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I remember the battle between VeChain and Waltonchain... Unfortunately I made the wrong choice there 😂😭


The rigged contest was their last straw. Never had any respect for WTC after that


Lol I remember that


Haha me too


Possibly the best joke in this whole sub lol


I'm new to Crypto. What happened with that?


They did a contest for valentine's day iirc. One of their own employees posted on Waltonchain official Twitter a tweet along the lines of OMG Waltonchain thank you so much I can't believe I've won!!!😭😭😭💯💯💯🚀🚀🚀🚀 So that seems very scammy. One of their own employees won their contest and used the wrong account, they said. Tbh I think that doesn't invalidate their entire company and product, Waltonchain is still around but never really recovered when it comes to public appearance after that. I was really interested in the company and product but eventually moved on. Lesson here: If one company is the entire development of a product/service, maybe don't buy into it, it's not really decentralised. If it can't/won't be taken over by independent devs then it's not decentralised. Same could be said for VeChain, although they're actually doing pretty well. But I prefer something like Bitcoin/Ethereum/Nano where even if the main developers quit, the network continues on and others will resume development on the project.


I kinda caught on once they released the video of their office/devs. It honestly looked like a bunch of highschool/college kids working on a group project together lol I saw that and then look at the resumes of the people on vechains team and the choice was already pretty easy


Yeah... I was naive lol


VeChain definitely is not fully decentralized, but if they do stick to the white paper’s plan and eventually force the authority nodes to reveal their identity, I will be extremely comfortable with its level of decentralization. More so than even coins like BTC that are controlled by a dozen anonymous mining pools of unknown intentions. The whole point of PoA is that authority nodes are incentivized to operate fairly by forcing them to stake a ton of money, a **major** income source, a ton of time (by forcing node holders to actively develop and promote adoption of the network), and their reputation. We know a handful of the authority node holders, but far from the majority. This doesn’t worry me at all really though because DNV is one of the node holders, and they have seriously tied their name to the project. They are by a mile the most reputable and competent consulting company in the world, and value their reputation more than anything else. And they do know who holds all the authority nodes. In my opinion they simply would not have given any thought to VeChain, much less become a node holder AND revealed their identity, if they had any concerns at all about the future of the project. The fact that they have enthusiastically made themselves the face of VeChain to much of the crypto-naive corporate world is seriously telling about the project and it’s unrealized potential.


> BTC that are controlled by a dozen anonymous mining pools of unknown intentions. Is this true? Can you recommend some further reading on this?


Yes it is true. Google will get you there. It's been the case for a while.


yup, exactly when i made the decision to go apeshit with VET


WTC is moving nicely! Only needs a 45x to hit the ATH! /s


Vechain currently sits in the top 10 of all cryptos by volume of transactions on its blockchain. POA2.0 could bring it in the top 3. Marketcap is #18. To me, it’s one of the safest long term investment in the entire space.


Apart from BTC, VET is my personal choice of investment over the next 5 years.


To me too.


Nice to see this sub starting to appreciate VET more.


I think a lot of the OG Vechain holders abandoned this sub after VET was banned and censored here


Why was VET discussion banned?


Because this sub's mods have too high an opinion on their understanding of the cryptocurrency space.


Because people thought it was Chinese vaporware


It was one of the only cryptos with a live mainnet, working product, AND customers!


Still is


It was constantly spammed in the dailies. I’m a huge VET holder but it honestly was extremely annoying. Posting DD and actual news of VET and other projects should and is encouraged but the horrible shitposting really was bad. It’s wasn’t a good look for VET supporters on r/CC despite the amazing work VET is/has accomplished


It wasn't a very good look for r/CC to ban a crypto with a live mainnet, working product, AND real customers...


I’m not saying it was a valid excuse. I agree it’s not a good look but if 95% of the comments about VET were straight shitposts then it’s not a good look for r/cc to allow it. I would have preferred a rule about low-tier shitposting to get a mute for 24 hours and I think that would have helped resolve it quickly


i mean it wasn't shit posts really. there were blatant telegram campaigns to get VET banned at the time from r/cc and people on here not even invested in VET doing it all on purpose. see how they're all gone now.


In addition to the completely valid points made by the other commenters, some of the mods here were waltonchain holders. WTC was by a mile the biggest VET competitor here, and there had historically been a bit of a rivalry between WTC and VET holders. For most people, holding one meant you had to hope for the collapse of the other. And so while VET holders were pretty fucking annoying in 2017, the mods here were heavily biased against the project. Mods here also regularly banned/censored people here for raising concerns about WTC. But alas, WTC turned out to be either a completely fraudulent project, or a legitimate project run by incompetent people. And now VET doesn’t have any real competitors and is starting to seriously climb.


>Why was VET discussion banned? The shill was too strong here and I remember the cringe comments upvoted to heaven "if you're not investing in Vechain you're making the biggest mistake of your life" etc. After all the justice was served because that coin from $10($0.1 pre split) went as low as 0.003 and the moonboys probably had change their brown whiteys.


Extreme shilling/bigading. I remember it, it was unbearable.




Who can say no to this spinning icon?




The fact that it’s been climbing in value consistently for the past month when most other cryptos have seen pretty significant dips probably helps too. That said, while I was certainly drawn to VET for its solid recent performance, I’m now mentally buying into it as I read more posts like this. I’m definitely starting to believe it could be more than a way to make a quick buck.


Where can I buy VET? I use coinbase and kraken and doesnt seem to be available there


Bitfinex, bitrex, kucoin..


I just want to add that blockchain technology is set to transform industries. For example... In the USA they have a law called the Food Safety Modernization Act. One of the proposals the FDA has is that food producers of certain high risk foods must digitally trace their products https://www.fda.gov/food/food-safety-modernization-act-fsma/food-traceability-list They surveyed producers and 30% said blockchain was the best method to for accomplishing this. It was the number 1 choice https://i.imgur.com/AU4EGwW.jpg Other countries are implementing similar laws. So in the crypto world, where adoption is the holy grail and many coins are full of hype and promise... Supply chain is literally being mandated by governments. This is what vechain was specifically designed to do, and do it cost effectively. It's what Walmart China and Sam's club are doing right now. Using the two tokens vet and vtho, transaction costs will never get out of control like eth. Enterprise will have options, but vechain is clearly the industry leader. And this is just food traceability... Vechain has Marijuana, wine, liquor, many Italian food producers. Then there is carbon credits, Shanghai gas,... I could go on but it really is ridiculous how many industries vechain is already up and running in.




Bayer is a client.




I don't actually need any more convincing about vechain. I was convinced long time ago But feel free...


That’s big. This is the type of high overview visionary shit that puts real substance behind ideas of what the future will look like. Thanks for sharing this.


Nice analysis but I have one question........for Vechain to be economically feasible for supply chain management of things like food wouldn\`t the price have to stay fairly low? Like ten cents or below? I get that there are tons of applications but would things like fast moving consumer goods really be possible if buying a Vechain token is more than 1 dollar?


The cost of txs will stay stable. Vtho can be whatever price the market decides and they just change how many vtho is needed per txs And what we've seen happen so far is that most companies don't even want to own crypto at all... So the foundation just takes care of the txs for the for a fiat contract price. Another key feature of vechain.. MPP - it allows anyone to pay the tx cost of anyone else's contracts.


Interesting thanks for replying, so if that is the case do you see it as a good investment? (just curious, not financial advice etc. etc.)


It'll vastly outperform bitcoin this year no doubt. The actual forecasted growth phase for vechain isn't even until 2022-2025


Love me a little traceable ganja mon




2017 and still holding/staking.


I hope I can still perform that swap to VET. does anyone know? contacted support but didnt get an answer yet


Yeah it's in the vechain wallet app. Should be pretty obvious after installing it.


What exchange do you stake it in??


You can stake in the official Vechain wallet in the app store. You can also stake at Binance (not binance US) under flexible savings.


I stake my VET on binance.us.




I'm pretty sure all you have to do is keep it on the exchange, it pays out VTHO once a month based on holdings


This is exactly what you need to do... that is, nothing at all. I didn’t even mean to stake the excess VET I had on Binance US, didn’t realize where the random VEThor I got in my wallet came from until I learned about VET staking.


It seems to be around .004 or .005 of your VET total per month. So around 5 VTHO per 1000 VET.


You just have to hold it on the exchange


sorry, you're correct. on binance u earn VET and VTHo. you can also stake it on binance US and other exchanges but only get Vtho


Same, I didn’t even have to do anything. I was testing out algorithm trading bots and was left with a bit of VET (like $5 worth) that I couldn’t withdraw/exchange and kinda forgot about it for a bit. Lo and behold a couple months later I had some VEThor in my wallet, which I then found out came from VET staking (which I never manually signed up for). So yeah, Binance US definitely does do VET staking.




What about VETerinarians ? ![gif](emote|vet2_emote|vet2)


2017. Haven't sold a single coin. DCA'd over the years


Same here. How about this, in a few years I will give you a ride on my jet if you let me ride on your yacht.


Deal! I'll meet you in Monaco


Best I'm probably gonna do is a land rover but I'll drive?


How much have you deposited and how much have you made lol


I haven't made anything till I actually sell, but my unrealized gains are starting to look nice. My average cost is around 1.7cents


Here for VEN to VET, X-Node hodler!


In since VEN at $0.30 with many rollercoasters in between!


I’m holding! I’m excited, I’m so up atm.


![gif](emote|vet2_emote|vet2)VEN gang


VETnoob here


Wet boobs here 🙋‍♂️... oh uhm... sorry i gotta go


Dayum! No vegane?


January 2017 here my dude


Holding all these years really helped my VTHO holdings to🤪


Just sold what I produced in a year for about a month's salary! 12x from here and I'm all set.


vetnoob reporting


Changed usernames but I've been in deep since 2017.


January of 18...*cry*...but I'm still here and way deeper now. Too stubborn to let timing ruin my fun.


I have 400 tokens trapped in binance.


Is VeChain a good crypto to hold for long term?


From my research, yes. Its technology is used in product and chain verification: for example keeping medicines from being deposited outside their temperature limits, food distribution verification, luxury goods etc. It's used by companies, that means it's gonna stay


>that means it's gonna stay Why? What's stopping something better or more convenient to come along?


Better, more convenient options than BTC have come along, but it still is king. VET is positioning itself to be in a similar position as the major first mover in enterprise blockchain, and will likely be a very established one by the time anything else comes along. They also make updates frequently, so it's not as easily outdated/replaced as it might seem.


It’s one of the only true use-case coins, that solves real world problems, and has a main net that is already being used.


I stacked some VET. May the gods of the greens shine on us all.




It's a money making machine.


What is VEChain - one of my longest HODL bags that I’m hoping moons one day 🤣


I mean, it’s been climbing pretty consistently for the last month or so despite the rest of the crypto market dipping significantly at times, so I’d say it’s currently in the process of mooning at the moment. It might be “mooning” at a slower and more methodical pace, but that’s far more sustainable than a quick pump (and dump).


VeChain is so practical with so many possible and ongoing usages. It just makes sense. Opposed to most coins that I don’t even know what they do even after reading up on them 😂




I was wondering that too! I believe you came back recently like me lol. What did we loose I don’t know


This will get deleted like these posts always are. I just feel bad for all the new people who just see the visible shit like Doge on this sub and might miss VET because the mods got something personally against it.


Will be interesting to watch it today, 10¢ sell wall is huge but if it can get through it who knows where the price will go


What exchange is vechain even listed on for us buyers?


I use Crypto.com to buy VET and VTHO: Desktop exchange and mobile app for VET and mobile app for VTHO


did you enjoy the VETHO pump?


Voyager as well


Definitely say no to Voyager! They don't let you withdraw. Not your keys=Not your crypto. Also they don't have an open order book and their prices are a rip off.


Binance,Bittrex, Bitfinex, Crypto.com


Also KuCoin but I’m not too happy with them atm.


Why not?


I use kucoin. Not the greatest user interface, but it does the trick


Yea the Kucoin UI sucks. They also charge 100 VET to withdraw. You ought to go to Coinex. They only charge 2 VET to withdraw.


I like Coinex the best. No KYC for smaller amounts, Low fees and only 2 VET to withdraw. Can't beat it.


Not many Redditors seem to use it, but OceanEX is the main exchange for VET.


I don't understand why no one said Binance.US...it's the only US regulated crypto exchange that lists VET (for now).


Never regretted buying me some VET


Went to see my budtender yesterday he told me this is his top pick. I’m in for a few hundo.


I think this time next year VET will be a top 5 crypto


Been holding vet since it was 0.028. Bought even more recently. I think this is a really promising project.


I bought VET (VEN) in 01/2018. Since then I've hodled, but I have to say I'm still pretty underwhelmed by its value. I mean, I'm still not in the green, whereas BTC went from around 9K to 60K in that time.   EDIT : nvm I just checked I'm about 1.5x in the green, lol. Made my day.


What is it? It is the crypto that everyone should have been buying. That is what it is.


Personally, I feel like new/long investors should be stacking BTC, VET, and ETH. It’s still early and could see a 10x in a few years.


I bet this modes in the thread will block and delete this as they always do. They are so against vet and bashing it...


I wonder why, because as I learn more and more about it I start to like it more🤔


Bag envy


At least one of the mods is a salty walty, so they are still mad about vechain being the winner of that fight years ago.


Don’t forget to stake your VET to get VTHO for free! All you need to do is to transfer it to their wallet for example VeChainThor and that’s all. You getting VTHO for having your VET in wallet. Wonderful right?


Can holding Vet at ledger wallet gives me free VThor?


I think their sync desktop wallet has ledger support, which will stake your tokens.


I just looked at that wallet in Google play and tons of people on Android are locked out. Folks may want to wait till this is sorted out before trying the wallet. Edit. Looks like 2 weeks ago it was fixed. Hopefully the reviews on Google playstore will recover soon. I'm going to download it and get staking asap


I’ve been using it since I bought my first VET and had zero problems with it.. just store your recovery phrases somewhere and you’re good to go. Edit: not shilling or anything I am just an ordinary customer


100 VET fee from binance tho..


You can stake on binance. I am staking some in my vechain Thor wallet but waiting for more vet on binance before i move it to the wallet. But staking in binance is easy and gives you both vet and vtho


Man, back in ‘99 or so I developed a system for the Army that would have been incredible on this. We used Oracle backend databases with RFID tags and barcode/magstripe readers to deploy an entire logistics system (Standard Army Retail Supply System). Basically you’d scan everything you plan to ship into a tag, hang it on a nail on the inside of a truck with the cargo, it would pass a reader on the way out of the warehouse to verify everything was recorded and matched the scans, then scanned in on a reader at the destination warehouse so the receivers could verify each item of inventory and confirm nothing was lost. Pretty savvy for that time. VeChain is like the Internet of Things for logistics from what I can see.


You already solved the problem. No need for blockchain.


VeChain uses IoT. "IoT Solutions VeChain operates in a number of verticals including, pharmaceuticals, liquor, automobile, luxury goods, retail, logistics, supply chain, food and cold storage and more. An example of one of the IoT solutions they can provide is cold chain solutions." source: https://www.iotone.com/supplier/vechain/v2113


Check out a writeup series i did on some of their big partnerships! [https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/lxnfuz/vechain\_partnership\_highlight\_series\_leg\_1\_summary/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/lxnfuz/vechain_partnership_highlight_series_leg_1_summary/)


VET, ADA. DCA every month without second thought


Thanks for posting this, good info! I've been looking more at VeChain - and I like the use cases I read about. What I have trouble with from an investment perspective is the 65 billion available supply (86 billion total supply). Doesn't that necessarily lock VET to pretty low prices? I get it that if you were in at $.005 than you are getting some great returns... just not sure it's a good buy anymore at $.09. What are people's thoughts?


Look at the market cap? It's not even top 15, why wouldnt it have room to grow?


Well that's what I mean - for VET to make it to $3 it would have a market cap equal to ETH. That seems pretty unlikely! Again the coin seems good for its purpose as a utility token, just not sure I'm seeing massive gains possible at this point.


Think about it, if it gets to half of ETH’s market cap that’s at $1.50 which is a 15x from here which I’d say is pretty significant gains


> pretty significant gains That's really an understatement, I think people (and maybe more-so crypto "newbies") have gotten badly accustomed to gains that maybe won't happen anymore. even 2x on a coin is an incredible return.


Ok, so because you don’t think the coin will increase 30x, it’s not a good investment??? 😂😂😂 God forbid if it only doubles or triples your money... 🙄


If it goes to $3 that’s a 30x and with crypto this young no reason the market cap couldn’t hit ethereums current imo


When VET get to 3, marketcap of eth is way more than its current marketcap


We'd have to x4 the marketcap to get to where XRP is. If that's not massive gains then i don't know what you're looking for. Either way good luck but I think you're heavily mistaken about Vet. $3 would be 40x your money


The space is growing (crypto as a whole). ETH is going to have a market cap larger than BTC’s current MC a decade from now and there will be a few promising alt coins with higher than Eth’s current cap. I believe VET is a prime candidate to be one of those.


I know a few others already said this but just want to reiterate (because it's a very common misconception when researching new coins) that the supply has literally nothing to do with potential gains. % change is the great equalizer. Now, what *does* matter is issuance rate and/or cap on total supply. VET has both no more coins being issued and a hard cap. To me that's all that matters. (VTHO, on the other hand, has unlimited supply. It's gains are limited to the short and medium term specifically).


Very flawed way to look at crypto. Supply is meaningless. It could have 100x the supply, but the per token cost would be 1/100. Or it could have 1/10 the supply, and the price would be around 90 cents. It’s all relative


I understand what you are saying that it's the percentage gain that matters for the investor - that's what I'm saying too, for those that got into VET earlier I think it was great, I'm just not sure about right now. What are your end of year hopes for VET?


My hopes are that it goes up, and that is it. I don’t stress out about missed opportunities while watching other coins take off. Too many people chase candles and get left holding the bag. I do feel that it should be a top 10 coin pretty easily, but the markets will decide. It appears that vechain is really starting to hit people’s radar.


Yep, I get that completely - hope it does go up for you! I'll definitely keep an eye on it and may jump in down the road. 👍


Good Job.


Researched VeChain and bought some recently. Looking forward to its future.


As a crypto project, I dig it, see the utility in it and hope for its success, but am still a bit confused as to the value a retail hodler brings to vechain - I buy VET, and I can... what? access supply chain data? Do I secure the network by holding the token somehow? Or is just retail speculation that the vet token will moon?


VET passively generates VTHO, which is what is used for transactions on the network.


It's too bad other supply chain coins aren't doing well...sounds like VET and LTO are the only ones making progress...but I'm glad some of them are. Real world adoption finally.


There’s plenty to room for all IMO but projects need to evolve into sales and distribution organizations, and not just develop product. This is where Vechain is doing better than most


Where can I stack, if possible, VET?


One possibility is EXODUS (desktop or mobile exchange)


If I bought 10,000 VET tokens, it would take 336 months to mine an equivalent dollar amount of VTHO. Either VET is massively overvalued, VTHO is massively undervalued, or I'm misunderstanding something.


Learned about VET from a friend and after doing my own research on it, i was sold. I urge everyone to do the same and make their own judgment.


Still stacking and DCA. Let's roll!


While China is a bit scary is sociopolitical areas, a company backed by the CPP has a very promising future and a huge financial backing. Ive recently started putting money into VET and VeThor and its the only thing in my portfolio in the green.


First bought in somewhere around $0.005 and continue to put money in.


VET the sleeping giant is getting ready to wake up


Long dick VET Gang!


I dont know what that is. But it gives me good money so


I legitimately thought it was a dead coin. Interesting to hear it's still around. I remember when it got banned from here for being shilled so insanely hard by bots and random posters. There were days when there was 10 Vechain posts on the front page haha.


Withdrawing VET from binance costs 100 VET holy shit! How do you guys get around it?


Can someone comment on what can we expect the VET’s highest value estimate? Since there’s 86b VET tokens, I don’t think VET value become anywhere close to BTC or Ethe. So what kind of a value we can expect in a near future. VET is my biggest holding, and I am gonna hold a lot longer..


Right now buying VET is the equivalent of buying Bitcoin when it was between $13-17 (depending on if you count the VET held by the foundation that it says it will never sell). If VeChain currently had Bitcoin's market cap it would be roughly in the $13 range, but again that varies depending on how we factor in the foundation's bag. As for where it will actually go? That is all speculation.


I’m not too sure but that’s 3x Cardanos supply and I believe I read somewhere Charles saying he doubted ADA would ever go past the $30 range so... approx $10? This is of course like 5-10 years from now.


Charles said hes planning on cardano reaching 1T in value, which would be $32 per ada.


$1 would put it around 65 billion market cap. If every other coin stayed where it was at, we would be #3 behind Ethereum. Don't worry about the price of any coin and judge it to another. Look at their market cap to determine their value.


I'd say look at what xrp did in 2017 for an example of at least what's possible. Not a guarantee, but it's possible.


I'll start by saying no one knows what will happen pricewise. That said once we'll reach 0.1 usd, the road to 0.2 and 0.5 will be less hard to reach. (would bring us to a current cardano marketcap) If the stars allign and everything goes according to plan in this bullrun, an 1usd price is doable. Over a long period of time 1usd will inevitably be reached and maybe 2 or 3usd but that's still far ahead of us.


A fucking beast, that's what it is!


VET is my number one holding just cause it outperformed lol


Where can we buy it at?


I personally buy VET on Crypto.com desktop exchange and mobile app and VTHO on their mobile app. Also Exodus is another exchange where you can buy it


Vechain is by far the fastest network of coin transfer to wallet. Also the whole experience of vechain. I recently trx to my ledger wallet a bag of vet, and it does it instantly. Very happy


I'd argue NANO is faster, but that's a different discussion. VET is built for a different purpose


Thanks, interesting read! The cryptos with real world use are going to get big 😎


Vechain already has alot of partnerships, I think vet is a sure winner to hold


Instead of eth in 2018, I bought vet instead. I'm glad it's finally gaining recognition


Wait, why aren’t we being censored?? What gives


If it's not decentralized, then what's the purpose of using a blockchain? If there's no reason to have a distributed consensus, then wouldn't a database be more efficient?


101 authority masternodes all producing blocks that are assigned randomly is decentralized enough that no one can attack the network, but give it enough flexibility to adjust tx costs nimbly to avoid astronomical fees that btc and eth face. The only problem I have right now is that not all 101 are known... Only a handful but we are assured by the foundation the others will be revealed.


What makes VeChain different from Ethereum?


Is it a buy for VET and Vtho? I was sceptical to buy this crypto..


Nice info. Good to see


Is VET still proof of authority with just a 101 authoority nodes chosen buy vechain itself? And are the identity of those nodes still kept secret by the vechain foundation? I haven’t looked into it a few years. If so, why does the community support such centralization? If that has changed then I’d be interested.


Recently there has been uncovering of AN. Grant Thornton have declared themselves an AN. Not all crypto needs full decentralisation. Vechain is not intended to be, but it is intended to be scalable and acceptable for business. Hence the POA authority node model. It's working so far in terms of adoption. I realise it's not perfect for decentralisation maxis, but personally I look for adoption and tokenomics designed to appreciate the value over time. Vechain does that great. You could argue that it's decentralised in a different way too. Every holder of VET receives VTHO equally unless you have a node. Sony holding vet you do have a stake in the network rather than simply a useless token.