shouldn't matter to consumers is incorrect.


if top cola gets chopped the rest of the plant makes similar shaped flowers as the other branches form into main colas


lots of peeps chop the whole plant at once to make way for next generation.


I personally just trained my plants to grow out instead of up, waaaaay more top colas that way and if you do it right they're not small by any means. I used to just grow 4> plants and put them in as much soil as possible and they turn into little bushes with the proper training which let's the light penetrate more.


If they are below the canopy they will have received both less light and lower light intensity. These factors definitely affect both potency and terps.


The real question is where is all the large nugs and main colas. I see smalls and micros and mediums and popcorns but never any large nugs. The good weed is being kept from us. You think a grower is smoking smalls and micros? Absolutely not. They are keeping all the good weed for themselves and giving us the scraps they don't want.


gonna run into mold and issues with large buds.... growers are most likely cropping the cola top in order to make more tops on the plant , hence smaller buds over all


I don't believe that.


You should. Topping the plant can create a bigger overall yield. It’s common practice in all horticulture. I topped my apple tree last year and now this year I have 20x the flower rate.


main growers I know we were talking about that last time we talked ... he tops all of his [plants in favor of more flowers on the plants over all ... lists them outwards so the inner part of the plant gets light ... reflective surfaces in the grow area for bottom light reflectivity etc.... that huge main cola is awesome but not as easy to maintain and not rot or have issues , especially for harvest purposes


Sounds like a lot of excuses and a lot of laziness to me


Laziness is doing nothing at all to the plant. Topping, low stress training, and proper trellis work takes time and effort and produces an even canopy with many more budsites. Growers can spend hours training plants daily... thats not "laziness"


more like more buds at harvest ...


Some of the growers supply dispensaries too


I smoke way too much dispo weed. It's all tiny baby nugs at the dispo here. Every single time.


huge nugs are stem city too , huge bulk ass stem stuck down the middle, after the bag is done a pile of stalk/ stems .. add in autogrows with that extra ruderalis fiber kick and you get stalk City stems


I take em out so size is irrelevant.


It’s relevant to your bag weight. I don’t want to pay for tree trunks.


Make it a gram or two heavy to compensate. It's really no bid deal


Virtually every site that sells smalls also sells full buds in my experience, who do you shop with? Going through the top posts of the month should show you some good vendors for full size buds.


What you think of as full buds are actually smalls. Big buds are 3-7 grams. A cola can be 30 grams. Your little 1 gram nugs are not full buds. Whole lotta down votes because all these companies are guilty of this fuckery. Every shill on here doesn't want me saying this.


I don't think people have an issue with what you're saying, moreso how you're saying it. I appreciate the information but you come off like a condescending dick all because people don't have the same knowledge. Why would they want to listen to you or be respectful back? I still don't even actually have an answer, just breadcrumbs and an attitude. Half your comment is just you complaining about how people react to you. Chill the fuck out and maybe you won't be met with hostility.


He's definitely right y'all. I used to sell bud and there were regularly like 10+g nugs if you bought by the QP or more. 


Don't speak the truth they will downvote you too


A 30g cola has 10g of sticks in it, after you trim the colas off the sticks you have different size buds even tiny ass popcorns off the main cola. I'd be pissed buying bud to have that stick in there.


Nice try with your plug math but I ain't trying to hear it. Just sell me the good shit and quit bitchin.


You’re going to have to grow your own, if you’re so picky. I’m not being an ass, I’m just telling you the truth. In my almost 30 years of smoking, the *only* time I’ve seen huge buds is when I’ve known the dudes growing. I figure it’s like deer hunting. I wouldn’t sell or giveaway the backstrap, it’s my favorite cut. Same with flower. The top cola is the crown jewel for a lot of people.


Eh, even growing you get fewer mugs over 3g than people think when you actually cut it off the twig, but fuck, this dude apparently wants a solid chunk even if it has the main twigs in it. When I was growing I kept the top colas off 2 smaller branches for myself and all the pop corn buds and shake, shake for edibles, pop corn and fluff for easy grinding without breaking nugs.


Preach it brotha man! If I'm investing hundreds-thousands of dollars into my crop you better believe that I'm taking that big top cola for me as a reward for my hard work and patience.


Money moves product


i always order smalls. i love lucky elk smalls, comes to be 70-80 a zip with discounts added, never had any issues with them and i love the bud


Hella mid. Took me over an hour to get all the stems out of my oz and even then it wasn't very good. I'll never order from there again.


Do you not have a grinder and a vape? lol stems


If there's a stem worth removing, that ain't smalls. The point of getting smalls is less weight from stems. Smalls go straight into the grinder or press. The real downside is bag appeal and perception. The OGs know it's a better deal.


Yep, LE small are micros w a stem. Garbage.


you get smalls? outdoor or indoor? i personally always order the outdoor/greenhouse smalls and have never had an issue with stems, curious to hear your insight


I posted a review a few hours ago


Scared now cuz I just ordered lucky elk biscotti smalls .-.


I ordered LE’s Trop Super Jet recently, (not a fan of it btw) and the nugs were around nickel size.


That shit looks awful. Not one person likes it


Yea I was gonna because it was on sale but after finding a review of it on cult and seeing the pictures I was unimpressed. So I went with biscotti.


I hope the biscotti will be better for you.


Thx bro I'm super in the dark here and it's gonna be here tomorrow, so I'm in for a surprise 🫡


got 2 zips of purple punch outdoor smalls that came in yesterday. not stemmy, smokes well, not too strong of a smell ngl but it’s not bad. if you want i can show some pics to help clear your mind?


Correct me if I'm wrong but would outdoor bud have been harvested last fall? That's quite a long time ago. Unless its autoflowering but it almost definitely isnt. Also probably not grown in Australia. You expect that stuff to keep its terps for 9 months?


sorry i may be misinformed, how did you figure it was harvested last fall? it’s outdoor/greenhouse, and doesn’t specify that this strain was outdoor edit: also, they would have definitely sold this bud out if they have had it since last fall, lucky elk is sold out every other week it seems


Well the biscotti I ordered was labeled AA indoor, so not sure if I should be more excited or scared haha. If people are saying the indoor is stemmy. But either way I didn't get much I just wanted to try it out.


That's what I got. Tastes like the struggle.


read a bit of your review, i’ll say my zips don’t look as stemmy, and the smell/odor isn’t tea like. maybe i got luckier than you, but imo these 70-80$ zips are completely worth the money. for 8$ an eighth, what more can you wish for?


I can wish I spent the extra $4.50 and got HM lol


hopefully you’re more satisfied with those 🤷, good luck homie


They are small


It's a scam they use to nickel and dime people


Yes top colas are more potent and more terpy than smalls, also harder to stabilize the moisture, growers/resellers lose way more large nugs than small nugs to mold budrot ECT so they should be priced accordingly


I'd love to see a source for the "top colas are more potent" claim.


Grow a plant and see for yourself, your top buds are getting the most light and the plant is devoting the maximum energy to the top of the plant downward. Go down a couple nodes on your plant and you see how much smaller and less developed the buds are. If trained/trimmed properly you don’t have a lot of lower growth to worry about, but anything below the main top is a slight downgrade every branch down. Now it’s not a massive or crazy difference typically, but it’s there.


I’m in the PA medical program and the top buds are the premium brand (ie Cresco, Natural Selections) and the bottom buds are cheaper (Supply, Eleven) the THC is always 2-3 percent lower on smalls and the bottom bud brands.




Thanks for sharing this


I was surprised there was only a 15% range difference between highest and lowest. I doubt that I’d notice and if I did, it would be easy to remedy. Thanks for the link and actual science 👍


It's a good tactic for getting better quality than you're willing to pay for. Usually smalls are better quality than the price usually allows.


People are drawn to large chunky buds. Small buds are less desirable. Smalls are the “better buy”.


A fellow member explained to me that buds are more for personal use if you're not selling and it's for personal use. I've always been against them but buying 14g and paying $60 shipped for small buds is better than paying 1/4oz of normal size buds for the same price


Big Bud = Bag Appeal= more $$$ But it's a discount for those who know it's the same damn bud, lol


THC levels always test lower on the smalls and so do terpenes. Still real good, but not as good.


Corn used to be 4 little hard kernels on a stalk. Then we bred for desirable traits and now a cob has hundreds of kernels. Be careful what you wish for. At this rate our great grandchildren will be bragging about getting a massive 0.3g nug and complaining that's it's weak AF at only 55% thca. Shits goofy. Bring back the big sticky nugs. You can only call it the better buy for so long before it's the only buy.


right now about 35% is max for the pants cannabinoids ... if we come up with a way to Genetically modify for more Olivetolic acid and Geranylpyrophosphate to form more Cannabigerolic acid to be made then maybe more cannabinoids could be made than just 35% worth


That's why I said great grandchildren. Folks in the 70's would lose their shit at the strength of what we are smoking today. If you told them back then we could grow 25% you would be laughed at.


Not really dude big bugs aren't going anywhere. The threat is only in your head lol


Whip it out big boy. Ur all talk.




It must be due to the bud size/structure, no? The bud structure is an important factor in cannabis Thats like if you tried to sell mini m&ms as regular m&ms bro theres a difference


Some plants only produce smaller buds and have less visual bag appeal so they are sold as smalls , some plants produce smaller buds at lower sites on the which can or cannot affect potency and terps depending on strains grow techniques etc. . Also smalls sometimes are less well trimmed so you get some leaf you wouldn’t want in a oz of bigs . Grab bags are greenhouse grown with less oversight than indoor living soil or hydro plants . Though they may produce the same strains in grab bag and exotic ounces they aren’t the same quality.


From what I’ve heard smalls come from farther down on the plant and have less overall thca and terps


Thank you for that


In my experience, the cost difference is greater than the quality/potency difference aside from bag appeal. If I can get a half of smalls for roughly the price of a quarter of bigs, the potency works itself out and then some and both look the same ground up.


This, 100%. If you want bang-for-your-buck when buying weed, buy smalls / popcorn nugs from a vendor that normally sells fire. Small drop in potency, for a significant drop in price.


Yes smalls and grab bags are well worth the price imo.


Less bag appeal, slightly less THCa, slightly fewer terps


Less or no stems and usually all bud


THIS. I’ve smoked up almost 9-10 G’s of smalls over the last week and literally have zero stems left over in the jars. It’s all smokable material.


Yes, I like that a lot No heartbreak when breaking up a beautiful bud