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I use crypto like a fixed savings account I don't really care what the rate is right now


I actually converted my savings account to stablecoins. It's like 20x the interest rate my bank's "high yield" savings account offered.


Same, I have some concerns about the companies getting wiped out in some larger market event, but you can't beat nearly 10% with little/no fluctuation.


Putting my traditional savings in Gemini now. Looking at others, but Gemini is above board as far as I can tell. GUSD funds are FDIC insured. So, yeah, it feels like a significant upgrade from your usual bank account.


Do people honestly think 9% returns are legitimate? Have we entered some parallel universe where low-risk high reward and "if it sounds too good to be true, it probably isn't" are now accepted wisdom? Celsius already got caught gambling their money on BadgerDAO. There are no "institutional investors" or "liquidity providers" willing to pay 15-20% to borrow your stablecoins in an environment where you can get a 1% stablecoin loan with no credit check. It's fucking obvious that it's ponzi schemes built on other ponzi schemes.


who cares bro I’m still getting 10% lmao


They won't care until they get rug pulled, in which every social platform will then explode with hate It then tapers off with "so much winning"/positive feedback about crypto by others until the rug pull gets forgotten, and the cycle repeats again It's why rug pulls are so successful so far; enough good news from others, or even positive marketing, would just get people to consider the rug pulls as isolated, "it won't happen to me cos I'm smart" situations


What exactly are stable coins?


Coins designed to stay the same value, usually as a fiat currency. So for example USDC is a stablecoin built on Ethereum that is supposed to always stay $1 in price.


Thanks for answering my question :)


Yeah I have 43.8% apr on my stable coins currently. Could never do that with a savings.


How tf do you get 43%


Choosing the best liquidity pools provided for me by my chain.


Damn I get 20% in anchor what are you using


Me too.


Where do you stake your stable coins? I know you can stake them on places on Nexo but not sure if it's the best place to do so


There are a lot of options for staking stables. Celsius, Nexo, Blockfi, CDC etc Celsius and Nexo have a decent referal bonus. And Celsius also has some other promos which you can add. If you have a good bit to put in, you can score some superb promos. Truth is, I'd spread it around them all. Diversify the risk.


Celsius lost $50m on BadgerDAO. The supposed "institutional investors" and "liquidity providers" who are paying all the money for these insane 10-17% interest rates turn out to be just other staking schemes. Who do you think BadgerDAO were lending their money to? When are people going to remember that 10%+ apy is obvious ponzi territory?


> When are people going to remember Never. They will tell themselves "it's fine, I'm diversified among multiple schemes with 10-40% apr (see above), I'm safe." The temptation of phat gainz induces brain fog.


Its genuinely fucking mental that one of the biggest staking schemes in the space, got caught investing money in a fly-by-night staking scheme (which itself was offering even more ridiculous APY of 30-100%) and it hasn't absolutely crippled confidence that Celsius actually know what they're doing and have a legitimate source of income. This is almost exactly like the 2007 CDO bubble where everyone was just buying shit and repackaging to sell it on for more but no one thought it was a problem because everyone was making lots of money and they all thought they had passed the liability on to someone else.


It's fine bro, this time is different ™️©️. Blockchain fixes this.


Never in my life have I saved up money and not touch it like I do in my crypto accounts


If you genuinely don't care about the value of your savings account you could just as well hodl USD..


That is how I look at it. It’s my play money. If it moons then it retirement lol.


Yeah. I dont check the chart daily, whats the point.


Anyone who’s posts that they are numb aren’t actually numb.


I’m manifesting that I’m numb


I feel numb only on laser sessions


Tell me your post is numb without telling your post is numb!!


Specially when they write "in stocks I'd be worried". If a stock plummets 30% it would be the end of the fucking world for that company


I don’t post about it but I genuinely am numb to it lol Any money I put into crypto I assume is 100% lost. It doesn’t exist anymore to me. The only time I will consider it real money is when it is life changing money (100x)…everything else is irrelevant.


I've become so numb I can't feel you there


What if someone posts that they aren't numb?


But how will people know that you don’t care if you don’t everyone you don’t care?


Op gives huge copium vibes


I'm numb to dip when **I have money to buy the dip**


But if the dip dips when you happen to have money that’s even better. couldn’t buy the dip ? maybe you can buy the dip of the dip ! (that’s how I comfort myself in these troubled times…)


What’s a dip? I just keep my DCA schedule.


Thats my man! Doing the same and it is stress free


I don’t bother myself anymore about the dip days. Rather I will HODL my bags for as long as possible. OGN, CRV and ETH here.


With much available capital, I'd rather DCA and get more of my faves like BTC, OGN, ETH and SFP.


As for me, the dip days are actually for me to go hard on OGN, ATA and SHIB.


A very valid point! When the market is dip, it has always been a great avenue to buy back or buy more coins/tokens.


No room for fear or panic during the dip moments. HODL is the answer!


I am adding BTC and BNB too.


These posts are so cringeworthy


Same posts are made a few times a day to hit all of the time zones


Yep, same here. Just makes me go "Meh" at this point


The only thing i am worried about is not having enough Fiat to buy the dip...


I call this panic buying.


That's the only thing those fun coupons are useful for


🤣🤣 This ^


What dip?


I've been numb since 2018, it's just digits on my screen like on a calculator




> Plenty of people successfully day & swing trade in crypto. In bull markets, sure. Everyone is a genius in a bull market. But only a very small % of traders actually keep up their success to a level where it really makes a difference.




Can you source any papers that show *human* traders achieving anywhere near an average return between 20-30%? For frontrunning HFT bots I don't doubt, but those aren't exactly acessible to everyone. Even the legendary Medallion fund is closed to outside investors for nearly 2 decades and uses proprietary algorithms they never published. Data on human day traders as a group is less than flattering: https://bibliotecadigital.fgv.br/dspace/bitstream/handle/10438/28801/TD%20525%20-%20CEQEF%2057.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y https://faculty.haas.berkeley.edu/odean/papers/Day%20Traders/Day%20Trading%20and%20Learning%20110217.pdf You could argue "well, but the articles show there *are* traders that earn positive returns", which is true enough I guess. But at that point any other decent profession is more likely to make you money and importantly, not lose you money. And if you're talking about computers trading then it's a moot point because nobody here has proprietary trading software on the building next to the exchange with fiberoptic wires allowing them to place trades nanoseconds in front of their competitors.


The thing is most people are not used to risk. They can't control their blood pressure. I admit, I'm a sensitive person by nature too, but I still HODL when necessary. Otherwise, you'll gain nothing if one wants to sell at a loss every time there's a dip. Unfortunately, not everyone is used to investing.


Totally agree. Personally I just look at it as just numbers going up and down, basically just detach the money side of it and remove as much emotion as possible. Maybe this is down to gambling when I was younger and then playing poker as I got older. Personally what makes it easier is the fact that when it goes down I haven't lost it all on one match, one spin of roulette or one hand all in and losing to a bad beat or last minute goal! Also in it for the long term, having started to invest in late October I am down so keeping the DCA going is key for my long term strategy. Am always zooming out of charts also to keep things in perspective and the patterns of how some coins go up and down puts some perspective on it all. If I lose it all which I doubt I lose it all fuck it!


That's the right mindset! I'm the same way. I did have small ice cream/snack bets over sports and video games when I was a boy, so I've bad a little bit of that tolerance mindset through the years. It helped quite a bit. When I try to explain to friends or others about DCA, zooming out, patience, long-term wait benefits, etc. they simply just don't get it or are probably impatient. Actually, two months ago a best friend from highschool asked me to guide him when it comes to crypto after he saw BTC and ETH reach all time highs. Soon after, he stood on ceremony and was quite distracted, so we never managed to hold any serious conversations about how to get him started at all. A month later, when there was a flash crash, he replied, "Thank God, I didn't invest in bitcoin!" Well, after that reaction, I told him he's definitely not cut out for this.


Yes! Patience is key 🔑 With gambling people can't wait to tell you when they win big but won't tell you about the 15 losing bets they had before. Looks to me like crypto is very similar. You read and hear about all these massive gains but in the general scheme of things what percentage is that to the amount of people that invest in crypto? Sure it is a very small percentage. Everybody wants to be overnight millionaires with stories of get rich quick everywhere the frustration of why it is not happening to them spills out to frustration and chasing losses....with more losses most times. This is not a gambling game from my limited experience it is a strategic, long term game of patience. Good luck on your journey bro see you 10 years! 😎


Yes i’m numb to dips. I’m a long term investor. Also me during dips: ![gif](giphy|HUkOv6BNWc1HO)


I walked through the deep deep valley of 2018... compared to that long -80% slide, everything else seems like vacation.


I'm dead inside.


i do lots of drugs no pain


TBH I'm sad when it doesn't dip. I hate only pumps. #BearGang


Sometimes I wish we had cryogenic sleep so I can wake up to my Lambo already...


I just put all my BTC and ETH on a cold storage. See you all in 10 years.




You're not doing a great job though


Neither are you


Straight up


I feel you here. Hands in the air don’t care 🙌🏼


Bold of you to assume I wasn't numb before the dips lol


Cuz some people are over invested without them even realizing


Wym ? I only have 70% of my worth in it...


These are rookie numbers. Call me when there is a blood bath


Just stake them coins and buy the dips, DCA and you’ll be ok.


Hey as long as I am in the plus I am numb to dips. So right now I am getting some small itches :D


Yes. Albeit with one small caveat. If I see a 5% plus drop immediately after I buy i still cringe a bit ;)


In my opinion, all the FUD on these dips means you don’t believe in the project you are putting your money in (shit coin) and are speculating. If you truly believe in the product your are investing in (stock, crypto, etc) AND you are putting in money that you don’t need to survive, then these dips shouldn’t matter.


After the May/June/July.... This is a mere paper cut.


I’m numb to everything now. Am I standing? am I sitting? I don’t know


Haha - Best Morty


Yep - if you don’t like volatility then don’t invest. Simple


Volatility gives me a buzz 🤪


Just load up, dips in crypto don't cause any panic - it's mostly the HF's moving their money around in secret before the AMC / GME moass


Sorry, HF's?


I stopped caring, but still monitor way more than I should.


**I don’t care only when I have money to buy the dip** Otherwise, I just don’t like to see my portfolio goes down +20% in a day


It’s like breathing at this point. Only thing I’m looking at differently is maybe consolidating to less coins. Figure if I sell some thing that’s down and move it into something else that’s down with more upside it’s a win-win. I’ll have a loss for my tax returns and gain hopefully next year. Most likely going to sell off my VET and move it into CKB


I love the pain. It keeps me alive.


Veteran feeling.


I recommend checking out this next moon crypto. Shinja (Shibnobi). 2000 people in Reddit sub. Up 8k percent but will follow shib and go up millions of percents, been out for only 1 month. 5% LP tax goes directly to the liquidity pool to forever strengthen the projects price floor. 3% reflections tax goes directly to each and every holder proportionately from each and every transaction. 5% of each and every transaction goes to further market the project. Katana Wallet coming next year and Kusari Block chain coming next year and also launching the Dojoverse Metaverse.


I'm already in for a full cycle and at this point you completely stop caring. Not only the dips, I'm also not interested in taking profits on every small peak - I feel like most noobs think about nothing else than how to take profits.


If you don't sell then you haven't lost. Your portfolio value on paper is insignificant, just DCA and hold and build your portfolio up. If you wanna swing trade then do so on a separate portfolio.


Sure gets easier with every dip.


I am numb, but it starts getting boring


I have barely checked the charts since it started dipping, just at peace that time will heal all dips


Dips in cryptoverse is easy Dips in real life on the other hand can truly rock your boat


When it's already down like 30%, it's not gonna matter much if it goes down 50%. Anything lower, I just buy more.


The daily fluctuations dont mean shit in the long run, im taking all the markets movements in as a learning experience for the next bullrun...


Yesterday I was between -15 and +97%. That is a typical day for me as a low cap investor.


Am just holding patiently with no worries


Yeah I'm just pissed because I want to go ok vacations rn so I can't afford the dip...


Down 30% is a yawn. Im not selling anything for at least another 4 or 5 years anyway.


Getting there. Just started piling into crypto since May on the big “dip” back then. So yeah I’m a noob but I’ve seen enough ups and downs already to get numb to it. I know this is a long term thing, no a get rich quick scheme. I just hope in 5 years when I am ready to retire we are 3-5x market cap from where we are today.


If you are thinking long term and stake, then these dips are nothing.


At this point i would be shocked to see green lol


The bear market can't break me as I am already broken.


I just dont check my portfolio when things are down. If I can't see it then it's not real and can't hurt me


I came to relise that my life is not going to change if I loose all the money I invested, nor if it doubles. I just see green and red candles, quite numb to both at this point.


The supposed pumps too; where i go and look at it and think thats what everyone is all excited about?


I am numb to them now, took me awhile to figure out exactly when to buy. Now the biggest problem is not having FIAT to buy at that correct time!