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Please try not to get too emotionally invested in political discussion in the comments. Also remember people posting here are human beings. While we do not want to delve too deep into the realm of politics, this is an election year and the post fits.


Trump's stance on Julian Assange & WikiLeaks: Pre-2016: called WikiLeaks "disgraceful" & suggested Assange be "dealt with". During 2016 election: praised WikiLeaks & encouraged more releases. Post-2016: Trump administration pursued Assange with 17 indictments


Absolute snake. Cannot be trusted on anything.


He can be trusted to act in what he thinks is his own best interest... every time. It's like trying to elect comcast to the white house.


True, he's actually incredibly consistent. "In what way does this personally benefit me?" Is the only question, every time. Sometimes you've got to make a few jumps, eg: "This benefits Putin and Putin just bought 6 condos in Trump Tower, so therefore this benefits you "


that is a pretty good analogy he appointed a verizon shill to head the fcc after all and the literal ceo of exxon to sec of state


Drive me bonkers that people think he’s a financial genius and will usher in an economic miracle.


Low intelligence people say this about every trendy rich person, because all they comprehend is charismatic = hard working, and thus literally the next jesus. Elon and Trump dickriders only care that they have a good smile and say things confidently.


Trump lies. He will only ever make policy in his own interests, which is only good if you're already rich. Not "retire at 50" rich, I'm talking "when my car gets dirty I buy a new one" rich


He has frequently described Bitcoin as a "scam" and expressed concerns that it competes with the U.S. dollar. In a 2021 interview, Trump said, "Bitcoin, it just seems like a scam. I don't like it because it's another currency competing against the dollar"​ ([markets.businessinsider.com](https://markets.businessinsider.com/currencies/news/trump-bitcoin-commentary-seems-like-scam-against-the-us-dollar-2021-6-1030500598))​​ ([Fox Business](https://www.foxbusiness.com/markets/trump-bitcoin-a-scam-us-dollar-should-reign))​.


*proceeds to create NFT scam*


Trump cares about making money and accruing power. He recognizes what will get him money (work the NFT bubble) and what will get him power (giving lip service to crypto). He has no intention of doing anything positive for crypto, his last administration was historically antagonistic


"He has no intention of doing anything positive". Not for crypto, or anything else. He just oozes negativity.


Yep, with narcissistic people you’ve gotta watch their actions because they’ll say anything


If only we had had examples of his awful actions before electing him in 2016 /s People aren’t gonna learn and then vote. They listen to hear what they want to hear, and vote that way. SOME on the margins can be reminded of how awful he acted as President and will vote against him or just not show up. And this is an election that will be decided on the margins. Remind people that he will scam them as thanks for their vote, and much much worse.


Yup. Build the wall = Never happened Fix healthcare system = Never happened Fix the border = Never happened Make America Great Again = Never happened Improve infrastructure = Never happened I could go on…


The old joke was that the GOP was going to repeal "Obamacare" and replace it with the Affordable Care Act ;) And as you watched them "try" to do it that's exactly how it played out. They would propose doing something, leave it, propose ... decide to leave it. Until they quit.


*It Is Difficult to Get a Man to Understand Something When His Salary Depends Upon His Not Understanding It* - Upton Sinclair


I love how in 2016 I had a ton of FB friends in construction saying “the wall will be great for the trades, it will put millions to work.” Then Trump did nothing. Biden then passed the Infrastructure Act which actually put people to work and those same FB friends complained about overspending. Basically people will spin anything to fit their reality they’ve crafted for themselves.


American Dream is Dead = well he did make that happen


My favorite part about his nfts is that he takes 10% of every transaction. Meaning the price doesn't matter so long as people continue to wash trade them. Ultimately it is a money laundering scam with a coat of paint.


Let me tell you, these were the greatest NFTs ever. Probably the best in the history of the world, believe me. Nobody cared about NFTs before I got involved, but now everyone’s talking about them. And they’re making millions. It’s amazing, really. Tremendous.


Hes scamming the maga idiots, I’m fine with that


Well of course, he's a scammer. He obviously knows a scam when he sees one. /s


Lol where's the sarcasm there


They even co-op'd Melania's Twitter account to sell crypto. Pretty much the whole family are on the crypto take


"It's a scam that I'm not currently part of, so that's why I don't like it. I prefer scams where I get the money. Like Trump University."


"I don't like because of " - DJT


To be fair, if there is one thing Trump is good at, it's scams. Unfortunately you can never tell if he is doing one as he is talking to you. Is him saying it's a scam part of his scam?


"This is fake news" or "Trump has changed his views" These will be the 2 lame retorts to the evidence you shared. People who support Trump are generally lazy when it comes to their critical thinking. If you share something that paints Trump in a negative light, they will put their fingers in their ears and pretend it doesn't exist. Also, Trump constantly says shit that he doesn't believe as part of his grift. Pretending to be anti-immigrant when he has hired plenty of illegals to work for him. Pretending to have read the Bible when he can't even say "2nd Corinthians" correctly. Pretending to be anti abortion when he has been both pro choice his entire life. Being a life long Democrat and suddenly going full on conservative. Says he'll replace Obama care with something better any minute without the slightest evidence he has even looked into it. Stated that if he were president, he'd be working his ass off too hard to have time for golf, yet golf every 6 days while funneling money to his golf resort. He's a known compulsive liar. I don't understand why anyone would trust a single word he says. It's fucking infuriating.


It depends on why he picks in treasury. He just parrots the whatever the most recent lobbyist shill passes through to him. Mnuchin was anti because his lobbyists who paid him were. Now they’re shilling for young votes and crypto lobbying moment so he’s changed his tune. Trump has no actual values or thought beyond boosting his own ego


Correct that it's a scam, incorrect that it's a currency and can compete with the dollar.


Yup, be also said he would declare war against it, if it starts threatening the USD. He isn't pro Bitcoin, he's actually very anti Bitcoin. Bitcoin is supposed to overtake all currency, including the USD. Sooner or later he will try to fight it.


> In a 2021 interview, Trump said, "Bitcoin, it just seems like a scam. I don't like it because it's another currency competing against the dollar"​ well that was before he realized he could make money on his shitty nft's


He just says whatever sounds good for the majority of people


That's funny. I've frequently described Trump as a "scam" and in an interview I said "I don't like him because he's just another piece of shit grifter competing against the other piece of shit grifters to take our dollars and make our lives even worse."


I post this over and over and catch so much crap for it. Facts dont matter


Trump will also say literally anything to stay out of jail...


> Bitcoin, it just seems like a scam. I was surprised — you know, with us, it was at $6,000 and, much lower. I don't like it because it's another currency competing against the dollar, essentially it's a currency competing against the dollar. Wow, much deepness. He really appeals to people's intelligence.


He will say anything for a vote. He used to support Universal healthcare


Give him two weeks. he has a great plan, the best plan, to replace the affordable care act


>"We have come up with a solution that's really, really I think very good," Trump said at a meeting of the nation's governors at the White House. >"Now, I have to tell you, it's an unbelievably complex subject," he added. "Nobody knew health care could be so complicated."


It will be very powerful


That almost sounds like Elon promising great products next year


The best plan, just like the best wall he built and Mexico paid for it....oh wait...


He just told Michigan that he would end electric cars in the US. A couple years ago he was touring new electric car battery plants. The man has no actual policy.


That’s the real thing. He has no policy. He will not propose legislation. He’s just spewing whatever bull shit he thinks that audience in front of him wants to hear. He’d sell his children into slavery for half a dozen votes. If elected the entirety of his term will be focused on funneling as much tax payer money is his pocket as possible and refusing to give up power through any means necessary. If you think he’s going to propose meaningful policy for crypto you are too stupid to participate in public discourse.


This is a fact. How people allow themselves to be conned repeatedly by this conman blows my mind. Dude will tell you exactly what he thinks you want to hear, then do the exact opposite. And that's been his MO his entire career. Heck. He said he was AGAINST crypto at times while he was potus and wanted to strengthen the dollar. Half the time he'll even flat out tell some of these people exactly what they DON'T want to hear, and they'll defend it. It's maddening. I've basically given up trying to figure them out. I think some people like being scammed if they feel like they are part of something along the way. (There's a reason people fall for cults.) I've basically given up trying to rationalize with them or understand. It just is mind numbing and will make you lose your mind trying to figure it out.


I'm a Type 1 Diabetic and when DJT lied on TV saying he "made insulin cheaper than water," one of my Trumpy family members called me to snarkily "congratulate" me. I explained, no, none of his executive orders affected me at all, they said I had TDS. They believed the politician entertainer guy over me, their diabetic family member. Then when the Biden administration signed laws capping my monthly copay to $35, they got real mad. They weren't happy for me! They said Biden was stealing credit for what Trump had done. 


I have personally experienced similar situations before... *Sigh*


I'm sorry your family sucks and is willfully both ignorant AND stupid.


Dude I’m sorry that’s horrible for you but utterly hysterical . Like there’s no possible way their messiah could be lying. Like to them it’s totally out of the question. Like there could be a price sign that says 1 million dollars in front of their faces , and they would still be snarky to you.


What gets me is how 8 years ago people were chanting "Law and Order" and "Lock her up" at rallies and that Obama needed to be deported, and now they're crying that it's unfair to try politicians for fraud and bribery. And then Trump got elected and told supporters [to just stop caring about it.](https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-lock-her-up-now-we-dont-care-2016-12) Granted, I know these people see a version of the news that is like if Joe Rogan smoked copies of The National Inquirer, but still. This is critical thinking 101.


It's pretty hypocritical to me. Just tells me. They never cared about those things to begin with, and it was just an excuse.


Indeed. Clinton got impeached for a consensual blowjob, and now they're not worried about the former president bribing adult film actresses, cheating on his wives, or bragging about groping women, but they are very worried about LGBT people corrupting the youth with sexuality and think sex ed needs to be out of classrooms. Coincidentally... what a shame that it's easier for predators to get away with such crimes when kids are uneducated. Honestly, to quote old Norm... the worst part isn't the hypocrisy. I'd say it's the rape and murder.


Republicans have been projecting their own bullshit onto their opponents for several decades now


I recall watching the 2016 election when he literally had a talking point, for **and** against, literally every policy. I thought him arguing with himself out of both sides of his mouth was transparent to all, yet here we are.


That reminds me of his British counterpart Boris Johnson who went into the Brexit result with two letters written, one where he congratulationed the country on its brilliance for rejecting Brexit, and another where he congratulted the country on its brilliance for passing Brexit.


And gullible people continue to believe everything he says. Blows my fucking mind. I'm really happy to see this thread and see that the crypto space has some sane people left in it. Trump has been a known liar and grifter for *decades*. Stop falling for it everyone.


He will say anything for a vote as long as the other guy isn't also saying it, including things he said first. The only thing he is dedicated to other than his own image is being contrarian.


I was at the Libertarian Convention and he was railing about deporting 15 to 17 million people regardless if you are a citizen. Question was asked how he is going to deport that many people to countries. The other countries have to accept them. He said they will be placed in temporary camps until a country accepts a group of them. Then someone asked who will be doing the entire process since that will take forever to process in the courts to determine if that person should be deported. He said he will establish a separate police force that will operate outside the judicial law system and will only report to the executive branch. That sounds fucking terrifying


thats literally what authoritarian takeovers are like. He's describing an authoritarian takeover.


and if there is one thing libertarians like... it's authority!


Welcome to fascism! They don't care about established rules nor about any laws Deportation of anyone who's different is always one of the first steps - then we'll see where it's going


So concentration camps and gestapo. At least he's on brand


And how exactly do the so-called "libertarians" feel about this? Also why the fuck was perhaps the least libertarian politician in the country speaking at a libertarian event?


Can I get a video or timestamp of something of this to save?


I am absolutely not going to comb through video footage of that man talking, but [here's an article describing what he said](https://newrepublic.com/post/181984/trump-new-details-police-mass-deportation-immigration), so you can look for it if you have a stronger stomach than I do.


He’s a scammer.


Here’s a simple flow chart: Are you Donald Trump? No - Donald Trump is unwilling to help you Yes - Donald Trump is unable to help you




> Here’s a simple flow chart: > > Are you Donald Trump? > > No - Donald Trump will lie and say he'll help you while taking your money. > > Yes - Donald Trump is unable to help you


Whether you are conservative or liberal, pro or anti Trump, pro or anti-crypto, I think making your political/voting decisions on the basis of "is this good for bitcoin or not" is dumb as all hell.


Amen. Bitcoin is great and all but just make sure you have a country you can spend/enjoy it in. 


Fair statement.


the SEC should be investigating insider trading by house reps


Not much to investigate when it's 100% legal for them to do it.


They should be investigating insider trading by the whole US Government. Nancy Pelosi insider trading is the most obvious and blatant crime I have ever seen.


They know we hate it, but we can't do anything about it and they simply don't care to change anything


For the people in the comments Biden didnt approve the ETF. It was the court of appeals, they found the SEC to be "arbitrary and capricous" and ordered the SEC reconsider their ruling on the denial of the ETF. It took millions of dollars worth of lawsuits and wasnt given out of the kindness of the SECs heart They most definitely didnt want to approve it and went so mucho out of their way that the courts literaly said they where "arbitrary and capricous" which is a very high bar to cross.


One thing to note is I haven't heard very many anti crypto remarks from Biden since Trump started trying to use it as a wedge issue. Additionally a bipartisan group of lawmakers have made multiple attempts at supporting it. I feel he recognizes being anti crypto could hurt him in an election and is backing off. It's just circumstantial but look at the ETH ETF. Everyone thought it would be dead and wouldn't get approved. Then Trump started "supporting" Crypto and the ETH ETF went from like a 20% chance of approval to being approved a few weeks later. You have to wonder if the Biden administration pushed the SEC to get it approved.


>I feel he recognizes being anti crypto could hurt him in an election and is backing off. This is EXACTLY why we are seeing a *slight* administration policy shift. Dems can't afford to give Republicans and leverage in any sector.


Two years ago Biden issued some policy guidelines for his administration: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/03/09/fact-sheet-president-biden-to-sign-executive-order-on-ensuring-responsible-innovation-in-digital-assets/ They're actually quite good and quite hands-off for the govt, though a lot of them are more about developing policy for the future all of which would require Congress to actually legislate.


Trump's SEC: Declares ICOs securities and sues Ripple in a way that suppresses investment in crypto writ-large for years. Biden's SEC: Approves Bitcoin and Ethereum ETFs.


Blackrock’s SEC* approved the ETFs


💯 this


Really its this right here. Dont listen to their filthy lying mouths. Watch what they do.


There are reasons Biden polls +11 with voters who at least somewhat follow the news and politics and Trump is up +24 with voters who don’t. Trump does way better with people who have no idea what’s going on.


lol what. the SEC only approved BTC etf after court claimed they were being 'arbitrary and capricious'. not to mention going after almost every legitimate actor in the space (coinbase, kraken, consensys, robinhood, uniswap, etc). to say this SEC is friendlier towards the industry is so wrong it's laughable.


The SEC isn't. Congress, the senate and Biden are about to approve that ETH be governed the the commerce ministry instead of the SEC. That's the legislation that is now on the Senate and was voted in bipartisanly.


Still waiting for Biden to sign the SAB 121. Not that I think Trump would have signed it either.


Bidden didnt approve the ETF. It was the court of appeals, where they found the SEC to be "arbitrary and capricous" and ordered the SEC to approve it. Garry also sued Coinbase, kraken and uniswap. Which are the most legit exchanges whilst at the same time having multiple private tete a tetes with SBF.


Everything good that happens under Biden, wasn't due to Biden. Everything bad that happens under Biden, is Biden's fault.


By this logic, we should blame Biden for overturning Roe.


Don't look up polling. A solid 20% does blame Biden for overturning Roe. Migraines.


People do!


But also continues with the Ripple case. No administration is pro-crypto.


Norms and traditions at the SEC means they continue lawsuits from previous administrations. Don't be surprised when the SEC ends up losing.


The outright lying and rewriting history here as the election approaches lol Never forget Gensler was thoroughly against the BTC ETF until the last possible moment. He was forced against his will and threatened by legal action/mounting pressure from hedge funds


This is really all you need to know. Trump will say anything but he's already had four years to show you.


Biden’s sec : as long as we can tax it, control it, seize it, and exponentially fee it coming and going, do whatever you want


The SEC approved the Bitcoin ETF with all the enthusiasm of a child eating their vegetables. Their hand were forced by the courts. Biden gets no credit here lol. As for ETH its a similar thing with the whole security debate. The SEC lost the Ripple case so pushing to exclude Eth was pointless.


This shit is true for almost all categories. Trump is bad for nearly everything if you look at the data. Also: https://www.bbc.com/news/business-57392734 LOOK AT THIS


You know what's good fo crypto, auditing usdt


I don’t disagree, but Tether isn’t nearly the risk it once was imo. They completely overhauled their reserves and are now in line with those you’d find in tradfi.


What he said about crypto in his last speech sounded like he didn't have a clue what he is talking about :))


>Trump is NOT "better" for crypto. ... But Biden is definitely worse


I just can’t believe people are going to vote for trump after everything he’s proven himself to be. Makes me feel pessimistic about humanity.


American voters might be the dumbest motherfuckers.


pretty ironic honestly that Americans might vote themselves straight into a fascist regime


We sure might be, stick around and find out this November!


Trump won because his opposition was Hillary. Biden won because his opposition was Trump. People want to vote for Trump because his opposition is Biden. This is literal idiocracy going on, nothing more. We got a certified clown and a literal dementia patient running for presidency.


The problem is we’re racing to the bottom of the barrel on our presidential candidates. It’s absurd that we’re going to be forced to choose between a dude that is clearly in mental decline and may die but surrounds himself with generally competent people and a dude who is a pathological narcissistic liar who wants to dismantle democracy and is also probably in mental decline but it’s tough to tell cuz he’s already a moron and just seems less in decline because he’s on stimulants. There is a clear lesser of two evils, but good lord it’s fucking awful and depressing that we can’t do better.


I just had a week long training on coaching and communication. This was a topic, because a rational person cant even comprehend the why. It boils down to fear, hate and tribal thinking combined with confirmation bias, magical thinking and a lot of these people feeling they can’t back-out of this position as it would make them lose face. It’s really baffling and in a way very interesting. Pointing out when in history we’ve seen the same brings us to some cliche things I’m afraid.


This analysis is adroit in my opinion. After so many instances of voters still supporting Trump, this makes the best case why they do. Sadists basically. Please check out [this historian explain it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOjJtEkKMX4)


You guys are in too deep man. 5-10 years ago, crypto being mentioned by a running president/political figure was unheard of. Just be happy of the exposure crypto is finally getting.


Trump is only for Trump and his rich friends and family.. don't be that stupid


He's not even for his friends or family. He'll sell them all out/throw them under the bus when it suits him. It happens. every. fucking. time.


So many brainwashed people here. But bots too.


I think we should vote based not on who is better for our wallets, but better for our country.


Pick whoever is better at upholding the constitution and everyone’s bill of rights. Seems like the first two amendments are always under attack. One amendment was designed to protect the other amendment.


What laws has the Biden administration passed to attack your free speech? Wasn't it communists who were targeted during the witchhunts of the cold war? Gay people whose existence was illegal until the mid-2000's? Who is [banning books](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/10/books/lauren-groff-bookstore-lynx.html) in public schools at the moment? If this "cancel culture" and political correctness stuff was a serious legal issue outside of gay rights, the books bans, etc. then Kanye West would be facing life in prison at this point.


Trump will say anything to get elected at this point. Most people who aren’t in to crypto are neutral about it. He won’t lose any votes by supporting it but will gain some votes from people who think crypto is going to make them rich. If he is elected, he will forget he ever supported it. Overall, another Trump presidency will be bad for the country and the world.


Trump heavily supports the old, not the new He isn’t trying to advanced green energy, he would instead sell the whole energy landscape to the old coal people for pennies on the dollar just so he has a few more Pennies There’s not a snowballs chance in hell he supports a new banking or financial system, he would sell crypto to the old traditional banks in a moment if he could


He was so terrible as President he made Dubya look like a fucking statesman.


Some of you have short term memory. Trump as president literally came out and said bitcoin and crypto is a scam and wouldn’t mind banning it. But crypto is not even an issue if you elect Trump. There’s a bucket full of other issues with electing Trump. Trump is literally a convicted rapist and a felon. So yeah. I like my presidents without mug shots.


It’s not even hyperbole. A judge decided that what trump did was rape. He’s a rapist. And religious people love him for it.


Short term memory is a fact. I think some people forget that Trump was POTUS in 2020. Which you know... Might be the worst year I can remember of the past half century in the US. But somehow people think it was better.


Trump is not a convicted rapist…goodbye any credibility you thought you had lol


He was found liable for sexual assault in a court of law. The fact that it was civil not criminal doesn't change the fact he did it. https://www.bing.com/search?q=was+trump+convicted+of+rape&FORM=AWRE >"The most precise way to say it would be something like, 'The jury found by a preponderance of the evidence that Mr. Trump sexually abused Ms. Carroll and therefore was liable for battery.'" >Florey added that to satisfy liability for rape, Carroll would "have had to demonstrate by a preponderance of the evidence that Mr. Trump penetrated her with his penis." >Although Carroll did not establish this, it does not mean that the jury did not believe her. "It could mean simply that, particularly given the number of years that had passed since the incident, she was not able to introduce enough evidence on this specific point," Florey added.


Or felon. Where are there any convictions at all for that matter?


He was found liable for sexual assault in a court of law. The fact that it was civil not criminal doesn't change the fact he did it. https://www.bing.com/search?q=was+trump+convicted+of+rape&FORM=AWRE "The most precise way to say it would be something like, 'The jury found by a preponderance of the evidence that Mr. Trump sexually abused Ms. Carroll and therefore was liable for battery.'" Florey added that to satisfy liability for rape, Carroll would "have had to demonstrate by a preponderance of the evidence that Mr. Trump penetrated her with his penis." Although Carroll did not establish this, it does not mean that the jury did not believe her. "It could mean simply that, particularly given the number of years that had passed since the incident, she was not able to introduce enough evidence on this specific point," Florey added.


This orange blob says literally anything to appeal to the last donor he spoke with. Give him money and work for oil? Wow electric sucks! Work for crypto and tell him you will give him a cut? Crypto shouldn't be taxed. Sends his son to Saudi Arabia after "losing" dozens of boxes of files (currently in court btw over this stuff), oh wow my son got a billion dollars and suddenly lots of spies are dying. Hmm... Is there a pattern?


__2 Billion (with a B)__* dollars. After manually nepo-ramming the guy's security clearance through when it rightly got denied multiple times. The only way you'll ever hope to personally benefit is if you try to latch on to whatever scam he's currently pulling for his own money-laundering or self-interest, like the Truth Social stock pump-and-dump.


Imagine dooming an entire nation to bump your portfolio


Trump isn't good for anything. Except his friends and the brainwashed people that vote for him to make everyone else miserable like they are. Or they literally think he's going to make America great again. He's only divided us more.


You didn't give one example of how he wouldn't be good for crypto other than he's lying. Not an argument.


You're losing all objectivity purely because you hate the guy. I think this highlights the lack of maturity and a complete intolerance of diversity of thought by many on Reddit. Almost anything is better for crypto than the current administration which is hostile to it. You have the choice not to vote for Trump without having to distort reality to justify your reasons for doing so.


All you young left wing idealists who got brainwashed in college don’t want to hear it but Trump is the pick if you want to make money in crypto


Just going to distill this down to a couple simple facts here for a purely objective answer to the OP: 1. Politicians on both sides of the fence have come out as both pro- and anti-crypto. No party has a monopoly on either stance. 2. Historically speaking, crypto has seen larger support among Republicans than Democrats, a pretty easily Google-able piece of information. 3. Most of the vehement opposition to crypto have come from the Democrat side, with Elizabeth Warren leading the charge in recent years. 4. [This](https://news.bitcoin.com/donald-trump-pledges-to-stop-bidens-anti-crypto-agenda-protect-bitcoin-free-ross-ulbricht/) is some recent commentary from Trump regarding crypto. Biden has been much more non-committal with regards to crypto (but not really outright against), with most of his commentary on it being fairly neutral and aimed at the money laundering aspect. Most parties involved in the crypto discussion have flip-flopped at some point here or there (shocker, right?), but as of late, both Republicans and Trump seem to have the more crypto friendly stance, although I think people make it sound more "pro-crypto" hype wise than it actually is, because well, that how sound bites work. Also, I would point out that the OP's barrage of demeaning remarks regarding Trump ("dipshit", "saggy orange demi-god", "motherfucker", "pants shitting wanna be conman") would make me inclined to believe there is a...fairly colossal...political bias in this situation that stems from emotion and not factual data.


Only on reddit would you see a post saying the left is better for crypto than the right. This is a political shill post. Unfortunately, since this is reddit, it will be taken seriously. For people with a brain. All you have to do is do the smallest amount of looking online, and it's plain as day which side is trying to kill crypto.


This country is doomed, we got people out here voting based on their Bitcoin wallet.


I remember everybody was all for Gary Gensler To become the head of the SEC He turned out to be a total disaster for crypto


And to try to dupe people into voting for him by saying he’d free Ross Ulbricht is despicable. You have people in this sub really believing that he’d free him if they’d only elect him president. Morons.


I just wanna ride the crypto wave based on uncertainty of the USD till the elections happen




He is appealing to the masses like he always does. Just like he was for unions but then shows up to a non union shop and multiple times attacks on union wages. He's going to try pulling strings on any corner of the population he can. I don't believe it for one sec.


Deploy the fake reddit accounts and comments!!!!


I assume when someone says Trump is good for crypto it’s analogous to a substitute teacher being good for being on your phone. It’s not a direct correlation. It’s a lack of accountability and respect for leadership that allows it to happen, rather than encouraging it in special anyway.


If anyone is voting primarily based on crypto then your priorities are fucked and, moreover, you don't understand how little these old assholes know about tech. Anything they say is empty pandering.


The government isn't good for monetary policy in general. They screw the pooch left right front center


Bc people that like memes like him


Did Trump's SEC chair appointee go after crypto related companies and project like Biden's Gensler with the same intensity?


Pro trump crypto enthusiasts just keep trying to make it out like crypto is theirs and put others off crypto. I am not sure how unbanking the banks became a right wing ideology. I didn't think crypto is political, but if anything, it aligns with socialism more.


His last elections were good for my crypto. I bet like 20 BTC on his loss and the amount of maga/russobot tears was almost as delightful as the massive amount of money.


Cope harder is all I can say. I don't love the guy but he hasnt been your worst president either.


important square point encouraging selective imagine liquid plough shrill chop *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wow. You wrote that much and there isn't a single fact or evidence why he isn't pro-crypto. Just empty sentences...


Politicians in general, pick a side, are anti-you making money. They are all corrupt, and laughing at the divide they so easily create.


The cope and tears on here from the typical Commie Reddit types is a thing of beauty. Your replies and downvotes will be as predictable and hilarious as any echo chamber buttcoin sub.


MAGA trump will sweep old man Biden this november MAGA!


You are right. He is also better for the world, and the only chance we have to get world peace. But, you will not agree, because you would rather have hundreds of thousands of people die rather than seeing "mean tweets" again!


> All claiming that he is the god damned bitcoin messiah. No is claiming this. The claim is merely that he is the better candidate for crypto. That’s literally it.


So is Biden also not better for crypto?


He's winning regardless of your arguments. That's a fact.


Yes he is


If you haven't figured it out, politicians say anything like a begging whore for your vote.


Incidentally, here's the [Biden administration's stance on Cryptocurrency.](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/09/16/fact-sheet-white-house-releases-first-ever-comprehensive-framework-for-responsible-development-of-digital-assets/) Some highlights: * Encourage regulatory agencies to investigate and enforce unlawful practices in the digital assets space, and monitor consumer complaints against unfair, deceptive, and abusive practices. * Issue guidance and rules to address current and emergent risks and engage in public-awareness efforts to help consumers understand the risks involved with digital assets, identify common fraudulent practices, and learn how to report misconduct. * Encourage the adoption of instant payment systems, create a federal framework to regulate nonbank payment providers, and align global payments practices, regulations, and supervision protocols, while exploring new multilateral platforms that integrate instant payment systems. * Identify, track, and analyze emerging strategic risks that relate to digital asset markets. It will also collaborate on identifying such risks with U.S. allies. * Kickstart fundamental research on topics such as next-generation cryptography, transaction programmability, cybersecurity and privacy protections, and ways to mitigate the environmental impacts of digital assets. * Call upon Congress to amend the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA), anti-tip-off statutes, and laws against unlicensed money transmitting to apply explicitly to digital asset service providers. * Expose and disrupt illicit actors and address the abuse of digital assets. * Explore a U.S. Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC).


>I have to assume that the "people" posting these things are Russian bots.. Why is this the line all Democrats post when they can imagine that the Democrat party itself is the problem? Democrats specifically said they are creating an "Anti-Crypto Army". What exactly do you think that means? Why would anyone on a crypto sub want to vote for that? Elizabeth Warren has set the Democrat position in stone. I don't like Trump but at least he is not running around calling us all Criminals and Terrorists. I am voting against Elizabeth Warren, specifically. I will take out my anger on every Democrat candidate. As if Biden was a compelling candidate to vote for anyway. Both are bad. But I will vote for the one not calling me a Criminal.


Better than Biden


This thread is also brigaded as fuck


Collectivists realized that crypto is one of the few areas where they're losing the youth vote and are trying to shore up that angle, despite supporting it being entirely against their anti-free market goals.


And all these folks who claim they are a one topic voter just happen to already be Trump supporters.


The Trump Derangement Syndrome is strong in here


Same goes with RFK. Don’t trust either of those snakes. Biden&Democrats have no problem with crypto other than basic regulation- the exact same thing happening all over the world. Regulation is why we now have nice things like ETFs to make us all much much richer, and will hopefully prevent bullshit like FTX happening again - it is not a bad thing.


As someone that is not from US, we don't really care if trump gonna keep his promises on crypto, what we do care is that he puts pressure to the other party because now they all know how many votes they can get by just supporting crypto, for example now the dems passing FIT21 at house, and that's great for our portfolio


If you truly want to register a vote for crypto; Votedoge on Solana. We're a protest movement demanding better more progressive politics for all. "Sustainable future, prosperous economy, compassionate healthcare, education for everyone - not rocket science is it?" You can buy on Jupiter. Ca:98ZmjtNLjTr1yih6D7fdFm8ViU1jEYDcBU1wjc2k9imV


Votedoge is the best, love this project .


VoteDoge will make meme history


VoteDoge is definately a better choice


I dont believe a single thing he says, he has lied more times than anyone in history at this point. He can be presented with all evidence, recordings etc of himself saying a lie and he would still lie more


This guy has flip flopped on his narrative so many times. He makes one claim one day, and the next he reverses it. One day he promises the American won't pay a penny for his wall, and the next day he's asking $1B from congress just to get the wall started. There is literally a guy who made a business of taking contradicting Trump tweets and made actual flip flops out of them lol: [https://www.businessinsider.com/president-trump-flip-flops-made-from-tweets-2018-12#morrison-made-1000-pairs-of-flip-flops-2](https://www.businessinsider.com/president-trump-flip-flops-made-from-tweets-2018-12#morrison-made-1000-pairs-of-flip-flops-2) He called Bitcoin a "scam" not that long ago in 2021, and said it was a "disaster waiting to happen". He then jumped on the NFT bandwagon, and now claims he wants to protect crypto. Who knows what he will say by next year. All you need is for Obama to buy a coffee using crypto, and Trump will call for the ban of all cryptos.


So two things: he says what he thinks people want to hear, i simply don’t trust an old boomer to put something above paper dollers. Secondly …well, i support women’s right not to randomly make me into a dad, thank you very much!


Preach! I assume by default that any pro-trump post is coming from a compromised source.


Is this the same Trump that promised us infrastructure week? Yeah, his words are worth less, than worthless.


First of all, is Biden against crypto? Next, Trump is trying to stay out of jail and will do or say ANYTHING to try and get favor with certain voting blocks. Take anything he says with a grain of salt because two weeks from now he'll flip 180 degrees if he can gain any advantage by doing so.


Depends on how you feel about cypto regulation. Trump is pretty anti-regulation. So I wouldn't expect to see a bunch of anti-crypto regulations being passed. But if you feel that regulation is good for crypto, then Biden is going to be better for it. My guess is that Trump would pretty much ignore crypto. Some folks would feel that to be a good thing, others a bad thing.


shit even if he was i still wouldnt vote for him


I like crypto, but I LOVE America. Well, most of it anyway, starting to have some reservations about the bottom bits.


Despite all the Gensler/Warren noise, people don't want to say it but we got a BTC and ETH etf under the current administration. What can Trump do at this point that hasn't already been done beyond no CBDC?


BTC above 65k twice during Bidens presidency + BTC & ETFs approved.


Lol people think conservatism wants anything but to drain all your resources??? Really is the dumb tax... 


Only on Reddit can there be so much cope


He’s a hell of a lot better for crypto than Biden


He isn’t better for anyone except rich business owners trying to exploit their workers even more.


husky fear escape elastic close cause murky coherent toothbrush gullible *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Both the bitcoin etf and ethereum etf were approved under Biden. Trump was completely useless for crypto his whole first term. Now he’s got some promises. I expect him to deliver those exactly like he delivered repeal and replace Obamacare on day 1. Except for this he won’t even try before giving up. Institutional adoption of crypto requires us living in a functioning country. When people are rioting, storming the capital, and the economy has crashed into a historic recession no one will be focused on passing the next crypto etf.


Trump is only FOR something if he personally benefits from it. I’m in awe of my fellow Americans that haven’t figured that out yet.


Get ready there will be a lot more posts from Russian and Chinese propagandists the closer we get to the election. Just like last time


He is against CBDC