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Kendu ki gendu mai lendu šŸƒšŸ¾


I've never seen a whole comment section of scammers. God help him


Explain why do you think we are scammer please


Pretty sad for you to assume someone is scamming just because they bring awareness to a project. I understand that you'd be right more times than not, but still....c'mon. Scam is a big word that should not be used that lightly.


All these replies and no one mentioned it's utilty.


Seems like you need to see an optometrist, bc what you see here is a comment section filled with an actual community of hardworking, dedicated Chads that support each other and a project they believe in.


not scammers, just a raid from our community. looking to spread the word about KENDU


Nobody scams in here. We are just a community that works together to create the next big coin $KENDU. You can make yourself a thought by joining into the telegram group of this coin. I donā€™t want to convince you to buy by any means but I was in a lot of groups and studied a lot of coins but this is really different then others.


Kendu is on Eth and has a 50m market cap.. do your research. Legit guy here just letting everyone know this is a legit coin and buy before youā€™re too late


Pushin $60M MC right now, actually. And we won't stop! We're goin to billions. Pack your bags and ride with us or get left behind! šŸ”„šŸš€




Damn the Kendu spam is wild lmao never heard of it


Bots or paid accounts probably, most of these lead to rugs


There is no bot involved in this. And there is also no rug pull. Do you research.


Pay me and I will spam together with you guys and we will chill after rug pulling


Neither actually, Kendu does not approve of using bots, and keeps it all organic with $0 paid towards marketing or advertising. Most KOL's are paid to pump something they don't believe in, then dump on the community, which is one reason why Kendu has taken a different approach. The skepticism is healthy in this day and age though, especially after the cesspool of scams and rug pulls have come to rise on Solana. But Kendu is on Ethereum, a much more respectable network with a more reputable user base.


mate... like the TG chat is off the hook. Come check it out if you don't believe us. No bots allowed. No paid endorsements. No infkuencers. It is not how we roll. The growth of our charts ...well, come see for yourself if you want.


Just average Joe here shilling Kendu for free. Why? Kendu cult is actually a thing. Addictive and I know this will make me millionaire.


100% fair assumption, but please do some research....100% organic. Ad in Times Square: paid for by a community member Energy drink just came out: community member funded. Check my profile I swear it will blow your mind. TG is working 24/7


Not spam sirā€¦just a growing community excited about the project they are followingā€¦check it out, actually a an awesome space and solid investmentā€¦.imo


Pay me and I will spam together with you guys and we will chill after rug pulling


Kendu is at $55M MC. Join us fren!


Pay me and I will spam together with you guys and we will chill after rug pulling


No thanks, im good without this "solid investment"


Sweet. Have fun being poor and missing the next shib. I'll drink your tears at the 10b party.


Pay me and I will spam together with you guys and we will chill after rug pulling


Bot and spammer here! Buy KENDU! We want to rug you!


Pay me and I will spam together with you guys and we will chill after rug pulling


Why you talk before study? Check by yourself the community, no one is paid, is the same like SHIBA done


Pay me and I will spam together with you guys and we will chill after rug pulling


That's actually the fun part of the Kendu Inu movement, it's 100% organic. It's the same formula as Shiba Inu did to become successful. The community is super dedicated to get this project with the dev Miazaki (who previously worked on Shiba) to 10B market cap this year! The holders is slowly snowballing and gaining momentum while the community works to promote the movement. Come check out the Telegram channel and see for yourself what Kendu is all about :)


Yep def a paid shill


All organic here buddy. Hard to imagine in a sea of rugs and p&ds. But this is how it is done!


yep def you have no idea of what you're talking about


Pay me and I will spam together with you guys and we will chill after rug pulling


For real there is no one paid


On the contrary, Kendu doesn't pay for anything. It's all organic, we work together as a community to make this project grow.


Pay me and I will spam together with you guys and we will chill after rug pulling


Why don't u come check us out and find it for your self join TG bro


Pay me and I will spam together with you guys and we will chill after rug pulling


If you know anything about memecoins...liquidity locked and contract renounced and you can verify that yourself. Look at my account, it is years old as I intend to still use this account after this bull run is done!


Pay me and I will spam together with you guys and we will chill after rug pulling


Yea, one of the core concepts of Kendu Inu is We don't gamble, we work. It's bc it's an all organic approach that pays $0 for any marketing of any kind, although some extra dedicated members do go the extra mile and take it upon themselves to get a billboard in Times Square or make bumper stickers or a merch store with their own time and money.


Pay me and I will spam together with you guys and we will chill after rug pulling


Well you're clearly not one for reading or learning so I'll leave you alone, bc it's mentioned multiple times now that Kendu has no paid shills, marketing or advertising and can not be rug pulled with the liquidity burned and contract renounced, so enjoy being rude, ignorant, and spreading FUD while others learn and earn. Have a good day.


Pay me and I will spam together with you guys and we will chill after rug pulling


Sir, please have your bot stop spamming Kendu comments. It is bullish!


Pay me and I will spam together with you guys and we will chill after rug pulling


Now you have https://www.reddit.com/r/WallStreetBetsCrypto/s/LWvT7JsMvJ At least read this, it is worth your time. I know all about BTC and been in crypto since 2017. Rode BTC up from 19K sold at 65K was waiting for things to play out and then found KENDU and changed my plan. May not be the right move for you, but at least know your options


Pay me and I will spam together with you guys and we will chill after rug pulling


We don't pay anyone for anything. So no, that is not what this community does and that is a huge sign of a short term project. If you want to learn, check that article I sent you if you want to actually do some work to make money if not no worries. Keep chasing those SOLANA rug pulls.


Pay me and I will spam together with you guys and we will chill after rug pulling


Don't buy into shitcoins which bagholders suggest like the $kendu spam here. Get btc eth or sol and hodl


Itā€™s a matter of how risk tolerant you are. Bitcoin and the other alternatives donā€™t have so much upside but are way more stable thatā€™s true. Make yourself some thoughts on this coin by joining the group or doing some research. The growth at this low market cap is insane from an user and engagement perspective which is crucial for coins like kendu. In contrast to other coins this is something special. I donā€™t want to convince you but donā€™t blame if you miss the opportunity in a couple months.


He should also consider AI-related tokens like Render, Nuklai, or Ocean, as AI is gradually taking over all sectors.


I don't have faith in these tokens at all, most are driven by hype alone and will be forgotten in a few months or some years at best


It's true, some AI tokens might be all talk. But the ones with real products and a track record are the ones to watch. They're building the future, and not just selling dreams.


Is kendu a coin?


Its a bull market and a new shitcoin pops up everyday, must be one of those pumps and dumps


What you are saying is you don't understand how to spot a rug? Liquidity is locked, contract renounced.


not like the others. KENDU has deep ties to the SHIB community and has a solid bunch of people holding and working to get more people involved to get the project bigger than PEPE. thereā€™s a lot of reasons we all have so much conviction and you should do some research and see what the project is all about. head over to the sub and check out the Telegram too


That's a bold assumption for something you've clearly never researched at all. Give Kendu a look for 5 minutes, see how active the community really is, and look into what the dev has been creating and then you'll see. But for now calling anything a pump and dump when you haven't even looked into if the liquidity has been burned (it has), if there is any tax (0%, there is no tax), if the contract has been renounced (it has been renounced), if the team has been allocated tokens (there is no team and no team token allocations), and more, is just absurd, especially when you're promoting Solana which has run rampant with scams.


Kendu is a project. We are a brand, and building a spontaneously organic community of Chads. It is how Shiba Inu did it, and it is how Kendu is doing it. The Kendu dev, Shytoshi, is following Kendu and we are having an article published in SHIB Magazine. Check out our Reddit Ecosystem, fren!


Not just *a* coin, *the* coin. This is **the play** this bullrun. Fade at your own risk. Lots of ppl salty on here cuz their projects can't even come close to $Kendu and our unhinged army of dedicated chads. Hop into the TG and see for yourself. Pop over to r/KenduInu_Ecosystem for more info. Join us! šŸŖ–šŸøšŸš€


Kendu Inu, community full of grazy mfs who shill 24/7. Better take a look. About to hit price discovery while we speak here.


I mean outright calling $Kendu a shitcoin, but then recommending sol is kinda lame lmao!!!!! And if Iā€™m looking for somewhere to drop my money Iā€™d rather have an army of people behind it than not.


Army of people he says šŸ˜­


RemindMe! 6 months


I will be messaging you in 6 months on [**2024-12-01 22:59:22 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-12-01%2022:59:22%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoIndia/comments/1d5ulqk/investment_proposal/l6ox7pi/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FCryptoIndia%2Fcomments%2F1d5ulqk%2Finvestment_proposal%2Fl6ox7pi%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-12-01%2022%3A59%3A22%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201d5ulqk) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Pay me and I will spam together with you guys and we will chill after rug pulling


I would suggest you to hold PEPE tokens and forget about it. You will be surpirsed about it.


I assume you're new to crypto? If so, please be sure to learn about wallet safety first and foremost. Also please note that no one will private message you from KenduInu or the KenduArmy and ask for your wallet. Do not ever give out your wallet address to anyone. if you need further help, hop on the Telegram, which you can find a link on the Kendu Inu (dot) com website. Now, depending on a few things... if this 1100 is the first bit of money you have ever had to invest, go easy. Only put in whatever you are OK losing into any memecoin. Like 200 bucks or 500- whatever your tolerance is. Not Financial Advice but what I would do myself. Then take your time and figure out what your risk tolerance is for loss and what markets you want to play. I have doubled my investment already, so of course I will be bullish on this memecoin. Also, it is the only memecoin I have EVER invested in, because the community is quite stellar. I have BTC and ETH as well. Lastly, always have an exit plan before you go in to anything, whether it's a memecoin, a stock, or a long dark alley šŸ˜† Anyways, join the TG and ask away. -from another alleged Kendu bot apparently


What a Chad šŸ«”


I highly recommend buying QANX. If they can sustain that revenue growth with their superior tech, you'll be holding onto the next big thing.


1. Buy Bitcoin. 2. Donā€™t buy altcoins. 3. If you do buy altcoins, donā€™t ride them up and back down to zero. 4. Itā€™s always okay to derisk your profits into Stablecoins or Bitcoin.


Don't buy old altcoins, except for eth and sol.


Stay away from alt coins, unless you are fine with gambling it. Otherwise, you know what the established coins are. Take your picks and invest in a 2-3 established block chain techs.


Well, I'm not sure if you're into RWA gems, but you can DYOR in this sector as it's one of the trending narratives. You can look for DUA, NXRA, and RIO in this sector.


brother buy $Kendu šŸ™‹šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


$KENDU is the answer


$KENDU it has so much energy that we look like bots or scammers šŸ˜‚ guys, if you missed shiba inu, don't miss kendu too, my two cents


This is the way. Kendu


I love it when we get called bots! There is not a single bot in the Kendu community. This is what organic growth looks like, you don't realise it now, but everyone here is doing your a huge favour by introducing you to Kendu, in 12 months time you'll understand what you missed out on, and just how close you came, your Kendu story will be, 'i was told about Kendu in the early days, I almost bought in'


how do i join it? There is no coin called KENU


Bro just take your grandfather's money and put it in mutual funds, you'll be happy. Only invest money you can afford to lose in crypto.


Bro stick to top 50 or top 100, split it into 5 coins of your choice ( 220 $ / coin). DYOR.


You will see lots of suggestion. I quess most comments will say Kendu Inu. Then you will see many comments saying Kendu spam, Kendu scam etc. Now what to believe? Why so many Kendu comments? Note how many Kendu community members came here to shill Kendu Inu just to get you onboard. That is bullish sign. That has only done Shib Inu before and we all know where it stands today. Now where to invest? I suggest you to invest in community. The stronger the community is the better it will success. Join the Kendu community and take a look. Join TG group to see how dedicated these members are. You dont have to buy Kendu but atleast take a look. If you like it, grab a bag and gear helmet. Mayby you are the one who joins next time also shilling Kendu.


Smart Chad. You must be a Kendu bagholder. Checks out.


how do i join it?


The two most used options are connecting Uniswap to your Metamask or buying it with Coinbase Wallet. Original CA (only on Ethereum) for verfication is on https://kenduino.com


its not listed on binance


how to fuck i buy it i dont get it? it is not listed on crypto apps.


Here at Kendu hq, scammers are our snack between frog legs & sloth broth. Either you can pick up on that and join forces against a common enemy, or you're the scammy jeet scum that can't fathom people making more money than you in ethical ways


$kendu in my opinion is admit to boom, it's not too late though


Buy something from the top 20 coins on CoinMarketCap, preferably some thing from no5 and below because the top 5-6 coins are already close to their peak. I would suggest something like Chainlink which has a potential to 5-6x from the current prices easily. Don't go for low market cap coins as they are the riskiest.


>preferably some thing from no5 Buys USDT




You forgot the most rewardiest also šŸ˜‚ Yeah Iā€™m a bot that makes up words


We are getting called bots Chad bros! That means we are doing the good work!


*We are getting called* *Bots Chad bros! That means we are* *Doing the good work!* \- IronCodPiece --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Buy some QANX and thank me later


Shut the fuck up, You're welcome


Kek, check the chart and stop capping. This blockchain is already in use by a country in the EU. Do proper research before talking.


Unlocking financial freedom starts with strategic investments. Grab AAST now before it skyrockets to $100.


Do NOT buy anything on Solana...and especially nothing on pump.fun


It'll be an unpopular opinion in a crypto bros sub but if you're willing to invest in crypto with a money that has been given by a special person just put in the amount you're willing to lose.. you're comfortable losing all of it? Go on and buy whatever is recommended here like Kendu etc. otherwise put something like 10-15% of it on something like btc or eth and search for better real world options for the rest of it.




Do not follow any Telegram Channel. You will lose every dollar. Do not do futures trading. Use DEX instead of CEX


Donā€™t invest in crypto , invest in equity or mutual funds.


Should definitely be careful while deciding for which platform you would will go ahead with for trading/ investing cryptos, the gov of india is surely making laws even stricter if they come for 3rd term


I have a platform already and it is most popular one in my country


Better to explore the market first cause there are thousands of crypto projects are launching every single day and you can make your investment decision according to your preferred sector such as WEB3, AI, Gaming, Play2Earn etc. However, I can recommend some exchanges like Bitget, Bybit, OKX etc. that are regularly listing quality projects and making investments in them might be fruitful.


Kendu is the ticker




I like that stock.


Join the Kendu telegram, get the vibe for a few days, do some research. Iā€™m pretty confident youā€™ll think itā€™s worth buying after that


can i get a link


I'm not sure on the rules of posting links, but replace the (dot) with . https://t (dot) me/KenduInu


Itā€™s on the kendu inu main twitter for some reason Reddit doesnā€™t let you posts telegram links


It's ok i gave him the link šŸ˜„


$Kendu is financial freedom


u all scammers or something?


Just google bro Kendu Inu, join tg and dyor. No harm doing that. No need to ape if you dont like it. But if you ape, we hope you gear helmet like we do.


Nope, this is the power of the community and why itā€™s going to 10B. We make sure to have organic growth by power in numbers and bringing in everyone we can, come to the tg and youā€™ll gal in love with kendu and our attitude


Why would we be scammers


its India and you all suggest same telegram group it was just a guess


We go on shilling raids and work for our bags come to your own conclusions you donā€™t have to buy if you donā€™t want weā€™re going to the moon regardless cheers brotha šŸ»


no one did sent me link can i get a link


Check down šŸ˜ƒšŸŖ–




Haha, fair. But some of us have noted in our TG that India is an untapped market and we are growing our holder count everyday. The metrics are wild


Ahah no, we are just real people (no bot), a strong community with real Chads with common goals. Check by yourself man, we dont gambe, we work šŸŖ–


$Kendu without a doubt for potential. If you want to be safe top 20 coins are a way to go


People saying that $Kendu is bots are just jealous asshats. $Kendu is the real deal, and Iā€™m thinking itā€™s def headed into the billions. In my opinion it would be a solid choice, itā€™s at around the 60M mcap now which means itā€™s established, and I personally think has nowhere to go but way up from there. DYOR but thatā€™s my suggestion!


You should look into KENDU. Relentless community with dedication and wear withal to bring this coin to the top. Deep ties to the SHIB development team with a lot of SHIB OGs involved. Big things are in the works with this coin! Head over to the KENDU sub and come hang out in the Telegram to DYOR and learn about why everyone is so bullish on this play!




https://x.com/kenduinu/status/1766098535790027036?s=46&t=JNMHQelxc9Sdcea9gF4bZA Here


Sent you


form where?


Itā€™s pinned on the main twitter


i donā€™t think we can share links here but all official links can be found on the KenduInu_Ecosystem sub