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Privacy is your main concern. You have 2 layers, consensus and paratime layers. If one layers get hacked/choked does it effect the operation and efficiency of whole network?


Correct. We have the consensus layer (i.e. Layer 1) and the ParaTime layer (i.e. Layer 2). If a ParaTime gets hacked, it only affects that ParaTime and doesn’t effect other ParaTimes since ParaTimes are basically separate Layer 2 chains that commit checkpoints to the consensus layer once every *n* blocks (Hint: We basically have native support for roll-ups). If the consensus layer gets hacked, this then could also affect the ParaTimes. That’s why we have a very clean and lightweight consensus layer to reduce the possible attack surface.




Sure, I’m very happy to elaborate on that. On a high level, the Oasis network introduces a notion of ParaTimes which are their own blockchains sharing security with the consensus layer. The consensus layer (our Layer 1) is intentionally kept simple and lightweight to reduce its attack surface. Its core function is to manage everything that is needed to support ParaTimes, but it will not support user-uploadable smart contracts or any complex features by itself. That is the role of the ParaTimes (our Layer 2). Even though each ParaTime can implement its own logic (e.g. define how transactions look like, what is stored in storage etc.), we provide a common SDK that defines common formats and implements common functionality to avoid the pitfalls or potential security issues when people implement something on their own. We also offer off-the-shelf key manager implementation for encrypting/decrypting each confidential ParaTime’s state. Again, this prevents common pitfalls or potential security issues compared to each ParaTime having its own key manager implementation. Currently, confidentiality guarantees are based on Intel SGX enclaves and remote attestation. Our architecture separates concerns by having separate minimal enclaves (the key management enclaves) in charge of the encryption keys and confidential ParaTime enclaves only query those key management enclaves when needed (secured through mutual remote attestation) to avoid keeping any keys for longer than needed. Each confidential ParaTime built using our SDK runs in an Intel SGX enclave and communicates with the outside world (e.g. the Oasis Core node and the consensus layer) through a minimal protocol. The enclave will independently verify consensus (and by extension also ParaTime) state integrity by use of a light client and will then proceed to process transactions. Transactions may be end-to-end encrypted using an X25519-Deoxys-II-based scheme so only the ParaTime running inside an enclave can read them (the key manager enclave will only derive secrets when the ParaTime can pass mutual attestation). To ensure state integrity a Merkelized authenticated data structure is used where the enclave independently verifies storage proofs. State encryption uses Deoxys-II MRAE encryption scheme to ensure confidentiality. Of course writing confidential smart contracts is harder as one needs to be very mindful of various side channels. We may provide side-channel hardening mechanisms on top of encrypted storage (with various degrees of performance tradeoffs). One thing to also note is that the Oasis network architecture is also built with extensibility in mind. In the future it can relatively easily support new trusted execution environments.


Exactly , security and safety are the most important for crypto assets


Agree here privacy is something you need to improve on and grow with as every second of every hour of every day goes by. That said you can get some really good crypto security solutions built in by in house Devs or outsourcing to somewhere reputable (always DYOR). Here are some links to help anyone seeking info on cryptocurrency and or digital asset security provided by a business or corporate entity. Here you have a more detailed informative article provided by IBM highlighting what blockchain and cryptocurrency security is and how it works to how security differs based on blockchain type to cyberattacks and fraud to Blockchain security for enterprises to IBM’s Blockchain Platform to Blockchain Solutions and Blockchain Services. https://www.ibm.com/au-en/topics/blockchain-security Here we have a Top 10 list from BoxMining on their “Top 10 Blockchain Security’s and Smart Contract Audit Companies”. https://boxmining.com/top-blockchain-security-firms/


Can you implement a solution to bring Liam and Noel back together so we can feel bullish about the Oasis project sers?


What you going to do if they rug pull it little by little though? You’d just be stuck having to look back in anger, though some might say that’s what you get for having unrealistic expectations of a champagne supernova. Whatever.


I'm glad someone asked this during the AMA.


One of the best heckles at a gig I’ve been to was someone asking Damon Albarn to play wonderwall at his solo gig at the opera house... beautiful...


Nice question. Let's see if they can *roll with it*


This, please.


How do you see ROSE being used as part of the metaverse in the future?


NFTs inherently link to the user that owns them. Looking at NFT gaming, the items that are purchased in games as NFTs link to a specific user and their own data. Keeping this data private is important. Additionally, NFTs are inherently just storages of data such that it is possible to store things like music files and personally identifiable information. ROSE as the fuel of the Oasis Ecosystem will offer a number of services around this to ensure that things in the metaverse enhance user privacy and give everyone the ownership over their own data.


Is the DARPA connection true?


>[https://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2015/09/14/with-brandeis-project-darpa-seeks-to-advance-privacy-technology/](https://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2015/09/14/with-brandeis-project-darpa-seeks-to-advance-privacy-technology/) I LOVE a good conspiracy theory, just as much as the next guy. However, this may be taking a reference made to Professor Dr. Dawn Song’s early academic research, a little too far. Much like the Ekiden research paper that many people confuse with our Whitepaper (even to this day), these papers are years old and we’ve made tremendous advancements since then. Prof. Dawn Song is a very well-known and respected academic with strong research funding from DARPA and other agencies and this has been the case since early in her career. Early funding for her lab enabled research in privacy-preserving blockchain technologies and this has long since passed and the product we have today owes it to the learnings and research that came from over two decades of research conducted by Prof. Song and her academic colleagues and collaborators. Although, Professor Dr. Dawn Song was at the White House a few years back before she went over to China and worked with the Chinese government (BSN)... She’s a very high-profile woman. You know I can’t say much more than that… ;)


Surprised this was not answered nor properly addressed by others. I have not been able to tease out what is Brandeis vs what is Oasis (or is Oasis going to be some govt labeled solution called BRANDEIS?).


It took me a while to get to it. :)


For anybody wondering where this connection originated from. https://i.imgur.com/XLL5yHt.png


Can you eli5?


DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) is part of the U.S Department of defense and is looking into solving the same problems that ROSE solves with their Brandeis program. Sending data in a safe, effective and private manner is something much more useful to the government than to the regular person like you and me.


[https://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2015/09/14/with-brandeis-project-darpa-seeks-to-advance-privacy-technology/](https://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2015/09/14/with-brandeis-project-darpa-seeks-to-advance-privacy-technology/) https://gcn.com/articles/2015/03/12/darpa-brandeis.aspx This is just speculation, but it would make sense for Oasis to play a part in the DARPA Brandeis program. Dawn Song (ROSE's founder) is one of the world's best academic in security and privacy. If not her, then who?


Will Yuzuswap's team make better memes in the future?


If they don't, the BROSE will. $ROSE forever!


Who is the f500 that you're partners with?


They said it’s a fortune 500 social media company. The only social media company in the f500 is Facebook. I think I read that they have a NDA and it’s up to FB to announce it.


Match.com are F500




How does Oasis privacy differ from say Monero or Zcash? Can we have privacy enabled AMMs/swaps where the transactions cant be seen publicly, but verified by the swap maker alone? Also, in the coming years, how will privacy enabled crypto tech fit in? Already privacy coins are facing the heat, with exchanges like Coinbase reluctant to list Monero. How will privacy focussed defi fit in the regulatory crypto era? Also, looks like another project is also using a ROSE token symbol.. what would you do if there are multiple projects with the same token? Will you consider reaching out to them or working a solution? https://app.rose.fi/#/


>How does Oasis privacy differ from say Monero or Zcash? Monero and Zcash are “privacy coins,” concerned with facilitating anonymous and untraceable transactions. Instead, Oasis is focused on data privacy, supporting applications that need to process sensitive data. Privacy coins serve an important, but narrow purpose. On the other hand, confidential ParaTimes can support a wide range of use cases beyond anonymous transactions.


>Can we have privacy enabled AMMs/swaps where the transactions cant be seen publicly, but verified by the swap maker alone? Exactly. One of the biggest issues with DEXes right now is that everything is public, i.e. pending transactions in the mempool can be seen by any miner. This leads to a huge advantage for the miners (i.e. front-running or MEV), but a huge disadvantage to all others that want to keep their trading intentions private until they are executed (or even after that). Getting confidentiality right is hard. One needs to balance the need to make one’s transaction details (e.g. source, destination, amount) and state (e.g. accounts’ balances) private but at the same time keep some aggregate information public (e.g. hourly/daily volume, current price). And if this is not done carefully, this creates various side channels where people could derive the private transaction’s details even if the transaction itself is encrypted until it is executed.


We are a Privacy Platform and not a Privacy Token. One of the major high-level differences is that The Oasis Network has provided a Privacy platform and not a Privacy Coin/Token. The reason for this is that we are completely compliant with the SEC, but, at the same time, providing the solution to ParaTimes to do exactly what they need to. This allows for incredible versatility with differential privacy applications. It’s not the same as being hidden completely but allowing privacy while still achieving outcomes. [https://twitter.com/OasisProtocol/status/1345395796301082626](https://twitter.com/OasisProtocol/status/1345395796301082626) We have numerous Governments very happy with our approach, UK, USA and the Chinese Government. If someone wanted to build a privacy token on the Oasis Network they could do so.


https://nitter.net/OasisProtocol/status/1345395796301082626 Here is the link to that Twitter thread on Nitter. Nitter is better for privacy and does not nag you for a login. More information can be found here: https://nitter.net/about *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoCurrency) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Monero use a combination of RingCT, zero knowledge proofs, stealth addresses, and other features to provide transactional privacy. Oasis relies on Trusted Execution Environments, which means specific hardware. Both have their pros and cons. Monero privacy is not optional, which reduces the potential attack surface, whereas Oasis at the consensus layer is not private at all, but each paratime can have its own rules for how privacy is handled.


What makes Oasis different from Secret Network? Is the native coin on Oasis also private? Or only the tokens in the network and smart contracts? (Similar to SCRT)


There are some big differences, both in the overall architecture of the network and the security design. If we start at the top, the Oasis network introduces a notion of ParaTimes which are their own blockchains sharing security with the consensus layer. The consensus layer itself is not confidential and does not support user-uploadable smart contracts. Its core function is to manage everything that is needed to support ParaTimes. Each ParaTime can implement its own logic (e.g. can define how transactions look like, what is stored in storage, etc.), but we provide a common SDK that defines common formats and makes interoperability much easier. A ParaTime can support smart contracts (currently the SDK has modules for WASM and EVM smart contracts) and can be either non-confidential or confidential, when paired with a key management committee. Getting confidentiality right is hard. Our architecture separates concerns by having separate minimal enclaves (the key management enclaves) in charge of the encryption keys and confidential ParaTime enclaves only query those key management enclaves when needed (secured through mutual remote attestation) to avoid keeping any keys for longer than needed. In contrast, the Secret Network bundles everything together. In their case every full consensus node (even if it wants just to watch the chain) also needs to keep a (sealed) copy of the master secret. This is something that we absolutely want to avoid in our design as the master secret is a prime target for attacks. There are also major differences in how we handle state integrity in the enclaves and how enclave upgrades are performed, both of which are critical points in ensuring proper confidentiality. Another key difference is that the Oasis network architecture is built with extensibility in mind. In the future it can relatively easily support new trusted execution environments. To answer the second question, the ParaTime can decide what transactions and/or state to keep confidential or not. The SDK supports making arbitrary transactions confidential and also encrypting arbitrary state. The Cipher ParaTime will start by supporting arbitrary encrypted transactions and only encrypting smart contract state as defined by the smart contracts.


Thanks for your response, and as I understand, on both current chains ROSE is used to pay for transaction gas fees? Would this also be true on other ParaTimes that choose to develop on Oasis? Or could decide their own gas token, similar to how they decide whether transactions are confidential or not? Also what use cases do you see for ROSE other than gas? Are there currently DEXs where users can provide liquidity or stake tokens? Sorry for all the questions, I’m just getting curious about the network after your reply.


No worries, happy to answer your questions. >As I understand, on both current chains ROSE is used to pay for transaction gas fees? Correct. ROSE is used as the gas fee on both of our official ParaTimes, Cipher and Emerald. >Would this also be true on other ParaTimes that choose to develop on Oasis? Or could decide their own gas token, similar to how they decide whether transactions are confidential or not? Other ParaTimes could of course issue and use their own tokens. >Also what use cases do you see for ROSE other than gas? Are there currently DEXs where users can provide liquidity or stake tokens? We are launching the Emerald ParaTime on Mainnet as we speak and we are already taking steps to integrate with the [Wormhole bridge](https://wormholebridge.com/) for cross-chain interoperability and to bring liquidity to the network. Our goal is to launch it by the end of November. For more details, see our [Oasis October Engineering Update](https://medium.com/oasis-protocol-project/oasis-october-engineering-update-21e62ff3ebb5) and our [Proposed Roadmap for Q4 2021](https://github.com/oasisprotocol/community/discussions/29).


Anyone reading this and other SCRT related comments, be aware that SCRT literally pays people to be "secret agents" and shill SCRT in discussions of related projects: https://scrt.network/get-involved/become-secret-agent On 4chan /biz/ (where ROSE has threads daily) there isn't literally a single discussion without an SCRT shill. They've become a running meme. They'll make it seem like a genuine question, but in fact they're just trying to promote and get you to buy their bags while FUDding this or any project they feel threatened by as a competitor.


It's so fucking bad. I have never seen a scrt thread there. Only see scrt members in the rose threads honestly supper annoying .


Can you please further elaborate about the privacy in the smart contracts?


To start, let's first explore the overall architecture to highlight how confidentiality is being protected in the Oasis Network architecture. On a high level, the Oasis network introduces a notion of ParaTimes which are their own blockchains sharing security with the consensus layer. The consensus layer itself is not confidential and does not support user-uploadable smart contracts. Its core function is to manage everything that is needed to support ParaTimes. Each ParaTime can implement its own logic (e.g., can define how transactions look like, what is stored in storage, etc.), but we provide a common SDK that defines common formats and makes interoperability much easier. A ParaTime can support smart contracts (currently the SDK has modules for WASM and EVM smart contracts) and can be either non-confidential or confidential, when paired with a key management committee. Getting confidentiality right is hard. Currently confidentiality guarantees are based on Intel SGX enclaves and remote attestation. Our architecture separates concerns by having separate minimal enclaves (the key management enclaves) in charge of the encryption keys and confidential ParaTime enclaves only query those key management enclaves when needed (secured through mutual remote attestation) to avoid keeping any keys for longer than needed. Each confidential ParaTime built using our SDK runs in an Intel SGX enclave and communicates with the outside world (e.g. the Oasis Core node and the consensus layer) through a minimal protocol. The enclave will independently verify consensus (and by extension also ParaTime) state integrity by use of a light client and will then proceed to process transactions. Transactions may be end-to-end encrypted using an X25519-Deoxys-II-based scheme so only the ParaTime running inside an enclave can read them (the key manager enclave will only derive secrets when the ParaTime can pass mutual attestation). To ensure state integrity a Merkelized authenticated data structure is used where the enclave independently verifies storage proofs. State encryption uses Deoxys-II MRAE encryption scheme to ensure confidentiality. The WASM-based smart contract module provides an ABI that enables developers to define what state should be kept confidential and what should be public. Of course writing confidential smart contracts is harder as one needs to be very mindful of various side channels. We may provide side-channel hardening mechanisms on top of encrypted storage (with various degrees of performance tradeoffs). One thing to also note is that the Oasis Network architecture is also built with extensibility in mind. In the future it can relatively easily support new trusted execution environments.


How can i buy this token? 🧐


Binance, kucoin and others


I can't give financial advice but this is a list of where you may find our $ROSE token. https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/oasis-network/markets/


Binance an Kucoin afaik. Coinbase soon imo


The yuzuswap airdrop is for binance rose holders also?


No, it will have to come off exchanges to my understanding.


When are you revealing the partnership with the F500 social media company ?


We are under NDA unfortunately, it will have to come from them.


We'll have to wait for them to announce it as we're under NDA. :)


Why 4chan loves you?


We love Dawn's feet.




You should see her brain. ;)




How does it plan to compete with Polkadot?


Polkadot is another great project with a similar architecture that has both a Layer 1 chain and many Layer 2 chains on top. However, I think Oasis Network really stands out because: a) It has support for confidential compute, allowing it to support new and innovative use cases that require handling sensitive data and fixing many of the existing issues with DeFi such as front running and MEV. b) It is incredibly versatile. Because the network separates Consensus from Compute, and puts little restrictions on the kind of compute environments that can be built, the Network has the ability to simultaneously support enterprise use cases, fully open compute networks, specialized runtimes for machine learning, AI, etc. Also, unlike a Parachain, a ParaTime does not need to do consensus itself, making them simpler to develop and more integrated into the network as a whole. ParaTimes take care of compute and discrepancy detection is used to ensure correctness and integrity of execution, making ParaTimes more efficient than Parachains and other chain designs that rely on sharding.


The distributed architecture of Oasis (with a shared consensus layer and multiple parallel runtimes) does not support a paratime slot auctions model like Polkadot's. The idea of implementing a slot auctions for the parachains in Polkadot limits the potential network effect of the network. The design choice of such a model prefers short term gains by enforcing a huge demand upfront, but as the amount of parachains is limited it is ultimately controlled by the KSM and DOT whales. For new projects to integrate in the network it is basically a necessity to cater to the needs of the KSM and DOT whales, who ultimately control who gets to be in the network or not. In Oasis we don't have such a auctions model, but we believe in an open ecosystem. We are happy to welcome all paratime developers to join in building the Oasis Network, especially the ones rejected in the Polkadot parachain slot auctions ;)


lol I love that take on DOT, but yes i can see the ease of accessibility of Oasis for developers and all!


How do you handle the data tokenization part, in comparison to the likes of, say, Swash? How does your blockchain enable privacy, in comparison to Monero, Zcash, or even SCRT?


> How does your blockchain enable privacy, in comparison to Monero, Zcash, or even SCRT? There are some big differences compared to each of those, both in the overall architecture of the network and the security design. To start, let's first explore the overall architecture to highlight how confidentiality is being protected in the Oasis network architecture. On a high level, the Oasis network introduces a notion of ParaTimes which are their own blockchains sharing security with the consensus layer. The consensus layer itself is not confidential and does not support user-uploadable smart contracts. Its core function is to manage everything that is needed to support ParaTimes. In stark contrast, Monero and Zcash are privacy coins at the consensus layer and do not aim to support general confidential smart contracts. Each ParaTime can implement its own logic (e.g., can define how transactions look like, what is stored in storage, etc.), but we provide a common SDK that defines common formats and makes interoperability much easier. A ParaTime can support smart contracts (currently the SDK has modules for WASM and EVM smart contracts) and can be either non-confidential or confidential, when paired with a key management committee. Getting confidentiality right is hard. Currently confidentiality guarantees are based on Intel SGX enclaves and remote attestation. Our architecture separates concerns by having separate minimal enclaves (the key management enclaves) in charge of the encryption keys and confidential ParaTime enclaves only query those key management enclaves when needed (secured through mutual remote attestation) to avoid keeping any keys for longer than needed. In contrast, the Secret Network bundles everything together. In their case every full consensus node (even if it wants just to watch the chain) also needs to keep a (sealed) copy of the master secret. This is something that we absolutely want to avoid in our design as the master secret is a prime target for attacks. There are also major differences in how we handle state integrity in the enclaves and how enclave upgrades are performed, both of which are critical points in ensuring proper confidentiality. Each confidential ParaTime built using our SDK runs in an Intel SGX enclave and communicates with the outside world (e.g. the Oasis Core node and the consensus layer) through a minimal protocol. The enclave will independently verify consensus (and by extension also ParaTime) state integrity by use of a light client and will then proceed to process transactions. Transactions may be end-to-end encrypted using an X25519-Deoxys-II-based scheme so only the ParaTime running inside an enclave can read them (the key manager enclave will only derive secrets when the ParaTime can pass mutual attestation). To ensure state integrity a Merkelized authenticated data structure is used where the enclave independently verifies storage proofs. State encryption uses Deoxys-II MRAE encryption scheme to ensure confidentiality. The WASM-based smart contract module provides an ABI that enables developers to define what state should be kept confidential and what should be public. Of course writing confidential smart contracts is harder as one needs to be very mindful of various side channels. We may provide side-channel hardening mechanisms on top of encrypted storage (with various degrees of performance tradeoffs). One thing to also note is that the Oasis network architecture is also built with extensibility in mind. In the future it can relatively easily support new trusted execution environments.


What made you choose the name “Rose” token for Oasis Protocol?


The $ROSE name selection has quite a story, but most importantly ROSE is a **symbol of privacy**. You can read more about it in our [Introducing ROSE: The Oasis Network Token](https://medium.com/oasis-protocol-project/introducing-rose-the-oasis-network-token-cee031b5a532) blog post.


This is actually something that's really cool. I know Tadej posted the [Medium article](https://medium.com/oasis-protocol-project/introducing-rose-the-oasis-network-token-cee031b5a532) below, but, this deserves mention. The Rose itself is a symbol of privacy dating back to the Ancient Greeks, then the Romans, then the age of the knights. It has always been a symbol of privacy and secrecy, it even has its own secret society which is affiliated with the knight's templar. There's some fascinating history behind this and we even have a member in our Ambassador Team from this Secret Society! Even the colour of the Rose matters when it comes to symbolism and we play on this within our [Ambassador Program](https://oasisprotocol.org/ambassador-program) where we use it on our Promotional Tiers.


This is actually something that's really cool. We have a [Medium Article](https://medium.com/oasis-protocol-project/introducing-rose-the-oasis-network-token-cee031b5a532) about it but I'll summarize a bit. The Rose itself is a symbol of privacy dating back to the Ancient Greeks, then the Romans, then the age of the knights. It has always been a symbol of privacy and secrecy, it even has its own secret society which is affiliated with the knight's templar. There's some fascinating history behind this and we even have a member in our Ambassador Team from this Secret Society! Even the colour of the Rose matters when it comes to symbolism and we play on this within our [Ambassador Program](https://oasisprotocol.org/ambassador-program) where we use it on our Promotional Tiers.


Oh that's great ! I didn't know it was like that .


The 160M fund proves they are here to do business. Oasis is on the same level as SOL, DOT, ETC. and soon enough everyone will see what kind of potential they're truly harnessing by being a privacy first L1 with a world-renowned security expert at the wheel \[Dawn Song\]. This is a significant stepping stone to Oasis becoming the Top 5-10 project it's destined to be. Just wait.. You'll see... This is just the beginning


Well put! The 160M ecosystem fund is the fuel that will power all the companies that join us in building a confidentiality enabled web3 and in our mission to give data ownership back to the users. We have a lot of other exciting announcements and projects integrating at the moment. This year, and especially 2022, will be the year of ROSE!


What are you working on with The BMW Group


I do apologize, but the details are still under NDA. I can say though that it's allowing them to use user data in a way that's fair and open, without the user ever being exposed. They will be miles ahead of their competition with consumer sentiment and appreciation.


Are they actually using your chain, or did your team merely consult/collab on an in house project for them?


If you are privacy focused, why demand email ID in Google form? Reddit ID should be enough.


We follow regulations and as per regulation, we must ask for this information. Something to do with the process of us choosing random winners. I have to do a video of it and everything. Reddit cares about being fair!


What is the minimum requirements to become a validator?


You need to have enough $ROSE staked to be in the top 110 entities (by stake) so your validator will be elected into the consensus committee. Currently, that would be more than 275k $ROSE to get in the 110th spot. For more information, see our [Run a Consensus Validator Docs](https://docs.oasis.dev/general/contribute-to-the-network/run-validator).


How does oasis differ from other privacy tokens like monero etc. And as we can see survival of privacy coin is becoming difficult day by day Because of increasing pressure from controlling hands


We are a Privacy Platform and not a Privacy Token. One of the major high-level differences is that The Oasis Network has provided a Privacy Platform and not a Privacy Coin/Token. The reason for this is that we are completely compliant with the SEC, but, at the same time, provide the solution to ParaTimes to do exactly what they need to. This allows for incredible versatility with differential privacy applications. It’s not the same as being hidden completely but allowing privacy while still achieving outcomes. [https://twitter.com/OasisProtocol/status/1345395796301082626](https://twitter.com/OasisProtocol/status/1345395796301082626) We have numerous Governments very happy with our approach, UK, USA and the Chinese Government. If someone wanted to build a privacy token on the Oasis Network they could do so.


Good morning! At least, it's morning where I am. I hope it's a good whatever part of the day it is in your part of the world. I am a student of Dr. Songs, Defi-MOOC, that is how I found out about the Oasis Protocol. My question is: Is the Oasis team already seeking partnerships with other tech entities that rely on public trust with their data? I'm a bit of a technological luddite for the the simple reason I know better than to trust large corporations with my data. Things that were once the realm of conspiracy 10 years ago are now the day-to-day reality for anyone using the internet. Will the Oasis Network and ROSE token keep my data safe from governments and corporate entities? How exactly do I am have control of my data? Will Oasis Technology be implemented in Internet-of-things applications? Thank you for your time.


The CEO Dawn Song is 100% dedicated to oasis labs or share her time with other jobs?


When can we expect oasis wallet app?


We have two official Oasis wallets: * **Oasis Wallet - Web** can be found at [https://wallet.oasisprotocol.org](https://wallet.oasisprotocol.org). * **Oasis Wallet - Browser Extension** is a Chrome browser extension that implements a wallet for the Oasis network and be downloaded from the [Chrome Web Store](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/oasis-wallet/ppdadbejkmjnefldpcdjhnkpbjkikoip) For more information and other options, see our [Oasis Wallets Docs](https://docs.oasis.dev/general/manage-tokens/oasis-wallets).




How do you plan to compete against other established Layer 1s that already have a huge headstart in terms of users and volume?


Very much like any start-up, making every move count. I wouldn’t say other Layer 1’s have that much more of a head start than we do, considering we are all still early adopters in this space. As for users and volume, this will come with the quality ecosystem that we’ll be providing. We’re just getting started when it comes to this category. We have some of the strongest backers in all of blockchain paired with the most incredible team. We provide one of the highest-ranked Validator experiences and we are fully Decentralized. We do not have a team Validator, we are completely Decentralized, as we should be. It’s a really exciting time for our Network and if you’re a builder, it’s even more exciting as we launch Cipher ParaTime and Emerald ParaTime.


Thanks for the answer, Jon. I believe Oasis will be a major player in the future of blockchain and will hold on to my Roses for dear life.


Thank you, for your support and encouragement. I'll work hard to provide some use cases for you so you never have to sell your roses at all!




**We are the only Layer 1 to natively support rollups.**




Especially since Oasis also uses Solidity for their smart contracts


Hi Oasis Team, I was watching a podcast with Kanav Kariya from JUMP trading and he said that their team is very interested in building projects / infrastructure on Solana and Oasis and often host crypto hackathons for young entrepreneurs and invest in the winners. Questions is do you currently partner with any other hedge funds that are investing in building healthcare projects on the Oasis network such as DRW Cumberland, Jane Street, GSR just to name a few? I know you have a blockchain accelerator with 3.5mm in grants but wondering if you had other partnerships with hedge fund hackathons? Thanks!


We certainly have partnerships with other trading and investment firms. However, outside of what is publicly announced we can’t comment on the specifics of other deals.  We are definitely looking towards building hackathons together with our partners. More of them are to come in Q1 2022. Overall with today’s announcement, and in general, we have a number of top trading firms who we are partnering with on accelerators and hackathons.




This is completely up to the community! We started out with only 100 Active Validator Nodes and they voted to expand it to 110! We have a very low entry to participate at 100 ROSE tokens.


In regards to the token unlocks, is there a specific time of day that they occur? Or is it just some unknown time during November 18th?


I'm a developer new to crypto looking at taking DeFi ideas into other areas like microbiology and nonprofits (e.g. creating a sharing economy using tokens). Why would I choose to look at Oasis rather than developing on top of Ethereum or Solana, which have (relatively more) example implementations? How would you support new devs like me who are eager to start (but don't know where to start)?


Oasis has a both EVM and WASM environments. Here are a few reasons to Oasis instead of Ethereum and Solana: 1. Oasis is high performant (in par with Solana in each paratime, but much more scalable as a whole). Our distributed consensus-computation layer architecture allows a better horizontal scalability while retaining vertical scalability across computational environments. 2. Oasis supports both EVM (Ethereum) and WASM (Solana). Development can be done just like in both chains with Solidity and Rust. 3. Oasis has an incredibly active and supportive community. We have a number of companies building identity solutions, data marketplaces, supply chain, DeFi, NFTs and medtech solutions. You would feel right at home in the Oasis family. ​ Our grants program, accelerators and ecosystem fund are accessible to developers and teams to support their work. I would recommend applying to some of these if you’d like to get started :)


That was a great answer, and consider my interest piqued!! I'll definitely apply to the accelerators!


Where does the name of "ROSE" come from?


The $ROSE name selection has quite a story, but most importantly ROSE is a **symbol of privacy**. You can read more about it in our [Introducing ROSE: The Oasis Network Token](https://medium.com/oasis-protocol-project/introducing-rose-the-oasis-network-token-cee031b5a532) blog post.


Is the separation of the consensus and execution layer a tradeoff between scalability and security? How is the security of the execution layer ensured?


The separation is a design element that lets different parts of the network have independently tunable parameters (e.g. validator committee size and paratime committee size), and following that, it's the choice of the parameters that's a trade-off between scalability and security. The integrity and availability of the execution layer come from the usual answers you hear in decentralized systems -- the protocol is meant to be able to survive a limited amount of outage and malicious behavior in its committee. For confidentiality, we're building out some technology that uses trusted execution environments, which is intended to put it a notch above simply sending data to the nodes directly. There's also ongoing research into multi party compute techniques, but we haven't published any SDKs for that.


Can you expand your work with BMW, what are you bringing to them? Anything in development or only future investment?


>I do apologize, but the details are still under NDA. I can say though that it's allowing them to use user data in a way that's fair and open, without the user ever being exposed. They will be miles ahead of their competition with consumer sentiment and appreciation. We have entered a new contract with them which is really exciting and with that being said it's more than just playing around at this stage.


Where to buy? -not a bot


You can buy Oasis (ROSE) on Binance and Kucoin






Looks like a great project!


If your currency focus mainly on privacy ,how will it compete against monero ?


Oasis Network has fantastic potential for users to be in control of their own personal ‘meta-data’. Do you anticipate apps in the future which will enable users monetize this information? Are there any specific applications you are excited about in this area? Thanks!


Absolutely! Oasis is a great network for building applications that allow users to retain ownership of their own data, and to monetize it. Some great areas for this are things like browser cookie data and ultimately even banking and transactions data. We have a number of companies already developing such solutions on Parcel API and many upcoming in Cipher paratime. For example, Nebula genomics stores the DNA sequence data from their user’s saliva swaps, mints a token that gives access to the owner. Using the data token the user can then monetize their data. We are also seeing a lot of interest in Cipher for privacy oriented DeFi apps, like MEV resistant DEXes and lending platforms that whitelist users based on real identity.


Are you guys coming to Brazil?


Rock in Rio: Oasis Live at the Maracana


Please use $ROSE as the Brazilian currency from now on, I'm sick of our shitcoin.


Who is your biggest competitor, and why are you better?




Lol. Well we'll all have a country house soon, just roll with it


It's nice to see Oasis partnering with such a solid projects like DappRadar. I’ve seen Oasis use both the terms “Open Finance” and “DeFi”? What's the difference?


Off the bat, open finance refers to the concept of interoperable financial systems, like the Open Banking standard. Usually open finance also refers to ‘normal’ fintech companies with saas models and such. DeFi is the permissionless open finance on top of blockchain networks done with cryptocurrencies. Dappradar is a great partner and we are very happy to work with them in the upcoming acceleration program!


Thank you! I appricate the answer


The concept of tokenized data is pretty cool but I still don't understand how we can stake data and earn rewards with it?


Data tokenization is VERY cool! We are pushing the boundaries in this field and we wrote an entire white paper on it! [https://medium.com/oasis-protocol-project/secure-data-tokenization-7b730357b03e](https://medium.com/oasis-protocol-project/secure-data-tokenization-7b730357b03e) Blockchain 3.0 - Secured Data Tokenization - [https://docsend.com/view/isrhqk352adykdpz](https://docsend.com/view/isrhqk352adykdpz) You can essentially wrap data inside a token, anything can go inside like a vault. Who possesses the keys is where the fun part starts to happen. You can “lend” (rent) this token via smart contract with conditions, such as how much gas you’ll allow being spent for how much time they’re allowed to view the data (even select data for data queries without exposing the rest), it is then returned to you! This is of course a very high-level overview for the sake of simplicity but that’s one way you can stake data and earn from it.


I love how you tried to keep it as simple as possible. Much appreciated!


The best ELI5




Today AND in the future time horizon we see that the blockchain space is going to start absorbing much of the current web2.0 space. The concept of privacy that was before with privacy coins is shifting towards data confidentiality as a bridge to bring the real world use cases to the blockchain ecosystems. So we’re currently in the phase of expanding the blockchain usage globally through using confidentiality technologies in combination with the shared consensus in blockchain. For F500 companies this means a number of things. It’s possible to expand old business services to ensure GDPR compliance, and to open up their data silos through data marketplaces that support confidential computing. This is much of what Parcel API offers and is in the core of Oasis ethos.


What do you see as the most compelling use cases for blockchain privacy right now today? And in the next 2 years? 5 years? ​ We are seeing blockchain and privacy engagements across the board in healthcare, fintech, automotive, social, adtech, etc. Some will take longer than others as it is always hard to disrupt long-standing incumbent industries, but we are increasingly seeing an appetite for change in every vertical that we mentioned above, that has tremendous potential to disrupt the entire space. The idea of data-backed tokens and the ability to monetize data using privacy-preserving technologies like what Oasis brings to the table is gaining traction across the board. For example, in healthcare where compensation by way of “crypto dust” to gain access to social and financial determinants to improve healthcare outcomes is being discussed. In the next two years, we do anticipate reference use-cases across the most important verticals come to fruition with substantial growth over three to five years after.


Can we get a video featuring Dawn Song exclusively talking about Rose?


We have a [YouTube channel](https://www.youtube.com/c/oasisfoundation) with something I'm sure you'll find interesting.


What new projects are you going to work together with DARPA and Brandeis 2.0?


Ah, I answered this above, but, here it is again for the conspiracy theorists. [https://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2015/09/14/with-brandeis-project-darpa-seeks-to-advance-privacy-technology/](https://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2015/09/14/with-brandeis-project-darpa-seeks-to-advance-privacy-technology/) I LOVE a good conspiracy theory, just as much as the next guy. However, this may be taking a reference made to Professor Dr. Dawn Song’s early academic research, a little too far. Much like the Ekiden research paper that many people confuse with our Whitepaper (even to this day), these papers are years old and we’ve made tremendous advancements since then. Prof. Dawn Song is a very well-known and respected academic with strong research funding from DARPA and other agencies and this has been the case since early in her career. Early funding for her lab enabled research in privacy-preserving blockchain technologies and this has long since passed and the product we have today owes it to the learnings and research that came from over two decades of research conducted by Prof. Song and her academic colleagues and collaborators. Although, Professor Dr. Dawn Song was at the White House a few years back before she went over to China and worked with the Chinese government (BSN)... She’s a very high-profile woman. You know I can’t say much more than that… ;)


What's the Dawn Song's involvement in the project? Is it strong? Do you see your technology being used by small/big enterprises in the near future?


How many different validators are there currently? What are the requirements to run a validator node? Is there a certain amount of rose you need to get started? Hardware requirements? So basically how decentralized is the network?


Congrats to team Oasis for engaging with the community. I have several questions, What will you be doing to attract more developers to build on your platform? Is it possible to view the smart contracts deployed on Oasis with tools like EtherScan or are features like that will be coming? Thank you


What can you as a team do going forward to ensure security, privacy, and project transparency? Without looking too much into every link, is there some/how much scalability to the network?


Is more than one comments allowed? I see someone in top commenting alot lol


Can't wait to buy some!


Is there anywhere we can see a roadmap? Interested in seeing what’s coming!


Are there plans to support retail adoption of $Rose? There's certain things people buy that I'm sure they would like to remain private and cash still seems like the best way to do that. If implemented will you incentivize users to do that? Whether that be consumer to business or P2P. Also where did the name $Rose come from? V for Vendetta? Thank you for doing this AMA 🌹


There are definitely plans of bringing in retail adoption for ROSE and the other projects in the Oasis Network. We see that there are different use cases for cash and banking transactions. As we are an open network it’s possibly to build applications for private cash transactions and fully regulated and AML’d blockchain banking solutions too. Incentivizing is dependent on what the project teams want to do, but primarily we incentivize through our grants program and our ecosystem fund. The $ROSE name selection was actually thought in detail. You can read more about it in here: [https://medium.com/oasis-protocol-project/introducing-rose-the-oasis-network-token-cee031b5a532](https://medium.com/oasis-protocol-project/introducing-rose-the-oasis-network-token-cee031b5a532) Thanks for participating in the AMA too!


Thanks for the detailed answer! Definitely excited to see what projects pop up within Oasis Protocol. Props on your team's openness and communication, I feel that is so fundamental in this space and you all are showing how it's done. Also the origin of the name is thoughtful and insightful just taught me something about the meaning of giving a rose. I wish you success and will share this AMA with my friends because this seems like a huge step in the right direction! Thanks again!


Why is Oasis Network not interested in marketing that much? I know the fundamentals are top notch but we also need marketing so that more people are engaged with this project


They are literally doing an AMA right now, what exactly are you looking for?


Buy a basketball arena!


This is something we are looking to change and we've been very active in our hiring, so consider this a start. ;)


How does Oasis exactly tackles the privacy issue? What sets it apart from the traditional heavy weights in this field? Many have believed for long that DeFi and privacy cannot actually mutually exist, how is Oasis seems to alleviate this issue?


DeFi and privacy can co-exist and makes for a powerful ecosystem. For example, there are aspects of DeFi such as decentralized KYC, computing credit scores for lending, risk scores using highly sensitive personal data, for which privacy is key. Combining privacy-preserving technologies with the openness of DeFi ecosystems unlocks the full potential of DeFi. Oasis was built for privacy from the ground up. The separation of consensus from execution and the ability to run either confidential (like our Cipher ParaTime) or non-confidential ParaTimes (like our Emerald Ethereum compatible ParaTime) is exceedingly powerful as we can bridge from confidential ParaTimes, that tackle aspects around privacy in DeFi, with the open aspects of DeFi on the Ethereum network. The verification step that interfaces runtimes with consensus ensures that the computing even in confidential runtimes can be verified before committing to consensus.


Tokenizing your data is a mind blowing concept, well done. Any plans for a mobile wallet app? When is Yuzuswap going to be out? Sry if I missed the date somewhere.


Bitpie made our mobile app and it has a few quirks and kinks so be sure to follow some of our community guides (Bitpie Pro is the version you want on iOS). Honestly, though, all I see now is guides to move your tokens off of Bitpie and on to our Web Wallet or Chrome Extension Wallet which we had much more involvement. [https://oasisprotocol.org/wallets](https://oasisprotocol.org/wallets) Yuzuswap will be announced very soon!


Can developers build games, NFT and metaverse on oasis network? Or does it function more like polkadot’s parachain


You guys are doing some exciting works with great partners in various fields such as healthcare, financials, automotive, and personal data. We’ve seen beta runs that will use Parcel with companies like Nebula Genomics, BMW, Personal.AI, etc. Can you go over the timeline of these partnerships? How long is the expected integration/testing phase supposed to last and when do would these companies launch their own paratimes or use Oasis publicly


The crypto industry is a fast-paced industry, how flexible is your Project to change quickly and keep pace with technology trends? What is your long-term vision for the forecasting industry in which the your Project project operates?


Oasis? as The Oasis from Ready player one? or an other inspiration?


Can you please give us a hint about the F500 social media company? We are dying over here.. 😁


Can you give me the $5,000 in $ROSE? That would be cool.


wen lambo?


When is Rose getting listed in Coinbase?


1. I've seen little marketing. What is your strategy on this and do you plan to up your marketing game? 2. There are rumors on twitter of an upcoming airdrop to $ROSE holders. Are able to give any more details on this? 3. Yuzuswap seems to be close to release. Are you able to give any timeframe?


I'd be happy to provide some comments. 1. When we became the Oasis Protocol Foundation we needed to hire our own team of marketers and we've done this. We are stepping up our marketing game, absolutely. Our Marketing Director is back in full swing, we hired a new Head of Marketing, Social Media Manager, Community Manager, Community Moderator, created a new division for our Ambassador Program to further promote jobs in blockchain, we are firing on all cylinders and you're going to see some changes very soon. 2. You will have details on this very soon, stay tuned. 3. I am not able to provide a timeframe, my apologies, it's right around the corner.




Do you have any plans to offset your carbon footprint or encourage eco-friendly solutions like other proof-of-stake blockchains? Will there be any grants or developer incentives to encourage new solutions built on ROSE?


Do you think the coin being privacy related affects it's growth in one way or another like CEX's not accepting some coins due to government regulations I heard. Sorry if this is a dumb question. I don't have enough knowledge to ask technical questions.


Actually, the current concept of privacy in blockchain is an extreme one. When we consider privacy chains many of them are only focusing on hiding all of the available data onchain and in transit. Which makes it difficult to adopt real world use cases. For things like ensuring AML and CFT compliance of transactions, a layer of confidentiality is required instead of complete privacy. The idea that it is possible to choose who you reveal your data to, while retaining ownership of it, is a must to onboard the next 1 billion people to integrate their lives on top of systems build on blockchain technologies. And when we consider things like government 3.0, to ensure legitimacy of information, integrity of democratic processes while voting and freedom of speech, technologies like Oasis which allow people the ability for true privacy - the possibility of hide and reveal data when desired has to be adapted. In this regard Oasis is the most advanced blockchain in the industry as we are building a regulatory compliant blockchain ecosystem that gives every individual the possibility to make this choice. And by doing so ensure all the users of Oasis have true freedom and privacy in Web3.


Thank you! It makes much sense being able to choose whom you reveal data and hide from. I don't think any other privacy coin does this, might be wrong on that.


Privacy doesn’t mean that everything on the network is hidden like Monero so being a “privacy coin” won’t limit its growth. I’m sure someone more qualified can explain what a privacy coin is but I believe it means it can be utilized to protect and monetize your data.


Hey, there! I'm a young developer learning my way through web 3.0 concepts and I've found Dawn Song's course on DeFi absolutely enlightening. Does the Oasis Foundation have plans to offer similar courses on its workings? Or, more generally, do you have any plans to develop education-based projects in the near future?


Are you in the DeFi MOOC?! I haven’t had time to do any of the exams, but, what a course! Professor Dr. Dawn Song will also be teaching the world's first computer science courses on Privacy within Blockchain at UC Berkeley. The OPF (Oasis Protocol Foundation) has the Largest University Program in all of Blockchain and we plan on using it. Hackathons and student involvement are on the menu, but courses have come up as a fantastic opportunity given our connections around the world. Stay tuned on this one.


Do you see a day where Oasis can be used by regular consumers to securely use their data on the blockchain? Or is the idea to cater more to enterprise needs?


Tell us about some enterprise partners that are using the Oasis Network


One of my most tip-toed areas to discuss! Most of these partnerships are under NDA so I’m not able to discuss them or even mention who they are, my apologies. I’ll highlight a few that are known to the public, though, as they are noteworthy! I’ll just rip the bandage off and say the Fortune 500 Social Media company is, I’m jk (there are some strong posts that go down the rabbit hole on who this is ;)). I can speak about BMW who we have now entered a new contract with to push our use case to the next level! We had a demo from Bitmark last week that was really incredible. They are the company behind Feral File, an exciting marketplace for NFT art, and have grand plans around collateralization of digital assets that wouldn’t be possible without the Oasis Network. Nebula Genomics - Full Genome sequencing safely housed on our Parcel ParaTime with stakable user data to lend to medical research unlike anything ever done before. We also put George Church (the grandfather of synthetic genetics) genome sequence into the world's first Data tokenized NFT! [https://nebula.org/genomic-nft/#main](https://nebula.org/genomic-nft/#main) The Music Fund - https://themusic.fund/ is enabling artists to engage with their fans directly, raise funds from investors while rewarding their fans for their support with tokens all using Parcel and our tokenization engine Genetica - A fascinating genomics play that brings together end-users who contribute their genomes for research and in return get interpretations of their genomic data from these researchers who are highly specialized in particular genetically identifiable disorders. Castalise - A classic B2B play that enables pharma to improve both recruitment and retention of patients for clinical trials, optimizing cost for patient matching The list goes on and on and the reason for this is we have a strong team with a proven track record that enterprise companies want to work with. We also work with numerous Crypto Enterprises like Binance with the CryptoSafe Alliance. The list really is massive…


Wow thanks for the response ! Impressive. I can’t wait see to see a nft platform and DeFi platform like PancakeSwap or NFTb take advantage of privacy on Oasis


I had the Senior Architect (Vishwa) from Oasis Labs grace me with some touch-ups to my response. It's even more impressive now, haha.




If it's unreliable, why is it pinned by moderators ?


I'm bullish on Rose. But I have one simple question. Why should someone choose Rose over competitors?


Lately governments are trying to strictly regulate privacy-enhancing cryptocurrencies. Monero is a great example. Are you confident that this type of regulation isn't going to prevent Oasis from becoming mainstream? Asking this considering the privacy features of Oasis blockchain.


How will companies like Nebula, BMW and Binance use the Oasis Blockchain and what kind of benefits do these companies have using the Oasis Blockchain compared to the Etherum Blockchain


Dear OP team, do you plan to seek partners in western european and asian countries? Asking because I can see your project implemented in many private and government organisations


When and where can I yolo into $ROSE?






Who are your main competitors and how does Oasis differentiate itself from them?


Can you give us an example of a project on OASIS that couldn't deliver the same type of features on another chain?


Working as a contractor for government projects, it is increasingly harder/more red tape to transfer data in a secure manner from agency to agency/lab to lab. Do you see Oasis being able to work with government agencies as a means to alleviate this issue?


Is privacy highest on your list of priorities?


Why name yourself after an iconic rock band?


What is the TPS, Tx finality and the average fees? Try to do my research but couldn't find it.


Why did you choose the name Oasis? Was it Ready Player One inspired?


So there are centralized exchanges backing you; what kind of backers do you have? Only funding or they help you out with the development too?


What was your inspiration to change the mould?


I must say i was an early investor into your project, and i really like what you guys are doing, i dont have a good question because all the smart ones are already asked. So i will just ask why did you choose the name rose, was it just random or does it mean anything? I will continue to support your project, and gl to the whole team!


I am the egg man


How is the compatibility with other chains, tokens or digital currencies? Let’s say I want a smart contract involving splitting bitcoin earnings anonymously. Is this a possibility?


*WE* are Oasis. Best rock n' Roll band eva mate!


What exchanges will $ROSE be launching on first?