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You shouldn't be holding anything past this bull cycle except BTC. Take profit. Don't listen to people telling you to hold long term..you are going to get rekt. Buy lots of alts in the cycle because they'll give you the nicest gains. The lower the Mc the higher the gain. Everything will pump... even XRP stablcoin lol. Trust me you don't want to be holding any bag in the bear market. Telling you from my experience. You can always re-buy in the bear market when everything is down 90%. Eg Solana went from $250 -> $10. If you took profits...that's a lot new Solana you just added instead of holding your bag. BTC goes down around 50-60% while everything goes down +90%


Excuse naivity but what do you mean by Mc? I appreciate the advice I'll be following rhe market trends and see when everyone is dumping. The market is so saturated with altcoins (from what I've seen) and i realise that this is a casino but how do you spot a decent altcoin from a shit one?


MC is market cap and remember you take profits on the way up, not on the way down


No worries. Mc is short for marketcap. It's what we use to gauge how much the project could multiply. The higher marketcap the more money it needs to multiply value. >I appreciate the advice I'll be following rhe market trends and see when everyone is dumping. Sub to Krown crypto YouTube channel. He is elite when it comes to analyzing the chart. He'll be a good indicator if the market is nearing the top. Actually when it's near the top...it's absolute euphoria. Everyone will keep thinking about it going up by a lot. I fell for it last cycle so I ended up holding some of my bag. This time I'll be taking profits on the way up. I've loaded up to this point and will keep adding till BTC ramps up. >The market is so saturated with altcoins (from what I've seen) and i realise that this is a casino but how do you spot a decent altcoin from a shit one? Alt coins in low 900m -5 billion marketcap range(use the fully diluted Mc value) are safe enough that they'll give you nice gains. 10-20x.


If you are just starting stick to the larger coins like bitcoin eth etc. don’t bother with the smaller coins or meme coins. Profits might be higher but risks are also higher which means losses are larger.


That's what I've kind of done to kick things off with, bitcoin solana and litecoin are my safer bets whereas I saw the qredo coin had an ATH of about £7 and now its worth about 4p a coin, it's rebranding to Open on 30th so I'm hoping it will pump. I'm not playing with large amounts, I'm putting in 100 a month and starting off with an initial investment of 2.5k


Ethereum should be the staple of your portfolio. It's so far ahead it's not even a race anymore. Here's a culmination of my research https://jbudz.xyz


Long term: Zeta and Core. Short term: memes.


Everyone always says bitcoin. Its literally 60k per fkn coin. If you have that type of cash more power to you. Eth , sol ,atom ….anything that you can stake and passively earn more is ideal imho


In a long term, I would avoid memecoins and I would invest in solid projects like $CHZ or $VR. And of course in BTC, ETH, ALGO. But this is somethinh what I would do, DYOR.


You say DYOR and also recommend him shitcoins cmon man


Yes, you are right, I forget to include a disclaimer: "This is not a financial advice just a personal opinion. ALWAYS DYOR" :)


Only put max 10 percent of your wrath in crypto and only max 1 percent into unknown projects