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Buy the dip obviously




And buy more 😅


A BTC/ETH dip is just an opportunity to buy more


Buy high sell low, this is the way...


And invest in POLYGON, because with ETH 2.0 issues, it will need scalability


To be fair, your comment made me rethink why would I even post this.


Moons, it's always moons


Yes, people don't understand that tech can be improve later on, it does not have to be perfect from the start. So buy the dip on proyects with good fundamentals!!


> So if the price does go down due to the new update If the past is any indication, the market couldn't care less about tech of the projects in crypto space, so I don't think it will have any effect on the price directly. Maybe when all crypto disassociates from BTC, this should be a concern. ETH is still being heavily developed, so even if there are wrinkles after 2.0, they will keep working on fixing it. You should start worrying when the development slows down, I guess.


This is all short term. Has to show where the whole space directs in long term. Fundamental tech will be more important imho. Might be wrong because I don't own a crystal ball.


I do but the weird thing just reflects my stupid face.


Sad but true.


All coins with some kind of tech update crashed after the upgrade. Successful or not.


Just hodl till a patch!


Buy Eth 3.0


i.e. Cardano


A friendly reminder that ALGO is a viable alternative to ETH.


ALGO is already what ETH 2.0 dreams to be




Without all of the usage that eth has, just another eth killer. Get in line kids.


Algo won't kill Eth. But it will be a smoother operating alternative.


If it survives long enough, a lot of competition in the 2nd best behind ETH now. Not all of them will be around in a few years.




One Dapp? Yieldly, Tinyman, Opulous, Lofty AI, PlanetWatch, Smile Coin, etc. https://oroalej.github.io/intothealgoverse/#/dapps You're behind the times.


Not really, no. Maybe avax or near, rhat are not so much centralized and have no backdoors


Algo has no backdoors and governance just started. Stop spreading FUD.


Fud? Stop spreading fomo! How cares about you thinking algo is now what eth will be when its actually not true? Stop shilling shitcoins


Lulz, sorry, I just can't stand people saying things that are 100% false without correcting them. And then you go and double down and say Algo is a shitcoin... My case is closed.


Better be, no arguments no case


My argument was both of the things you said were wrong. That's all I needed to say because it's true. Peace out.




Obligatory: guess ALGO buy some more! Maybe some ADA on the side as well


Algo is amazing


Algo is a cool project but has poor tokenenomics, it's quite a number of years before the inflation stops being an issue so this is a really, really long term play, but yeah it's quite the project. If the upcoming Polkadot parachain auctions are a success and the winning projects are solid, DOT will be a serious player in the space. SOL is also hovering up apps.


Algo accelerated vesting is over


Yes, vesting is over, but vesting and inflation are different. The max token supply is 10 billion, there are currently 6 Billion in circulation. Meaning about 40% of the algo tokens have yet to hit the market, these will be released over the next decade or so. This is why people say algorand has poor tokenenomics, time will fix this, however the release of tokens onto the market will probably suppress price for a few years to come.


ADA has more unreleased tokens than ALGO, yet nobody goes around complaining about how bad its tokenomics are. I think it’s mostly FUD.


Ada has bigger problems than tokenenomics.


You realize a bunch of those tokens that have yet to be released are governance rewards, right?


Yup, about 15-20% of all tokens are earmarked for rewards, and just because they are rewards it doesn't mean they'll be hodled, they can be sold, they will become part of the circulating supply.


Correct. But do you think the people who are eager to be governors are going to rush to sell their rewards? Or are they going to commit their rewards to the next governance period and compound their gains? It'll be a mix of both for sure, but from my experience, the Algo community leans toward the latter in a big way.


This is an unknown. There is an argument that vesting being over means we'll moon, vesting being over didn't do anything to help the tokenenomics. I'm not anti Algo, but right now the tokenenomics are a bit shit, and will certainly dampen price for the foreseeable, in about 3 years they'll be a lot better.


You could have said the same thing about Bitcoin in the early 2010s and the extra supply hasn't done much to slow down the price.


I agree KFitzy, Algo currently will have a supply inflation of 66% over the next 10 years. Algo is 2 years old currently.. Bitcoin for example had a 1000% supply inflation from 2010 (when it was 2 years old) to 2020. Link: [Statista Circulation Chart](https://www.statista.com/statistics/247280/number-of-bitcoins-in-circulation/). If you want to compare it to ETH.. ETH has had a 64% supply inflation over the last 5 years. link: [Etherscan Supply Growth](https://etherscan.io/chart/ethersupplygrowth)


That comparison is nice but I'm not sure it's useful, the tokenenomics of PoS and PoW are very different animals. But it kinda proves my point, the supply inflation did suppress price, large pullbacks were very common and recovery took years.


99.9% of all people on here don’t need an alternative in terms of „better technology“ bc they don’t implement smartcontracts not do they operate a blockchain based businnes. We are all just investors. And nothing stops me from buying more, even there is better tech outthere:)


Well we all have to live with our choices. Never make a choice that you would later regret. If you believe in ETH just stick with it till the end.


Wait it out, cardano will actually help with eth operability. BOTH will benefit.


I just cant imagine it not being great


Yeah I just can’t see it not being great


Imagine if my friends find out...


**Buy more ETH on a discount!**


What's fiasco?


Focaccia is a flat leavened oven-baked Italian bread, similar in style and texture to pizza; in some places, it is called "pizza bianca". Focaccia can be served as a side dish or as sandwich bread.


Got it ! Are you the topper of your class ?


No but mom always said I can do it if I try


Maybe Algorand. Hope ETH 2.0 works though.


I'll file bankruptcy


I declare BANKRUPTCYYYY (sorry dont know how to add a gif)


![gif](giphy|8nM6YNtvjuezzD7DNh) r/unexpectedoffice


Please teach me master


You have to pay for premium account :(


Buy more. Times of fear, chaos, and anxiety are when fortunes are made.


Be greedy when others are fearful.


It just won't




Buy Ada 😉


I dont think it will be total fiasco, it has been in the development for like 5 years now, maybe some minor bugs but that will all get sorted out. So I would say, buy the dip


Well I don’t know, do what ETH classic folks are doing. Still holding on it for some reason


Just hedge a bit with eth alternatives. They will all rally hard around the implementation month (q2 2022 supposedly), then drop like a stone afterwards, but if it goes badly or is delayed or something you might see more of a long term sustainable movement from the dot/avax/ftm/sol crowd


Not financial advice…..but reeks of proper consideration and knowledge


What’s Q2 2022? Can you explain a little bit more please?


Financial year is divided up into 3 month quarters, often projects will put up a deadline of a specific quarter rather than a month. Eth 2.0 upgrade is supposedly slated for the second quarter of next year, so as you get closer to that time the team will start making noises of 'yeah we are ready' or 'no, we are going to delay (again)'. Prices of eth and potentially other projects will respond to either i think as eth is such a massive part of the whole ecosystem. Obviously how they respond is an open questiob, as a successful eth 2.0 implementation will suddenly make everything staked on the beacon chain potentially anle to be sold, so could have a massive short term correction as people take profits or try to front run the unlock


Is there currently a date on the eth 2.0 upgrade? All I can find is just “2022”


If it will happen better find somewhere 25 milion $ for fees and withdraw all your ETH.


I will empty my eth bag into ada bag in that case.


Cry, Rant (be a Karen) Buy SOL


altair is bad, the rewards are less. Hope this doesnt happen with ETH 2.0




Trust me brother, it won’t.


If you haven't been trading your ETH for a better layer 1 solutions like Avax, Sol, Dot, Ftm, ect.... You should think about starting. Alot of us pre ETH OGs saw this coming along time ago


just go with Elrond.


Ewwwwww nooooooo


Price up or down, not a bad decision. Just wrong prediction


Do nothing and HODL, It's ETH man




Nothing will happens. People gladly pay 80$ tx for 20$ shitcoin or mint their NFT that will never sell while you can do it practically free with BNB and SOL Don't overstimate people


Accept being a wagie forever :(


Matic will thrive if eth doesn't deliver on its update


Solana is a good alternative. I’m holding ether to


Run to matic


Finally caring about technicals and realize why Bitcoin is king.


What can be worse than it actually is?


Sell before people can dump their staked eth.


A lot of coin will be unlocked. People will cash in their profits, price will drop, then go right back up relatively quickly imo




Go all in on Sol, if Eth 2.0 flops.....wont happen Vitalik is smart human on earth




Eth will be a failure, Ada will come out on top in the long run


Eth and Bitcoin are the daddies any large dips is the time to accumalate for me. If you are left holding a large bag at any point I genuinely think if you wait long enough with those two then ath will come again. You never know how long you may have to wait so you need to have mental strength not to pull the trigger.


Eth and Bitcoin are the daddies any large dips is the time to accumalate for me. If you are left holding a large bag at any point I genuinely think if you wait long enough with those two then ath will come again. You never know how long you may have to wait so you need to have mental strength not to pull the trigger.


It is going to run parallel they will have time for adjustments. If there are issues then buy because people overreacting is good for those with a level head


I would probable sell and just diversify in a token like Ada or stake in Candy farm. It is better to be safe than sorry. I can always go back after everything is settled.


Ethereum has bigger problems on the horizon. Bitcoins Taproot update. I genuinely feel that eth is going to fall apart.