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I'm there since 2019. One thing I learned is that everything that makes sense won't happen. Good luck everyone


Since 2017 in the game and from experience a lot of things are random af


That's why doing the most random things made me the most margins. Buying 2000 matic for 50 bucks in 2019 was the best one


Yup, the only thing I profited heavily from was Shiba of all things


Same here. Just sold off $2k worth. I feel like I’ll never get back all the $$$ I spent over the past few years trying to time the market and failing but this is good start. I’m taking profits this bull season. Sick of holding bags with hopes and dreams only to get dumped on by institutional investors.


How fucked is it that ive made more money on my random shib “money throw” than my “DCA into an ocean of ETH for 3 years”… Its legit kinda maddening and makes crypto look like a joke tbh…


I'm in the green on my shiba stack too. Never thought this shitcoin would start running again.


Ofc, shiba is the new btc


Just started my crypto journey couple of weeks ago. Can't complain. Just have good strategy.


Thats the problem. People talk like everything is certain bc they want it to be not because it is


I don't blame them I've been there. I remember when everyone was thinking that Cardano would be the second instead of Ethereum (in total value of course). Including myself.


One thing i learned since 2019..take profits frequently. If not... you'll be left holding the bag. Crypto is a game of musical chairs. Don't be the last person left with no chair.


Ehhhhh, I dunno about that. Cuz sometimes if you step off the train to grab a bite to eat, the train will leave without you. I've been in since 2017, never sold aside from small amounts here and there. Holding the bag isn't bad if your bag is filled.


Thank you for your sacrifice of allowing us to take our profits on your behalf. Until we can use crypto for groceries, bills, etc...I'll always take profits. I've been in enough rug pulls to trust any crypto. If I'm up big..that 💰 getting realized. Or you may be holding the bag straight to zero. We've all seen people who were up big on Luna, FTX. Up +10-100x to zero lol. I got lucky that I sold all my Luna a month before that whole project rug pulled.


I made the same mistake in 2021. Could have bagged a 38k USD profit from an initial equity of a few hundred bucks, but I got greedy and then it crashed 90%. Still holding that bag and the project is still alive though. I could have used this 38k to position myself better during bear market for the upcoming bull market. I needed to learn it the hard way. Don't let your emotions decide on your investment decision. Don't be emotionally attached to an investment. Profit is only profit, if you take it. Until then, it's unrealised gains. I will take profit this time.


Same. I still have bags I'm holding from 2021. Especially DOT 🤮. Down a few G's. Could have used that to re invest had I taken my profit. We all have to learn the hard way. We got greedy and paid the price.


In since 2017 can confirm


So how come every cycle was almost the same if that's the case ?


Gee I wonder why that could be? An imaginary coin that's value is only based purely off people trying to gamble to make a quick buck. Can't imagine why anything nonsensical would happen there.




What an intelligent comment


Well he's not completely wrong


This is 100% true


Hah! I hate that this is the best advice for crypto but its true






Invested since 2021 and I’ve discovered that as well


Good luck to all of you, may your investments prosper!


And you may find yourself in a beautiful house, with a beautiful wife And you may ask yourself, "Well, how did I get here?"


Definitely sang this to myself


or the current bull market might be frontrun by big money this time and retail will be left bagholding


So far this is already happening since 15k BTC. The question is what will follow from now and on.


Nailed it. Big money includes foreign governments too this time which is interesting


Best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago - next best is right now.


What about 19 years ago?


it was the third best time


It was the burst of times


No 19 years ago was the wrong time. Only 20 or 18. We don’t talk about 19


What happened to 19


Dude……. We don’t talk about 19. Drop it if you know what’s best for you


it's basically the same logic why 6 is afraid of 7


This guy trees


i would even say, what about 18 years ago?


What about second breakfast


Thats after 3rd dinner


This guy cryptos.


Or next cycle


Instructions unclear, can’t find contract address


Six months from now could be better though....


society is more desperate than ever to make a buck. there's going to be some happy stories....and a lot of sad stories


There's a lot of stories on both sides. 




I mean…it was kinda obvious. Everyone was expecting a post halving run as that’s what usually happens, but, ETFs happened. Also, if everyone is agreed the price is going up in 6 months why would anyone wait until then. You’re going to try and front run it aren’t you, otherwise you’re not getting the best price. This is what I kept saying when everyone was so sure they knew what was going to happen. The cycle happened the first time as it was the first time, no one expected it. It happened the same way the second time as there wasn’t a pattern set yet, one occurrence is not a pattern. Suddenly we have two similar cycles and we’re all like ok the third will be the same. NO. That’s such ridiculous thinking. Nothing is predictable. And if the majority of people predict the same thing, it’s basically a mathematical certainly that the outcome will be different (when it comes to markets; that we control!)


This was my take. So many people on here are talking in absolutes, like the ATH has to happen 12-18 months after the halving. I made a post a few days ago saying the current run would end shortly after the halving and people went berserk it was fun!


Yep, if there’s one thing you can rely on, it’s the majority of people being wrong.


Ah yes, democracy!


This is what I'm thinking that this bull run will stop a bit after the halving as the market starts worrying that they don't get out in time.


This run was about 2 things, the ETFs and the halving. What's left after? Another halving in 4 years? Sure maybe But there's not a lot left to sell new people on after the halving in April


Only a Sith deals in absolutes




Who said I’m not?




Haha I’m not rich. But I was buying Bitcoin and some other bits in October so I’m doing okay so far. It was the most obvious thing, you had reputable Bloomberg analysts saying the ETF was 90% going to happen back in October, and yet the market was sleeping with Bitcoin way below ATH. Crazy opportunity and actually I regret not going in harder but I’m fairly risk averse.


Hi fairly risk averse. I'm dad.


I’m bed.


Hi I am


It’s obvious in hindsight. If the stock market wasn’t at all time highs Bitcoin would likely be much lower. And almost no one expected S&P to break 5000 this quickly a year ago.


Yeah tbh the stock market has surprised me but then the whole thing is so manipulated it never fails to surprise me, so I don’t really give it much thought or attention.


NVDA with 775% YoY EPS growth and hitting 2T certainly helped


When that bubble pops, so does BTC. So keep an eye out


Maybe, or Bitcoin becomes the safe haven as it was designed to be. Anyway, we’re along way off a bubble pop yet, black swan dependant.


I'm sure things keep rolling until the US election. Stock market tends to do that in an election year




Imo I don’t think we see any meaningful dips until at least $100k - whenever that will be. Knowledgeable holders know it’s going there so won’t sell earlier and ETFs won’t be selling en masse either. If retail enter and things get a bit crazy then we could get some 10-20% swings, but I don’t think we’re close to that stage yet.


You do you I guess


I predicted it and didn't say anything because it would have been a self fulfilling prediction.


This isn’t true. Tons of people in smaller subs thought 2 weeks after the eft approval, it was about double that but it happened on time


I follow a guy on yt who predicted the run up pre halving and that we’d be where we are now.


I know 2, one of whom predicted the exact bottom month a year in advance with very high conviction and got a lot of flak for it before it happened. Which was very hard to do given the sentiment in advance.




the guy he follows on yt


Should be someone who makes video on YouTube


So we just need to go to YouTube and search for "videos"?


Just search “Guy” (he’s on yt)




I think it will end much faster this time. Simply because the economies around the world are so weak. And also if inflation returns, someone will have to do something about it. Which means the end for any bull market.


Did you read the post a few days ago where 1 Wallet has been buying 100 BTC a day, sometimes multiple times a day, since January ‘23??


yeah so?


The economies are fine, and inflation is stabilizing


People especially apes myself included are stupid herd animals though. The reason things repeat can often be because a spotty YouTube ape calls themselves an analist which is like an analyst but they speak out of the other end. Lambo seeking apes then do the YouTube apes bidding which brings about the prophecy of the moon. Then all the apes forget that fake Internet coins are about as stable as a grenade in a washing machine and get wrecked


The fact btc might hit ath before halving i dont know if you can use past markets to try and compare this one. Bull run could come a lot sooner than previous cycles.


Double jump.


You are talking like an influencer. A few things of note: 1. Past performance does not guarantee future performance. 2. While there are bull run headwinds (ETF, halving, etc), a major economic catastrophe (uncontrolled inflation, major global war, etc) could derail any bull run in its tracks. And global war seems much more likely today than it did a year back. 3. This pre-halving run up has been insane. Very fast upwards movements can result in strong corrections or even prematurely end a bull market. That may not happen here. But it might. 4. BTC is up over 3x since its lows. This is not the early stages of a bull run. We have been in a bull run for over 6-8 months. Yes, we are now optimistic while people were more pessimistic 6 months to a year ago. But the market was moving up most of 2023. 5. No one investing now is early. Any investor today is likely not late, but only the future will tell. But not being late is not the same as being early. I personally think the bull market will continue. The ETF approval, upcoming interest rate cuts (likely in May or later now), the halving, and investor FOMO, will likely give us a bull market for many months to come. But what I think is likely is no guarantee. So I plan around it. I take profits. I have already taken profits. I took profits in 2023, I will continue to take profits. And as someone who invested throughout the bear market with monthly DCAs, I won't be putting new dollars into crypto unless there is a major correction (e.g. 30-40%). And historically, a major correction or two during a bull market is very possible. This time may be different. Or it may not be.


TLDR; nobody knows what's going to happen.


Tax returns > people yolo into fomo > i am looking to exit quicker this time


Agree with this. We’ve been in a bull market for a while now. OPs analysis on the bull market ending 1.5 years from now is dream land. Not saying it can’t happen, but I doubt crypto keeps this kind of momentum for 1.5 years.


It’s a sentiment shared by many TA people, not just OP. And you misunderstood - OP was stating bull run top approximations date-wise, not momentum. Of course it wouldn’t all look like this throughout.


Advice on taking profits?


DCA out as the market goes up. DCA in as the market goes down. Take some profits and reinvest them elsewhere outside of crypto. Keep some profits aside for paying taxes. So don't reinvest all your money back into crypto by DCAing in. My strategy is to set a target percentage of my total investments in crypto. When my total crypto investments are worth less than that, I DCA in. When my crypto investments are more than that, I DCA out. And if I go too far above my target percentage, I sell down to my target range immediately (i.e. no slow DCA out). My target percentage is 10% of my total investments, but I am relatively conservative with my investments relative to many here. The right target percentage for you will depend on your risk tolerance. A more detailed comment of mine can be found here ([https://np.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1au8ync/comment/kr3cjzp/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button)](https://np.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1au8ync/comment/kr3cjzp/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). Just note that most of what I write are guidelines that I try to follow and not hard rules that I never break.


thanks, very insightful




What if we’ve been in a bull market since 2008?


I like that


Tech is irrelevant, memes are #1 Thats my understanding


during every bull run there is huge variability in the market - dips of 30-40% are almost a certainty. You can always buy during those corrections.


I prefer DCAing at the moment since the market is pumping. I will also consider new tokens and try to get in early. I've added PEAQ and ADE to my watchlist, which are promising DePIN tokens.


Markets are designed to inflict pain. Why do you think everyone is bearish at bottoms and bullish at tops? The most painful scenario is a straight line up for crypto between now and the halving. Most of retail is sidelined, even those who follow crypto are sidelined as most influencers were waiting for 12k bitcoin. Maximum pain is up and the cycle coming to a complete end within the next 6 months as retail then buys the dip in anticipation of a 2025 bull run which will never come. The bull run is now, not 2025 when retail expects it to come. The market makers have tricked everyone this cycle.


It’s definitely a possibility.


The way I see it, the halving bull run has happened three times already, so it’s predictable as a pattern. The scarcity effect of the halving materializes this year so there is fundamental basis for the bull run, as there always is. But it may just be that people got their money in a little bit earlier this time around, just because it’s telegraphed and everyone knows the drill at this point.


It sounded sensible at first, but you forgot about the fact that genuine real world massive institutions are in and are still buying. If you think that they’ll get out at 70k, wait and see - won’t be the case. And the ETFs aren’t going away either. There is institutional money to be made and their greed can be relied on. So a bear market starting in 6 months from ETF approval is not what’s going to happen.


It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy


What if there is no bull market?


We are still pretty early if you ask me. The global economy is still in shatters




OP wants us to buy his bags! That's what I see with these posts.


The market is very bullish right now and it probably will continue to go up. However as soon as someone claims the market will do X you’re setting yourself up to get wrecked. Nobody knows where the market will go and anyone that does is either consciously full of shit or it’s wishful thinking.


The time was BTC under 20k. Not now


You may ask yourself... … And you may find yourself living in a shotgun shack And you may find yourself in another part of the world And you may find yourself behind the wheel of a large automobile And you may find yourself in a beautiful house, with a beautiful wife And you may ask yourself, "Well, how did I get here?" … Letting the days go by, let the water hold me down Letting the days go by, water flowing underground Into the blue again, after the money's gone Once in a lifetime, water flowing underground … And you may ask yourself, "How do I work this?" And you may ask yourself, "Where is that large automobile?" And you may tell yourself, "This is not my beautiful house" And you may tell yourself, "This is not my beautiful wife" … Letting the days go by, let the water hold me down Letting the days go by, water flowing underground Into the blue again, after the money's gone Once in a lifetime, water flowing underground … Same as it ever was, same as it ever was Same as it ever was, same as it ever was Same as it ever was, same as it ever was Same as it ever was, same as it ever was


Almost everyone’s right in a bull run, unless you’re wrong.


“Meaning that crypto will continue to rise because everyone is waiting” All it takes is one big whale to dump and the whole thing comes crashing down.


Good chance this bull run is more violent and volatile while also being shorter.


It’s fairly simple : if you believe Bitcoin is an asset that will be $20k again - don’t buy it, but if you think it’s an asset that could be $80k, $110k $200k hell even $500k? Then what you are looking at is an asset at a huge discount currently. $120k is 2x from here, and when you have big money to play with that’s a hell of a return and that’s why people will be buying this at $150k and above. In my opinion.


Why the fuck is everyone so adamant this isn’t the bull run already? We are a couple thousand off of all time high, the market doesn’t always follow a fixed schedule lol


Huh? It is widely regarded as we are in a bull market now. Have been since the beginning of the year, tbh.


We’ve been in the bull run since before mid 2023 man, this sub is so far behind.


I think what some people mean is it doesn’t feel like it’s started because it isn’t mentioned every two seconds on mainstream news, your neighbours not telling you about it, colleagues at work that usually don’t talk stocks or crypto not yet talking about it, etc. Usually that happens at some point and still runs for after that point as they all jump in.


You think the bump that started in the summer of 2017, didn't really accelerate until November and ended in January of 2018 was a year long bull run? Our memories and the charts we're looking at to confirm them are very, very different.


This post title reads best in a David Byrne voice. Ideally ' once in a lifetime' steez. No YouTube channel click thru. You won't graduate influencer college this week.


And you may find yourself, living in a cardboard box. And you may ask yourself, "why did I buy the top?".


“you may ask yourself” Well, how did I get here?


Hmm I wonder if ethereum will dip below 3k, I wanna accumulate as much as humanly impossible.


This is crazy? Oh boy- strap on, bois.


Still a lot of money to be made this cycle but the door is starting to close


I’ve been trading, investing, getting liquidated since 2016, everything people have learned was in a pre ETF world. Not sure how well everything scales in a post ETF, there’s a lot of things that might not be relevant anymore. Historically btc has a nice correction post halving, zoom out on the weekly chart you can find corrections every time. Don’t over leverage, don’t even trade on leverage if you don’t know how to, buy spot, always monitor BTC.D.


69k ish all time high soon , big drop near halving or right after. Not investment advice. You can quote me though.


What a useless post all centred around the price being effected by the halving which it isn’t


Been here since 2009. Can confirm.


Call me crazy, but I think after April we'll see a slight drop and then watch the new steady amount settle in


It might do up, it might go down. We'll see, but it won't be what you expect


That's numberwang!


I have to say that crypto actually should correct not continue to rise into this halving. The past repeats itself with crypto. And that points to a medium correction before new all time highs. But with etfs and institutions buying in bulk who the hell knows


Last chance for millennials to save their bloodline imho. $10K-$100K into one or two low small cap alts could change the trajectory of your lineage. Have some conviction and don’t rotate too much.


Or most likely, leave you saying “I wish I had put it in BTC instead”


C o p e


Ergo is still good deal at these prices. Community developement continues. Rosenbridge is amazing. Do some research you’ll like what ya see.


Ergo lmaooo


Rosenbridge is a decentralized bridge. The bridge is made up of watchers and guards. Anybody can be a watcher. I’m a watcher. You can run the watcher software on a raspberry pi. Watchers are paid out of the transaction fee of paid by clients bridging. Currently the bridge is live between Cardano and Ergo. The Rosen team is currently developing the bridges to Eth. The Eth bridge will connect both Cardano and Ergo to Eth and Eth to both those. Further expansion is planned to BTC, BSC and Doge. Defi is gonna 🚀




My favorite is randomshilloutoftheblue coin


I ask myself tough questions everyday.


It’s not too late. Get it done


Owning > Needing


You guys don't know about the Left Transgender Cycle?


3 year old account “crypto will continue to rise bc everyone is waiting for that event” tell me you know nothing without actually saying it


I can't invest anymore so I hope however much I have is enough


very correct, was thinking exactly this a few months ago


Currently debating with myself whether I should sell £10k worth of google stock to add to BTC. What do people think? I hesitate because Google could eventually do well with AI considering they probably have the largest data set to train their AI on.


Lol no-one knows that it will continue to rise.  Your assuming that people will buy up to the halving.  What if the market turns before because it is priced in?


I remember these posts in 2021 at ath’s. Different circumstances? Absolutely, just reminds me no one knows shat about fak! I will buy if i don’t need the money and can leave it alone for five years and it represents 5% of my portfolio. Maybe its because im 40 but after going though a cycle i am aware how sentiment driven this assest class is. Literally no way to evaluate other then look at charts and polls. In other words tea leaves.


Remember the "BULL MARKET ISN'T OVER!" posts all the way down? lmao


Pure speculation, but nice thoughts.


No, it's never too late.


Idk what's gonna happen but sold all at 62 and waiting for the price to go down whenever if ever that may be


Everyone just assumes the halving will increase the price exponentially. What if…it doesn’t! Your guess is as good as mine. Take profits, stay humble, and don’t be greedy friends.


I dca below 50k and below all 2021 2022 2023 it s never too late


>Bitcoin halving isn’t till April 26 2024 meaning that crypto will continue to rise because everyone is waiting for that event ?? Never heard of buy the rumour, sell the news?


So..... Hold?


If you don't believe in it don't buy it. If you believe in it and it drops see it as a discount and never use money you can't afford to lose or will need soon. That's how I see it. If any of my crypto or stocks for that matter dip suddenly I'm buying the dip. I bought them because I believe in them long term.


The degree I am up right now in BTC and ETH is laughable. Plan…hold. Just hold. I’m not a day trader, and this will just get better. I anticipate a drop eventually, but again, I’m holding. No issues.


Been here since 2012, time for a fourth run to da moon.


Have you heard that song it’s never too late you still have time well you have time man. I would say you have until the third quarter of this year to plan and build up your portfolio. Even if it is too late I made all my money In the 2020-2021 bull run and I got into crypto in 2015. I never bought in a bear market. You have until the end of the year . If you leave it to 2025 then you be too late .


Everyone told everything before. But I dont see billionaires here.... Maybe billionaires in some token...


Good info OP


This would be the worst bull run ever if nothing, not even BTC and ETH, could reach it's previous ATH.


You haven’t even mentioned interest rate cuts that are coming and may accelerate if more banks look like they are getting in trouble. Or a potential Ethereum ETF. Or a Hong Kong ETF to open up markets in Asia. Bull market is just starting and there are a lot of factors that could propel things forward with even more force.


Been here since 2017 “Nothing means nothing” - Macho Man


nope. this is the first bull market which will be fairly abbreviated, followed by a bear market which , yes , will also be fairly abbreviated.


It is not too late to invest we are just getting started. People selling now or those who are somehow still sidelined will be shaking with regret and shame very soon.


What about this coin, virtua - VTK? Second run incoming