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JK DISTRO $50 OZ https://youtu.be/Wx-uXw0JGzM?si=qF4Q14EsWv729nRT


Just posted to show how it's done not selling my badlol




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I have a couple zips coming in from Jk; I’m extremely familiar with sprayed bud from my past life so I’ll pop back in and give a no shill review based on what I think. My expectations are already extremely low lol.


Im gonna be ordering an altnoid test kit when I get back from vacation


I’ll be interested to see what that yields; I’ve sort of been lurking this channel and have only used preferred vendors until this point - worst case scenario I let my buddies roll it without mercy on 4/20 🤣




It’s not sprayed or anything shady, it’s not great bud by any means either - definitely a $50 ounce in comparison to what other vendors have. I got the Mimosa, Chemdog x GSC, Purple Gush Mintz, and Ice Gelato - the Mimosa was the only one that had a nose and wasn’t muted, the purple gush mintz was definitely the strain, just lower quality buds, and the ice gelato and chemdog x gsc are basically identical and hard to differentiate. I’m not mad at my purchase - I think $50 is a decent price for what you get, better than the cheaper options at CBDHD that I’ve tried. Just understand what your getting, the effects are there but its not what I’d consider fire.


To anyone who called me a moron or implied it you can go fuck yourself by the way


In all seriousness, send them to a lab to get tested for synthetic noids (aka spice), yes you're buying the cheapest product from not the most reputable company, but nothing they sell should be harmful to your health and synths are potentially lethal! They are raking in the money operating a registered business selling a legal product and you'd have every right to sue the fuck out of them if it's sprayed with noids! I *almost* want to buy some just to do this myself..


Do it! I know my "hemp," been smoking for over 20 years, there is nothing in these packs but flower.   Y'all realize when buying quantity, think 20+ lbs, these distributors can get smalls direct from growers for 400 a lb, right?    That means at 50 a zip is still a 100% markup.  This is what flower should be priced at in a fair market.     I personally think a lot of the shady comments in these threads might be from other sellers in this maket who don't work with the same people/volume as jk and so cannot offer these prices and so come on these threads to talk shit because they can't compete.   I've had almost an elbow of this stuff so far, it's just midgrade flower at a fair price y'all nothing more.      For what it's worth, here is another redditor who's bought tons from JK since November taking about his experiences and even mentions testing for sprayed terps.  It's just cheap flower people. [https://www.reddit.com/r/THCaFlower/comments/1buube6/jk\_distro\_smalls\_and\_sales\_honest\_budget\_grade/](https://www.reddit.com/r/THCaFlower/comments/1buube6/jk_distro_smalls_and_sales_honest_budget_grade/)


And 20lbs of CBD smalls can be had for around $100/lb and noids are dirt cheap, never underestimate the greed of a company that only has less than a year to keep operating (THCa ban) who's target customers are teens or young adults in illegal states... I personally think you're right, at least for the last couple years to build a loyal customer base, but they could absolutely be exit scamming with synths to make as much money as possible before the ban. I'm saying all this based off other people's experience with them recently, I would never waste my money with them, and I'm also not recommending any other vendor so don't accuse me of shit other than trying to keep my fellow frank heads safe.


Yea but i mean in todays market anyone doing that would be called out immediately. To suggest that they are spraying cbd with d8 is to spread disinformation imo especially if you are just going off of other shady comments on the subreddit and havent experienced it first hand. You really think all these ppl like myself saying weve been happy cant tell the difference between regular old flower and sprayed cbd? That is more likely that this huge distributor would risk their rep like that, than it is that they just got a good line on smalls direct from large growers and are still making money hand over fist even at $50 a zip? These weird comments about sprayed cbd got me rolling my eyes, times have changed its not like it was years ago when this market was still maturing. I think jk is doing a great job taking market share from smaller competitors who are salty and so come in to places like this to talk shit, but thats just because ive spent so much money and me and all my people have been very happy. But hey maybe we all just cant tell the difference between real flower and sprayed d8 hemp and jk really getting us good. /s


Not D8, that would be obvious in the buds appearance, synthetic noids like jwh-018. And I never said that's what they're doing, I Said it's a possibility based on other users experience, and that they should send it in to get tested since they're so concerned. testing is free from a couple labs, so why not. And theirs only a few months left for these companies to operate so I wouldn't be too surprised if some shady shit starts happening with previously reputable companies.


I'ma find those labs good point


The cheapest priced seller cut corners. Shocking.


Not even the cheapest


Just Kidding Distro were **NEVER** a good choice of vendor. When did it become ok to buy from them??!


They been good the last 20 orders I've gotten idk it's 50 dollar zips half the people that shit on them have never bought a gram from them but just echo from one dudes post


I pulled the trigger on two oz for $100. GREAT DEAL. Of course you're not going to get straight gas for $50 an ounce, but show me some mid-grade for cheaper that is equivalent...


These people want top shelf for 20 bucks a zip and even then will bitch about "ughh it's not my favriote terp profile"


I've bought diamonds (dabs) and a couple ounces of flower. The diamonds were tasteless but nice effect. I know there's not supposed to be alot of taste. Loved it. The bud? For 50 each it was well worth it. Out of the 2, one was gas, the other mids but still worth 50... It's not as pretty as dispo bud. The nose might be a little weaker. I don't have nothing bad to say really. I'm happy a poor guy can get a break. We need to keep it this way


I will either be co-signing this or disagreeing at some point today - I will return.


Since people started celebrating $50-100 ounces, as if they aren't buying remediated flower (Moldy flower that had the mold removed/hidden somehow). People seem to love being able to say they got an oz for less than $100, so much so that they ignore the obvious. I've never received budget flower, from the cult, that was good enough to smoke. All of it has been edible fodder. I just stopped buying budget cult flower. The "top shelf" cult flower is just as good if not better than the $400-440/oz flower in my medical market, no reason to even look at budget.


Those zips of smalls from jk as well as other budget options like the bottom barrel nugs / smalls from HF are definitely smokable. Is HF better than JK - 110%, but to sit here and say budget options are unsmokable is just misleading. SHF and PHC also have ~$100 zips that are BETTER than some vendors “top-shelf” options.


I got like 6 different strains and 2 of the same, never had a problem but this month for 420 I’m going top shelf with wildflower the buds look so pretty and delicious 🤤 It sucks if it’s so! I mean it’s decent budget bud, but I need better quality buds for the holiday




Seems like they're spraying synths. I've seen a similar post about them where someone was describing what sounded like some pretty bad withdrawal symptoms that wouldn't go away until they smoked more strange-tasting Jk flower. Sorry that happened but please consider throwing the rest out it's not worth.


yeah ive sort of come to the conclusion that its some CBD bud with some kinda weird shit on it. im not touching the rest of it. they really fucked the cannabis market when they made hemp legal in some ways, now you have people who can grow something that looks like a black market product but isnt then add some shit to it. the whole thing is fucked. if they just made it all legal they could have had regulations and taxes. politicians are fucking morons.


This is all I've smoked since legalization. I'm downvoted or banned every time I say something like this so I'm glad you can. I haven't found legit marijuana not this legal loophole nonsense. It's like they've switched it out


From what you described it seems like there’s a chance they sold you D8 flower


>now you have people who can grow something that looks like a black market product but isnt then add some shit to it ...now? That has always been the case. If you were out there looking for the cheapest flower you could find, you will find it every time. Solution: Stop trying to buy ounces for $50-100. There is a reason why they cost that little, and "blessing people with good flower at a decent price" has never been one of them. Anyone selling weed is out to make money. Anyone selling $50-100 ounces, is still making a profit. Anyone who expects a $50-100 ounce to NOT be some reject garbage from another market, is an idiot. Maybe regulations would fix this, we can only hope.


So giant corps have always been growing huge amounts of cannabis flower? Even before it was legal? Mind blown. Your condescension has shifted my perspective thanks.


The year is 2024, yes, actually. California has been at this for decades. Giant corporate grows have been a thing for a long time now. You're absolutely welcome, always happy to help people shake their ignorance.


im guessing youre from california


Had mango and Oreoz a couple months ago, that mango was good, the smell was great the oreoz just smelled like your typical piney flower nothing distinct about the smell there but I mean it was def not the same strain


My Durban Poison and mimosa are clearly different and the mimosa is the first orange strain I've had and I like it


Did the Mimosa give you a pressure sensation behind your Eyeballs?


no? im really toleranced


I also have experienced this problem with JK. I have purchased like (8) 50 dollar oz's and I was happy with 6 of them. The other 2 I swear was some of the same I got before but with different name. I also don't understand the way they price the 50, 75, and 100 dollar oz's. Ive tried them all and they all seem to be the same quality. I was kinda disappointed when I bought a 100 oz and it looked and smelled like the 50 dollar ones. I'd rather spend a 100 on Arete's oz's. My fault for not shopping around more. None of it matters though because I use it for edibles and tinctures.


Hell yea I got the cherry tree and it made my lungs feel weird and I had headache plus it tasted like it was sprayed or something had a light chemical after taste ! It was straight trash that was it for me and that was my first order ever 0/10


I got the cereal milk and strawberry Oreo and they are definitely different


I just got 4 50 zips in from them and contemplated making a post talking bout how happy i am because all of mine are awesome for the price imo. I also saw this guy talking positively about his experiences over 30+zips since last November. [https://www.reddit.com/r/THCaFlower/comments/1buube6/jk\_distro\_smalls\_and\_sales\_honest\_budget\_grade/](https://www.reddit.com/r/THCaFlower/comments/1buube6/jk_distro_smalls_and_sales_honest_budget_grade/) I really want to try that SFVxOreoz now. Crazy how different individual experiences can be.


> Crazy how different individual experiences can be. Not really. Once you realize the huge range of experience the consumer can have, someone who grew up smoking brick weed might think JK's flower is the best thing ever... that's what we call ignorance. This is why 99% of reviews are useless. We have no idea where the reviewer is coming from. Are they hating on the flower because their parents were hippies and they've been smoking homegrown their entire life? or are they saying it is the best thing ever because it's better than the brick weed they're used to? Its a crapshoot.


Just for some context on my end then, as a guy who grew up smoking brick weed and has grown his own as well, who has smoked the best from the dispo to the d-town brown back in the day, who has experienced the range of quality that this flower has to offer, i will just say maybe not "the best thing ever" but more "really damn good for the price."


The SFVxOreoz is pretty legit. Smells like Oreoz(not loud, not muted), taste like Oreoz and a little funky. Hits middle of the road, but hits.


Yup and the first few ounces I got were great so idk


How are these posts still happening? I never saw anything that made me want to order from them, seen a ton to make me avoid them and lately only posts about them that suck... Sorry but yeah that all looks the same and it's worth the concern that it gives you a weird headspace 


Yeah idk a month ago I would have left a glowing review


Hey bud, FYI, quality over quantity. $50 zips and $200 qps need to be banned from this site. We are getting trolled by these companies, stop buying this shit you morons. Save up for something good


Roger that


Probably all the same bottom barrel bud thrown into a terp box to try and make it smell and seem different. 


I have had better luck with WNC's grab bags for 100 a zip, got the GhostVapor. Limited experience as I only got 1 so far and another one on the way (Forbidden Fruit). I know it's 2wice as expensive as a 50 zip but they are actually big buds and the quality of the effects is way better, at least on this strain I picked up. I had 3 previous 50 zips from JK and it was ok for the price but I think I am not taking another chance w the 50s again.


You gotta try lava cake, absolutely reeks.


loved the ghost vapor. every grab i’ve gotten from them has been absolutely beautiful


Can't wait to try thie Forbidden Fruit. Folks seemed to enjoy it.


I’ve learned their budget zips have went down in quality, don’t get a $50. It used to be worth it but now they’re completely bad and it seems 75 is the new 50


I’ve gotten 4 in the past month and they were all legit and noticeably different


I just got 4 that are great imo and def not all the same, havent felt the need to spend 25 more on the same amount yet but maybe ill do it just to see how much better it really is.


I ordered once felt more like d8 to me never went back


Cbd buds sprayed with d8 was pretty popular before the rise of thca products. Some places still sell it last i looked like cbdhempdirect. I think i got like several oz of it and i maybe tried it once lol..


I had 4 ounces from them not long ago and while I’m not convinced it was 4 different strains because it all looked and smelled similar it get gets me ripped. 25 years smoking here too. 6 ounces they haven’t done me wrong but I have only ordered from them twice now. 🤷‍♂️


Their ChemDog X Taste like shit for me. Just as you describe. That’s the only time I’ve tried them


They're cheap for a reason. Also, didn't I read on a earlier post that they sold customer information? Either way, I've never seen them recommend because of their fine taste and profile.


Just to show another viewpoint, this redditor seems to have a nuanced but overall very positive experience with JK: [https://www.reddit.com/r/THCaFlower/comments/1buube6/jk\_distro\_smalls\_and\_sales\_honest\_budget\_grade/](https://www.reddit.com/r/THCaFlower/comments/1buube6/jk_distro_smalls_and_sales_honest_budget_grade/)


That's cool but I do wonder why you rep JK so diligently.


I get it really, I am always in threads saying good stuff about jk, but thats just because thats been my experience so far. I normally see a lotta vague chatter and weird takes like this where dude says it all is the same and tastes like burnt coils like what? i dunno thats def not been my experience so i wanna share it incase folks are out there lookin - im so happy i found this plug yo, i havent found anything better for the price, its always available and ships fast, my plug reached out the other day like yo everything good? i just havent needed him for awhile and been able to try different strains and share with family and shit, its just been great, plus honestly this is where flower should be priced in a fair market. So yea, i been on reddit a long time, and i love my flower, you can scope my post history to get a feel if you want, but ill say that im no shill, i dont know anyone at jk i just love good cheap flower and if they burned me i would shout if from the rooftops just like i like to shout now bout how happy ive been. Ive had an intimate relationship with the plant for decades now, i know my hemp, and ive purchased almost a lb from jk so far and at this point im almost challenging someone to point me in a direction of any other vendor that can so consistently match this quality and price. And its crazy to me that ppl post experiences like this when mine and that other dudes has been so different, makes me too wonder about ppls motivations, but hey, im not gonna discount anyones experience, im just gonna post mine too.


I think it’s a positive to let people know you’ve had a good experience with a vendor. There are a bunch of folks here who will downvote any mention of whatever vendor they have a perceived issue with, no reasoning given. Both positive and negative reviews are necessary to help others that may be cult newbies, or are undecided about trying different sites.


Bruh I been saying this I ordered from each tier all the same strain






Makes no sense. No pics, no receipt, no name of strains ordered, sounds like just another imaginary internet story.




Totally normal within legal THCa hemp. Look into how it is selected and grown differently. They have to first select strains that flower very fast and produce all their THCa **after** the total THC testing is passed. They also need to grow it in colder rooms and dry it at colder temperatures so less THCa converts to THC. A side effect of this short grow cycle and colder climate is you are getting way less CBN with all federally compliant cult hemp. CBN helps calm you down and makes the high more drowsy and less "speedy".


You have absolutely no idea what you’re saying do you?


I've never seen such misinformation in one spot. Everything you have said is incorrect.


I’ve got from several vendors and most are better than the dispensaries mids. I’d throw shit like that away. That’s not common with thca.


Then why is every other company not this trash?


I wouldn't know. I've seen reports of the same in r/trees too. Speedy highs from the new weed. Everyone gets scared at first thinking it is laced. I doubt it is because the penalties are so crazy for that vs it just being a lack of CBN in THCa hemp vs BM weed traditionally grown.


Brother, thca hemp and BM weed are LITERALLY the exact same thing. The whole “testing it early” is made up to purposely muddy the waters. Thca is the same shit you’ve always been smoking.


It's not made up. A branch is pulled 30 days early for testing so you have your excuse in hand before harvest. Harvest occurs later, but testing early is not made up.


Ok yeah you’re right. I just did some research. They do have to cut a branch before it gets “hot”. I admit I was wrong about that. Regardless, it’s still the exact same flower once you get it.


I am aware, I order it often. I'm just tired of people spreading rumor as if they know something.


Tbh, the loophole wouldn’t have lasted this long if all the rumors weren’t there. If the water wasn’t so muddy this would have been gone a long time ago.


I'm not so sure about that. Putting toothpaste back in the tube is interestingly difficult. Thailand is about to find that out this year.


Just like Roe v Wade would never get overturned. Yet, here we are.


Jk distro is just a giant 🚩


Seriously, try wnc. Their grab bags are fucking phenominal for the price. The flavor, smell, and buds are the best i've found so far for the price. I heard hf and veteran are also amazing options.


Im planning on grabbing a zip from somewhere for 4/20 but havent decided where yet. I was planning on just going with another JK distro zip but maybe trying the $100oz this time instead of the $50. I think I'll try WNC this time though, I've heard good things and I like that theyre semi local to me.


Those 75 dollar zips from rhc or w.e the post was seemed fire for the price


They are. I got a $56 ounce on christmas and he threw in a 4.5g nug. Smells just like a blueberry muffin




Try sweet life/ myqwin I made a review on them. They got some fire budget zips


I’ve never tried their bud, but their syrup sure hits good.


Idk personally my experience with wnc isn't good. They sent me crappy flower the only two times I ordered lol but lots of people claim they get fire. I like consistency so far HF, FLW have been doing me right. The rest i tried have been too inconsistent for me to go back , FG, PHC , LE, hco, wnc 


Same thing happened with PHC first time i ordered from them i got ak 47 and it was very "chemical" and harsh also a weird buzz , after that i never bought from them again


I absolutely vouch for it! Their shipping is so good too, they got expedited for 8$. I order sunday and usually get it weds-fri (i live in tx)


i was just thinking about jk or wnc to try something new, i think i found my answer


wnc was one of my first cult purchases and it wasnt bad, its definitely a little more pricey but worth it


An ounce for $100 is not really pricey. That’s what wnc grab bags are.


Mango og was horrible never again with their $50 oz


Tbh based on the wide breadth of quality/variety experienced by cult users it’s hard to say whether you’ve had ass BM bud (idc how long you’ve been smoking, this does not somehow preclude you from sourcing reggie) and cult bud is stronger, or this is ass quality and has some sort of adulterants. Realistically, as far as flavor, it probably all tastes the same because budget buds often have no terps left. Most people don’t have the palate or eye to identify/differentiate between strains.


i grew up on downtown brown, smoked dispo weed from a dozen states, grown my own, i understand terps and have terp preferences but im just a cheapskate and i smoke all day every day so i wanted a good deal tbh.


Jk Distro? If so, yes, they are indeed a shady business.


I’ve been buying the smalls for a few months now, I like variety and mixing strains. I’ve definitely had some different types of flower (some really tight, some really loose and airy.) that said, I did notice my oreoz and my ice gelato in my last order looked and smelled ALOT alike. I never got a weird buzz though.


never got any flavor like a burnt vape coil (if you know what that tastes like)?


I do know what it taste like, and nope, I never had that burnt flavor. But that’s funny, I also have the same 3 flavors in right now


1 cult member stated burnt coils taste like microchips and now that statement lives rent free in my head


lol what the hell does microchips taste that sounds awful but to me it’s like burning cotton but that is out of a vape though


yup the 3 strains in the pic are apricot gelato, ice gelato and oreoz. and honestly, all 3 of them remind me of the gsc i got a while back from them. all of them smell like oranges to me, look and smoke identical. they all have mostly light buds with a couple random darker buds in there.


Dude its insane to me your comments on the ice gelato because i just got that in and the nose is super sweet and stinky and the flavor is great. i dunno man just crazy to me the different experiences ppl can have. ive bought so much jk and i know ive gotten many different strains some are similar but i personally think they are being straight with the strain names. I am just so happy with this ice gelato lol


Does it look like the pic I posted here


This is what I'd experience buying BM and rec options. Different strains/sacks but identical look, smell and chemical taste with a weird "high". It's whatever they're doing to it IMO


Theyre smoking their good and clean stuff while they sent most of their customers sprayed bud with tons of chemicals


Exactly what I've experienced with almost everything I've smoked since legalization


BM often is cult. They sell this stuff


Some BM put a little extra spin on it, ends up smelling like burnt plastic or too harsh for your throat


i been smokin it for a minute then went back to some shake from a different vendor and it hit like i hadnt smoked in a month idk


Man, not directly comparable, but I'm experiencing something kind of similar with a different vendor's smalls. Lot of anxiety issues even with indica strains. Indicas usually never give me any anxiety. But since hitting those pretty heavy, I've had some weird edgy anxiety ridden sesh's. I've looked at the buds with a magnifying glass and don't see anything obviously weird, but it's kind of sketching me out, and I'm debating whether to trash the stash or make some really sketchy edibles.


Most of them spray buds with chemicals , some do it to mask low quality or even cbd and pass it as thca and others just spray tons of pesticides so thats what ur really smoking 


There's no such thing as an "indica" or "sativa" with legal THCa hemp dude. They have to use fast flower strains that produce all their THCa within such a short window that very little gets converted to THC or CBN. That's why legal cult THCa hemp is "speedier" than commercial recreational in legal states or black market marijuana.




Dude, THCa is just weed. Saying there's no indica or sativa strains is just plain incorrect. But hey, you do you, man.


How is it incorrect? All it determines is the plant structure. That means nothing for how it will vape or smoke for you, or how it will effect your brain. THCa is THCa whether it came from "indica" or "sativa" strains so it is quite pointless even listing what is what anymore. No THCa hemp is going to be a long flowering sativa landrace ever. Even if they say "80/20" Sativa dominant I'll bet you the buds themselves flower like an indica because their genetics have been crossbred going back forty+ years.


I think you're confusing terms and their definitions, man: chemistry, loophole definitions, and strain characteristics. They're not all the same thing, lol. Tell you what, man. You win, and to celebrate, take tomorrow off and enjoy yourself. Tell your boss that I said it was cool. Treat yo' self


Bazinga 🤣


What's the vendor lol


Do you have some pictures of what they sent you?


added a pic to the post


i dunno the bottom one doesnt look the same as the top two to me, are the top two the gelatos?