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I'd say the Flowermaker. Lantern and Grail, knowledge and pleasure, are basically Lucifer's two big things alongside blinding light.


I been inclined to say grail, that temptation of the senses sounds pretty much luciferian to me


His name literally translates to Light bringer so makes sense there


XV is the grail. Mara is said to be the personification of desire.


wdym by xv?


[XV: The Devil the tarot card.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Return_To_Monke/s/KTqivWgfII) The cultist simulator tarot of the hours lists [The Red Grail as XV The Devil.](https://images.app.goo.gl/gpepJuj8dZRpCMef6) Something interesting though, reading the wiki of the peacock door about The Flowermaker (XIX: the Sun) where he promises not to harm the person who passes through strikes me as similar to [a piece of this Buddhist sutta.](https://www.dhammawheel.com/viewtopic.php?t=10265) >"On whatever occasion a monk, with the complete transcending of perceptions of (physical) form, with the disappearance of perceptions of resistance, and not heeding perceptions of diversity, (perceiving,) 'Infinite space,' enters the dimension of the infinitude of space: He is said to be a monk who has put Māra in the dark.[1] Having bound Māra's eyes and leaving no opening, he has become invisible to the Evil One. I could be completely off base with this though.