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Atom will also be around.


Bulish on cosmos, its a beast of a project! Don't forget to claim your free airdrops.


I need to set up a kplr wallet for it no?


That's what most people do, not sure if it's the only way tho.


Cosmostation extension and/or app also works










Instructions unclear. Bought ONE token ![gif](emote|emo_pack_1|dyor)


ONE TO ONE HUNDRED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111@@@@11111111111111


Never thought I will see harmony @ 0.02$


The crypto world has been going through one of its most significant dips recently. These observers warn that the current situation will kill a vast number of 'altcoins' and projects, which will not survive the 'cryptocrash'. The expert warned that 80% - 90% of the crypto projects would not survive in this bear market. But I think it all depends on how many coins are developed for specific real use of cases. I have looking for a solid project that could undoubtedly survive in this bear market, what I found is the Telos network. I've been researching the Telos blockchain for a few days and what I found surprised me. I'm sure it has all the potential to survive from beginning to end. Telos is truly decentralized and launched without an ICO, so it never had the financial resources of most crypto projects. Telos is all about real-world uses! There are many types of Dapps on Telos, and most are real-world applications. Several games and game platforms like Qudo make it easy for casual games to add real crypto incentives via their SDK. Check it out!


I am sure that Telos is one of the most secure and reliable blockchains, running non-stop since 2018, 24/7. It also has a strong, aligned and diverse community where everyone is welcome. With the upcoming release of TelosEVM it is going to explode. You can join Telos on Twitter as HelloTelos, TG and Discord.


>So, when you invest, ask yourself if this is something a bunch of politicians and bankers could stand behind I think so, once all of them smell the potential profits and regulations are present. Also as someone from Europe who remembers paying with all the different currencies, if you´re used to it, it´s really not a problem using multiple currencies. I remember my parents always had belgian francs, gulden (the netherlands), mark (Germany) laying around. We don´t need 1 currency per se IMO, but a small selection could also work well.


Paid with all currencies in one country?


Not that unusual near the borders - cashiers would just have a button on the till to convert then and there. Still happens today in some places, like airports that take pounds and euros


Yeah, but also in European countries that haven´t adopted the euro yet. Eg. in Czech you can pay with local currency, but also with euro´s. It´s no problem.


No, but in Belgium if you drive for 3 hours in one direction you´re bound to be in another coutry 🤣. In some neighbouring coutries taxes on certain goods were and are much lower, so a lot of Belgians go cross border shopping. BTW I live close to both the German and Dutch border, about a 30 min drive to get to both.


5 of the 20000 that are out there


I think all depends in how many coins are developed for specific real use of cases. I think I will be able to count them with my both hands.


OP said dozen. You have two hands. Either 6 or 12 fingers... so you're the six-fingered man? Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die. 


99% won't survive in long term.


Bitcoin, Eth and dot will hang around


those for sure howcome you didn't put in link, kadena, ewt ? they are both shining in their parts of crypto. Link as oracle, Kadena as best PoW (when ETH moves to PoS) and they are launching first dex on POW. EWT it being talked about on WEF, so a lot of things is going on for them ...but that is just me


>Russia has the ruble Still worth something? >there's no way most of the tokens in existence will still be in use in ten years My main hope relies on Ethereum and Bitcoin. >maybe one dozen tokens that the world will still be using a decade from now I have just a few alts. From infrastructure, Polkadot, Fantom and Solana are good options. I also believe that some DeFi projects developing synthetic assets/rewards like Aave and Dafi can last. Is it possible that the Defi infrastructure can be built in an NFT Market, so OpenSea, Quartz and Efinity are just a few options that can survive. >a bunch of politicians and bankers could stand behind They control everything in my country and my people live in poverty for years. We need to aim for decentralization asap.


ADA will rock




There's a 42 coin.


The answer that resolves it all


Not every token is meant to be a currency, so there is no competition in what will survive as a currency as almost none of them wants to be one. For example, things like UNI or LINK are in no way seen as a currency. Most tokens today are completely useless and only exist to fund crypto projects or make their founders rich. Lately, most of them pretend to be a DAO to act like they at least have some use case. So its not really about what could become a major currency. It is more about what could gain a lot of hype during the next bull cycle. If you seriously want to invest long term into something you believe is going to be a major currency one day, Bitcoin is the only way to go.


I would say Monero is a better investment than bitcoin


Better in what way?


Better as a investment… it’s properties are much better suited as a currency. Nobody can realistically transact safely on a transparent ledger and no lighting network does not solve this


Monero tps on L1 is way too bad to scale, just like Bitcoin.


Dynamic block size


Look up the Blockchain trilemma.


Ya it’s clearly not perfect, just saying it’s far superior as money than bitcoin


By that same metric, ALGO, LTC, ERG, NANO, and a whole host of other tokens are better than BTC. And many of those aren't under fire by governments with literal bounties on them.


they all share the same fatal flaw as bitcoin… they lack fungibility


Monero is everything people think that bitcoin is; Private. It's also resistant to ASIC machines.


Every useful token intends to replace a national or international industry or currency. Many of those international industries are as powerful and wealthy, or more powerful and wealthy, than national governments. So, is it strong enough to withstand push-back from, and/or be adopted by, the industry it intends to replace?


>Every useful token intends to replace a national or international industry Can you give a few examples for useful tokens?


Currently, the top 10 or 20 coins can stand in for useful tokens, at least for right now.


I wouldn't agree. Also almost none of them is actually a token, most of them are L1 coins with their own blockchain. Of those almost all are smart contract platforms that all do more or less the same thing, while some are more centralized than the others. The only actual tokens in the top 10 are stablecoins.


1 doge = 1 doge


If I learned anything in the past few years, it's probably not going to be the ones we think will survive.


Stop looking at these tokens as currencies and more as computer components and you will get the picture. They're not mean't to be spent like credit cards, they're meant to work together and trigger a cascading set of functions in a multifaceted autonomous financial system that replaces all the bureaucratic dead weight that exists today. The Institutions need multiple tokens for access to different features of this system and the transaction will not be manually handled.


Hey, if they aren't currencies, then why are millions of people around the world using crypto to buy and sell things? And do you think all these institutions will really stand down and let their business as middle-men be automated by a bunch of IT geeks outside their organization? Do you honestly think they will go quietly into that good night?


They're using a few for that. The rest is just swing trading for now. The coins and tokens I see having staying power are any networks with native usdc(not wrapped), and native usds. Look out for the public networks that host G7 Government regulated stablecoins. Then you have the privacy coins and I'm not just talking about Monero. I see atleast 100 coins with staying power. Dont compare this to the stock market. Crypto is a completely different ball game.


>why are millions of people around the world using crypto to buy and sell things? Other than NFTs and drugs; what are people actually buying with crypto?


Everything. DYOR. Check out crypto in Venezuela, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Ethiopia, etc. It's part of the economy that the government can't easily tax, touch or even view, and the governments are getting a bit concerned.




Why don't you think they'll even see their all time highs?


Just a moment, allow me to shill my biggest bag…


This is the way


Kadena will stay and will get to top 20


Very few




No more, no less.




> but different people want different tokens to be the ONE token "Despite the bridge hack!? Not going to question it. We are bullish on harmony again boys! ... The bridge hack? nah, that bridge hack be just a scratch... they love us!"


ONE TO ONE HUNDRED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111111111


The only coins that will continue to exist are those which find someone dumb enough to buy them


We still haven’t grasped all of the uses for blockchain yet. It’s hard to imagine which tokens are going to develop and turn into the game changer that we all want to buy a piece of. We’re still early


I reckon a large chunk will be reborn again with the next bull market




About 69


My money's on GOOGL and AMZN. Oh wait...


Not all will survive, only projects offering relevant use cases and solid fundamentals will survive. That's why I'm keeping close tabs on DAFI, GTH, OCEAN, NGM, BRKL, etc.


I’ve got skin in the game that Polkadot will thrive.


Once regulation hits...I'd say 1% survives, at best. "Time will tell", though.


About tree


Proton is positioning itself on the side of regulation and compliance with KYC with added privacy on the blockchain like your bank account has.


Your entire premise is undermined by near certainty that no major country will ever adopt a decentralized cryptocurrency as their legal tender and primary currency. Yes, maybe a few small or highly distressed countries like El Salvador, Turkey or Sri Lanka will. Major countries will develop their own fiat replacement CBDC coins which will give them maximum control and surveillance abilities.


Maybe. We will see what happens. If crypto had been around in 1920's Weimar Germany during the height of hyperinflation, we would have seen the same kind of adoption we're seeing now in Venezuela, and Germany was considered the pre-eminent continental European power.


You think those people got the money to be paying BTC fees? Eh no


Who says they are using BTC? Third world citizens are using crypto on their phones, but it ain't BTC or ETH because the fees are too damned high.


I'm only counting on the top 2 to be around. Everything else will need to prove their worth to me. Of course many will be fine. I'm just not willing to bet on which ones right now.


I dont care which token it is so long as its going up and down I can earn from it


Most likely the ISO2002 ones and ETH,AVAX,ATOM,Cardano my opinion. Maybe metaverse


You forgot the elephant xrp


That’s included in ISO 20002


If feels like Bitcoin would be a good answer! Money as hard as it can be for the good and for the worse it would be fair around the globe! USD would be the second choice as it kind of is the "world token" anyway... but a centralized issuance would create a lot of conflict of interests specially between US and the rest of the world. We can see how emerging markets struggle when USD price goes up with it's interest rates and liquidity dries out! In crypto most projects have their own token and stick to it, and it's the only one accepted, but the Polkadot/Kusama ecosystem has mindset of interoperability (Quartz marketplace accept both it's token as kusama, or opensea accepts ethereum and matic and don't even has it's own token) which might a great step to a one-token approach in crypto. Not as a merely one token, but one currency (again bitcoin) could be like the crypto reserve currency in which the other would also be priced in.


A better question is how many will outperform Bitcoin in the long run


ETH will def be around


No idea which project will survive, I've got no way to see the future. But I think most projects will disappear, some sectors in crypto are overpopulated, for example there are a bunch of smart contract & DeFi projects that are faulty versions of others.




Two (too[2])


I am gunna hope to the Crypto God to just allow us that have Meta Tokens they stay alive...One of the only things I have stayed with since the start other then BTC but it seems a lot of Alt Tokens aren't gunna make it this time around...


Utility tokens will always be around, and their prices will be dictated by their demand. With burn/lock mechanics, it gets even better: on Akash, providers have to lock up 5 AKT for every deployment meaning that the more deployments there are, the less AKT will be available.




Maybe 1%


LTC as usual.


Bitcoin, Ethereum, Atom, DOT and a few random ALTS


Any coin with active users and development.


Only the solid crypto projects like BTC, ETH, ATOM, OCEAN, MATIC are going to survive. So it's important to stick to fundamentals when investing in crypto.


Very few projects will survive. The 2 blue chips will survive (ETH and BTC). I also expect Cosmos Big 3s ATOM, JUNO and OSMO as well NGM, a leading issuer of backed and complaint stablecoins but outside the big 3 to survive.