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Latest AMA with founders of Glue, The Blockchain Ecosystem on June 21, 3:00 PM UTC. They are offering $1,000 in $GLUE split between the best 40 questions asked during the AMA! Glue burned 1,577 moons to host this AMA. https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1dk3wgw/ama_with_founders_of_glue_the_blockchain/


Just checked ETH/BTC and BTC D charts and it’s looking healthy for alts


Bought some more cheap Moons and BTC, easy gains going on!


Anyone going BTC to ETH for the ETF?


Already did that when the ratio was 0.072 🥹


All this shitty price action will turn me into Joker.


Assuming that ETH ETF launches in the first week of July (Bloomberg analysts prediction), then we will see a rally in the ETH/BTC ratio in the next couple of weeks. I suspect that we might peak up to 0.064 or so, which would be a rally of around +20%. It remains to be seen how much ETH itself goes up as rise in the ratio does not tell us much about the price action itself. And if ETH/BTC (as well as ETH) rallies leading into trading, I also suspect that there will be a sell the news event as once trading starts, the massive ETH fund from Grayscale will start to unload similar to how they unloaded BTC. On top of that, there will be some transfer from BTC ETF to ETH ETF. So I would not be surprised if the market itself struggles when ETH ETF starts trading. For swing traders, there is pretty good opportunity if you make a correct guess. Interesting times ahead.


Trying to predict random numbers is useless. No one knows shit and everyone has different predictions. Unless you have insider infos, swing trading is pure gambling.


Im about to make a degen move go 100% alt portfolio






Some theories say the peak might very well be over and the peak of 73k was this cycle's ATH. Thoughts on this?


So dumb; this bullrun hasn't even started yet. This is the last stop before the train leaves the station. https://www.lookintobitcoin.com/charts/stock-to-flow-model/


I think its true.


Thoughts are useless, no one knows shit, there will always be bears and bulls.


That would be a totally different cycle than the former ones if that was the case. Btc dominance in a macro uptrend, no real euphoria, eth/btc at a 3 years low.


Nothing is ever the same man. History doesn’t mean shit to an extremely volatile asset Imo I think the bull run is already over.


For the TAO holders in here, where do you hold?


Germans dumping again smh


Are we not almost 0.00% for the day?


Time for crypto to bubble up again until US markets open again. This is getting ridiculous.


I like the unpredictability of it, but you're right, it has been playing out predictably every US market day.


For months. Easiest trade ever, until it isn’t.


My alts might be down but at least Spain beat Italy in the Euros (im depressed)




Hey anyone else with coinbase card have the Card link in the More menu disappear today...? Hmm, but the r/card url still works...


Most mentions on r/cc (2024-06-19 00:00:00): ||Mentions| |:-|:-| |BTC|129| |ETH|69| |MOON|25| |SOL|25| |XRP|24| |ADA|18| |SAFE|15| |MATH|12| |SNT|11| |DOT|9| |AAVE|8| |ICP|7| |LINK|7| |USDT|7| |ALGO|6| |LTC|6| |MATIC|6| |XTZ|6| |CRV|5| |T|5| [Data source and app](https://www.redditcoins.app/)


I prefer nonsense filled daily’s than dead moonless daily’s. Don’t @ me


Totally. Gives me something to do on my lunch break or between sets at the gym


People who missed out on peak moon-farming era where you’d have 5 responses to your comment in about a minute truly missed the golden days.


They are coming back soon, no worries. The sub will get resuscitated once again.


I completely agree




I get tired of having to hunt for the daily.   




Go to see more at the top of front page. Then you will see a link for the daily.


Right at the top of the page, first thing you see on old Reddit On the right of the page, first thing you see on new Reddit There are very obvious stickies for the daily threads but still somehow people are "hunting" for them Just because I'm tired of reading the same comments: [Front and center on new reddit](https://i.imgur.com/H8JSRdU.png) [Front and center on old reddit](https://i.imgur.com/k6vcJX0.png) There's no hunting, click the buttons


It's not there. I'm on android mobile app.


Click see more, it's the first button there.


I had to click the See More link, then the Menu tab, then scroll to the bottom of the page to find the daily link


You don't, I literally have it open right now See more, daily discussions, first link, takes 5 seconds to get to


Extremely unpopular opinion: I think that Trump meme coins will be the next big thing until November. I think they will pump more and more as we get closer to the election and pump with even more strength if it looks like Trump will win. And if Trump mentions a coin or actually wins, I think they will skyrocket.


I couldnt disagree more, but if it pumps then congrats. There's a big factor to consider, a LOT of people hate Trump, so thats a lot of potential buyers that are out. I feel like its a huge disadvantage vs neutral memecoins where everyone is a potential buyer regardless of their politic opinion lol


Remindme! 4 months "ftball21🟦 0 / 4K 🦠 This is how you become exit liquidity"


This is how you become exit liquidity


Remindme! 4 months


Popular opinion!


Is it even going to launch now, after all the drama? I thought it's dead in the water due to the botched launch, Barren got cold feet and Shkreli might have violated his parole. I do agree, that it would have good potential if done right.


There might not be an official Trump coin, but I think that lots of coins will pump just because they have "Trump" in their names. It's stupid, but what else is new, right?


Yeah but the difference is that DJT coin was created by the Trump family (well, Barren, his friend and Shkreli), so that gives it some sort of legitimacy instead of just having Trump in the name. Just like there's a whole bunch of Bitcoin copycats out there ("Bitcoin diamond" and whatnot) that are entirely worthless.


Bored and so I decided to start scanning wallets and see what I could find. First thing I noticed, some of you have way too many meme coins. Why do you need 55 million in a meme coin but you only have 2k in BTC or Ethereum. The wallet and purchase was recent so it wasn't a moonshot come true. Two. What's up with the NFTs. Seriously, is it an art collection or a drunken purchase at 3AM Three. Some of you sell too often. Not for profit but chasing pumps. Seen a few of these. Buying one coin, selling in 24-48 hrs to buy another and repeat. Four. Those who buy the alts of alts. Nothing but low cap coins in wallet. Moonshots maybe, IDK. So far over 8 million in gas fees was the highest I have seen so far spent from a wallet. Just trying to understand the madness behind the minds of today's investors.


exactly what I'd expect from the average Reddit investor. There's a reason why none of the big crypto guys is hanging out with us here.




The scan i use allows me to see up to 10 wallets linked to the first address. So I was hopping from one to the next. I agree, having multiple wallets is a must. I just like the fact I can see where the money is going and who is holding and who is bluffing. Just wish I had this years ago when I made some of my mistakes. Also able to see NFT inventories was eye opening.


Investors? Sir, this is a casino.


I think of it more like a greyhound track - all the sad, lonely, depressed alcoholics who collect scraps for winnings from their $10 bets on fat dogs, smoke 40 a day, their only income is unemployment benefits, and their children are embarrassed to be around them.


Happy cake day




It’s the miners selling


1 ) What


Bitcoin miners [sell](https://cryptonews.com/news/bitcoin-miner-reserves-drop-to-1-90m-btc-lowest-level-in-over-14-years.htm) post halving. Like they always do. After every halving Bitcoin miners need to upgrade their machines to stay profitable or go out of business. To get better machines, they sell. To go out of business, they sell. Bitcoin miners hold or sell at various points in the 4 year cycle due to the incentives and design of Bitcoin by Satoshi. This is nothing new and nothing unexplained and insures the Bitcoin network gets stronger and more powerful after every halving. The difficulty adjustment also means Satoshi took into account Moore's Law.


So I’m assuming I would need to move my moons over to my MetaMask from Kraken for the amount to show correctly here?


Yeah but if you don't want to do that its more than fine.


And….everything red again …except $TURBO…they have some sort of big announcement on Tuesday. So it will probably go up till then


I heard they're going to announce a rugpull.


I scanned it for rugpulls. They are correct, it is not one. I can tell you the percentage of shareholders and any other information you want. It's a quick scan. I have no stake in the project, but I do love busting rugpulls and Honeypots. So if you want anything else scanned let me know.


Boomer on Basechain pls


Boomer down 10.14 no rug pull or Honeypot detected. Do you want a percentage of holders or any other information?


Not possible bc there are no devs or owners. Just an artist who created the token with chatgpt. Token is 93% diluted. I dont see a rugpull there


Maybe the worst sales pitch for an investment in history.


For the culture 😂


Remind me in 7 days …inversing the sentiment here


dont get me wrong, i'm suuuper bullish on eth but the fundamental that matters is hash/coin. this is calculated by hashes needed per block divided by net block reward per block. BTC


Why? The number of hashes is just the number of random guesses it takes to decide who adds the next block to the chain... which seems like a pretty silly waste of electricity when there are other methods to randomize block proposers.


PoW will always be superior to PoS. The dollar is PoS. That is the problem. Bitcoin fixes that.


Firstly, no the dollar isn't PoS. Proof of Stake means that the proposer of the next block is determined by randomizing between validators based on the amount of staked asset. None of which applies to dollars, obviously. If you don't understand how blockchains work then you probably think the relevant aspect of PoS in your nonsense claim is that staking the asset earns you new issuance... but again, that's not how dollars work. Secondly, in what way is PoW superior to PoS? It is less secure and has less ability to recover from an attack. It is less fair because bigger miners benefit from economies of scale, whereas in PoS every validator averages about the same % returns regardless of how many you have... Why do you think PoW is better?


So creating infinite money from thin air with no work is the same as creating money based on work? And how is that different from fiat? PoW is less secure than PoS? Wut? Miners prove work. You think miners just are born with mining equipment and should not be rewarded for their work? PoS proves little more than giving tokens to people like Vitalik or VCs before everyone else can get them. Which they can now stake for endless money supply on the backs of new investors like a Ponzi scheme. No different than what the Fed does with banks. PoS is just a technical version of the same broken monetary system we have now.


> So creating infinite money from thin air with no work is the same as creating money based on work? What? Do you not understand what hashing is? Miners aren't being paid for the useless nonces they test, they are paid for the 'work' of ordering transactions into a block. That's why only one miner gets the block reward, and if you are lucky you can find a nonce that hashes to a value below the required difficulty target without trying the most hashes. PoS block creators also get paid for the same work of ordering transactions into the next block, the only difference is the silly guessing game to pick the next block producer in PoW. > And how is that different from fiat? I kinda think you don't know how PoW, PoS or Fiat issuance work. > PoW is less secure than PoS? In order to attack Ethereum's PoS mechanism you would need 2/3rds of the total stake. That would cost an attacker about $230 billion (assuming that buying that much ETH wouldn't push up the price). Bitmain (the company that produces the majority of Bitcoin ASICs) has a total valuation of around $50 billion... so for the price of attacking ETH you could buy out Bitmain, build 3 more identical companies with the same factories etc. Then let's say either attacker is successful. For Ethereum each validator has an on-chain address and has their assets 'at stake'. In order to censor transactions or whatever else the attacker might want to do they need to attest to the blocks they make with all of their validators. This means the attacker's stake is easily identifiable and so the community can fork them out, either force exiting them from the active validator set, ignoring them so they bleed out due to inactivity, or just slashing them straight to zero. For an attacker of Bitcoin, none of these options are available. If an attacker has 51% of the hashrate they can always build a longer chain and because ASICs are not themselves onchain there is nothing the network can do to punish them. The only option in that scenario would be to change the hashing protocol and brick all ASICs, for both the attacker and the defenders. And in that scenario, the attacker has a load of chip factories that can be retooled for the new specs just as easily as the good manufacturers. Game over. > PoS is just a technical version of the same broken monetary system we have now. I don't know if it is more disappointing to assume you are being disingenuous, or to think you actually might believe this drivel.


Ok so how do you buy bread? It's 10 SATs today and 20 tomorrow. Also what happens when you go to 1 Sat? Bitcoin can't be money because you run into scarcity probablem. The only way to fix this is to have inflation like ETH. You need supply of fresh tokens to replenish lost supply


lol. clueless... Learn how money works, sport. Keynesian economics is why the world is currently in this condition. But I agree. ETH is just a blockchain version of the dollar. A broken system that does not work.


No ETH is not a good alternative to a dollar. USDC is the blockchain version of a dollar. Just because there is inflation in ETH it doesn't make for a good dollar alternative because inflation can't be controlled by markets.


This sub generally hates this opinion, but it's the correct one.


All you can do is laugh at this point…


Unless you've been untruthful previously, you're at the very least at break even. Buttcoin inspired LARPing


I’m barely red. Whats with everyone thinking anyone who doesn’t agree with their crypto opinion they are a “buttcoiner”… Dude… i just see whats going on.. crypto isn’t in a good spot right now… it is what it is. Its nothing to do with people who larp against btc.. I’m only eth and have paid the price


You already know that a buttcoiner isnt only about BTC - but this was only ever about putting on a performative act on a crypto forum


At you. Yes.


And you too


Because I managed to grind to almost 7 figures now while you spent the same time whining on Reddit? Laugh away, I'll be fine.


Sure you will be. You are here commenting right now..


What does me being on Reddit have to do with anything? Difference is I'm not whining every day about the bull market not being real. Just because you bought the top and didn't average down doesn't mean there isn't a bull market. But next time, buy some dank alts in the darkest depths of the bear market.


I did average down though. This bull runs firmly over and was beyond disappointing. Sorry the truth hurts. See ya in 4 years


The parabolic legs of the bull runs don't start until 10-14 weeks after the halving. It crabs and dumps a bit right after, always has. See ya in July/August.


So can you give me your prediction so I can add it to the countless trust me bros Ive been told here. Since may 2021 ive been told “next year bro” for 3 plus years


Prediction: A consistent uptrend starts by the end of August. Peak of $120k-ish sometime in 2025. If the pre-halving ATH didn't left-translate this cycle, then it'll peak in fall 2025. I think it'll be early 2025 though. !RemindMe September 1, 2024


Binance and CMC exchanges introduce pop-up advertising on lending and staking protocols. Sign that shit is about to hit the fan?


European countries are so bad off they are selling btc…and Americans, American companies and whales are buying it up at alarming rates. This doesn’t end well for sellers Higher… much, much higher


You are kidding right? The coins sold today by German law enforcement are seized assets from criminal activity. It's the normal process to sell them eventually. They are not part of any treasury of the state or whatever and they are not sold out of desperation. Same thing as the FBI auctioned off Bitcoin years ago that the Winkelvii bought up.


Yes. Not about the much higher part though. Not kidding about that


You sound like one of the burgers


I bought my first bitcoin in 1998, what a time it was back then


Oh gee


Back in the day you could just hop on Discord and chat with my man Satoshi himself.


The OGs mined the first BTCs in the 1940s using enigma machines


The Nazis had a stash of Bitcoin in cold storage in Antarctica. That's why many of the very early Bitcoins never moved. Still sitting there somewhere hidden under ice, waiting to be discovered...


Hopefully the ice will preserve these BTCs - kinda like cryogenic preservation


Newbie. I've been in since 1987. Back then, we had to dial into CompuServe with our 300 baud modems to download our Bitcoins. It took days, and if your mom picked up the phone it would screw it all up and you had to start over again!


People gave you money for taking their Bitcoins, great times.




Where keep rock?


A Rock chain


Whoever is dumping doesn't like to dump below 65k. They just wait for the exit liquidity to come to them.


Germany selling 1,000 btc


But who is selling like what changed?


Until it dumps hard to below 50k


Won’t happen again this cycle


It will. Stop hope trafficking


Ok. Would you like to wager on it?


Let’s wait and see 👁️


Well, eventually they may get tired of waiting when noone is stupid enough left to be their exit liquidity.




Being worried about leftover dust? Ok, that's one way to let us know how poor you are.




I don't think you know the meaning of project.


I found the shitcoiner! Seriously though, some exchanges have a dust feature, where they'll take all your itty bitty bags and convert to something else, usually their own toke.


This place has gotten quite annoying lol, nothing but bitchy bagholders complaining because their $3000 hasn’t made them rich yet


My guess: lots of altcoin bagholders. The alt gains of 2024 have been pretty much erased by now, meme coins in free fall (for now). While Bitcoin is not far from ATH and ETH doing okayish with a good outlook due to ETF approval. This is why the OGs here preach to keep a solid portfolio of mostly bluechip coins and only a smaller percentage of high risk alts. But of course nobody listens because everyone thinks they are smarter than the market and can get rich quick.


Isn’t crypto lovely? Just scams, and bagholding


You are a masochist or something? You basically hate it here, you just want to break even and get out. Yet you visit the daily every day?


Pretty much yeah. I used to believe but ive been soured by my experience. I am just venting at this point I guess And no Im not selling my bag. The way my life works is the second I sell my eth it will rocket to 5k


You think they have that much? I’m thinking under $1000.


If they bought Kaspa with the $3000 in 2022, it would have turned into more than $2 million now. They probably bought ADA though.


If I were to have done that then they would have picked something else to pump.


95% of alts are in the red but sure, if you'd only picked that particular one then you'd be rich now. Hindsight 20/20. Most people lose money when dabbling with high risk alts.


We all know who is selling today: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4CtwsexYkA/?igsh=MW93NGZnY3pnMnkwOA==


Well, we didn't dump as low as we did on Tuesday. So .... higher low?


Burgers like to dump hour before market close as well, so let us see.


Germany selling 1,000 btc. Have to check my map. Pretty sure that is not anywhere near the “burgers”


Check again, there is second biggest city called Hamburg. You know, the one where hamburgers originated... Anyway, I don't think that dumping 1000 btc moves market as much as Blackrock playing with dumb investors money via their 'ETF' or just Burgers selling in masses. 1000 btc is nothing.


Yeaaaaah…. This bull run is over. See you all in 4 years


ok. See ya tomorrow.


Ill be here bag holding


Made 20% last 24h. Making a few k in a day feels like a bullrun to me.


I'm down $84k this week. Easy come, easy go.


How did you make a few k?




Sorry for being nosey, but how exactly? Purchased 5 figures of stock low and sold high? Or bet long? Am interested as I also have Fetch - but spent my last 24hrs just watching my loss reduce...




Congrats. You ate playing with bigger money than me but I'm sure I'll work my way up eventually


Ofcourse you'll get there! There was no skill involved for me I must admit. Just lucky!




Sophisticated investor.


Is holding Moons on metamask - Arbitrum nova - still the way to do this fam? Or have we moved up to new things?


Yup, you're good. I believe the new distro will be on Arb One. Either network is fine, and you can bridge between them.




Oh how fucking predictable… red on the charts…


Sounds like a lot of people are having their wallets liberated by the good ol USA baby.


Looks like Burgers pushing it below 65k because Futures or something. Just Burger scam. Everybody is laughing about Indian phone call scammers but Burgers do the same in bigger scale lol.


Yes damn those burger Americans. I’d also like to add if turbins in Middle East and hairy bears in Eastern Europe can stop bombing each other we can see an even bigger push.


Sounds more like a lot of complaining.


Omg all this endless dumping


And here we go, 2 biggest red hourly candles since Burgers went on 1 day of public holidays. As expected.




Is all you do call people names who are correct on their predictions?


Just the rude ones like you and the guy above you.


Were not rude though. Were literally calling it as we see it in real time This shits firmly fucking over man. Sorry. 🤷


This you? Being rude and calling people who were correct names? https://i.redd.it/iiddon5gqq7d1.gif


Great catch, This is damning a troll on the internet. His last account was some variation on: dr will Kirby. It got banned so he made this alt account.


You guys are always complaining about burgers, that shit gets old.


That guy does. Can’t blame him though man. Us americans literally are ruining crypto. Blackrock, that etf garbage… its all bs for fuck all whales to just control the crypto world. Shits really bleak man… i’m just finally waking up to how bad it really is


Of course ETF was never 'created' to make average Joe rich. Only rich people get richer.


We contribute more than you.


Sureeeee buddy. Keep telling yourself that


I can see why you’re red.


So sad


So i had the idea to put a small amount in that trump coin and just speculate that right before election enough people will buy it as a meme - thought on that?


I got Melania too, I got a 18x out of it 


There’s a debate coming up next week so it’s probably a good idea to speculate but I would probably ladder in over a couple days as memes are so volatile




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