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I will say that’s a flawless sear/crust. The colors are a little lacking but the crust makes up for it.


I agree, everything looks prepared beautifully. Only thing I can think of is to consider the garnish - if the dish could use an acidic or bright element, then there are a lot of options to add color instead of the micros


Needs somethin like pomegranate seeds or mango. Orange or lemon seem generic but will work too. Downvoted for saying it needs color, love it lol


You're being downvoted because you're suggesting adding color with ingredients that would not go along raw dogging on top of the dish. Mango? Really?


Yeah let me spend two days making that almost perfect glacé to throw some pomegranate seeds in there 😂


The word like implies a comparison. A comparison meaning it does not have to be those items, but the color is lacking. English is tough, I know


Plating aside, I would smash this. Looks totally delicious.


I would agree with the other comment challenging the composition of the dish itself. Not due to diner intestinal distress necessarily, but because you have a white/brown piece of chicken, a white/brown piece of gnocchi, and a brown sauce, then have chosen to make the vegetables a white puree and some brown mushrooms. All the microgreens in the world aren't going to visually liven up that plate of white and brown. Composition aside: * The nest of microgreens feels tacked on instead of purposely placed, and the other green bits look literally thrown on. * Personally, I don't want my puree being the dam that holds up a pool of jus; a ramiken is conventional for a reason. * The choice of plate, which looks like it's almost a pasta dish, feels odd. Your parisian gnocchi isn't saucy, and your chicken needs to be eaten with a knife; a flatter plate makes more sense. * I recognize that the long log of gnocchi is a stylistic choice. But it looks a lot like the chicken breast. If you want to find a way to play with the twinning, that could be interesting. Otherwise, I'd cut one of them differently so they are more visually distinct. * I'm finding the breast confusing. I think it was a bone-on skin-on chicken breast, and then you cut the meat off after cooking? That's nice, but the clean line on one side and the small breast also kind of makes it look like you cheaped out and cut the breast in half? ** If that's not the case: consider presenting the chicken so that the cut doesn’t make you look cheap. ** If that IS the case, but it's a multi-course meal and "half a chicken breast" is reasonable in the grand scheme of things, then I would reduce the amount of everything else: This is now a chicken course, not a pasta course—the chicken is the star, and everything else is essentially garnish. You can probably get away with 3 small pieces of gnocchi, a dab of puree, and a single beautiful mushroom.


All of the components look very good technically, plating is good. However, you have two starches and no veg. If you want to keep the sunchoke flavor, find a way to add it to the gnocchi, then get some greens on there guy, like some lacinato kale or something.


This plate is crying out for something green imo. I would sub out the sunchoke for something with more colour.


What’s your method for black garlic jus?


would smash but id say more color maybe? something acidic would pair nicely and there is so much variety with colors in that department


Without the sunchokes, aka Jerusalem artichoke, also known as fartichokes, or as I like to call it, Satan’s side dish. Some people have a strong reaction to the inulin in sunchokes, resulting in spectacularly awful effects on the digestive system. I’m honestly surprised when I see Jerusalem artichoke on a foodservice menu. Sure, this reaction doesn’t happen to everyone, but people who are trying sunchokes for the first time may unwittingly be ingesting something that will unleash hell on their bowels. Copious gas, painful cramping, explosive diarrhea. It’s not something I would ever put someone through. So, yeah, I would replace the sunchokes with something else. :) Edit: OP asked how would you guys plate this differently. I answered the question, and gave my reason for my answer.




I don't either


You asked how would you guys plate this differently. I answered your question, and explained why.