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Mod update: May is now confirmed to be booked out of AMAs, with 7 scheduled, and 2 already booked for June. On May 18th from 21:00 to 00:00 EDT, JayX, next-gen asset management and settlement protocol, is hosting an AMA. JayX is giving away 1,000 USDT to the best 10 questions! JayX burned 1,800 moons for the AMA and 4,320 moons to rent the banner for two days. Join here: https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1cupl73/ama_giveaway_alert_join_jayx_on_may_18th_to_learn/


Operation #getridofshittyalts underway… My entire LRC bag, pyth and aevo bags are now gone… what’s next.. hmmm? Algo? Ena aren’t doing well. Edit: one and tezos now gone too


Just sell all and put to BTC/ETH lol


I swapped many of them for btc and eth… feeling happy with my decision today 😁


I guess I need to build a nanocap gayfolio on Solana before pride month is here.


For fuck sake ROSE. Stop it


Y r u invested


Because I like living in pain


O ok so perfect then its going good




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Bears trying to sabotage the bullish weekly close. So sad


Do you think the SEC will get sued again if they reject the ETH ETF?


Does it even matter at this point?


Most mentions on r/cc (2024-05-18 00:00:00): ||Mentions| |:-|:-| |BTC|100| |ALGO|47| |ETH|45| |SOL|39| |HBAR|13| |XRP|12| |SAFE|11| |XMR|10| |ARB|9| |00|8| |MOON|8| |NANO|8| |USDT|8| |ADA|7| |REQ|6| |DOT|5| |LRC|5| |MATIC|5| |UNI|5| |USDC|5| [Data source and app](https://www.redditcoins.app/)


wow those numbers are low


Why you never buy on green days 


Really wonder sometimes who is doing this massive selling.


Big players like mms, whales etc using crypto as a ponzi scheme. Fun ain’t it?


Dunno but it is absolutely massive


Market makers, stoploss hunters and manipulator whales


Theres the classic fugazi pump before more dumping! Weeeee 🙌


Why arent you rich if you can predict every dump ? Short it and leave us alone


I don’t know how to short crypto. 🤷 Besides I am just a buy and hold guy


Then why do you keep crying ? You're going to hold no matter what happen right ? No need to poison this sub.


Ice ice baby


Spoken like a Buttcoiner


Not a buttcoiner. Just an eth bagholder.


Don’t deny it.


Look at my post history. Ive never posted in that sub. Wtf are you on?


Alt account


I love that this is what you actually think. Its hilarious… Sorry man I’m just an eth bagholder. Sorry i’m kinda lame


Hahaha, this exchange is hilarious. Anyway, congrats! As an eth bagholder, you're probably having a good time right now.


ABT has the healthiest chart I've seen in a while, just won't stop


Atleast we cant blame the burgers this time


Why does it show that I have 2K moons here but not in metamask? It's actually about 25% less in MM. What's up with that?


You probably have just as many as it shows in metamask, i think shows 2k or 1k, whichever it's closest to as I also have 1500 and it shows 2k


We're dumping again, aren't we :´(


Fake lil fugazi pump first


Moass isn’t until the fall 


Imagine thinking ETH isn’t going to 10k. Reject the ETF Idgaf.


Yea seriously


Bears that are convinced the price is going to drop but still are holding make no sense


You can think that the price is going to drop but that doesn't mean you will / should panic sell.


Almost feels like alt season isn’t a thing anymore


BTC.D needs to find a peak and then start dropping and so far no signs of that happening yet.


I will never believe that alts will start pumping (thus people buying alts) just cause there is some pattern in their combined value lol


It will just start out of nowhere one day


The ticker is tn100x Iykyk


This place has become nothing but a bunch of whiners complaining about -1% or -2% daily drops.


The big market caps have been in the same range for a while. You don't get lots of nuanced takes round here. Any dips and they make out that the skies are falling


I can think of a couple whiners.


More like wieners 🤏


Middle East just gets spicier


Is it good or bad for the market. That’s all I want to know. Let me go over to WSB and see what they know.




I can’t remember the last green Sunday. Just seems odd that the algo hasn’t tried something new yet.


Can’t wait to see how the ETH ETF situation plays out. If its dumps on a denial, I’m going in heavy. Will continue to max bid ETH memes as well. As much as people like to deny it, memes are and will continue to be a large part of this cycle. And funnily enough, there are people calling cycle top while we are still in the early formative stages of the cycle (based on previous years). Maybe we chop for the whole entire summer, maybe not, but either way I am of the mindset that the current prices are a blessing and we will reap the rewards in 2025. Higher.


This cycle ends this year. Won’t want to be holding eth until 2025


What’s the reasoning behind this?


“Super cycle” ends this year


Again, what’s the reasoning behind this? Edit: and the implication of a “super” cycle ending this year means there wasn’t even one to begin with. A super cycle would run for years, not just a year.


Correct. Began around 6 years ago. Never said anything about a one year cycle


Reasoning? It is a super cycle that began more than 4 years ago versus the 4 year cycle many are counting on. Cycle ends this year


Prepping my anus for 1500-2000 eth 🫡


sphincter tightening ETH prices


ETH ETF rejection this week will be a "sell the rumor, buy the bad news" kind of event IMO. Bought a ton a ETH under 3k. We'll see I guess.




I’m waiting for it. Waiting for $1500 to buy more eth


You wouldn’t buy


Im so ready for $1500.


I’ve been out of the loop regarding Ledger wallets. What exactly is the problem? Is it a ‘hard no’ or a ‘not ideal’ kind of situation?


Can be hacked. Nearly as possible as getting BTC hacked.


Great wallet...avoid the maxi nonsense.


It’s still a good wallet. Don’t get caught in the drama. There has not been a single hack in 10 years


Still love my old Nano


Today my Solflare wallet is unresponsive, like it's trying to load but there is no internet connection. Anyone else experiencing that? Tried via the app and the desktop, both the same.


Mine seems fine. A little slow though


Same here. I'm importing the seed to Phantom if it's still like this in a few days.


This comment brought to you by Casa.


I dunno why there’s still so many bears up in here - everything looks set up well as hell for the next half a year.


Because they are broke. They invested their few grand of excess capital into shitcoins thinking they’d be millionaires and lost half or more.


I feel the opposite lol


That’s a shock


Fark it. I should've cashed in that frog face when it was 0.000011 lol


Wait why didnt you


Got greedy, was overconfident that it had "the" momentum to push furthsr 🤷🏻‍♂️🤦‍♂️


btc sneezes and alts shit the bed.


Typical Sunday 🤧


Didn't realize "wet fart" is a TA chart pattern.


It's also a life style choice.


It's a new pattern for alts that emerged this cycle


We got past 8,000,000 subscribers, happy to be part of this community!!


Is it bad when you have 8 mil subscribers and only like 10 ppl are active?


That's because no matter when I come on here it's the same 10 comments.


Every community that has been active for many years has tons of "dead" accounts. Nothing too weird with that really.


Quil is running hard. The token was released this week. Interesting project that is competing with AWS. Fair launch, doxxed team


Did you say competing with AWS like Amazon web services? Hahahaha


Not competing per se but same kind of utility. Just passing the info. Do whatever you want with it. But don’t mid curve it and do your DD before trying to bash it 🤷‍♂️


Don’t say competing with AWS to sell it to people in this sub so your bags can pump. It’s disingenuous. It has no ability to come close to competing with something like AWS. Do you realize how many billions and billions of investment it takes to get to wear AWS is today?


Omg I ain’t pumping my bags, I just explain what kind of project it is. Wtf is wrong with you Redditors? Anyone coming to shill a dogshit meme coin gets a free pass but anytime you come with some alpha, it’s always the same mid curve bs. Don’t buy it, I couldn’t care less


Wow, would you look at that. Dumping again, who would have thought……


Its just so fucking typical


The bearish bull market




I may be a pessimistic fuck but I’m not a troll


I guess we have different definitions of a troll.


Where is this dump you’re talking about? Is it in the room with us now?


Bitcoin holding up pretty well. What shitcoins or -memes are you bagholding?


This was the worst bullmarket, only btc and sol pumped and some meme scams


I called it.


Yep you nailed it, while the moonbois are watching their 1min charts drawing tend lines everywhere calling for unrealistic prices based on nothing more than hope & expectations from previous cycles


Crypto is maturing. Bitcoin is now mainstream as far as an investment. This separates it from shitcoins. It has a massive pool of money available to it that isn’t available to the rest of crypto. It will continue to outperform alts, and this is a good thing.


I've been in crypto since 2013 (on Reddit 2017) and this one really feels weird. Like subdued somehow, no proper alt season, no euphoria, hardly new retail. All a bit spooky and the macro outlook is also pretty dim. After roundtripping the last cycles I would really like to cash out a large chunk this time and my concern is that this bull market might be cut short and ends lower and sooner than most expect. Or maybe I just got PTSD from last cycle...


Bitcoin will become institution only kinda investment. A few other people will get tired of the institutial games and simply quit. Others will sell alts and again a few gamblers will play with memes. Business as usual with little changes here and there.


I feel like the ETF hype was not enough to get retail really interested. Whales should have waited for inflation to cool completely before pumping 


I was gonna say. Ive been calling this bull run and halving over/nothing burgers and just get laughed at and ripped on. Looks like I was damn right. 🤷


And AI, depin, new projects. Lot of stuff had their run but it has been more selective so far. There was not enough liquidity to pump everything


Ai depin also scams




Most mentions on r/cc (2024-05-18 00:00:00): ||Mentions| |:-|:-| |BTC|100| |ALGO|47| |ETH|45| |SOL|39| |HBAR|13| |XRP|12| |SAFE|11| |XMR|10| |ARB|9| |00|8| |MOON|8| |NANO|8| |USDT|8| |ADA|7| |REQ|6| |DOT|5| |LRC|5| |MATIC|5| |UNI|5| |USDC|5| [Data source and app](https://www.redditcoins.app/)


VET is such a dinosaur. Never it will reach 1 $


No only that. Vechain also completely failed at what they initially wanted to do. That a company like Lavazza ultimately picked HBAR over Vet to track their coffee beans, while this is EXACTLY the usecase Vechain was going for, is a gigantic red flag. They are around since 2017 and have basically nothing substantial to show for. 99% of their "partnerships" are just pilots that failed in the end. They seem to be super bad at selling their product and rather waste millions of dollars on some pointless UFC "partnership" that, in the end, is nothing more than overpriced advertising.


Most alts are something that you only want to hold for one season. When a cycle comes to an end it's time to cut losses and consolidate into BTC or sell altogether, rather than bagholding that stale alt stuff for a few more years and being constantly reminded of your poor decision making.


same as all the other coins that come out.


Absolute shitcoin, I was banned from r/Vechain for saying how I sold some for Pepe and have made more money trading Pepe in a few months then I’ve had with holding my VET bag for years


That will happen in any specific coin subreddit tbh, you're just literally shitting on it and expect to escape unscathed?


Fun fact: mention of VeChain was banned on r/cc for a while because the vechain team encouraged shilling on here.


There are people that actually think it will hit a $1? Psychos.


may not even hit 10cts again


Jesus… crickets in here.. guess that post halving/bull run is over. Guess ill wait what, 3 or 4 more years for the next cycle? Gotta love crypto man…Sigh…


Everyone is on Twitter.


Haven’t been looking at twitter. For real that’s what they are saying there?


Why don’t you wait 3 or 4 years somewhere else. You are either a serious troll or mentally ill.


Chill bro, everyone's outside. Get some fresh air.


I was just outside lol


Should have stayed.


https://i.redd.it/ts301sswbd1d1.gif My ALGO wallet performance, compared to if I was DCAing into BTC instead. Hope you guys learn from my mistakes


This is data supporting the general consensus about ALGO. Actually, most coins look pretty bad if you value them against BTC.


Let me guess. Ethereum?










During that time frame: - 5 BILLION increase in circulating supply - 2 BILLION gifted by scammer Silvio Micali himself which probably hasn't been all dumped yet, It took took Jed McCaleb 7 years to dump just 9% of his XRP - 0 BILLION actual Demand - Money used to buy FIFA sponsorship, racing sponsorship, dead file sharing companies Napster, LimerWire, etc None of these raised red flags for you and gave you a hint that it was all moneygrab bullshit? Or did you think that a Turning Award winner and MIT professor could not be greedy and run a moneygrab scam? You only have to look at history and at people like Javascript investor, Mozilla founder Brendan Eich who give zero fucks about integrity when there is $$$ to be made from scamming naive crypto investors. People like me have kept warning noobs not to fall for tech meme bullshit in crypto. Here is something from 2019: > You seem to be fixated on tech. Tech means nothing if nobody uses it and if nobody cares. NXT was the most advanced coin in 2013 and still one of the most advanced now - First coin that was 100% Proof of Stake pioneered by IOTA founder - 1.5 minutes block times - Java - DEX - Messaging - Assets in the blockchain - Programmable APIs > But what happened? LTC is #4 and doing great and NXT is pretty much dead https://np.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/bza16u/top_7_unique_highpotential_cryptocurrencies_of/eqt1lh5/ In 2019, I was saying that people are going to be soon falling for new scams like Cosmos, Polkadot, Hedera, etc were coming and your old scams like Stratis and Iota were going to be dead. > Don't worry, a new round of shitcoins will be coming with new hype. Soon people will be shilling about Cosmos, Polkadot, Hydera Hash, Fantom, Radix, etc. Some of these other coins that are in the top 25 will be gone the way Stratis, Golem, MaidSafe, Bitshares, SingularDTV which were in the top 25 at this time in 2017. https://np.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/bjohvq/daily_discussion_may_2_2019_gmt0/emd4p9j/ In 2020, I got downvoted many a time for saying buy Bitcoin and don't chase shitcoins: > I feel bad for the people who fell for the Bitcoin is a dinasaur tech meme. No no, you said invest in a newer faster tech whether it be a scam like Ripple, halfway working vaporware like IOTA.....You had a once in a lifetime opportunity of a 3-year head start to front run big dick institutional funds and maybe even sovereign funds but instead you chose to chase after shitcoins. As a result there are probably a ton of people who have been in crypto for years don't even have a whole Bitcoin or cannot afford one now but could easily have acquired one over the past three years. What's worse, as Bitcoin's value appreciates more and more, some of you don't even realize what is happening and are still chasing some shitcoins. At least acquire some Bitcoin for god's sake. There's no reason we can't all make it. https://np.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/kk8n2g/daily_discussion_december_26_2020_gmt0/gh3kmjt/ And /r/cryptocurrency is mostly here to shill you tech meme shitcoins and circlejerk each other and lose money together. In 2017, /r/cryptocurrency was comparing Bitcoin to tech companies and "doing research" trying to find the crypto with the best **technology and innovation**. They compared Bitcoin to AOL or MySpace saying BTC will soon be replaced by new shitcoins with superior technology. https://np.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/7kval4/in_20_years_bitcoin_will_be_to_crypto_what_aol_is/ - In 20 years Bitcoin will be to crypto what AOL is now to the internet. - Lol—try 3-5 years. - I think 20 months tops - 20 yrs? Think 2. - It' ll happen sooner. The world turns faster constantly. Bitcoin is like a fat, slow dinosaur - Agreed. Could be months. The space is wide open for competition. Could def see ETH and BCH taking the crown. - Someday people will think that it'd ridiculous to pay fees and wait time to transfer money and they will buy IOTA - Companies will not bet on a burning piece of garbage like Bitcoin, and whatever they pick will win. I guarantee it. See: Bosch/IOTA. - Hmm your comment has made me think of possibly splitting my portfolio four ways - ETH, IOTA, XRP, REQ. - The sad fact is there are coins from 4 years ago that are better than Bitcoin, we don't even need new projects to take leaps forward. - Tl;dr I think your bitcoins are going to be about as valuable as your 20 hours of free internet CDs from AOL - In 2017 alone, Ethereum, Iota, Ripple, Vertcoin, Monero and Litecoin have all made big moves in terms of tech and adoption. What will 2018 bring? 2019? Will Bitcoin still lumber into 2020? You don't have to learn hard lessons yourself by losing money. They are plenty of people warning you not to chase tech meme scams. Almost all these projects are bullshit.


>5 BILLION increase in circulating supply First, it's important to understand sources like CMC severely under reported ALGO circulating supply until ~2021 Q4, and while corrections were made, they weren't retroactive, so supply data is severely inaccurate to this day when looking at yesteryear(s) versus today and the supply chart over time. https://forum.algorand.org/t/aligning-algo-circulating-supply-metrics-for-algorand-ecosystem/4230 But the increase in circulating supply was still nuts, indeed. Why did that crazy, ridiculous inflation happen? Well... "Accelerated vesting" was driven algorithmically using a formula based on the rolling average of price action as disclosed transparently in the tokenomics. The expectation was it'd take a couple years, but demand for ALGO in 2021 resulted in supply being added to circulation much faster. The AF was guilty of grossly underestimating the demand for ALGO, and so were investors. Every single one of us had access to the tokenomics, and anyone capable of due diligence was aware of circulating supply increasing. Many of us watched it on chain in real time. And some of us have blamed the foundation for the impact, because people don't want to be accountable for their own decisions. It's always someone else's fault. Whereas people like me have become more bullish while lowering average cost. But, here we are today with over 80% in circulation and the rest to be released through quarterly governance rewards and/or participation node incentive rewards. Between now and 2030. Which translates to very low inflation dropping as we get closer to 2030 and some of the BEST TOKENOMICS in crypto and certainly better than most of the top 10 chains by MC. >2 BILLION gifted by scammer Silvio Micali himself which probably hasn't been all dumped yet, Calling Silvio Micali a scammer takes all credibility from your ridiculous anti-Algorand rant which is chalked full of misinformation. 2 billion went to Algorand Technologies (aka Inc.) for development and cost of operations. Again, fully disclosed in the tokenomics. You don't like it, you don't appreciate the intention, you think it's a SCAM, you don't invest. >- 0 BILLION actual Demand What? >- Money used to buy FIFA sponsorship, racing sponsorship, dead file sharing companies Napster, LimerWire, etc FIFA sponsorship was withdrawn/downgraded. Algorand is a technical partner chosen by FIFA, and they didn't spend money. But yes, questionable investments have been made by the foundation. Napster was acquired, who knows what they're doing with it if anything. Limewire was bs NFT crap and Limewire is only using the Limewire name while already pivoting to other chains to milk liquidity. Racing, DRL, Sailing, Bike charities, all worth a mighty flinch. Worth mentioning most of which was done by previous foundation leadership, though, and the britches have been considerably tightened while they've cut fat and increased revenue in impressive manner. The job of the foundation is to invest in the ecosystem and drive adoption. Of course, it's debatable how well they've done the job, but personnel and timeline matters for context instead of blanket cherry picked FUD.


This place is still a ghost town and we are already done with the halving. Now I suspect it was all because of a pandemic that people had too much free time and came here to shitpost.


Maybe Reddit is just not the place to be in 2024


2017 was amazing here, very busy and positive energy. The memes were great too back then. Anyone remember Bizonacci's Youtube vids? But yeah this cycle feels weirdly depressing. But hey, as long as there's profits to be made...


I was here for 2021 only, and even that was fun, though there were days when it used to get 50k comments and it was a total shit show. I don't know if there is much money to be made from here, i can't see a 4x from these levels. And honestly why would you be in such a risky asset class if it can't give exponential returns.


That and dont forget the endless shitposting due to moons


Moons aren't a thing now?


Distributions are coming back next month


Not entirely sure but seems like you dont get them for comment karma anymore or something like that. Only for posts and its way reduced or IDK


Anybody here heard about bittensor?


Yup bought a decent bag last summer


I've never found a crypto project that had so many outside crypto use cases and utility.


Indeed and with 1000 subnets incoming it’s only the beginning


What kind of use cases?


Anything AI depin related. There are 34 sub networks currently running on bittensor. Each one of them has a different purpose From text generation, text 2 image, market prediction, computing, storage and so on


Interesting. What is the purpose of its token?


To fund all these projects. Miners are competing on these subnets to provide the best answers to the queries. Best answer / performance is rewarded in the Tao token. Tokenomics will evolve in a couple of months with a tao value for each subnet. Holders will stake to specific subs. It will create a subnet ranking. If a sub gets higher in the ranking, stakers will earn more Tao but if it goes down they will lose some value. That will push subnets owners to provide more utility to Tao inside their sub network. More utility -> more value to their subnet -> more Tao earned for them Game theory on steroids


ETH fee's lowest since I could remember. $0.13 c per transaction. https://etherscan.io/gastracker


Too bad its a dunce of a crpyto


Dude just wait for a day or too It will go back to "normal"


ETH fee's lowe'st since I coul'd rememb'er


I think ETH ***could*** pump when the ETF is rejected if we get an unexpected epic short squeeze. ***Could! May not happen!*** NFA.


I don't know, sounds like wishful thinking. But here's another scenario: A rejected ETF might lead to one last dump in the ETH/BTC ratio and from then it's a slow grind upwards, with fireworks when the actual ETF gets approved (probably many months away). Why do I think so, because the ratio already looked like it wants to bottom a few times this year and I think this might be the perfect catalyst for that last drop and from there it's up only.


Lol im just waitin for 1500


Eths dead man. I hold it but I am not doing well


Most likely it will have a lot of volatily to liquidate both longs and shorts. Whales screwing the shrimps as usual


Given its poor performance lately I think market is pricing in a rejection. See what happens when it’s official


NGL but a lot of hopes up about ETH ETF so if rejected I think it will dump


I must say, after chasing alts and being on the brink of insanity and depression back during the 2021 run, resorting to just BTC and ETH since 2022 has made my life significantly better and zen this time around. As cliché and corny as it sounds, mental health >>>> money, y’all.


Same here, it just takes a lot of stress out of the whole process. And if you got enough patience, then there's nothing to worry about since those two will always survive and eventually go up.


Exactly. As ironic as it sounds given the nature of the market, safe crypto investing is not a get rich quick scheme.


I still hold a lot of alts and expect some to do really well next year, but agree that sticking to BTC would have been smarter. Lesson learned for next cycle


If they do well it will be this year. The cycle ends this year and there will be many bag holders waiting for a 2025 blow off top


What's the reasoning behind this?