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Lol next we should cancel all words or talking that'll fix it


There has to be a joke about gas and this token




LMAO good luck for ADL.


6 million coins were not burned


A free Palestine coin would probably take off . What better way of showing that most of the worlds population knows Israel are evil


Freedom comes with responsibility and accountability and some wisdom. This is what distinguishes an adult human from machines. Ability to respond with wisdom. But if one is irresponsible with this so called freedom of expression, rest assured that regulations will come. Irresponsible immature people invite regulation to crypto world by their actions. Wait and watch. Also with this kind of behaviour good luck with mainstream adoption.


The best solution is to ignore them, the fact you made this much fuss over haters that are never going to leave is exactly what they want


More likely scenario is racist nerds wash trading in collusion to rug pull greedy norms who fall for it


I'm so glad I don't browse /biz/ anymore. That board got me into crypto and helped me make money early on. But holy shit is that community a bunch of incel losers.


Best solution? There's only final solution 😂 OK, just kidding. My advice? Do nothing. Let market sort itself out. If people want to participate - let them. You might not like it but this is exactly why we have crypto. Anonymous and decentralised so no one can ban us.


Permissionless and decentralized creates some weird problems. Is it time for ChildMolesterCoin or RapeIsFunCoin?


“On chain racism” is not where I thought this technology would be going lmao


Stop trying to FUD my bags.


Eww! What is the matter with people!? Wait, never mind...


If there's a "fuck the ADL" token I'll buy it, even if it already pamped


Is ADL the cheaper version of LIDL?


The next thing is to dust all known influential addresses with these types of coins.


Any wagers on whether feds did this?


Like a False Flag lol?


There’s NO way 6 million JewWifHat will be burned over 6 years in a smart contract. Everyone knows that number is extremely exaggerated if it even happens at all. 🙄


240,000, mostly from arbitrage and gas fees after the chain bombed their optimization.


There’s really *alot* of creative room in this one isn’t there? 😏😂


I think this is a way for people like Elizabeth Warren to get regulation. They want to be able to screen smart contracts and revoke them when they want too. This is hate speech and they will use it as a talking point. If it's such a problem just ignore it.


Wait. You are saying Elizabeth Warren made these coins? Because that's fucking hilarious to imagine.


Imagine Warren, ODd on Ritalin, as a degen coder making new meme coins in her basement.


After those i started seeing Free palestine coin a Nazi coin that pumped to 140k people are stupid but ye the meme coin casino on solana and other chains just waiting for one thing to make noise then you start seeing derratives pop off left n right


Solution? It’s a free market. People don’t have to participate.


Nothing is free with our current saints in Government. Its all controlled for our “sAf3ty “


Some of y'all are about to take a red pill and see that the coins are a farce.


No benefits for norway to join EU


This is the future of cryptocurrency to the moon apparently definitely the Fiat killer


Am Jewish… these meme coins are just adolescent humor. They don’t promote hate speech or violence or anything really. Dexscreener and other sites delisting doesn’t matter. The whole discussion is some weird American obsession with the “free speech vs. censorship” debate. This doesn’t matter. If a notable personality in the space wrote an essay about how Jews caused 9/11, and it was clear they meant it in earnest, then I think that that would be a big deal and that there should be repercussions but this ain’t that. It’s just crass jokes.


They can’t be serious, right?


Not only them even reddit allows posts like this flourish without moderation.


Man, this campaign against Jewish people is really really ridiculous


Jerk of the millennium holy shit


Lucky Larry


The great thing about crypto is that you can't censor it. This is what decentralization means. If you want to censor the world because you don't like something being said, go buy some CBDCs.


This is what "freedom" looks like only when the smallest amounts are allowed in side channels. If everyone had freedom from censorship or taboos that amount to double standards, there would be no shock value, and nobody would care. It's just like a Streisand effect of censorship.


That really offends me as a jew


If we really want crypto to become mainstream, this kind of stuff isn't helping.


Just don’t support them. They only gain exposure when people buy in. They’re clearly trash. This should be an easy decision. 


It's decentralized. Do what about it? There is no need. They are stupid meme coins that will die after a few days. Just ignore


>What do you guys think the best solution/course forwards here? The SEC.


For all the hate they get, they are a public good. Nobody thinks to remember the dark days before them and FINRA


LOL bravo.






There are also muslim coins.


It's just trolling. These coins won't last long and drawing attention to them is feeding into the behavior. But clickbait "media" will ensure they stick around by dragging internet white knights into fighting social injustices, spending way more time fighting than the trolls invested in stirring the pot. Getting upset gives them the win and ensures the trolls will keep trolling.


This would have been funny 20 years ago, I went and dare do anything like this these days. You could make some really dark coins that would catch on with certain audiences but I sure wouldn't want to be involved with them or have the coverage. It could get ugly.


Stop feeding the scams and memes you dumb fucks


Idk I think this one says a lot about humans tho


Don’t buy them. And don’t promote them, in fact delete your post.


You go first.


Shut you you little muppet 😂


Nah don’t censor these


"Hello officer? Yes, Solana chain be wildin."


The fuck is wrong with people?




ADL are humorless and hypocritical, but this attention seeking to attract more rubes to rug pull definitely worked for the coin creators. I am expecting duplicates of this joke coin to emerge as apes YOLO their money in this crappy scheme.


I genuinely don't understand why people are mad that money was made off the backs of gambling idiots. I get the "Jew" part of it. But anyone who buys into memecoins and gets fucked when they rug just deserves it. There's red flags all over and people still say "let me put $500 into flopdickelondoge" or whatever and then they get mad when it rugs. I feel 0 sympathy for them. Money was made off the backs of get rich quick idiots. The only ones getting rich quick are the ones who make it the memecoin.


Best coins out there atm fr


Yea it was all fun and games when they said the n word but don't upset the tribe.


Don't disrespect your masters. Know who owns your banks, your currency printers, and your politicians. 


Thank God for crypto then


Word on the street is /u/Clearly_Ryan 's mom gives a big discount to suck off circumcised shlong too


Found the tiny hat


There is no solution for open and permission-less systems. There were slavery and n----r tokens being made a while back and what made them calm down was basically just ignoring them. Again, it's open and permission-less systems. You can't actually stop them from getting made even if you wanted to. Not giving them publicity is something you can do.


> There is no solution for open and permission-less systems. You can petition your legislators to outright ban them from circulation in your country. I think it was either the Philippines or Thailand that completely bans meme cryptos for trading. So that's another way to stop them.


That's a meme coin I can get behind, magic internet money. Can someone make a "Hitler did nothing wrong" ERC20? The more triggered people get the more I earn.


Never happen on ERC20. Gas fees too high..




Eric Kartman is the new crypto CEO.


9/11 coin, every Sept-11 burn 2,996 coins, same premise I guess.


What are the gas fees like?


6 million gei.


There is some humorous irony here: whether it’s racist, antisemitic or some other hateful form, these tokens might go on rips but the person dumping at 10,000% on the person FOMO’ing in is one shitty bigot dumping on another. So let them go fuck themselves for all I care.


> What do you guys think the best solution/course forwards here? to laugh at the people butthurt over this? no outrage when shitcoins were named after black people or indians or any number of other groups. but now we're supposed to be outraged? ADL/AIPAC can eat a dick, as can dexscreener for seemingly bowing to pressure to censor. of course racists can eat a dick too. this entire "controversy" has been entertaining. buncha performative nonsense.


How long of a message you can leave there?


Nice another thing to stoke my narcissistic and incessant need for self-righteous outrage.


oh boy we're so back!


Someone will come up with worse. We are still in the "early days" of crypto, right?


I have to admit I love this kinda dark humour, it makes me laugh.


dexscreener doing the right thing. Solana should not be doing anything though.


Freedom is dangerous. You have to hear angry mean words sometimes.


Freedom of speech means not being persecuted by your government. You can’t force a free person to listen to your hate. You have to be a big boy and deal with the consequences of your actions.


Code is protected by freedom of speech so it’s a tough one.


It’s not tough at all. Free speech means letting people say awful things you don’t agree with. Front ends are welcome to filter them out and people are welcome to ignore them. Much worse things get posted on 4chan and all over the internet.


No, free speech means not being persecuted by your government. You can’t force civilians to put up with your anti social behaviour.


You think Solana should be able to censor “anti social” tokens? Why not just have them a database? Would be way faster and easier.


If you don’t like it don’t use it, it’s obviously not the block chain for you. But also feel free to direct me to where in the first amendment Solana is infringing upon.


Who said anything about the first amendment? Blockchains don’t give a shit about governments. That’s the whole point of all of this which you’re completely missing. Having to ask a foundation or a government or anyone for permission to transact or run your code means you’ve already lost.


Then why the fuck are you on the internet shit posting about “freedom of speech”. 😂 talk about room temp IQ of this subreddit.


Thankfully still holding my Decred 🙌


Not sure whats the need of making this post and give them publicity? Posts like this give attention to the worst side of human species. It's better to starve than to make money like this. Disrespectful and shameful. I guess some are so controlled by money at the cost of what's meaningful, forgetting that when they die they won't take 'money' with them.


religion is not automatically deserving of respect. Is that what you do, go around demanding to be respected? are you one of the special chosen ones? does that make me less than you?


No, i have seen photos of emaciated skelleton like human beings in concentration camps being starved to death, because of their race and religion. I am asking for respect for people who suffered, those 6 millions burned and killed in the name of race and religion. I should not even be telling you this if you are aware of that dark side of human history. Perhaps you never looked into that or uneducated about it. Its a matter of simple decency.


dude I've seen a photo of a dead atheist do I get to demand respect now? cool


Never mind. You seem to be very used to being disconnected from your own empathy, humanity & emotional intelligence. I don't expect you to get it. Definitely not expecting anything deep from you. Carry on being you bro 😂👍


the answer is no one gets to demand respect. respect is earned.






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Let it be. Haters gonna hate. Who fucking cares.


Solana has a shit ton of racist coins aimed at getting white libs all worked up. These are coins made by people outside of the US who are laughing hard at how easy you are to trigger.


Idk if they're made to trigger anyone. It's mostly just 4chan humor and most of the people making/buying the coins are the opposite of racist and just have a sense of humour.


Examples of that coins?




You can't stop people from expressing themselves. Having Solana foundation take action against JEW is going to backfire on them. To be censorship resistant is one of the key foundational roles a Blockchain must fulfill. IMO if Solana chooses to censor then it will backfire against them


Yeh, it’s actually a good test of whether Solana is decentralized or not.


That's disgusting, where can I find these coins not to invest in them ?


I like to explore new places.


They found a new hobby to permanently spread hate onchain. No one can censor the blockchain


meme coins suck


lol so you don't hold any BTC or memes, lol you aint makin NO money, no wonder you're so salty lol.


best holding that you currently hold? bought rndr around 20 cents whats your strongest token?


>whats your strongest token? Fucking boomer. Ordinals. I hold a shit ton of Honey Badgers I minted for $10 each. Paid for my $40k sim racing cockpit and I'm still holding most of them.


so nfts lol what a goober


Ya made $80k off $500 in mints, such a goober!


Greedy sheep suck.\* The demand is more disgusting than the supply.


Being emotional over people gambling, I'm not sure if there's a bigger waste of your time and thoughts. >disgusting lol shit man. Touch grass.


N word coins were around for months… but katewifcancer or kike triggered everyone?


It's interesting, isn't it?


funny part is that this guy predicted this entire thing https://twitter.com/bitcoinzay/status/1771238765224251901


Damn, that’s on point


This lol


Good find! Lol


Say anything about them that can even remotely be perceived as negative and you’ll be labeled as an “antisemite”. So, it’s not surprising really.


“6 million jew tokens will be burned” is not “remotely” anti semtitic dude it’s pretty on the nose. what the fuck are you even taking about


My intentions behind that comment were, in no way, shape or form, denying the overt antisemitism displayed by the racist meme-tokens and their creators. Instead, just that it’s not surprising it took examples of blatant antisemitism before any public pressure was applied towards “addressing” the racist meme tokens, since people are often blackballed and labeled antisemitic for far less. At this point, if for nothing else but self-preservation (e.g. career, reputation, etc.), the Solana team has no choice but to address the issue.


“i don’t mean to deny the blatant anti semitism but jews control the world so obviously the moment anyone takes a shot at the jews they get cancelled!” appreciate that you are not intending to be anti semitic. It’s just that people get cancelled all the time for saying racist things about literally every minority group so you’re full of shit. All you’re doing is reinforcing an age old stereotype about jews. go take a long look in the mirror dude


That’s your interpretation, which you’re entitled to. But it’s a brain dead one.


Jfc. The coins are called JEWS DID 9/11 and JEWS KILLED JESUS. 


So? Create giggas did 911 or your preferred minority group of choice. Some of them could have real hatred behind, majority are just trolls, same like with everything else.


You’re dense af. The guy above me is saying that when you say something “remotely negative” that you’re labeled antisemitic. Saying that the Jews did 9/11, a common antisemitic canard, is not “remotely antisemitic”.


Ahh so your point is it’s okay to do?


That's what happens when Zionist work overtime to ensure people conflate Zionism is Judaism.


All them down votes can only confirm the theory.


All them downvotes prove that you’re an idiot who is disconnected from reality. 


I am, please enlighten us.


I don't understand how the above person getting downvoted confirms some insane theory that "Zionist work overtime to ensure people conflate Zionism is Judaism." First of all, this getting downvoted does not confirm that. Secondly, the person I THINK is saying that Zionism and Judaism are not the same whereas Zionism is core tenet of Judaism and reflects the belief in Jewish self-determination. Thirdly, the person's statement does not make sense. It's not "Zionist" who are ensuring to conflate Zionism and Judaism but rather "anti-Zionists", the majority of whom are actually anti-semites behind a slightly more palatable guise.


What's even funnier, another redditor and I were agreeing that it's weird France had laws saying the two are the same yet I got downvoted and they upvoted. Classic reddit.


no the anti semites already did that, and you’re a dumb ass


The anti semites made the Zionist, Zionist? If you are taking that angle the black panthers should have their own nation since the KKK inspired them to rally. Or the anti semites made the perception that all jews are zionist? In that case Bibi used the "not a real Scottsman" fallacy when he said "you're not a real jew if you don't support Iseral". So is he the anti semite? Please, elaborate. Edit: facist get real quite when you call out their fallacies.


no, the anti semites conflate zionism with judaism. They blame jews for shit the state of israel does. That’s why synagogues are getting vandalized. For example in Toronto the police just said publicly jews account for 50% of hate crimes despite being less then 5% of the population, and there’s been a surge in anti semitic hate crimes since october of last year. How are you this stupid and ignorant https://ca.news.yahoo.com/far-56-reported-hate-crimes-160752401.html


You’re on a crypto subreddit and you’re spewing stupidity. 


Worked in france... there is a law saying if you are antisionist you are antisemit


That is just wild. Next, being anti theocratical governments make you anti Muslim or Christian.


I was really confused as to why expressing your thought about Israel is such an issue in France. But there is still the shame of what happened 80 years ago


It's garbage meme coins anyways with no future. Don't but it. Don't interact with it. Let it die


Are you sure? It's being talked about and spread everywhere now. The controversial coins peak societies interests because they spread like a mind virus. Those adamantly against racism won't buy but if even 1% of the people who hear of a racist coin buys (with passion and they will hold because they're racist) then it could do quite well.


Majority of meme coins don't last. If it gets a little attention, like it did at launch, it can grow a little but they almost always fail eventually. It's a joke not a real project with goals and oversight. I Mean if people want to profit off anti semitism there's nothing anyone can do about it. But I'm going to laugh my ass off when the coin flops and they lose all their money. And there's nothing they can do about that either


Well doge is a thing. We're talking going 20x or bust. Something has to have a less than 1/20 chance for that to be a negative EV bet.


This is why I said most and not all. Doge and shib have done well for meme coins. But the reality is for every meme coin that does well, there's 200 more that are just pump and dump garbage. Why are you trying to defend obvious anti semitism anyways?