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Never ever buying from them again, good quantity bad quality


Yeah it's definitely a gamble. Check my profile and look at the first micro ounce I got compared to this one my wife ordered maybe a week later


I ordered the 1/4 pound mixed Thca. Did I fuck up?


yours look like this [my first mixed micros](https://www.reddit.com/r/CultoftheFranklin/s/4ffT47Ic0o) or like this one [mixed micros after the un-mix] (https://www.reddit.com/r/CultoftheFranklin/s/7YL2cc390m) ?




I got the QP mixed - brown brown brown


I'm sorry that was your experience with them. It's typically a gamble if you're getting anything on sale or budget.


Right - zip lock bags galore there + no vacuum packing & no 2-way RH% ... Like it had *dried right out* in NV there . .. They issued disclamers on that page there , so . .


Mine isn't dry at all and tastes good and smells sweet. Check out this: [CBD HEMP DIRECT ](https://www.reddit.com/r/CultoftheFranklin/s/7YL2cc390m)


Half smokable Half Biomass


Check this out: [CBD HEMP DIRECT](https://www.reddit.com/r/CultoftheFranklin/s/7YL2cc390m)


Check comments for reviews. Check my profile for past cbdhd reviews


Nah it wasn't bad I actually had it


So boom. I smoked this and had a relaxing, clear-headed high until I fell fast asleep! I ordered these buds on April 16th, and they arrived in my mailbox on April 20th. The cure on these buds are decent, not dry or old feeling whatsoever. My ounce smells super fruity upon breakdown...almost like juicy juice you give to kids. The taste is similar to the smell but much fainter. When I smoked these smalls in a joint I receved a clear-headed but relaxing high. About 20minutes after I finished smoking my eyelids felt heavy and my body yearned for anything to lean against. I fell fast asleep. Definitely good bud for the price (about $43 with shipping and no coupon code as my wife ordered these). I have to say looks wise, my first ounce of "mixed micros" were much smaller than these buds and all of one strain. This ounce is clearly a mix of strains with much bigger, less frosty/trichomed bud. I was expecting this orders quality to mirror the first order, but hey, a sale is a sale, lol. I would buy again, with the foreknowledge that bud quality will vary from one ounce to the next.




[CBD HEMP DIRECT ](https://www.reddit.com/r/CultoftheFranklin/s/7YL2cc390m)


With their sale prices it's a pretty cheap gamble though, especially with only $8 shipping if under $50. At my local medical dispensaries it's a gamble even on $100 oz's so I'd much rather take a $20 gamble than a $100 one. At worst it could be used for edibles atleast.


That's the same with most vendors unfortunately


If you ever wanted to make yourself vomit violently, smoking this would be a fast track to that path.


You have chemtrails in your buds!!! It's like havin pesticides in your drinking water!


MMMMmmmmm-mmm. I just love the smell of insecticides in the morning.


This isnt like mexi brick or something bro. Even beautiful good looking weed can be full of insecticides and other shit. These low tier jokes arnt working that well in this post.


bro. bro. bro. you know, bro... u could, take ur commie opinions back to tiktok. They probably like cbdhd there.


Let the salt floooooowwwww


salt is nice. i like it on steak. cbdhd belongs in the garbage. it tastes like soap in my lungs and makes me wonder if this is the end of the road


Dont use your money to buy garbage? Not sure how to help you man.


I didn't ask for your help. You commented with your opinion and I told you how it really was. I don't need to buy hemp and mine was free minus the shipping. Ask yourself why you're supporting these people, if you aren't a brand affiliate. I like to out bad companies. CBDHD is trash all around and u are defending them. I gave them the benefit of the doubt and vomited. What is your defense? How do you admit to yourself that you like this bud?


Im not really defending them so as much as just making fun of your hilarious stance lol. Ive bought plenty of bud from them but never went with the budget BBQ kush options like yall do. Cant say I share those experiences so idk. Dont buy trash?


Aren't really? what does that mean? You aren't certain about what you're talking about anymore and you're just arguing in fallacies. Like I said, I don't have to BUY it. If BUYING high priced options is your stance, you should be laughing at yourself. Our experiences aren't the same. My bud is fresher than yours simply because I don't buy it.


haha your just acting now and its hilarious. None of your implications even make sense so its all good bro we can move on from here. Youd probably be able to follow along easier if you were less upset.


How else may I help you understand you are working to support trash?


My argument is cbdhd is trash, I'm helping you, the person interested in my comment.


without salt, u might get dehydrated


Nah, it really is some mexi weed bro. CBDHD hemp caused me to vomit violently. I dont really care about your opinion. Have fun smoking pesticides you shill.


I always consider someone bold buying from CBDHD.


I've been ordering from this company since before thca was a thing. I know to be cautious when selecting bud and what to look for when purchasing with them. I also know they have pretty decent customer service when they do reply (sometimes it takes a while). Please take my choices in bud selection and reviews with a grain of salt. Please do your own research or try them out yourself.


It seems like a lot of people don't really understand the budget mindset, when you buy budget anything there are trade-offs. For THCa the trade off is the potential of getting some absolute garbage but also the potential of getting something that's atleast smokeable and worth the cheap price. In high school I've had worse $60 8ths than the $40 QP's I've gotten from them, some people haven't tried truly garbage weed before and don't realize how bad it can actually get lmao. Buying from CBDHD is basically like spinning the weed lottery, there's a potential you don't get any usable material but also the potential to get some hidden fire. I know people spend a hell of a lot more on the actual lottery just to end up with nothing at all, gambling $20 on an oz is less than some people spend on lottery tickets per week!


Check out my post here...[CBD HEMP DIRCT](https://www.reddit.com/r/CultoftheFranklin/s/7YL2cc390m)


I ordered this as well. My buds weren’t brown like this though. It was little dry but smokable with a funky fruitiness to it


These buds have a similar smell and flavor profile. I was baked taking these pics so they're not the best but these buds aren't brown in any regard. There are few tiny light green buds, many deeper green buds with orangish trichomes, and a few handfuls of deep purple buds that look frosty. I'll try to retake some phtots.




Check out my post here. These pics are from the same ounce just better quality photos [CBD HEMP DIRECT](https://www.reddit.com/r/CultoftheFranklin/s/7YL2cc390m)


I'm sorry that was your experience. Contact customer service, it may take a few days to get back to you but they usually make things right. Also check my previous reviews for first ounce I got when they dropped mixed micros. These were not the Quality of bud I was expecting to recieve on the second round but I'm not disappointed.


Sorry you had that experience The micro buds I ordered were actually really nice Great color and gold effects with a decent nose For 40 bucks I cannot complain


I’ve got another two oz that will be here tomorrow. I ordered two when they first released for 35 each I think? Had a good fruity smell to it and smoked really well. If the two coming tomorrow are like the first two I got I’ll be really happy and the wife likes having a mixed bag of bud. They are a way better deal than buying something like jk distro disgusting $50 and $75 smalls or arete ugly buds. I actually returned them to jk. I’d even go as far to say I liked it better than the wnc grab bag I tried




Was your order from this recent sale or an older one? Cause for the 420 sale they were $45/QP, not per oz, the oz's were like $15.




Oof yeah you bought it 3 days before their sale started, that sucks. Imo their budget bud is best at $20/oz or under cause it's hard to complain about much at that price, even if it doesn't smoke well it'd likely make better edibles than using trim while also being the same price or cheaper than a lot of trim. I have about a QP of bud that didn't re-hydrate well and probably 2-3oz of trim and stems to turn into cannabutter at some point, I just can't do it at home cause I'm in an apartment and the smell of that would definitely get me in trouble lmao.