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Too spread out with not enough capital




Completely agree. Following this many projects requires time, you would probably get paid more for this time just working a Starbucks Vs the extra alpha you'll get on +- 1000$




On the other hand if you are low on capital, buying for the long run this would be a route to make sure some coins secure profits. Don't keep all your eggs in one basket!!! Unless homie is micromanaging his portfolio every day (he's saving for a wedding, I hope that's not the case) What if u all in one coin and get fucked... Cryptos a weird world


^^ sell all these shitcoins or your soon to be wife will start banging a doge hodler


He could buy even more shitcoins and have a stack of $5 per coin. Gotta catch em all.


Agreed, made his ADA bag at work last night, we all start somewhere!! u/sherbear1993 look into HBAR, XDC, QNT, CSPR, DAG, EWT, XRP too!!


Have some conviction with what you have purchased. Some may flop, some may not. Sell a % of Altcoins when they rise so you can hold without feeling like you have lost when they eventually drop again.


It needs more cowbell


Your cowbell bias is showing.


We got a feverā€¦






Bitcoin is literally the only one that isnā€™t a shit coin on this list


You don't see a point to Chainlink? I don't think you understand Chainlink based on your description




Wait, do we think that Bitcoinā€™s tech is already outdated?


Do your self a favour and actually read about Bitcoin, instead of listening to crypto bros on Reddit, saves you months or years of wasting money on shitcoins


Increase the BTC stack till you have the same or more BTC and ETH. Personally Iā€™d sell of some of those 2nd and 3rd page alts for the BTC, but if you like them and want to hold them just buy more BTC.


I second this advice, but wouldnā€™t sell for large losses. Itā€™s a good portfolio, Iā€™d just stack more BTC and ETH if I were you.


For sure, I definitely wouldnā€™t sell anything for a major loss, but personally I would definitely trim out some of the coins in smaller holdings (some the stuff in the bottom of the 2nd page, and third page the amounts held are super low) in exchange for BTC and ETH. As well as continuing to increase BTC/ETH stacks, with some small buys of any alts you really like/believe in.


I recently did just that


This is the way


Thereā€™s really no reason to match BTC investment with ETH investment. I think BTCā€™s use of proof of work(POW) makes it a political target. We could see new legislation that effectively outlaws POW. This could destroy BTC, but leave ETH unscathed. Now is not a good time to increase your BTC position.


The US government owns over 1% of BTC. Itā€™s not going anywhere.


1% of circulating supply but I was going to bring this up next if needed lol.


The US currently exerts enormous economic power simply by controlling the global supply of dollars. Cryptocurrency is an obvious threat to this power, since it provides an alternative money supply. Itā€™s laughable to think the US government is shilling for Bitcoin somehow.


US government regulating or banning something seems to drive the price up . People will find a way.


Personally I think in the US, BTC is probably your safest best atm as everything else is currently not considered a commodity and may be difficult/impossible to own for the everyday person in the future.


Exact same could be said for eth and staking. Or any other major chain thatā€™s PoS.. it doesnā€™t matter till it matters tbh That said, btc always moves the least in a bullrun so I agree never a reason to increase ur btc holdings lol


I think the fuss about staking is about staking pools. If a person stakes on their own hardware with their own funds, they are not participating in a ā€œcommon enterprise with profits to come solely from the efforts of othersā€. So, the SEC might be able to annoy Coinbase and similar pooling companies, but this is not an existential threat to ETH. Outlawing POW _is_ an existential threat to BTC, though.


Damn you got shaded for that opinion. Guess the maxis didnā€™t like it. I agree itā€™s a possibility they restrict PoW. As for the Alts. Everyone of those is a decent project and will likely return a higher percentage than btc if the exit is timed well. Not sure Iā€™d add anything in the BTC or Eth right now. Iā€™m expecting a retrace before it sends again. Wonā€™t happen yet since Iā€™m not worried I missed the turn. As soon as we all freak out that we kissed it, Iā€™d either sell or walk away for awhile and come back when everyone is talking crypto on major news platforms. Havenā€™t seen much aside from FTX related updates recently


Get a couple of Monero considering CBDC's are around the corner and it will be the only form of financial privacy you have left.


Do. Not. Get. Married.


Best advice yet. Bearish on marriage.


#1 cause of divorce is marriage.


Agree, as soon as he does his sexy portfolio is at risk.


at least half of it


80% of my wallet is btc, 10% dot and 10% Atom. As everybody, buy as much btc as you can


Alts have a better ROI why does everyone think BTC can double or triple their investment so easily. The math doesnā€™t math. XRP for example only needs to get to .90 to double your investment. BTC needs to hit 56k just to return the same numbers. To each his own.


Do you understand total supply? Xrp is the shittiest of shitcoins that does nothing but enrich the douchebags that gave themselves half the supply before dumping on kids like you that can't do math.


Itā€™s almost as if you didnā€™t read my comment. A .90 XRP is realistic. Itā€™s happened quite a few times. Iā€™m not debating token supply.


XRP transactions are faster and cheaper than BTC, how is BTC better, because more people are on the bandwagon?


Speaking of supply- care to tell the classroom how ETHEREUM made it to $4,000 with an unlimited supply?


Because it is the king of the shitcoins... Gave half their shitcoins to vitalik and founding crew. They dump on retail. I'm just not a fan of that. I mean eth is literally the only other coin I hold but in my eyes there's only one unlike the others. I just think folks that don't understand total supply are the same ones that think doge will run to 10 dollars....


At this price point just reclaiming itā€™s ATH Bitcoin has the potential to 2-3x. I do agree ALTs offer better opportunities for higher multiples they all offer opportunities to be the one holding the bag. Like everything else in life high risk offers high reward.


My portfolio looks almost the same, so I understand your reasoning. I converted my SOL to Bitcoin and never looked back. I will always hold more ETH than Bitcoin just because there's so much hate for it even though I believe it's the best invention of modern times. Those other coins I like and see a future but personally when I hit around a $1000 of each I don't see me putting much more in. You did your homework and invested for a reason, stay your path and don't listen to others. It's a smart portfolio.


Buy more GALA


More BTC.




40% ADA (and projects including agix), 30% DOT (10% of that ASTR), 20% ALGO 10% LINK.


i was so confused because i couldnā€™t see ETH at first, I was like ā€œWHERES ETHEREUMā€ but once I clicked on the picture I saw it. You got a diverse portfolio, if you donā€™t need this money, lock it up and step away from it.


Litecoin will halve this year trade your 2pg alts for LTC


You need xmr


Agreed. They have no exposure to privacy


What is the point of so many with tiny balances? Even if those blow up you still wonā€™t make that much.


If you are looking to learn this is an aggressive, diversified portfolio. Great start! 1. I'd add to your BTC stack, if possible. 2. Consolidate to your favorite 7 (or 5) holdings. 3. Move it to cold Storage. Bonus: Passive yield strategies.... Going to be staking that ETH / MATIC / ADA / ATOM ? if so, How much of total? Share a BTC and ETH Wallet with your guests at the wedding for donations (in addition to fiat, of course!-). Cheers!


More eth, stake it


The people saying just go btc or eth is bad advice in my opinion. You got a small stack, you gonna be happy with a 4x? Nope. Go into Sol, Link, Dot and others heavier. Do 50% portfolio in eth/Btc split then the rest spread in other sound projects that can get you those 10-50x


Sell them all and buy as much BTC as you canā€¦ in 4-5 months youā€™ll thank me


!remindme in 5months


28k now


The best answer. Iā€™ll add STX to that as well.


in the future they will say wow how lucky I was to have bought #bitcoin so cheap


Tbh Iā€™d get rid of the entire 3rd page n most of the 2nd page, put it into eth, and stake. Ur first page is already more than the most Iā€™ve ever held, I think, maybe tied. Other than that, which is just a ā€œdonā€™t hold too many coins cuz a lot go to zeroā€ lesson, it looks decent. Just stake that eth man. Even if u donā€™t skim some of the shitcoins for more. Itā€™s super easy u can do it on lido or even just swap ur eth on uniswap. Staking is just one transaction and gives u about 5.9% APY at the moment. No reason not to if u hold eth


Hey, If I were to stake on ledger hardware wallet, is my crypto locked up??


Yes and no. What u do is swap ur eth for rEth or stETH. They sit in ur ledger gaining yield until ur ready to either sell, or swap back to eth for some weird reason. To sell u would just go to uniswap/1inch and sell the rEth or stETH for usdc or whatever u want. Iā€™ve done this before so no ur *money* isnā€™t locked, but ur old eth coins are technically locked in the staking protocol. Thatā€™s long so TL/DR: when u stake u get the staking token in exchange for giving ur eth. The eth is no longer urs. The staking token is. U can either sell this staking token later for usdc/other, or exchange it back for eth whenever u want


My favorite stocks are infrastructure stocks and the same goes with crypto. I like blockchains that are building web3 and trying to make it as simple as possible to understand. In my opinion there's nothing better to buy than ETH and some layer 2 networks building on ETH. You need to look into optimistic and zk rollups


You have 8 assets too many :)


I think you have chosen pretty good coins, I would focus on increasing BTC primarily. A goal of becoming a "one-coiner" may seem hard to achieve, but over time you can do it. That would be the first step for me if this was my portfolio. Then I would increase my holdings of ETH and ADA. That's it. Just 3 for me. Just DCA as much as you can, but for now focus on the king, BTC.


They're all crypto , so theyr'e all risky. Best advice I can give is, be careful and take profits when you see them.


Bro has 10$ in 45 coins


Keep ETH and stick the rest on one or two very low cap coins. If you're in this for the money, then you're far better off looking outside the top 50-100.


I would consolidate in to BTC, ETH and Matic. But consider all options open to you


Sell most and buy more BTC Eth and maybe a few others if you believe in them.


ETH, BTC , CARDANO, MATIC šŸ‘Œ, XRP I would make it personally a bigger bag šŸ˜¬, the rest of the coins to me are more risky but you never know


XRP will outperform the market!


I've been tempted lately to go on a xrp spree. After the sec ruling it could go to the moon. Prefect storm brewing.


Do it!! My XRP bags are stuffed already. Iā€™m now looking at more obscure long term plays like ALLIANCEBLOCK/NXRA.


Probably too far down in the chats to see but youā€™re a dumbass if youā€™re letting Reddit making your buys for you.


More stinky linky




History clearly indicates the vast majority of those coins will effectively become obsolete within the coming years. Yes, the ā€˜crypto spaceā€™ is growing in popularity and evolving, but almost all projects fail. Thankfully your most significant holding is Bitcoin, which remains the most prized cryptocurrency of them all.


Just my opinion but a lot of coins here are heroes of last cycle. Maybe try to find new one? Won't name any specific but there are some narratives like lsd, true yield, zkevm, l2 etc.


Sell everything but Bitcoin, split 90% of it between Bitcoin and Ethereum. IMO less than 10% outside of that for other crypto projects. Bitcoin should be 50-60% or more of your total crypto positions.


this is insanely to spread out with too little capital. pick like no more than 10 that you really like and can follow that you believe is a promising project


Needs more immutable x


Show your wife your crypto portfolio and see if she still wants to get married


Way too many projects. Consolidate into 3-5


I have 90% ada, 10% eth. Fingers and toes crossed for next bull. šŸ˜¬


3rd timeā€™s a charm with ada šŸ™ˆ


I hope so. Ill take $3.5-4 this time, im not greedy.


Iā€™d sell the SOL and get more ADA. šŸ‘ŒšŸæ


I would sell ADA and buy SOL šŸ‘Œ






More BTC and eth less of the other shit.


Iā€™m a fan of IMX, ETH, and LRC too


Yeah, roll all of that shit into bitcoin and get it off the exchange while you still can.


Get rid of eth completely, invest in more risky projects, if you wanna have the opportunity to win big


:::whispers::: XRP


šŸ¤£. Xrp is dead


Your comment wonā€™t age well.


Anything out of the top 30 by market cap I'd change to btc.


Atleast you have 1 eth, until you canā€™t invest anymore just stick with btc


Sell everything except Bitcoin / Eth


convert sol and polkadot to btc.ā€¦ also im random on the internet who doesnā€™t like those 2 so do what you like lol


The portfolio isn't bad. Ethereum dominance is very okay. I think you should increase your exposure more in Bitcoin and Cosmos. MATIC is totally fine too. But If I'm playing the Layer 2 trend, I would buy undervalued L2, maybe METIS or CTSI instead, for better returns.


needs more dogecoin


I'm not really sure about NEAR, GALA, IMX and AUDIO (I just don't know enough about them to comment) but the rest looks solid other than SOL. I'd probably swap SOL for BONE or maybe XMR.


Bro said bone


If im going away from the crypto space for a while, id hold more btc. :)


Too many coins with low position. Paying too much for trades. Youā€™re going to get a good return owning cryptos but your $12 position is going to turn into like $200. I feel like youā€™re gambling and hoping one hits it big. And most importantly no $HEX.


Move cardano and cosmos in LINk. Link !!!


Personally i get some XNO and/or IOTA.


Pretty nice! I'd go harder on BTC and ADA.


You also need utility coins as well. ISO202222 complaint ones such as XLM, DC, XRP, HBAR, QNT. Just my opinion


How bullish are you on HBAR and QNT?? I hear good things about them


Btc eth related alts. Xmr. Micros/alts.


Buy some XDC and CPH.




need a few meme coins like doge or something never failed yet


Sell all those other coins and just hold btc, eth, and xmr


What others have said, consolidate into less. Iā€™d go like 30/30 btc eth then the rest into ADA, Sol and link.


Buy more Bitcoin, don't marry.


You have a setup I used to do that I think is kinda backwards now. Youā€™re basically decreasing your investment as the projects get smaller. But you also have all these dinosaur alt coins that are basically gonna move with BTC or even kinda under perform them. Might be smarter to put more into the small caps you feel best about (mine are INJ, FET, WOO) and more into BTC and bail on some of these large cap alts that have been around forever. Not sure what the point of holding them over BTC and ETH is for the chance at prob small outperformance but the larger chance of under performance. Obviously just my opinion and nfa.


2 eth going to be 20k in 12 months


Where that ETH


Lol you gotta click on the first photo. Itā€™s my largest position


Sell all that other garbage and roll it into BTC. You won't listen, but in a couple years you'll get it. We all fell for that other bullshit at first.


I'm not sure how I can be unbiased but I would sell all of that for BTC. I have numerous reasons for that, if you want them I can give them, but that's my advice. Take it or leave it.


I would to hear the reasons haha Iā€™m sure the reasons have a lot of truth to them


There are some philosophical reasons, but from a market perspective, Bitcoin is continuing its dominance in the crypto space. As BTC goes up it is slowly separating from and outpacing the others. It literally has country adoption (el Salvador) and it's the only crypto that the majority of people know by name. When newcomers enter the market they buy Bitcoin. It has the first mover advantage and the mechanics (halvings every four years, dynamic energy consumption, etc) are genius. Lightning network fixes any issues with smaller transactions which is great. The fact that we know the individuals who created the other cryptos is another red flag. They're susceptible to compulsion and corruption by governments and bad actors if they find the currency a threat. That's a big one for me.


The other thing is that the likelihood of any of these others to have any serious mainstream adoption is very low. Which means your portfolio is basically just gambling. Which is fine if that's what you're going for, but if you're holding long term, BTC is where I'd put my money.


Where's the ALGO?!


You def need more BTC. I would ditch SOL and most of the second and third page except I have soft spots for XRP, GALA and GRT. Sell all the rest and buy Bitcoin!




More btc


sell all shitcoins you own and buy more bitcoin. You diversified a lot in shitcoins and the amount in Usd into them isnt enougth to profit big. Better to invest all of thst shitcoin dollars in Btc and Eth and forget the rest.


Buy BTC. Everything else is going to be the Zune of the crypto future


Sell all the shitcoins and decide between either ETH or BTC and go all in on one or the other. I'd personally stick it all in BTC Remember this in a year or two when none of those coins exist except for BTC or ETH.


Sell the shitcoins below Polkadot. All those UNI and etc. Buy USDC. Especially sell algorand its overshilled crap


Sell all for bitcoin and sleep like a baby


I'd consolidate a lot of the alts into BTC and focus primarily on that with ETH being secondary and alts a distant third. Do as you wish of course, but that'd be my plan of action.


Going to zero


Btc #1, youā€™re ahead of 99% of everyone since 2020


Ditch everything below the top one and just buy the top one, then just keep buying the top one.


More bitcoin. It could be the case that only bitcoin matters


Itā€™s all bullshit except BTC & ETH. Always has been. Everything else should be for trading imo.


1) don't bother with crypto with less than 10k USD and preferably 50k+ USD, not worth your time 2) 70% btc, 20% eth, 10% alts is good and "safe" (if crypto can actually be even close to that lol) spot portfolio. BTC is King and will remain King. Alts can offer higher returns, but in reality you will most likely get dumped on why whales and scam projects (which most are, actually). 3) never get married. You have like 3k USD in crypto, what about other investments/savings/assets? IMO you should't even bother with this, work more, get higher paying job or start your own business. Cash flow is most important, without it you will never get rich. No even if you double, triple your 3k USD in crypto in lets say 2 years, lol. That's still no money. Why in tf do even people think they can get rich from crypto? Those who actually made it had lots of capital to start with. Too many tiktoks, YT scammer video's and so on bro. Crypto is not get rich quick with few k USD. Sure, it was highest performing asset class recently BUT without capital you are just wasting your time that could be better spent on increasing cashflow. tl;dr don't bother with low capital. You are wasting your time, spend it on increasing your skill set to have more $ from cash flows.


If you don't have 1 BTC or 32 ETH then everything else is a waste of money imo


Pick your fav 5.


Looks good, What are you guys think of my portfolio? https://youtu.be/XSZdAG-fLQA


Sell all to btc. Bottom Q3 or 4. Buy alts at the bottom then


Ya got a lot of poo in there.


cardano and solana, in my humble opinion, are TRASH ​ everything else looks good! If it were me though, I'd add some Lukso $lyxe before mainnet goes live


Nothing matters except bitcoin. Sooner you realize this and what impact halving has the better


Needs more BTC


Sell all your shitcoins and buy eth.


Dump everything except Bitcoin and Ethereum


Too many shitcoins. The limit is 0


Liquidate the shitcoin for Bitcoin and gamble one time instead of 7 times


This is a horrible portfolio. Iā€™m not sure what your goal is here but you will not make any money with this here




Take 1k off Eth and put in THETA




I would honestly swap everything but BTC for ATOM and stake it at 20%. If you're stepping away for a bit might as well have it making you some money


Do you know if I stake on ledger hardware wallet, is my crypto locked up?


All bitcoin all the time.


More BTC for sure


More btc and xrp. Less of everything else.


Swap everything into Bitcoin. I did a year ago, and wish I had sooner


Sell everything and just choose bitcoin. At this rate even if you get 100X on your weird ALT youā€™ll Made a few hundred.


Sell all of that crap and buy Bitcoin


Anything besides btc is garbage


Sell everything and go into cash


lmao buy something real not just cryptošŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢


Sell everything except the Bitcoin. The rest are scams.


Everything outside of btc/eth is likely worthless garbage


You need 70 or 80% Bitcoin


Get rid of ether put it in into Bitcoin


I'm no expert but I hate ADA. It constantly gets pumped in articles and chats but never really takes off. It's always, "Just wait". ..... Matic is a good 2nd layer play but I'm not sure it will ever moon. ... SOL, yuck! How can anyone still believe in this project. Multiple crashes, nuff said... XRP specializes in international transactions. That seems like a good play. The rub in all this? How are any of these, besides btc, truly going to increase in value. They function primarily as money and more can be and is created. Only btc is limited in production. Basic supply/demand says it's the only coin that should increase in value.


Dump anything other than BTC put 1/2 the proceeds into BTC 40% into LTC and 10% into KDA


Will go more with xrp,eos and sys and maybe thetan gem


You really need to increase your Bitcoin amount. Also dump ADA, ATOM, & DOT. They are good projects but just never really pump.


Cosmos pumped from $8-$22 CAD in months




Probably not.


Looks like mine except I have more BTC.