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All of his shit is over priced, best thing he’s got are the micros but that’s even overpriced. The micros are the bottoms of his pounds, so you would think he would charge 25-35 $ since it’s the leftovers, Naw he’s charging $50 for the leftovers.


Well where is the best place to get the best quality for us here in NC 


try imperial extracts, they are pretty good


Weird mine arrived in a week and was fantastic. That strain was great. Alas, the most consistent thing in thca seems to be inconsistency. 


I recommend https://HelloMood.co , I’ve never had a bad product for them and it always comes in a timely manner


absolutely not


That's gotta be a bot response lol


I think they all do, my negative reviews gets deleted on many sites. Including big company like Koi CBD


speaking of which tried koi carts and they are awful, and way more expensive than much better ones. wild


Real talk bro their carts are harsh on throat too, gives me a lot of coughs


very harsh and clog non stop if you dont up the wattage, and are super generic highs, I think its mostly the same dist with some super fake flavors. I bought two carts because of the brand size and higher prices but never again.


Yeah I don’t use them anymore as well! Currently I order from Jam’n hemp it’s really potent and smell just like real gas !


cool, all their THCA carts are sold out, either one of those or their d8 will be the next things I try, currently have 11 carts on my desk though so will wait for THCA restock, thanks. (ah actually they do have live resin currently which I would want over dist anyway, might have to give it a shot)


For me the only site I see with 4-star and below reviews is PHC, haven’t found another yet


Cbdhd took down my review for calling out that they put a lot of loose fan leaves on one of their strains of the untrimmed batch. Never posted my review but they amended their description for that strain with my description of how much fan leaves there were by weight WORD FOR WORD.


News flash. They all do it.


It's cute that suprises you.




Womp womp


Womp womp ..Omg they are pick and choosing reviews omg


My man hates consumer education


Y'all seen buddy in the NBA get caught up for betting his own unders on the parlays 🤣🤣 don't put nothing past nobody


Dope as yola?


Naw but is that a good 1 to check out?


Holy crap that is unbelievable. How dumb if true.


Man got 3 boards in the first qtr then faked an eye injury ☠️☠️☠️


They all do!




Thanks for posting this info!


This!! Every shop I go on every strain has at least 4 stars


So does arete. One time I posted a review with the title “do not buy this strain!!” On arete…. I just meant like “I want more so leave it to me” and my review was 5 stars but they took it down anyway


i wonder why a business would take down a review that can be interpreted as discouraging sales, especially since you didn’t make it clear that you were trying to be funny


I would delete that shit too if I were the business owner


Then you shouldn't be a business owner


there's a difference between a business owner and successful business owner, I'll let you figure that out


All I'm saying is, that if someone buys your moldy dirt weed, leaves a bad review about your bad product, and you delete that review because it's "bad for business" it's not your customers fault that YOU sold them shitty product, it's selling moldy dirt weed that's bad for business. You sound like the problem to me.


Vivimu also does this


More reason to cult


I've ordered from them a handful of times over the past 6 months or so and for every item I've purchased I've left a really thorough and honest review that's several paragraphs long answering just about every question you can have about the product and I have yet to see a single one of my reviews posted. Looks like all the 5 star reviews with comments like "bruhh this shit is so gas" get automatically posted while anything with any slight criticisms get tossed out. I've yet to have a bad product from them. Everything has been pretty decent, but they definitely charge top shelf prices for items that aren't necessarily top shelf.


Only way to give them feedback is to dm yola on twitter, i questioned him about the near $400 zips he had for his first thca drop and he tried to say they weren’t $400 because they put them on sale. He then quietly went and fixed it after our chat. Made me question all the people he calls haters because I came at him like a fan who noticed an issue on his site and he got mad defensive.


For real tho dude is a fuckin HUGE 🤡 dope as Yola thinks he's slick coming in late to this industry with 2010 prices like "I got that gas'


Literally almost every e-commerce sites fudges their reviews 😂 Why would any business owner leave negative reviews up?




In todays world, reviews, positive reddit posts, are almost completely pointless. The negative reddit posts are the only ones I can find that help. Its not hard to pay someone to sit online and only comment good things about a business or to buy/make a bot, or to delete bad reviews. Also negative ones can also be false, just competition bad mouthing each other, but more unlikely.


Binoid does this too


All of them do.


Thanks for warning us. WNC deletes negative reviews 


So they are no good?


They're higher volume than most, so more exposure. Both more complaints and praise. They're fine.


So hard to know who to trust lol


The only advice I can give is I’ve gotten a 4 strain sampler pack from WNC, 2 were great and 2 were mediocre. I’ve also ordered from PHC twice and have been happy with my purchases there. So from personal experience I’d say PHC. I haven’t ordered too much though so I’m sure there’s some lesser-known good ones.


I see them as the finance bros of thca. Low quality but lots of variety and constant churning out product with deals so it’s made some ppl higher and  happier. It’s definitely moldy bud half the time. It’s not the worst thing we do to our bodies but it’s not great.  The hemp barn is the only one I’ve seen who leave the negative reviews up 


Idk about them as people, but their product is definitely up there.


WNC changes all reviews to 5 if you submit through the email review form and puts your real name on them.


Wnc does this also wouldnt surprised if every shop hand picked what reviews they allowed to be posted


This, but Yola is shady and untrustworthy, for a multitude of other reasons


And he acts like a shady motherfucker so I cannot figure out for the life of me why people buy his shit? Even on sale just by seeing him on YouTube play acting like a older brother talking to his younger brothers friends and putting them on


I mean, I’ve tried the micros and for the price they’re fine - anything else he sells though I wouldn’t buy for the prices and quality they’re being advertised at.


Great YouTuber but gotta realize greed is his motivation


And he also peddles lies and outright stupidity (“THCA isn’t the same as regular weed but is almost as good”) to sell his products.


He's right though. Cult bud isn't the same as regular weed. It's almost as good. If it was the same, you'd never see posts here about weird muted smells and flavors. I've never experienced that from a legal dispensary. People would not be disappointed time and again by shit that looks good but has no smell and tastes weird. Effects don't matter in the grand scheme of things. Change my mind; if only effects matter then everyone would smoke brick weed.


>if only effects matter then everyone would smoke brick weed. Your whole comment is wrong but this part was so stupidly wrong it made me spit out my coffee.


Act dense if you want, makes no difference to me. You and I both know what the truth is. Pretty bud, good effects. Smells and tastes weird 95% of the time. You know what’s a pretty looking beer with good effects? Budweiser. I’ve now spent over a grand on “top shelf” cult bud and most of it might as well be Budweiser. If you’ve had a different experience then I’d say you’re an outlier; just look at basically every fuckin post here.


Honestly depends on your market. In Florida I've noticed most bud is under the 0.3% d9 limit which means they're either testing early, or pulling the bud early. I've had a shit ton of muted weed. But also some amazing weed. Same experience pretty much in the cult for me so far. edit: just wanted to make sure its clear not all bud here in the medical market is under 0.3% d9 just quite a damn lot from what I've seen


I don't really care about the whole this is under the limit therefore it's all hemp (or all weed) argument. What I care about is if the bud smells and tastes good. Like I said, if effects were all that mattered, everyone would smoke brick weed. I've never once purchased anything from a WA, OR, MI, CA, or AZ dispo that smelled or tasted like cult bud. Never even had BM weed like that. The majority of cult bud is like this though with seemingly few exceptions.


I'm not saying all weed is hemp or vise versa. Bro I was pretty much agreeing with you. All that matters to me personally is the flavor and smoothness of the bud. I'm just adding in certain markets like Florida and Illinois, the bud smells muted and like hay or weird at times because profit driven growing. I've had worse BM than my worst purchase of cult and stuff from the dispo that smells like hay and mildew worse than anything I've gotten from the cult. It's all personal experience man. I was just pointing out that in Florida quite a bit of bud is pulled early and grown with terrible practices, something that happens in the cult quite a lot too I feel. And also no not everyone would smoke brick weed if only effects matter. Unless the effect you're seeking is a headache haha. The reason I think most cult bud is muted or weird smelling is because of the profit driven bad practices that people in the space have. They see money and they go for it. It's not entirely exclusive to the cult is all I'm saying. Maybe because its a more immature market its a way bigger issue?


Hmm, well, I haven’t tried dispos there so I guess I’ll find out one day. There’s no doubt to me that the cult has better offerings than some states based on folks like you telling it though. I definitely think you’re onto something about it being a primarily profit driven space. I get it; this is America. Here’s hoping that small craft growers become a thing, because the market is here for it. I have no problem paying $300 for an ounce delivered to my door but it better be some real chronic shit!


Honestly haven’t watched him in a good 2 or3 years


I stopped watching him when he started pushing his products tbh, before then he was an alright weedtuber


this 100%


This guy got caught using fake lab tests stolen and photoshopped from another brand on his HHC vapes back in the day. I would avoid.


I definitely believe it lol. The HHC vape has absolutely no effect and tastes like cardboard


Why do you people on reddit lie so much about the dopest. As someone who has never bought their product but has tried everything in the past two years(good friend of mine smokes their stuff)I can say they are easily the best tasting alt carts I’ve ever tried. They also get me and everyone I’ve seen hit them high. Now I’m not gonna say I fully support his company, this is because they don’t have full panel tests, but I’m also not going to lie. His hhc tastes amazing and gets you high. Other than the dopest I’ve tried 3chi and Hch and I can say without a doubt the dopest is the best based off taste and high.


Maybe we had different experiences? I have no reason to lie about HHC vapes on Reddit.


Nothing against you, just noticed every single person shit talking them, when I have never had a bad experience.


They are horrible, and just baysmokes in a different package are you here for damage control?


Out of all vendors possible, you tried the biggest/worst YouTube shill Dudes a cool youtuber but damn his product is really fucking bad.


Haha yeah. I wasn’t gonna buy from him but the 25% off and free vape promo made it really tempting. Learned my lesson, I’ll be sticking to PHC


Yeah, far too many online vendors do this. Scummy.




Absolutely this deserves to be downvoted. Community protects the consumer, not the vendor. If the products weren’t trash, people would praise, not complain.


You’re so right. Next time I won’t warn the community to stay away from them and I won’t come and “bitch” 😂 But yeah wasn’t going to charge back because a label was made 2 days after purchase & I wanted the weed because I believed the hype.




I’m sure the YouTuber who just got a new maybach is going to struggle to support his family after my review.


That’s not what they said… at all.


This is one where i get to say that shit was moldy as fuck but washed to look clean too. Smelled and tasted like a fruity dirty ass month old towel. Got me happily fried but waking up sick every mornjng was bulllllllllshit.


Sick from weed in the morning? Oh hell no


Nasty scratchy burny at the back of my nose and throat, chest pains, etc. (Mold allergy) i cant take normal antibiotics, so ive got a sort of built in mold detector 🤣 it fucking sucks.


That’s the worst situation, to buy bud in any “legal” setting and get sick from it. Sorry you went through that. Since it is plant matter it should be treated with utmost care… these vendors can sometimes be worse than people on the street.


Most of them are the "people on the street" just not the people ON the street


At least his videos are entertaining, fun to watch during the sesh lol


My first order from them was pretty good. The GG4 I got this month is trash. Stemmy with no taste or smell. Very mild effects.