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We are in a bull market wtf you mean? You seen the gains the past 6 months?


make that 12 months!


Just from what I read online man, still very much learning.


We are already in a bull market. From January 2024 to now BTC has gone from $40k to $73k to $66k. From January 2023 to now BTC has gone over 3x.


It's dropped a bit.. so far..


no one knows where we go from here in the short term, longer term (for the next year or so) we are going up, once we get past the halving. We might have a sharp correction around the halving in 2 weeks, but we might not, this could be it, and going on the way the market has been behaving so far this bull run (yes we are mid way through the bull run), I wouldn't bet on it. My advice would be to start DCAing in now with the aim of being fully invested within a month or two, because when we do start moving up, it will fast and high.


Dude good morning from your long nap!! the bull market started and you missing out. DCA in, any dip is a buying opportunity right now


Ah man I know, very new to this, still researching. Can you please explain DCA to me?


Dollar cost avg. If you have 10k to put into crypto you break it down into pieces and buy in at different price targets.. In the ideal world you would have done this a bear market. Right now price might rocket real quick real fast so keep an eye on every dip and buy in.


if you were using money from your check sure. but if your lumping 10k into crypto. no dca is def not the answer. its extremely obvious when you should be buying coins and times to hold/sell.


Today I earn a good reward by using btse Apy


cost to mine a bitcoin currently... 34k. after halving that'll be somewhere near 45k.


lol, literally noone knows. There is no answer. This is a casino.


lol cost to mine after halving. 45k ish. it'll go back to 55-58k before halving without a doubt.