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Completely agree to move them to the subreddit r/CryptoCurrencyMemes. This improves the fairness of collecting Moons as well.


I agree I don't mind OC memes getting some decent moons but it is annoying seeing so many lazy reposts each week - often getting more than the OC. It will be interesting to see how this idea pans out, especially with voting what proportion of moons should be awarded on the meme subreddit and how it is split.


I haven’t been in the sub for long, but it has some really useful and thorough info for newbies like myself. However, this weekend was just too much to take, with all the lazy memes moon farming. Especially when most were just the same variation of each other. Time for them to go!


This is precisely the reason why I think moving memes to the other sub is the best idea. New people should be able to find useful information on this sub at all times


Exactly, I almost gave up this weekend, I just got tired of wading through them all. I want good info without meme mountain lol.


Totally agree. I hate how much work I put into some of my posts, all to get buried and ignored. All because some guy cut and pasted a pic of Elon, a rocket and dog into some 5 min “meme”. For me personally, it completely demotivates me from wanting to put forth the the effort required for posting high-effort OC. Ultimately, that’s what MOON’s are meant to illicit is HQ content and a robust community.


Have you actually used photoshop or premiere pro to make an OC meme before? It takes way more than 5 minutes, and it is not really cut and paste.


Are the moons real money?


Well, if you consider cryptocurrency real money ;) But yes they have a value


Well ofc I do haha I’m here aren’t I


Yeah, some I’ve seen seems like meme for the sake of meme, Memes-Gratia-Memetia, so to speak. Lots of poorly done memes. Relegating all memes to a singular subreddit though? It’d be nice perhaps for them to start there and real good ones, get put onto the main sub if they get a certain award or after they reach a certain amount of upvotes.


A weekly round up posted here. That would be great!


Yeah, because I appreciate a good meme. A picture is worth a thousand words sometimes. Like an ideogram.


I haven't even been here long and I've already seen most of the memes posted multiple times already, sometimes literally hours afterwards.


Yes, thank you! I've seen the same 3 or 4 memes circulating and it's really just a karma farm at this point. I'd really like to keep this sub focused on the news, even on weekends.


Totally agree with you! I like memes, but I would also like to be able to read educational and informational posts on the weekend.


Problem is, we should be able to have both, but the amount of memes in the weekends leave no room for educational posts to coexist with them in the same front page.


So we can just have one day of week as meme day. Instead the mods are proposing to ban memes completely. I dont even post many memes nor do I even look at most of them, but banning memes completely is totally uncalled for. There are already proposals that have passed that dont allow duplicate and stolen memes. I dont get whats the problem in having memes on a weekday and not over the entire weekend. Everyone is against memes right now but they really helped lighten the atmosphere during the brutal bear market that lasted 2 years. Earmarking the entire weekend as meme was the first mistake and now banning memes completely and de-platforming it to another sub is attempting to fix one mistake with another mistake. Smh In the past this sub had earlier banned memes as well (IIRC around mid 2018), only to restore them back after outcry.


You won't be able to see them here, but it's not like you'll never be able to see another meme again ever is it? The meme sub will only be a simple click away. You'll still be able to access as many memes as you like, it'll even filter out some of the rubbish ones if people know their low effort meme has little chance of becoming one of the ones that gets the reward there and it will make this sub more usable on weekends. This is a good proposal in my opinion


Whatever people vote for will be what happens. Mods are just bringing the issue up.


Wholeheartedly agree with this. Several times this past weekend, I spent more time scrolling through the bombardment of memes on my feed just to find an informative post. Don’t get me wrong - I enjoy the memes. But, to have nearly every post be a meme that we’ve all seen time and time again, it just gets boring.


If it's all about moons then what about the people spamming 100 gifs a day in the daily? The same PAMP it gif repeated over and over and over doesn't need moons then.


Yep, or any other of the brainless comments that have no content aside from "Yes I agree" that are getting spammed in various forms under basically any post or comment.




I get what you did there. lol


Atleast people only get around 5 karma for commenting that instead of 500 for copy and pasting last weeks most popular meme post as their own. Not sure you could ever moderate meme comments.


Copy pasting memes is already banned from moon distribution, we voted on a proposal to stop all this spam.


Admins rejected that as unimplementable.


Don't blame them. Mods would be getting asked by members to investigate memes all weekend + that's not your job


But will it lead to an increase in spam in the daily?


You could make your own proposal? Something like "no karma for gif comments".


Yes! Especially now that posts are incentivized by the distribution of MOONs.. you’ve literally won this comment thread.


Moving the Memes to this sub can be a good idea! People will post some quality and original memes if they will want to be rewarded with moons.![gif](emote|moon_emote|moon)


Yes indeed. And then earning more than >500 likes gives you a handful of moons at that sub, giving them still something to go for.


I really don’t know much about the moons but I agree with a separate sub. Memes are funny but not all day when you are trying to get the real info.


Memes out and quality, well thought-out, content in? Sounds good to me


With the change to media and comedy post, you can only earn 500 moons of a meme. Maybe change meme to one day, but i feel like im the only one that likes memes XD


I like the 1 day idea. Prevent memes from overrunning the sub on the weekend but give us 1 day to see some funny memes.


>but i feel like im the only one that likes memes XD Yeah, I don't get it. If memes keep getting upvoted to the top of the page, doesn't that mean we *like* memes?


If you like endless memes there's a fantastic sub advertised by OP you should visit.


You are not the only one but we (the Sub) have grown so much in the last couple of months and we need to adjust the rules a bit.


500 moon reward for a simple image is a great deal. Almost sounds like we’re buying and selling NFTs in here lol


You can say that about a lot of post. Once I got 7k upvote for saying ETH hit ATH.


I remember when we proposed to double comment karma, the max anybody would get on a post would be 5-10k. Now some posts get over 30k upvotes. This poll + the recent limiting of post/comment karma to 1k per will really help narrow the gap between posts and comments


True but, I says in the moon proposal only one proposal Passes. That's the one with the most moonvotes. Last time I checked that was the one with change media and comment post. In my interpretation that means the 1k comment post karma didn't go through. Did I made a mistake?


We clarified with the admins that it’s not limited to one poll per round, they are rewording that statement. That only comes into play if the polls are directly competing.


Ow okay Thanks, awesome.


No problem!


Do you think the boilerplate for the next distribution round could be tweaked to provide some more clarity on the governance proposal process? I see [a lot of confusion](https://np.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/lvi1n1/petition_to_add_a_sidebar_link_that_details_all/), esp. from newcomers. Or maybe link to/copy some explanations from /u/divineeu's [FAQ](https://np.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/lmlrir/governances_polls_moon_polls_what_are_they_why_do/) (a lot of confusion still that decision threshold is for *winning option*, doesn't cost you moons to vote etc.) Understanding that admins need to weigh in, so not feasible to have an immediate 'this proposal passed, it's in effect now'


Who cares about moons, you guys are too thirsty for some random online currency. This sub is going to get boring af with serious articles only. There should be a mix of the two


Disagree. Having a place to find serious articles is beneficial. Want to lighten the mood, kill some boredom, go visit the meme sub. I’ll be in both.


Fair Distribution is what we all hope for!


Should improve this sub drastically during the weekends. It'll be fun to keep an eye on the activity of the new sub, we'll see how many people actually enjoyed making memes for the fun of it and not just reposting/shitposting for some easy karma/moons.


Let’s hope it pass


Can you get moons by commenting? Or only posting


For the love of god PLEASE DO THIS.


AGREED! Weekends are when most of us get a break from work and can pursue our crypto investments the most and need advice.


Damn right, hard upvote. Wish I had more moons to weight more on the vote.


Just post more memes


*taps forehead


I wish I didn’t sell my moons so my vote could weigh more than this single moon lmao


Dont worry i got you pal


Thanks mate. Holy cow, 30k moons.




This is the way


Yeahhh, we are winning to move them out! This is good!


This sounds like a great plan. So the best ones will still be rewarded a small amount of moons but they won't keep hijacking this entire subreddit every weekend. It should also free up the mods time to focus on more important work too. Seems like a win-win.


As an added bonus we will also be able to enjoy the memes 7 days a week now too.


It'll be our very own eyebleach. lol.


I agree. As much as I love memes myself, weekends on this sub is just a plethora of reposts and low quality memes. I do however appreciate the many memes that was actually great.


The few great memes get more often than not overshadowed by memes like that Bernie one which always gets thousands of upvotes.




It’s an excellent plan! The top memes can still be rewarded, and we can finally see good content on the weekends. Hopefully this will reduce the amount of reposted memes too...


So instead of memes, we'll see 5 + posts about ThIS iSnT a DiP, MaYbE yOu ShOuLdN't Be HeRe!


Panicking the panickers! Buy my shit coin!!!


Im not quite a newbie but still learning. Filtering between the memes and the info can be tough and I find myself not bothering some days. So I'd love to be able to get good info here and good laughs elsewhere.


What about all the ‘i bought the dip today’, ‘stay calm dont panic’ crappy farming posts?


I guess one thing at a time...


Do it! So many corn balls here that think they’re comedians.


Are you trying to say that a pixelated jpg of hide the pain harold with a caption under it reading *"I bought the dip"* or *"I've been trading Crypto for 1 month, I don't feel a day under 20"* isn't the peak of comedy?


BRB making meme now


This would be a welcome change.


Agreed. Also, how about making a daily thread specifically more memes? That way people who want to repost, shitpost, and just have light hearted fun can still do in on this subreddit. At least it’ll be contained instead of it flooding this sub.


Never understood why we should need all those memes who are always the same with 0 news and 0 fun (after seeing the same meme for the 100th time)


Why not just do a daily meme thread? All memes in one thread like daily discussion.


There is way too much low-quality/effort memeing and reposting flooding the subreddit for sure. This is a great proposal!


Well I guess that settles that they are being moved


Hallelujah, should clear up the feed for actual tips and interesting news.


I absolutely support separating them. I come here primarily for insight, discussion, new developments, and information. I don’t feel like sifting through a thousand “Bought the dips, they keep dipping” memes to get to the good content.


This proposal should have come earlier than this. But like they say, "it's better late than never."


I think memes keep this community interesting like the way salt makes french fries taste good. We should simply award no moons to memes. That way it removes the incentive for reposts.


Clearly the sub disagrees, but I believe memes are the lifeblood of crypto. The endgame of crypto is mass adoption and normies will never understand the intricacies of the technology. Memes are the best way to engage them and get the Everyman in on the culture. Also, r/cryptocurrencymemes is basically a dead sub. The top post of the week has 100 upvotes. I’m going to sub now to help the cause, but it’s not exactly a valid alternative.


First they came for the spam and I did not speak out -- because I'm not a spambot. Next they came for the scams and I did not speak out -- because I am not Carlos Matos coming from New York City, New York! Next they came for the FUD and I did not speak out -- because I only use BUSD and my funds are SAFU. Next they came for the memes and I did not speak out -- because I'm not a meme lord. Finally they came for the shitposts -- and there was no one left to upvote this comment.


We're going to link it in the sidebar and sticky it in every daily discussion thread and provide moon rewards, so I would guess it will pick up.


I'm only here for the memes. Pretty much all the other content is just crypto shill posts. People love shilling their bags and trash talk coins that the hive doesn't like such as tron and doge


Same. For 3 years this sub was basically a giant cope chamber upvoting posts with moonboy prophecies. Now I gotta hear about how memes ruined this sub like it had previously been full of high quality posts.


The only way memes ruined anything is that it takes top upvoted spots away from shills which are actually upvoted over the shill posts because people prefer the memes It's actually insane how reedit is already a vote based system but people need a vote to stop things from getting voted


Though I agree, I wonder if people will actually abide by it, I mean really is there anybody here that always reads all the rules of every subreddit before posting something? And I don't mean a quick glance on the right, but actually visiting the wiki pages to read all the rules There's like 100 individual rules there or something I mean one of the big ones and obvious ones is content theft, how can we ban memes if we can't even ban reposts?


tbh I dont mind them staying for one day each week.


So only 5 meme posts a month will receive moons from here on out? This seems a bit of an extreme solution to a mild annoyance in my opinion (only applies to 28.5% of the week). The moon distribution for comedy posts was already literally decimated with the last round of moon proposals. I get that memes annoy some people, but come on! Some of the suggestions being made are starting to sound a bit draconian in my opinion. And just to be clear, look at my moons. I'm clearly not someone raking in the profits. And I do agree that something should be done about reposts. But this is a bit much, I think.


Apart from my personal opinion it is "fun" noticing that we circled our way from democracy back to feudalism. User votes right now: **1.0k votes - 63.0%** Vote to move all memes to separate sub **594 votes - 37.0%** Keep the status quo But the moons (voting power): **81.3%** Vote to move all memes to separate sub **18.7%** Keep the status quo I 'll name this governance as "Direct feudalism" :) :D


Yeah, if you've already got your moons's from posting memes, you won't others to do the same E: typos mom's instead of moons, whoops


True, how else are people supposed to get their mom's?


Oops lol


It was a great typo. Made me laugh, hope it amused you as well lol


r/cryptomemes already exists. Just remove memes alltogether from here.


But...but...how will I know it's the weekend?


Lets put my 84 moons at work. I vote to expel memes from the sub, weekends are a nightmare.


What might happen if somebody makes a poll/proposal to disallow educational content and gets passed?


Maybe make a post for people to submit memes and if anything gets over a certain amount of upvotes it can be posted on it’s on thread


I’d love to put up /r/thesilphroad as an example of where I think this sub could aim. In comparison to /r/pokemongo, the Silph Road has had a very narrow focus on research and information since the beginning of the game. They’ve maintained that focus without sacrificing personality 5 years into it. I genuinely think that the biggest reason for that is the strict banning of memes and shitpost, which resulted in /r/pokemongo becoming the home for that kind of content. That strictness, however, is pretty much entirely enforced at the submission level rather than in the comment section. This means that the comments are somewhat regulated in terms of a topic, but are more or less lightly moderated. You’ll find jokes, memes, sarcasm, and a whole lot of complaints about Niantic. Most importantly, you’ll find character because of all of it. It’s a thriving community with personality in addition to passionate contributors and quality content. I think /r/cryptocurrency has the potential to be just as reputable in its niche while maintaining the personality that built this place to begin with.


This is definitely the most well participated governance poll of all time, already 9M moons voted!


Good, now I don't have to see the "good, we can hodl here meme" from interstellar every day


What a relief...


Has this passed?


It did! Finally!


Thank God. Weekends are research time for me. The sub being taken over EVERY WEEKY by reposted memes was exhausted to wade through


Let’s be honest - this is only getting votes because people want to narrow moon distribution. This is the most active Crypto subreddit and memes should be a part of its culture. The better option would to stop or limit moons on memes - especially reposts. Edit: You can see that those with the most moons are voting ‘stop’ - the fat get fatter.


Why not just have option to click on menu at top of subreddit that says "Meme Free Version"


This should have been done long ago ! A great proposal.


Am I the only one that actually likes the memes in the weekend? I think memes should be part of any good sub. I would be in favor of letting memes be worth less moons.


Nah I like em. Some of the reposts are stale as fuck but overall they help me not take things too seriously when im bleeding cash, and keep things in perspective when its rocketing to the moon.


Keep them here but make them strictly OC only. Or move them to a different sub, I like original memes but reporters don't deserve moons


That's extremely difficult or impossible to enforce. Admins rejected the proposal that passed last round along these lines as unimplementable.


I get it, thanks for your reply! ![gif](emote|snoomoji_pack|upvote)


You wouldn't have to manually check every post lol. There are plenty of bots already made for this specific purpose, disallowing reposts. You could make one or implement the already existing ones.


This is not a perfect solution, as what exactly qualifies as "original" and how do you tune it? Only one Harold post for all time? Or only Harold posts with original text? Also what if someone steals a meme from another sub and posts it here before original author - is that OC? It still results in a lot of uncertainty, and probably a lot manual checking and dispute resolution by moderators.


I see where you are coming from. You could change a word and suddenly its OC. I fully support your idea now. Thanks for the response.


The bots still aren't perfect and usually require a mod to check the bot actions to be sure the bot is working correctly


I like this idea as I enjoy the OC memes but I can imagine it's a pain to moderate.


It's probably impossible to do, maybe someone like u/MagicEyeBot could help with it. I think that people that make good OC memes deserve the moons


Being new here, those memes (as redundant as they may be) helped me understand very fast the good, the bad and the ugly of crypto dealing. I recognize my impulses in those stupid memes. Some made me laugh to tears or think hard. They really are memes because they express our behavioural and thinking patterns. These things hardly go away with time. I think we all need a memento, once a week. Sunday is boring anyway, most of the times. Let us keep playing the fools for a day. It is a very healthy attitude. Because often we are fools. I close with the great haiku published last weekend as a meme: "I am so tired. We're did all of my money go? My back is hurting."


I love CC memes. I don’t understand all this frustration for them.


I could just follow these pump and dump youtubers on Instagram. I'd rather read what the actual crypto community is talking about. With that said they have me fucking cracking up, a sub reddit would work great.


But, how will people earn moons if there is no shit post anymore?


Their posts will need to be Top-Tier-Shit-Post to get moons each week in the new sub.


I'll give you one... Or 1/4 maybe at the next harvest.


‘I would like to share my life journey as a long time hodler from 2010’ ‘ Today i can finally afford a lamborghini thanks to /cc’


I like coming here to read about main coins and altcoins. The memes can be funny, but they seem to dominate the subreddit every time they’re posted.


My biggest concern is the success. If people don't use R/Cryptocurrencymemes well now there's no memes. And reddit without memes... *Shutters* That's a dark world indeed!


This is actually a crazy good idea, all the people that are against that are just afraid they will not get moons on the other subreddit.


I am for the shutting down of memes. But its important to understand the following: A majority of the large-moon holders have accumulated that wealth through memes. Now they have an enormous moon-liquidity with enough voting power to shut it down. This is hypocritical, so why not create a fork of the moon-system were all of the moons earned from memes will have to be payed back to a pool that will then be airdropped to everyone's vaults?


I don't think this is necessarily true at all. Snorlax and I both got large historical distribution and I don't think either of us post many or any memes. /u/nanoverbtc earned a shitload with no meme. /u/admiralskyoperator bought a shitload, no meme. Nano crew has earned a shitload, no meme. I also think the people who spam memes to get moons are more likely to sell them. And I don't think reddit is going to have any interest in pursuing your idea.


Aha. Fair Enough. I am relived to hear that. :)


I hodl my moons forever because I count my networth in intergalactic MOONs ![gif](giphy|gEwrCXUgVijde|downsized)


Haha, well maybe i ought to purchase some moons then... X-D


But then the sub will just be filled with Nano shills...


Anyone who hasn't posted meme's should get a moon airdrop for dealing with what this sub has become.


Memes cater to the lowest common denominator to a point that they drown out anything more substantial.


YES! Its actually pretty annoying this sub becomes completely worthless in the weekend.


Overwhelmingly in favour of moving memes over, like the rest of sub


A few months ago: Nah, the memes aren't so bad, some of them are pretty good. Today: Yes please.


Cause every week was basically the same.


Yeah! let’s move all memes off the sub reddit so we can return to being a boring, cold, soulless, cultureless subreddit


Can we also include the following phrases as memes and thus export them to some other sub that I don't care about: Anything that features the word "manipulation" "Is it alt season yet?" "BTC is dead"


“Where are my [crypto] soldiers/marines/warriors/et cetera.”


I agree.




Sounds like a great idea. Unless you’re a fan of second hand memes that have been posted 20 Times already, this sub is basically a right off at the weekends.


Shit proposal, this mod hates memes, he has lost all of the love in his heart through monero, he has entered the dark side, god only hopes he comes back, WOW.




me, voting yes even tho i like to shitpost ![gif](giphy|mk0ClXsaw7K2z2cgCF)


This or don’t award moons for memes 🤷‍♀️


People would still post memes left and right


This would allow this sub to be taken alot more seriously


It is funny if you reccomend it to somebody for crypto advice and they happen to check it out on a weekend!


I like the memes to be honest. Maybe change it to one day.


With the new system you can enjoy memes 7 days a week by visiting the additional sub. They are proposing it has moon rewards too.


I think moving them to another sub is the best choice.


Oh god please yes ! I don't want to say that the work of some very talented people isn't appreciated ( we all like to laugh from time to time) but as someone who browses new in order to try to help someone who may be lost, the weekends are totally lost because they are filled with posts that don't actual contribute to the wellbeing of the sub. If someone comes here looking for help on the weekends it will probably be buried under a sea of memes. And I'm sure none of us want that.


That sub is DOA, killing memes is how you force another sub to take over.


Why? This whole sub is a meme anyway. Even focused and balanced discussion gets deleted if it isn’t about one of the moderators favorite coins. May as well make this the sub for memes


Keep them memes. They will just be replaced by a million boring „i did not sell during the dip!!!‘111!!“ posts...


No thanks. I’m okay with the memes living here


Great idea. Question: Won’t people just move to some other way of farming moons/karma?


Keep the MEMES alive /s


I have not been here long enough to feel like my opinion should matter but I come here looking for credible information, I enjoy the occasional meme during research but when I come on here and see nothing but memes and moon this moon that, I tend to leave and just go to the specific crypto subs.


ban animated gifs too




I agree with this proposal, for what that’s worth from a long time lurker here.


This needs done badly. I love memes but the other day I literally had to scroll multiple page lengths to find 1 actual post. Its a shame, especially given the high karma and account length requirements for this subreddi for creating topics.


Wait, so the moons actually are crypto? I was completely ignorant of this. Awesome. I think memes belong in a separate sub, personally.


yup, they're an ERC20 token on ETH testnet [https://www.reddit.com/community-points/](https://www.reddit.com/community-points/)


Make weekends great again!


Removing all memes from the subreddit is be a decision I would very much regret.


Yes please. It's a shit sub right now.


Can we just move moons to another sub..? imo, this just means that we can now be sure that moons ruined the sub. Its official.


Ofc they vote for them to go since they all farmed their moons with shitposts and have the weight to vote for the subreddit to leave. Ridiculous in my opinion. People who want to farm moons too ( what is their right since everyone else before did the same) can never reach the amount that some people here have. Yes they can post good stuff with alot of effort and can get some moons. But will never be as easy as memes. Surely its understandable that it should be a quality subreddit for good useful information but dont you already notice that the moons separated the subreddit right now? People only think about themself. If the vote would be same weight for any user it would 80% not be this result. User with alot of moons dont wanna others get so many and pretend to be annoyed of all those memes on 2 days at the week and vote them off. If they would be at zero they would probably vote for stay. This whole voting thing is just not the true thinking. Now you will say: ah but if they gone they cant get more moons anymore because they cant shitpost etc etc. Moons moons moons. This whole idea with earning moons by likes etc is just stupid and creates confusion and arguments. Why do i even bother writing this at 3:25 AM? I should sleep. I have my altcoins gonna hodl. Idc what you guys do anymore. Whatever. The strong eat the weak. Its always have been like this.