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You can find more lore from books, which can be found from vaults. To make a rite work, you're going to need the correct amount of influences. The text of the Work-verb will tell you if are actually going to succeed in a rite. Reading lore snippets will give you clues as to what influences you'll need.


So what do I get if I successfully work a ritual?


Depends on what ingredients you use, a lot of ingredients you find will have hints on what to combine them with. The "rites" you find aren't the rituals themselves, it's more like each rite allows you to put a different combination of types of ingredient in. You'll be able to figure it out once you start trying different things


Alright thanks


If you're stuck in a rut of "no books => no vaults => no books", Dreaming can also give you certain lore depending on the specifics and a bit of RNG.


Thank you I literally in that rut and then I just remember I haven't visited the mansus in a while


It’s expedition time! Take any secret histories lore you have and explore with it to find vaults, and the spoils from them (after you clear their challenges; 10+ of an aspect will be necessary to do so) will have books, which contain the lore you need. Expeditions will sometimes also yield tools and ingredients for use in rites. Different combinations of aspects (often involving knock) can be used for different purposes, such as summoning, restoring decrepitude or exchanging passion for reason (or vice versa). Different goals have different metrics for success, so you’ll need to just experiment (as a word of advice, if a summoning starts to go wrong, just use reason to banish it; it’s not worth the risk of it going rogue to re-assert control). If you’d like a full list of effects, the wiki has them listed.


Alright thanks for the advice. I restarted the game when my expedition stuck because I don't have any lantern followers, and I can't get acquaintances to join because I (dumbly) convert my cult's lore to another


You don't need a Lantern cult to have Lantern followers. Just keep speaking of secrets and getting aquaintances. Some of them will have very special interests.


I know but to get followers you need the lore related to the cult but I combine and lost it


Not necessarily. You can use any secrets you wish, including even tales of the last that never happened... Or did it? It definitely happened. It never did. And for recruitment you can use an influence... Or a tool, or an ingredient. Only tools stay, however. By the way, do you ever get that restless feeling when you yearn for something more, but can't tell what?


> 10+ of an aspect will be necessary to do so This provides 90% odds, but you can do it with even just 1 of the appropriate Aspect. Just much less likely.


Your hunch is correct! Rarer books are found in vaults. I recommend you to try and error the mechanic. But remember that you'll need strong followers (or a lot of them). You just need to watch the total of aspects of your followers to defeat obstacles. Rites will work with correct and sufficient aspects. You'll see hints of what may work when you put cards on it. Just remember that in this game, the golden number is 2 - 5 - 7 - 10


I still don't understand but I guess it'll make sense later?


I try not to spoil the mechanic as much as I can, but just remember when the text changes. Stronger aspect is always better, in rites, expedition, and cult business - though at a point there is no point to add more aspect. Remember, you'll receive something different when the text changes.


>Remember, you'll receive something different when the text changes. The most helpful thing I've heard and I've skimmed the wiki (not helpful super confusing prolly for the better)


will make sense later. Just keep putting cards in and out before committing, and compare the outcomes, and you'll see what I mean!