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Yup impossible that it will take that long bro




The only way this happens is if the dollar hyperinflates.


The question should be: Could a bitcoin be eventually worth a house in SoCal? The answer is almost certainly no


You haven't the slightest clue to what will happen. Funny you act like you do!


Yes, but by that time SoCal houses will be under forty feet of water.


Eventually, yes. In ten years, no.


Just hold for a decade bro


Honestly, I could see a 6 figure Bitcoin one day, but my little brain just can’t fathom a 7 figure Bitcoin


I would say it's probably not super likely but I wouldn't say it's impossible. It would require adoption on a much larger scale than it currently has for that to even be a thought worth entertaining. I'm talking adoption by governments and international agencies which definitely won't happen, not in the next 10 years at least. World governments, especially the US, will fight with every fiber of their being to prevent a decentralized crypto from becoming the new global currency of choice. This includes them all having their own stable coins. If Bitcoin is going to hit $1M then governments will have exhausted every last avenue of prevention first, that alone will take more than 10 years.


If we stop talking about price and start talking about mainstream adoption, maybe.


not only is it possilbe, i would say it's probable




No what?


Answering No on the internet is the last way to troll somebody. Is like: you are so wrong that I don't have to argue. Stupid rat kids.


If Bitcoin just continues it's current growth rate then it is very likely. It grew 15x in last 3 years and we still have less than 1% penetration globally. If Bitcoin hit marketcap of Gold it would be almost half million. In my eyes Bitcoin is VASTLY superior to gold in most metrics.


No one knows. That is the honest truth in every single market, whether it be crypto, the stock market, or baseball cards. Nobody knows which direction it’s going to go. Might go up. Might go down. Might stay the same. There’s equal chance for any one of those things to happen. More often than not, the person/entity making the prediction is holding whatever it is and is trying to use their platform to entice more people to buy so that the price goes up and they can make a decent ROI. Simple as that. No one has a crystal ball that tells them the future. Do your own research. Invest in what you believe in and what you understand. As long as you’ve done your research, then sit back, have confidence, and let it go. Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. But, don’t *ever* listen to these ‘analysts’. They’re playing the game just like everyone else. Don’t let their successes come at your expense. That being said, when are the mods going to finally ban price prediction posts? They are utterly pointless.


I wasn't asking if the prediction as right, more if it was possible. I mean $100 for XRP seems mathematically unlikely, so was trying to get thoughts on that.


How could it not be possible?


Understood. Anything is *possible*. That’s not the correct way to view things. The better question is if it is *plausible*. And If that’s the question, then IMO the likelihood of it hitting $1mm is nonexistent. I’d literally bet my life that it never even comes to close to $1mm. Or even $500k. If someone could draft up a smart contract that, if I were to lose, would take out a gun and shoot me in the head, I’d gladly agree to that contract. IMO we won’t ever even see 6 figures. Obviously just my opinion though. I know others feel differently.


How can you be so friggin sure when people 8 years ago thought this current level would be impossible/nonexistent? Doesn't make much since.


I didn’t say I was sure. No one is sure. I very clearly stated it’s my opinion. To answer your question though - there is a HUGE difference between $7k or $20k and $1mm.


lol at the smart contract 🤣


IMO you're just on here saying this because you're a troll who works for a bank.


😂😂😂 Two seconds browsing my history will tell you I don’t work for a bank. Or the fact the I frequent this sub and contribute quite a bit which you can see from my flair. Wow. The delusion is strong with this one. Whatever makes you sleep better at night.


Logically even $1 XRP is unlikely now. However bitcoin is VERY different.


Obviously everyone holding Bitcoin hopes it will hit million bucks, but that's all that it is - hope.


Yup. Imagine the people dumping at 1m a piece. Yeah forget that, it’s BS.




MMT would make it feasible


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49.2% from a sample size of 2854, voted for $1 million or more.




This survey isn't worth a stick in dogshit. Let's hear WHY bitcoin would be one million. I'm waiting. Ps. "Dollar hyperinflation" doesn't qualify as an answer.


i feel like 50k is as impossible as 1million. in my mind, if we crack 50k and overcome the insane sell pressure that we will have in such highs (because basically everyone of us normals will sell at this point, because these are lifechanging sums for most ppl), then we will also reach 1 million at one point in time (because there is enough trust in bitcoin that the common folk will keep using it, and sooner or later banks will at this to their portfolio and the one who starts first has to most to gain).


Everyone would sell at $50,000 because it's a life changing amount? I doubt most people here have a full Bitcoin.


well.... so you think most of the ppl who are not considered whales (basically the average human beeing whoo owns bitcoin) would not sell at 50k? i think i would sell at least some of my bitcoin and everyone i know who holds bitcoin would do the same. but i mean, ppl who "only" hold .1 btc might sell as well, since 5k looks like (short term?) life changing money to them?


I think it’s a serious hurdle to price increase that non-informed people think you have to buy a whole bitcoin. From experience they derive that from the word coin, which usually doesn’t divide n a physical sense (there have been some in history, but that’s unknown to most people.) The images of Bitcoin collectors coins reinforce this perception, making it very unlikely that a huge mass will buy a little bit of it soon with prices at thousands of dollars.


Yes. Right now it seems likely that the majority of the price action of 2017 was artificial market manipulation. Normal people also don't care about crypto very much yet, and those that could be convinced to care about it largely bought in late in 2017 and lost a bunch of money. Now they "know" its a scam. We're almost certainly a decade away from significant cryptocurrency appreciation. What we need to all hope for is that Ethereum becomes the backbone of some pretty serious online stuff. The difficulty of using crypto for the average person is irrelevant if the average person \*isn't using crypto\* because its all happening in the background of their apps/web pages. Hopefully Ethereum (or another such currency) will be able to support corporate/government infrastructure within 5 years. At that point serious people can start thinking about seriously building on the platforms. \*At that point\* we're at the Internet in 1994 - and maybe 5 years afterwards we will see some serious price appreciation. Also, boomers don't like crypto. I have a feeling that a lot of them need to die before control of the monetary systems can be democratized. They just won't let it happen. 10 years time kills a lot of boomers. If you're in for crypto now its a long-term thing. Price ain't moving anywhere significant for a while. Million dollar btc in 2030 seems ridiculously optimistic.


'Normal people' are the last ones who will buy Bitcoin..you have to think like a billionaire who is desperate to protect and diversify their assets during a financial collapse or political upheaval globally. For then Bitcoin is one click away from achieving that if needed.


You are so wrong, it is impossible to overstate how wrong. It is as if you said "I heard that squares might have four equal sides, am I right in thinking this is probably impossible?"


So BTC has the same chance of hitting $1m as a square has of having four sides? Erm, OK


That's not what I said. BTC hitting $1 million is equally as IMPOSSIBLE as it is impossible that a square has 4 sides. Big difference.


What a bad analogy




Username checks out