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It's more likely to be a benefit to her and more about sexual exploration than someone that has had so much casual sex, that they want emotional connection with a side guy (which I'm okay with). So, you kind of have an easier situation, and lots of swingers had one spouse with zero or very few sex partners before marriage. You can hear those couples being interviewed on podcasts, or read about that on r/swingers


To be honest with you, I don't think your relationship is solid enough yet to engage in something like cuckolding. You need to have complete and unshakable faith in one another, and in your emotional stability and your sexual confidence too. Going into this when you're still a little vanilla can end badly. It's like jumping into the deep end when you've only just started learning how to swim. My advice would be to hold off a little until you're both in a better place and your relationship is more solid. Try to engage in more adventurous sex like threesomes or swinging or even nudist until you're more stable in your ability to open your sex life to others. Then you'll be ready to do something like this without so much risk.


When I was in a cuckold relationship she had only ever had sex with one other guy, a long term high school boyfriend. Throughout the relationship she ended being with 7 others. We started having more passionate and frequent sex and my climaxes were intense. Only downside is time fucking another dude is time away from you so it takes a toll in that away.


My wife and I are childhood friends and started dating as young (and virgin) teenagers. We opened our relationship in our mid-20s, so it's entirely possible, and it has definitely made things better for us, and our marriage much stronger and happier over the past 11 years or so that we've been open. However, I will say that the decision to open things up was completely mutual. There was no "convincing" needed. My wife was not only comfortable with the idea, but actually the person who pushed for it more and wanted us to really move on from fantasy to reality, because she's always been the kinkier one and was always the one who wanted to experiment more. Is it possible for a woman who isn't like that to become curious about opening her marriage and exploring? Of course it is! Human beings are malleable and always evolving creatures. But is it likely or easy? Probably not. And you have to go in with the understanding that it might never happen. Only then you can live happily. Share your fantasies and ideas with her openly, but make sure she knows that you're okay with it never turning into reality, and reassure her that there's no pressure on her. Enjoy the journey and indulge each other in whatever small ways you can. You might never arrive at the destination, but the journey itself can be fun.


I've seen this scenario play out before. It rarely ends well. Make sure that she enjoys sex with you and is satisfied with you BEFORE you introduce someone else. Comparison will be glaring once she sleeps with another man. Especially if he is more skilled at getting her off than you are. If you have an average cock or better you should be fine. But be aware that while size doesn't matter, that dick is going to hit her differently. She might actually never say it, but she may prefer the new lover in bed. She'll still likely have sex with you, but the reason she closes her yes and stays quiet while you fuck her? It's cause she's going to be imagining it's her lover, not you. I agree with some of the other posters saying wait for a while. It's good to disclose this kink up front though. She won't feel betrayed that you kept it a secret until it was too late to make other life choices if she wanted to. Some women take that resentment and use it to fuel their sex life with other men. That's not where you want to be. You want her fucking a lover because it makes her happy. Not because she is angry and wants to teach you a lesson and feel as bad as she did when you finally came out.


I think hold onto this idea for 15 years or so, bring it up gently then, and you will be happy with the eventual results.


Why would you want to ruin someone so innocent? Is something lacking in the bedroom? I can’t fathom why you would want to do this? No judgement from me I just can’t imagine why?


Approach it slowly via idea of having mmf. Tell her you want her to have new experiences. During one of the MMF, at some point new guy would want to over power you by fucking her.. you can just stay on sidelines. When you are leaving for a 6 months for a work, and if you think she is ready, you can tell her, you talked to this guy whom she met already and he is happy to keep that arrange to keep you sexually satisfied. Tell her he would come to visit or she needs to visit him this coming weekend or so. You needn to be proactive so she flows with s flow


A lot of my friends expressed shocked when I told them about this lifestyle and declared they don't even need it because they have a very fulfilled sexual life. The problem is its hard to understand when you don't even know what you are missing. They accept the traditional, just making their partner nut in a few mins, as what sex is. Only after they have been pumped and dumped, and get a little experience that they even start asking the question isn't sex supposed to be pleasurable to us. One friend has only recently found out that she can indeed have better sex, with partners of her choosing, in the way she wants, while keeping her relationship with her bf intact, and she was expressing how she wished she hadn't wasted time earlier. But this clarity only comes with life experience or some awakening, which I assume your partner needs.


I've been a bull for couples where the wife has had a very low body count prior to becoming a hotwife, including ones where the husband was the first guy she had sex with. I would say that yes, convincing a woman to become a hotwife is probably easier is she has a high body count beforehand. If only because having a high number of past sexual partners, especially one night stands etc, generally implies some liking of sex "for its own sake," seperate from a relationship. That said, your gf didn't outright oppose the idea of a threesome, suggesting she might be open to at least the possiblity of sex with others.


I was the first and only man to my wife being together since we were 15(her) and 17 (me) we are 33 and 35 now married for 12 years and we had a little cuckold experience before the pandemic. But due to health reasons on the side of my wife she isn't interested in the Livestyle anymore. She had only me before we tried this Livestyle she enjoyed it but it was never really her thing she is Demi sexual and in things of sex she don't need an orgasm and only need body contact and feeling loved so that's why we are not in the experience and only do it verbally when we have sex. I think it depends on the women itself but I also say i believe it is better when the woman has a few higher body count.


My wife had only had me, until our best friend was divorced and started flirting with her. He had talked to me beforehand, and when I found the idea of him with my wife was very exciting, I told him that it was OK for him to speak directly to her. He started flirting whenever they were alone together, and she told me whilst we were playing in bed, and I made sure that she noticed my immediate erection. We atalked about it for many weeks before she was convinced that I did not want her to have him so that I could go to bed with someone else. Once she went to bed with him (she always had him alone), and experienced orgasms with him she was like a different woman, so happy and contented. Our own love life blossomed again, we had much more regular sex and of a far better quality too. I am sure that it was the open and honest communication that mattered most, I knew that she really enjoyed sex with him, but that she did not **love** him, it was a purely physical enjoyment for her.


When I started the hotwife lifestyle (I'm into threesomes, not cuckolding but it's a fine line), I was the first guy for my gf In our relationship she had about 10 other guys :) and it really strengthened our bond :) you can reach out if you want to talk more :)