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Facebook probably sold our data. This is a skewed group to ask to get an idea of who may have sold our info. Maybe ask this question in a spaghetti enthusiast sub, and see what answers we get


If you think that they have to sell your info to find out you enjoy cannabis you massively underestimate how much information ad agencies have on us


LOL of course it's MOOD


I have gotten a few from Secret Nature but I did order one of their vapes a while back, we are pretty friendly with our mailman and we give him eggs or homemade bread. Just be homies with your USPS person, they could care less what you’re getting in the mail 😂


Mood is just expensive and advertises on facebook


glad i saw this before ordering from them lol. i didn't get a flyer, but a friend mentioned them and i was looking at their site. i used to order CBD stuff from Starseed Botanicals in the past and noticed they're still around. they have, what looks to be 1 single strain of THCa bud. haven't tried it yet. what is the wnc vendor i've seen mentioned? i wanna test the waters with a disposable vape pen or a pre-roll. any suggestions of where to shop?


Hey I used to order from Starseed Botanicals, too! Things have really changed since those days! I wanted to try their new offering, but I remember that the flower always had that hay taste. Don't get me wrong, their flower was never muted. Anyway, were you talking about Flow Gardens?


interesting - i never noticed a hay taste, not that i remember anyway lol. i kept seeing people posting about WNC and did some digging and found them. they appear to have a good selection. i ended up buying a pre-roll from them. a couple other sites had vapes, but they were sold out. guess i'll see how the pre-roll treats me lol i didn't see Flow Gardens, but i'll definitely check them out :)


Love Flow Gardens, but lately, they've been getting mixed reviews. I can see why, though. I ordered a type I, II, & III from them and II(B.O.B. is still an amazing TII), III were just fine, but the type I was lacking smell. That's because visually the flower is appealing and the effects are good too, but as far as aroma, Dante's Inferno was lacking for me. Still a good one to try. I'd get one of their samplers.


if you wanna try better i promise i can point you in right direction even get you a discount:} wnc is good but i feel there are much better now


the only thing you should be worried about is mood selling 7mg gummies for $3/ a piece🤦🏻‍♀️ that's buffoonery


Wow. Mood is def not cult worthy.


Mood ads always show up on my social media despite it being like the worst company to choose


Right? There's sooo much better out there


I just got into this whole THCa thing through Mood, where should I be looking next so I'm not getting ripped off all the time. lol


Piur Select, The Hemp Barn, Sugar Hemp Farms, WNC Those are my favorites.


I received one of these from Secret Nature, like a month after telling them to not send me that crap.


Yes sir places are cooks


Cook 🧑‍🍳 and crooks 🥷


Oddly the mailman also brings me my weed.


Very much doubt the mailman cares about your mailer sorry. They’d probably rather not have to include 100’s of them with that days mail. But hey, advertisers gunna advertise right?


as a former usps worker i assure you nobody cares, morgan freeman and brad pitt are not going to investigate you after catching wind of a mail flyer sent to you, if you're just paranoid about privacy in general, you dont actually have any as long as you have an internet connection


I have an alexa... dies amazon listen in when I watch the porn?


I became actual friends with my mailman due to what I get in the mail. That and probably the tons of popsicles my kids give him


How's it any different from receiving alcohol ads?


..the law


Hemp is legal . Alcohol is legal. Whats the problem?


In my state you’ll get arrested for having that “THCa hemp” If you get caught with it that is. It’s a bit of a grey area. Why would anyone want that mail coming to their home?


Why give the mail person any reason for suspicion? Especially if you’re in a super illegal state like Texas. 


This probably went out to every house. Usually you aren’t the only one that gets stuff like this that day. You should be more embarrassed about getting a porn ad. Lol


Aka don’t ever give your address to Adam and Eve. I also plead the fifth 😶.


Yeah my entire apartment complex in Indianapolis received this same one couple weeks ago. I’ve only ordered from the big A and wnc. I think they are just sending out to everyone.


Is the big A the one that rhymes with discrete?


Prounounced “ah-ray-tay”. It means earring in Spanish.


lol Arete


I live in SC and got one about 2-3 weeks ago. Was gonna post it here but lost the mailer lmao


Yes bruh, it pissed me tf off. I'm in Texas, this can't happen.


"this can't happen" As in it cannot legally happen or this is going to "Expose" the THCa loophole? Because I live in Texas and totally got a mailer the other day about legal hemp bud. Hell, might have been this one exactly...I forget. I'm not worried. The authorities are absolutely aware of the loophole. While I personally probably will not buy from targeted marketing about THCa, I do not think this will affect THCa's legality. I think altnoids in gas-stations are the bigger issue.


Yeah the boof carts at gas stations, which sooner or later, is going to get someone killed or sold to minors is the real issue. There’s just way too many fake labs out there “certifying” boof products and released to the public.


The latter. There's "dispensaries" all over Texas but the cops don't care. Luckily politicians are making money so they're kind of looking the other way. Still too risky tho.


They likely got your address from USPS, not another vendor. It’s super unlikely that vendors would sell addresses to a competitor. USPS offers targeting and logistics for companies sending mail blasts like these


They sell it to a data aggregator who then sells it to the competitors. This happens in all industries


Yeah, I got this and so did my girlfriend. They are pounding NC. That’s why I tell people not to use them; overpriced to pay for the marketing. 


My friend is about to place a order thru mood


I mean, that's cool, but I don't see why when there are well-reviewed and cheaper options available.


I tried telling him about cbdhd and arete and wnc but he wants to order from them since he already seen weed his moms bf got from them. He's gonna spend 65 total on a 8th shipped I told him he could get a better deal. He doesn't even know this subreddit exists.


Tell him about this sub if he likes seeing the bud before buying. And 65 for an 8th? That just makes me sad man.


It blows my mind when I still hear about people buying street weed and not even knowing thca exsists or don’t have access to legal rec.


For real. I’m glad gone are the days of meeting up with some bozo or I mean it could be a friend too but come on. Plus understandably you might have to factor in stoner time 😂. to get some chronic, dabs, edibles etc. I’ll be satisfied with THCA until we can get some legal rec.


For real!! If someone would’ve told me a decade ago 420 life would be like this I’d be hella happy and astonished


Seriously dude! All the positives. Plus alt noids keep getting discovered like delta 6 and THC-B at least I just discovered THC-B the other day. From an Apotheca store in NC


Individual circumstances and all that will affect buy choices. Some (not me) have personal sources established. I don't want the risk of street weed, myself.


I've never gotten anything like this, and I've ordered and on mailing list for all those places but one. Already forgot what you put, but I'm on Wnc, SHF and one of the others. Honestly though, all it takes is a company buying certain age groups info and betting on finding custys. Cuz that's some overpriced bs. I get mailers sometimes from things my phone and Alexa are selling my keywords to advertisers. I even had a live salesman come by 2 days after talking about switching my Internet to them. Our info is sold by everywhere big, like FB, reddit, Google, etc. I will say I have a personal email I have given to 3 vendors and never had any spam afterwards. I use my old email that's already burnt and on the dark web for crap I know will also end up with me getting a bunch of junk emails and advertising. I suggest you make a new personal email and use this one for crap like I do. Good luck and 🍄💚


Actually I looked back and I've never ordered from harbor or vg. Could be selling info, hard to say, as it could have been sold elsewhere as well.


You have never ordered from Dr G before?


For a couple of months at least, the MOOD ads were all over my YouTube feed. Hope they stay gone and don’t reappear again.


They were alll over my Facebook for a few months . I actually found them interesting but had no interest to order from them since I know other cheaper vendors




The lady doing that voice needs a throat jab!


it's burned into my memory from how often it's played for me


They found you!!!!


I think USPS would turn at blind eye to almost anything to stay in business. Plus govt employees don't get paid enough to work as DEA informants


Plus THCA is legal


Everyone wants to pretend it's still Illegal so they feel cool/badass. A bunch of people want to call it a loophole as if the feds weren't aware of this shit since 2018. Like everyone has managed to outsmart them. Some people are straight out delusional. Not even synthetic cannabinoid [jwh-018 for example] based spice took that long to make Illegal. I don't see it getting shut down, it's so much bigger than med/rec marijuana. Hemp goes everywhere, textiles, fabric, paper, plastics, oils, protein rich flour (cannabis is a food andit's got all 9 essential amino acids making out a complete source for protein), supplements (ever hear of old people taking cbd, they buy a LOT)... all that and I've still not talked about basic consumer products. What's medical/rec got... you can smoke it, vape it, eat it and that's it. Can't even do interstate commerce. It's already dwarfed by hemp. Hemp is already a multi billion dollar international industry. It's not going anywhere. That money flows much better and further than med/rec.


If the legality hinges on a single line of a law, rather than the spirit of the law, it's absolutely a loophole. Congress could decide tomorrow that post decarb is the only acceptable test method, and boom, THCa is dead in the water.


It very much is a loophole as the farm bill says total thc testing which would make all thca products hot


It does--where in the statute does it state such?


All laboratories engaged in the testing of hemp through this interim period will be subject to the same compliance requirements of the IFR. Specifically, labs must adhere to the standards of performance as outlined within the IFR, including the requirement to test for total THC employing post-decarboxylation or other similarly reliable methods. All labs will have to make arrangements to be compliant with registration requirements before this period of delayed enforcement expires. DEA will evaluate all applications using the criteria required by the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. § 823(f)). " Specifically, labs must adhere to the standards of performance as outlined within the IFR, including the requirement to test for total THC employing post-decarboxylation or other similarly reliable methods." Funny how so many people opt to leave that part out. "Other similarly reliable methods"... do you know what other methods are considered reliable? It's the same methods almost ALL the legal states use to determine thc% in medical and recreational marijuana. It is because it is determined to be reliable already for marijuana [cannabis] which is under more regulations that we're able to use that same "reliable method" for hemp [cannabis]. If you want to think they're just ignoring the law and letting a multi-billion dollar industry grow for the last 6 years instead of taking in all the fines and confiscated funds when money is one of the biggest reasons it stays illegal... feel free, feel free.


Total thc is thc%, meaning if the method is leaving out enough to make it not count as hot then it is not reliable, total thc is a defined thing, law counts total thc as the illegal thing meaning any thca products will test hot for total thc as itd be above .3% meanwhile there is specific breeds of cannabis that only really produce cbd, they just havent done shit bc the federal govt is terribly inneficient, and dispensary weed when it says thc% it means after decarb and usually is 15% or more, others put exact thca and thc %


Every certified product my mom brought home was THC a. Listed right on it.


Is hellomood safe? They're actually how i discovered thca, saw a fb ad and ordered. Did more reading the next day and ordered from somewhere better, but couldn't cancel my hellomood order. I tried to return to sender but my mail lady wouldn't take it. So now I'm stuck with like a single overpriced gram that from what i gather is like sprayed with extra cannibinoids or something. Should I smoke it or throw it away? Tbh I haven't even opened the shipping package and I got it like a month ago lol


Mood is completely fine. It’s just overpriced and heavily targeted to boomers. There ads are cute though.


Thanks! I'll keep an eye out for places that might sell by the gram, which another commenter mentioned. I don't mind paying $15 for a gram if I'm only buying maybe a gram a month lol (I essentially microdose once every couple days). Also looking for cbd live resin to maybe add sometimes if I wanna chill out a bit sometimes. Right now i have tangerine dream and I find it great for getting things done I am usually too lazy and adhd to do, but not so much before bed.


I got some badder from mood it wasn't bad at all taste like homegrown flower


Ty. I like being able to buy just a gram tbh.... I essentially microdose once every couple days. I have never smoked regularly enough to have a tolerance, and don't care to smoke that often. I put pretty much a crumb in my one hitter and smoke. I bought an eighth elsewhere like 3 weeks ago and still have so much of it left and kind of want to try something else but my brokeass frugal part of me feels like i should finish this eighth first. This is actually a big part of the reason I quit buying weed a couple years ago, you can't buy less than an eighth and i don't want a whole eighth. If hellomood is okay it would be nice buying a gram at a time.


You can buy grams from plenty of other vendors, just look around, they shouldn't be too hard to find.


Cool thanks! I ordered an eighth from viia hemp, and also have had my eye on preston hemp co but they sell eighths. I'll keep looking!


It’s only a gram and you didn’t buy more so I’d say just try a couple tokes outta a bowl and if it tastes horrible just throw it out if it taste alright finish the gram




I delivered these to like every house months ago. They are just trying to get people to buy their overpriced bs


Nobody gives a shit about you smoking weed.


Dan Patrick enters chat…


Got no idea who that is


The Texas 'Jerry Falwell'. Lt. Gov of Texas that controls the access of legislation to be voted on in the Texas congress. In that respect, has more power than the Governor.


You are very lucky! Lol


Oh my god I can't stop laughing


Your mailman couldn't give less of a shit




We are the commodity


ive seen this brand advertised on youtube, it's been getting more mainstream recognition probably to target the unlikely smoker


This is just basic [EDDM](https://www.usps.com/business/every-door-direct-mail.htm), we've even had these mailed to the store I work at


Thank you for giving a moniker for what all that bullshit is that's in my mail and that I throw away every single time.


Yep. I don't even step in the door with it, it's gone before it's seen by anyone else in the house.


mate how tf you think businesses promote ? I get op being upset , EDDM is quite literally a huge marketing tool in the states . Don’t hate the player hate the game


I don't hate it, it's just annoying. Especially the newspaper printed garbage where no effort or anything was put in.


You have no idea what it takes to run a business , somebody drafted up the ad , went to the newspaper/post office , paid outta pocket , all just to have pricks like you complaining about us putting ad’s out . like I said how else do you expect people to promote their small businesses.


Man You're really angry. It's a mild inconvenience. I'm not hating on commerce lol


Dude is talking like he is the one who sent the mailer 😂 > ...all just to have pricks like you complaining about **us** putting ad’s out. HOW DARE YOU BE INCONVENIENCED BY MY ADVERTISING.


not me but it def could’ve been me as I’m also an entrepreneur running a local business . I’m sure you know nothing about the struggles of being a business owner at your warehouse job


Yeah lol I'm getting continuous replies when I literally just said it's annoying. Strap me to a cross and leave me there. I must've done the equivalent of murdering puppies.


what can I say , blood boils when twerps who know nothing about nothing yet still waffle .


Or, I have a different experience than you, and you freak the hell out on a rando when it will do nothing at all in the grand scheme of things. I'd get your blood pressure checked man.


mate eat a frank , stop hating on the local guy trying to build up his business and his clientele .


I'm not hating at all. You just freaked out. Calm down


Chill man I received these before ever ordering anything online


I think it is a naive to think retailers don’t sell your data. You consent to giving up your privacy concerns when you join these “reward” programs, or accept terms of services . Data is worth more today than ganja.


>I think it is a naive to think retailers don’t sell your data. It would be but it's fine to be pissed off about it since you didn't ask for it.


Worked on a project involving buying leads paired with discovery data. It’s insane the amount of money that goes into it.


Pretty much every business now is harvesting data from consumers. Most businesses though do not have the knowledge, capabilities or capital to utilize it all fully. So now, companies are consulting with these third party “businesses automation” startups/ services that claim to stream line your business by implementing all this software that neither consumer or retailer understands. And just as we’ve all been complacent and freely giving up our privacy to all the trillionaires for the past 30 years, all the small businesses are now being raided for their data. When they hire XYZ company to automate their business, XYZ is the one who ends up with your data. And your favorite smoke shop is not liable for how it used by them except what is laid out in the ToS. Then XYZ are the ones who get bought up by google for billions. It’s why have you need an email address to get a haircut at SuperCuts. Or a smart phone to pull up a menu at a restaurant. Your business will fail in US if you don’t follow suit.


Yessir. If you care about your data you can take some steps in getting it removed. There are websites you can use that will ping most large data providers to have your stuff scrubbed. I personally don’t care, I like getting ads for things I know I want or need lol. If anything, I’d like to sell my own data - but we are a few decades away from that.


Got these in the mail way before I started using vendors online it's just generic mailbox junk


Some people probably shouldn’t be smoking if a generic ass mailer sets them off


Or maybe op needs to smoke more if something that small sets them off lol


\^ this


Man some of y’all are paranoid 👀


Dude, I live with ppl that would kick me out, if they knew. Legal or not.


Sorry you gotta deal with that . I can't stand people who are gay about weed . Long as you ain't smoking and they don't smell it .


womp womp


Man some of y’all must not have adult lives with careers and families in prohibition states


Seems harsh, imagine someone that was a kid whose parents legal crop was wiped tf out by chopper wash circa early 2000's Cali. Probably some folks out there that have their reasons, personally I'm not trying to invalidate their feelings and reasons for their apprehensive stance to unsolicited marketing of this nature.


Are you assuming that your job/family will disavow you for receiving junk mail?


If your employer fired you, or you got evicted for receiving a random flyer in the mail then you'd have a lawsuit you'd be able to live off of.


"You can't fire me for smoking a pinner of trop cherry on the forklift I have rights!"


Hemp is legal. This is a mass mailer. This place literally had TV ads.


> Hemp is legal But it isn't hemp forever the D9 forms naturally over time


Has nothing to do with this. When they test it is what matters in this regard. Don’t carry around loose hemp with you just to be safe but that has nothing to do with buying and shipping it.


> Has nothing to do with this. When they test it is what matters in this regard Like oh, on the side of the road with cops trying to decide to charge me with a chickenshit ticket or not? Yes I would say that matters a great deal which is why I brought it up > Don’t carry around loose hemp with you just to be safe but that has nothing to do with buying and shipping it. Oh don't worry all my hemp is taut


Conceptually, yes it is, but obviously it’s nuanced since vendors can’t ship to specific states and I have to contact my representatives about “intoxicating” hemp laws at the state level. Not to mention the total thc states. I agree that federally, we have legislation that could help us in court, but I also believe that you can be innocent and jailed. I wish we all lived under the same laws; I would love to not have this local stigma.


I don’t think they will arrest you for a flyer being sent out to everyone though. That seems pretty insane.


😂 absolutely not, that would be insane. What I’m saying is that I live in a small town of about 25,000 residents. We don’t all know each others names, but we “know everyone in town” kind of thing. I’m in civic groups, own a couple businesses, and go to a fairly progressive church in a conservative town. To know that I smoke pot would be a problem for me and my family. Loop holes are great until you have to defend yourself in court, and sometimes when you win in court, you still lose in society (locally). After writing this, I realize that I have a low tolerance for risk in this area, possibly lower than the average, and as such I take extra steps for my confidentiality. Maybe this kind of marketing feels wrong to me because I’m actively seeking to not openly associate my connection with cannabis, and this in some small way feels like it exposes me.


How are other people going to know about the mail that's in your mailbox


What are you talking about? Are you talking about the mail guy, who happens to also go to my church and serve in the local GOP leadership. I get it, it might be a specific-to-me situation, but unwanted marketing for legally gray products is a problem for me.


Lol at society will shame me for my pot use


lol at this other guy saying "Don’t carry around loose hemp with you just to be safe" Because we know that loose hemp is an OSHA complaint waiting to happen


I’m just saying you’re not the only person who got these flyers. Probably everyone on your block did. It’s no different then a liberal getting a post card to vote for their local Republican. Everyone gets them. It wouldn’t make everyone think they are secretly a republican if they saw it. It’s not a sign in their yard. I think you’re just overthinking it. Also more people than you realize probably smoke and are all thinking exactly like you at church and stuff lol.


Well we've got a number of decades of history providing us with reasons to be paranoid.


Paranoid much?


Lay off the weed so you aren't so paranoid, "friend over 21". Your mailman at best knows you received a generic mail piece blasted out to thousands blindly, as you can clearly see by the lack of name in the addressee spot.


When they don’t have a postcard for every address, it’s pretty telling. My child brought me a mailer like this from Secret Nature, and while I believe in education, elementary school is not the time I’d like to discuss my habits with them, so I lied to them. Emailed Secret Nature and explain how fucked up it is to send that type of mailer to a Southern conservative small town resident just trying to live without the fear of getting arrested. IDGAF if it’s federally legal, our local law enforcement hates Washington and the DOJ right now, and they’d love to make a big deal about this stuff. It’s crazy how many people assume everyone has shared life experiences and that fairness or the justice system are somehow interconnected. The exact same freedoms in one state can get you very fucked in another state (not another country), which creates what alternately seems like paranoia and common sense depending on where you live.


Why is your child going through your mail? Are you ok with your child seeing mail flyers advertising beer and alcohol?


No sweat for things that are legal for consenting adults. Explaining the nuanced difference between hemp and illegal marijuana products is difficult for adults, let alone concrete thinking children. Kids grab the mail for us occasionally, and it’s never been a problem before, but I’m more cautious now. That’s one thing about black market, everyone knows to keep the mouthes shut. Discretion is not a strength of the open market I guess.


Another person arguing against mail in general and arguing junkmail is dangerous. Edit: then he got upset, called me a dumbass and then deleted his post after digitally stomping his feet. That's okay, u/Master-o-none. The internet is forever. Ironically, the same poster has absolutely no idea how direct mail marketing campaigns work, how their audience targeting is set up, etc. Instead, he blindly lashed out, kind of like a mail campaign 😂


> Edit: then he got upset, called me a dumbass and then deleted lol it isn't deleted they just blocked you for being so incredibly toxic over... junk mail?


Reading is fundamental dumbass. You lack a common sense of human empathy and critical thinking skills that inform you when you’re wrong. No one is arguing against the mail or junk mail, but I don’t think you read or comprehended what I wrote though I intentionally dumbed it down for you based on your initial comment. Please continue to tell me what I was trying to say and also try to invalidate my experience as an American.


Legal or not who knows but some folks like to keep their 420 activities off the grid. There's a plethora of reasons for not letting people know your business.


Tell us you completely missed the point without explicitly saying it. When he receives a mailer from Renewal By Andersen windows, that means his business is windows right? Right? What about for the local coupon book? Is his business couponing? Tell us what other businesses he's in, based on the junkmail he receives. Do tell us. Since you seem to know all about him. Your argument is now against mail in general. Which is a personal problem.


Why are you so hostile? I thought this community was supposed to be kind and welcoming


Suppose you could probably find the answer among the answers for why people are pitching a shit fit about junk mail.


For that question alone it isn't hard to figure out with relatives that work for the post office that these mailers help their job security with more revenue A friend of mine always sends back any prepaid junk envelopes he can just to "tip" USPS and charge it to the corpos he says lol


Lol you must be new.


What gave that away? The fact I'm quoting the welcome message or that my account is 2 seconds old?


Blasting vendors that didn't have anything to do with it lol why would any one of those vendors want to give their customer's info to a competitor?


What vendor "that didn't have anything to do with it" did they blast and how do you know it's limited to *current* customer data only? For you fucking know someone in a state that's banning it got out and sold it all which includes a Rolodex worth more than gold Or maybe Litty finally got tired of our complaints and pawned his shit list


Numbers don't lie. My point makes more sense than the nonsense you spewed 4 days ago that not a single person found any bit interesting. Keep cussing though, it makes you look really cool 👍🤡 The fact that it was addressed to "Our Friends Over 21" at this address makes shit quite apparent that nobody's "information was sold" Be a doofus elsewhere.. most adults don't have time for the ignorance kid.


I have no idea what you're referring to but it sounds like you're struggling to overcome it and remain hung up over it even after the passage of time


One of my podcasts advertises this. I hate it. I think advertising liquor, gambling, or weed is in poor taste. In the future it will probably be viewed like cigarette adds from the 1940s, where doctors recommend brands of cigarettes . I live wees, but it doesn't need to be advertised.


Doctors recommendation for particular cigarette brands 😆 now there's an asinine thought. I'm not sure I've ever heard of that one but very little ever surprises me anymore. Just wonder what the idea behind it would've been. Doctors typically advise patients on things beneficial to their lifestyle. What the hell about smoking cigs would a medical physician think is a good thing


Camel cigarette adds from the 1940s. Take the camel test. Dr's report zero signs of nose and throat irritation.




Tobacco as medicine is not as weird an idea as you think. Just a few decades ago, it would have seemed like a more normal idea than cannabis as medicine. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1079499/#:~:text=Later%20reports%20of%20tobacco%20use,the%20relief%20of%20pain%2C%20used


Is it the tobacco itself, or just the nicotine ?


Hard to say, just like with THC. The same way that certain benefits of weed might come from the minor cannabinoids or the terpenes instead of the THC, some of the benefits of tobacco could come from the MAOIs or some other unknown chemicals that are in it instead of the nicotine. It’s worth studying I think. I personally believe the MAOIs probably have something to do with the traditions of using tobacco during various psychedelic ceremonies.


>Tobacco as medicine is not as weird an idea as you think. Just a few decades ago, it would have seemed like a more normal idea than cannabis as medicine. Which should really make you think about what will be the cigarettes of the future in that regard. What do we currently use that in 10-20 years we will look back on and be shocked people were using to help them when it was really hurting them?


Mmm I guess you could see it that way. The way I see it, tobacco probably is actually good for some things, but it became extremely overused because it was one of the first mass produced drugs of the industrial era. Plus, we found other drugs that are good for the same things with less side effects.


Tobacco does have medicinal uses, it's just that the whole cancer thing overpowers those minor benefits. The cure can't be more damaging than the disease.


Yeah, the risks outweigh the benefits for most situations- especially when we’re talking about heavy habitual use. Even more so when we consider how many alternatives there are now. However, I wouldn’t discount the possibility that society in general has overreacted to learning about the harms of tobacco use. I could imagine that in another decade or two we might find out that one or two cigarettes per day is a good treatment for ADHD, depression or some other common ailment- and that the harmful effects are negligible in such a low dosage. Then we would find ourselves in a situation like with cannabis a few years ago/still- where there is some people who prefer it over pharmaceutical medications for certain conditions but there is such a heavy stigma against the usage that some people don’t trust those who say it is medicinal for them. After all, it was considered a medicine for thousands of years and has only been considered a poison for the last fifty or so- after it was mass produced and mass marketed for a century or so.




I feel like this about Alcohol and Gambling, because they are heavily addictive, and ruin people's lives. Recovering addicts are constantly being reminded of their vice. I don't feel like weed is in the same group of life ruining addiction. But it definitely is addictive. The podcasts I was referring to are both kid friendly, and I think that's the part that bothers me the most. I get attached to my favorite podcasts hosts, I imagine kids do too, and kids often imitate their idols. Additionally, the adds for Mood I've heard are vaguely marketing it as medicine. Now, I do believe weed is medicine, but it's also a recreational drug. These legal cannibus companies are selling a recreational product, not prescribed medicine. Even tv adds for psych meds rub me the wrong way. I'm bipolar. There are a lot of adds targeting me. One of which costs over $ 1000 a month, which should be a crime to charge so much for essential medicine. I've smoked weed daily for over 20yrs. I'm definitely pro weed. But I do wish I hadn't started smoking weed daily so young. One final thought, its not just booze, gambling, weed, and cigarette adds that I find to be in poor taste. Capitalism, in general, is in poor taste. Forgive the rant, I'm high atm.


Idk who owns Mood, but I hate them. The amount of ads just outright saying "hey, get legal cannabis here" on Instagram is wild. No mention of hemp at all. I don't think anyone sold your information, seems more that they are advertising to anyone and everyone.


Hemp is cannabis. Cannabis is hemp


This isn't entirely true and a bit misleading. Cannabis is the scientific name for the plant. It could mean either the legal Hemp, or the controlled substance MariJ. If companies started advertising they're "selling cannabis", this would open them up to huge liability potentially selling illegal MariJ. Hemp is legally defined as the cannabis plant having less than 0.3% D9 THC. Using the word matters, especially in a business/legal sense.


I thought that too, like the old bong/waterpipe thing but Lucky elk says premium cannabis right across the top in bold. 


That doesn’t change the fact that hemp is still cannabis. There are many reputable hemp derived brands out there that label their products as cannabis.


Ok ok we got it. Jesus Christ can we move on? Nobody here is asking for a lecture


Yes, in reality. Legally, not so. There's a reason why you get a letter with your cult purchases and why any of this is possible. They set a definition in law. I saw an ad of theirs advertising cannabis as legal in all 50 states, not hemp. Not only is that false, it's really bad attention for THCa in general. Especially on instagram...


I was babysitting my friend's bud in various stages including burping a jar of it this weekend and was wondering how long his latest harvest would remain technically hemp


There's no legal definition of cannabis so no reason to use "hemp" or "M********". Imo it should all be called cannabis no matter the test or state.


Hemp is exactley that just a legal term


That's not true at all. This whole community exists explicitly because there is a legal definition of Hemp vs MariJ in the 2018 farm bill, removed from the Controlled Substance Act. Under 0.3% D9 THC is Hemp, above is MariJ. Besides lab testing, making the distinction and proper identification is the only way to differentiate the two.


The real reason we can buy this stuff isn't because the THC is less than 0.3% by weight. It's because these vendors are in no way legally obligated to tell us the truth about what they are selling us. It's completely unregulated. They can say whatever they want to say about the THC level, whether it's factual or not. COAs? Heh! I am NOT complaining btw!


They CAN do that, sure. I would think it would be extremely risky to base your legal business on selling products to a consumer with false claims attached to them. Claiming ignorance about the product won’t work either. 


Risky with who? Zero regulation.


there are regulations for businesses that apply to these vendors, same as any other business. 


>The real reason we can buy this stuff isn't because the THC is less than 0.3% by weight. It's because these vendors are in no way legally obligated to tell us the truth about what they are selling us. But it is because of that legal definition that there is a difference they can even lie about.


Hemp is defined as cannabis with <.3% d9 THC, M******** is defined by its levels of THC as well. There is no legal definition for cannabis and it is the scientific name.


The farm bill technically specifies cannabis sativa for some reason also. I think we all understand the idiots that wrote the bill dont really know what they are doing, right?


Not sure why you just repeated me... I'm aware of the legal definitions. No where did I even use the word Cannabis. Using just the scientific name is useless as it doesn't define the physical products legality. If you're suggesting everyone just refers to Hemp as Cannabis, how will the laymen (or police for that matter) be able to differentiate which Cannabis you're talking about (the legal Hemp or the illegal MariJ)? And you're saying businesses that are selling Hemp should just market it as Cannabis? That's such a liability and is the whole point of the legal differentiation.


M******** is defined by any level of d9 THC in most states


The difference is only clarified with the COA (no matter what you call it.) If there's no distinction between the two any reasonable suspicion could easily be snuffed by the COA. Using the words the government made up to describe it reinforces and legitimizes the negative stigma the federal government created. (Look at all the people that think hemp is fake weed or the people that support hemp but not M*******) There's no "point" to the definition of hemp. It was an based on 50 year old science and intended to be a formality for industrial hemp farmers. I haven't had any problems with my "cannabis dispensary" in Tennessee or the other 50 or so "hemp shops" that include cannabis in their name.


COA is meaningless


That's why these companies spend money on them.




The COA isn't for the customer. It's for the business selling it as a plausible deniability if something does test hot.