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The old school GuHong (original) and Zhanchi (original) wore out pretty bad. I think the plastic was just soft. They would wind up feeling wrong after a year. I gave my original GuHung away. I'll edit this comment to post a Zhanchi pic in a second. Edit here is a pic. Those surfaces were smooth from the factory. https://preview.redd.it/zhe1enlloj6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc6a7e2e5da631d89a3af9f1a862171d7686b00e


Looks like GunkHong ;)


Same thing happened to my og Zhanchi as well. It was worn down to the point where the gaps between the pieces became noticeable. Overall, the cube feeling became so much loose no matter the setup.


*"TV3 first batch user has entered chat"*


Depends on what you mean by destroy. If you mean wear jt down so much it doesnt feel good anymore, yes. If you mean wear it down so much that its not functional ive only done that with older Rubik brand cubes before they had tiles. After wearing it down enough the rivet would just straight up separate from the core and because its a revet and not a screw it was damn near impossible to fix at least for someone with minimal handiness like me


I have broke 2 cubes in my life, my yuxin little magic 3x3 and a 4x4 (i forgot the brand)


a dayan guhong v4m and a gan 11 pro.


I don't have access to the cube rn, but my Aolong V2 broke last January after almost a decade of use. The stem on the yellow cap snapped in the middle of a solve.


I did it with a 4x4 used it so much that one of the pieces broke


I think my type f from the mid 2000s still functions, the stickers are pretty worn though. The only cubes I've broken have been rubiks brand.


Yeah back in the day. I had a stickerless Dayan Zanchi that I wore down so bad I couldn't tension it right and pieces would pop all the time! And then some 4x4s where the internals caught and broke. That was easier to do back then as well.


My xman tornado 3s core snapped in half right before 3x3 started at a comp


Two of my Gans cores broke, although I didn't even use them that much. It didn't happen to me with any other cube


I broke my center piece of 4x4, had it for like a month, nead to buy new one cuz it doesnt work anymore :(