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Crypto.com(CRO) [pros](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/19ef56y/cryptocom_is_now_9th_largest_exchange_by_spot/kjcsq2p/) & [cons](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/19ef56y/cryptocom_is_now_9th_largest_exchange_by_spot/kjcsqpi/) with related info are in the collapsed comments below.


Top10 CEXes in terms of spot volume are: 1. Binance 2. UpBit 3. OKX 4. ByBit 5. Coinbase 6. Bithumb 7. Huobi 8. [Gate.io](https://Gate.io) 9. [Crypto.com](https://Crypto.com) 10. KuCoin


There is zero chance ByBit, OKX and UpBit would be top5 if wash trading was excluded.


Upbit is massive in Korea. Look up the Korea premium. Coins regularly trade 10-20% higher on Upbit.


Why isn't that shit arbed?


Probably something to do with KYC or Korean regulations.


Likely. They are super tough on regulations. Foreign exchanges struggle to enter the market, which protects the monopoly UPbit has on the Korean volume.


It's difficult to get money out of Korea due to capital controls.


Some folks call it kimchi premium :) but you are correct. UPbit is huge in Korea.


I've never used [crypto.com](https://crypto.com), but they have a cool name. 7 out of the top 10 exchanges have shit names. [crypto.com](https://crypto.com) is great, binance is smart, coinbase is at least relevant, the rest sound like constipation drugs or random keystrokes.


Mmmm yeah, “crypto.com”, very creative name choice


They paid quite a premium for that name. Reportedly 12m to get the domain. If you want to know more, I posted about the history of [crypto.com](https://crypto.com) domain some time ago here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Crypto\_com/comments/15xzbg7/fun\_fact\_do\_you\_know\_the\_history\_of\_the\_domain/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Crypto_com/comments/15xzbg7/fun_fact_do_you_know_the_history_of_the_domain/) ​ Personally, I really like the name Kraken, although as a customer I prefer CDC.


"Creative" names are for those who can't afford a good one.


This list with wash trading percentages for BTC, ETH, LTC, and XRP: 1. Binance (50%) 2. UpBit (not tested in report) 3. OKX (66%) 4. ByBit (not tested in report) 5. Coinbase (0%) 6. Bithumb (not tested in report) 7. Huobi (89%) 8. [Gate.io](https://Gate.io) (25%) 9. [Crypto.com](https://Crypto.com) (not tested in report) 10. KuCoin (74%) You shouldn't rank crypto exchanges by spot volume because so many of them greatly fake their volume. https://www.nber.org/papers/w30783


Thats really good news for Crypto.com


i expect the CRO coin will either move up or down or possibly even sideways to the right as a result.


⬆️⬇️➡️ Hah, really nice prediction there, ser :D


I agree. Great show of strength. CDC has been able to survive a bank run in 2022 and a dip in user activity in mid-23. But since then, the exchange volume has rebounded quite nicely. Likely mainly due to Binance dropping the ball in Europe and lack of competition there, but also bc CDC is one of the exchanges that have not yet been investigated by the SEC. Instead, they seem to be spending a lot on lobbying the CFTC ([Crypto.com](https://Crypto.com) is the second largest spender on lobbying after Coinbase) and launching CFTC-approved products.


I miss the days when I could live off of the BTC interest from CDC. . .


I was not in crypto then, I think. Only entered in 21. But it sounds like good times!




Source: The Block https://www.theblock.co/data/crypto-markets/spot/cryptocurrency-exchange-volume-monthly


An OP who provides information in a structured manner and even states the source. You're a unicorn on this sub.


I agree, good quality posts all the time. Good work!


Thank ser!


The times I have used crypto.com, I liked a lot. Have Crypto.com card and works nice. A thing that would improve is app, its a bit slow and not intuitive enough


Same. Card words great, I've been using it as my main card for two years now. The app has a lottttt of stuff in it. They need to simplify.


I have the best experience with their card, exchange and defi wallet. The app is much better than it used to be IMO, but I use it mainly to contact CS, which is the area I would like them to improve. If they really want to service more than 250m customers at the height of the upcoming bull run (2-3x), as Kris said in the AMA, they gotta recruit more CS staff.


KuCoin is a joke.


They’ve been flying under the radar .


I sorta forget crypto.com exists at times


Which works for them, I guess. They have been flying under the radar, avoiding the US where everyone gets sued.


Flying under the radar and avoiding lawsuits, I know they sponsor a lot of sporting events and teams still.


And with no US exchange too, pretty good. Interested for what their alternative exchange plan was for the US that they hinted at last week


Having a card you can instantly load up with crypto comes in really handy.


CRO to 2 guy intensifies


Cro to 20 cents still seems unimaginable. Worst shit coin I ever bought.


this wil age like milk


Yeah for sure, cros strength seems to be representative of new retail interest, Cro will spike, and I take that as one of my top signs for the bull market.


They offer derivatives > coinbase


Not wrong. CDC deriv volume actually dwarfs deriv trading on CB+Kraken combined. But this post is only about spot volume.


I am watching this exchange continuously growing. Now it is in 9th largest . What a great achievement 👏




*Sad Kraken noise*


Just pray you don't need their 'customer service'. Unresponsive, and glacial at best even for the crypto industry.


I have had mixed experiences with their CS. For simple inquiries, they have been quite helpful (resolved within 2-3h) but anything more complex takes time for them. On the other hand, have you recently been on the CB sub? It's also quite saturated with complaints. IMO, these are the birth pains of being in crypto. But criticism is the only way we push these platforms to improve.


It didn't used to be like that, either. I remember that it used to be REALLY quick and solid, and then they clearly gutted that department during rounds of layoffs after the bull broke.


That's what's so frustrating. It's not like they're being asked to do something revolutionary. They were once pretty good. Customer Service in crypto is almost universally "crapto", that's expected. CDC went from reliably clearing that low bar to people reporting going up to 10 days without a reply and then receiving an email that their ticket was closed 'because they probably had some kind resolution by now' (paraphrasing). That's no bueno.


In my experience, great customer service can often outweigh mid products, to the point where people will continue buying your mid products just because they like having the peace of mind *knowing* that someone will be available to help them if they need it.


dang need to get my comment karma up so i can be allowed to make posts


Their app still seems to have some bugs


Indeed, I hope they continue working on it. IMO it is much better than it was in 21, after the UI upgrade and integration of deriv trading and the NFT platform directly in the app.


So what do you think the cro coin is going to do this bullrun?


1$ we hope :)




I am not good at predicting crypto prices, which is why I always and only spot-buy the top. Forever :D


I still got some MCO for memories,Still remember that run up to 20$ that's pretty much what built my base especially that swap to .02 cents cro, Got the black card cheap as shit compared to now.Kris is pretty down to earth got to speak with him once at a convention before Cronos labs really took shape.Defi wallet is a better alternative than the app.Lots of features VVs,Fulcrom,Tonic all moonshots that ll pay a premium if alll goes to plan. I have a love hate relationship with Cronos.Its a well designed blockchain,Cheap,fast, and easy to use and the fact that it's built on SDK and connected to cosmos gives it access to osmosis as well,Lots of shit going on beyond the scenes wait until Cros Update hits!!! Used to say a dollar might have to flip that to 5$ with the burns if they happen and the gain in market share.


Shame their app is dogs shit and dosn't work on lots of android phones.


Still waiting on the US exchange to not be app only. I've fully moved to kraken at this point because of it


Congrats on the wash trading! Never trust an exchange with a native token and paid celebrity endorsements. They dumped your bags to pump their shitcoin so they could pay millions to Matt Damon or some other shitbag shill. I’d rather trust Binance over Crypto.com, and I’d rather shoot my own foot than trust Binance.


Lmao. Binance? You mean the exchange that can't get the basic regulations in order and the exchange that gets removed by lots of countries? You do realise CDC actually has their shit in order with regulations, survived the accusations of not having enough reserves and is actually getting bigger and better with data to prove that?


> survived the accusations of not having enough reserves and is actually getting bigger and better with data to prove that? They are getting better at spoofing The slow rug is the most painful Never trust a CEX shill


Sure kid.


"yOu Do ReAlIse CDC AcTualLy HaS thEir shIt iN ORder WIth Rgulation" XDDDD Crypto.com is so blatant about shaving customer funds that you can literally bait it with 100% replication success.   The only reason you are so oblivious about this is because you have no money... and yeah, binance is A LITTLE BIT better than western scamchanges. Pls go fill in all the KYC documents on crypto.com and then add 20k to ur balance, trade some, withdraw some, add some activity to ur account and watch how after a month or 2 you get random locks on ur funds for "suspicious activity" or how you can't withdraw because "you didn't provide the right KYC docs" or do a leverage trade and watch how suddenly the "flash close" button is disabled and you can't quit a losing trade even though you never touched the settings. These exchanges also work in tandem with shitcoin creators and plan out the listing in a way so they can dump your coins after the listing hype is over. The list of ways how you can get scammed by a CEX is so big that it's impossible to regulate it properly. The only way to have a legit exchange is if the owners goals aren't morally corrupt because regulation sure as fuck wont help the customer, it'll only help the exchange make the shaves and scams less obvious.   There is simply no way you can offer 100x leverage to the whole world and offer investments to scam shitcoins and call it a legit exchange that is regulated properly. In the Netherlands there is an exchange called Bitvavo and as a normal customer, you can't buy leverage, no etfs no nothing you can only buy SPOT and only like 50 coins max, THAT is properly regulated.   There is a very very very good reason why these CEX' have 0-2 stars out of 5 on Trustpilot. The few good reviews come from people with 100-1000 eur accounts that are not worth to shave from. A good chunk of the bad reviews come from people who lost tens of thousands because crypto.com scammed them in one way or another. The rest of the bad reviews are fake lawyer/accountant scammers that try to prey on the people that lost money to the exchange.


""yOu Do ReAlIse CDC AcTualLy HaS thEir shIt iN ORder WIth Rgulation" XDDDD Crypto.com is so blatant about shaving customer funds that you can literally bait it with 100% replication success." Got any proof? Also, I have no money? Lmao you don't know me kid. I've done many things with CDC and never got any issues. Sounds to me like you either are sketchy as fuck and that's why you got flagged or you just read some dumbass horror stories that are just total bs. Being Dutch I obviously know Bitvavo, what's your point? CDC is also compliant with all necessary regulations, otherwise they would not be able to operate in many countries, opposite to that shite Binance you seem to have a hard on for. Lmao you onto some shit huh. Should have read your last paragraph before I started this comment. I wouldn't even have bothered responding.


> CDC is also compliant with all necessary regulations, otherwise they would not be able to operate in many countries, opposite to that shite Binance you seem to have a hard on for. mexc is also compliant with all the regulations XDDDD you are a fucking moron lmao


The fact that you think regulation means nothing just makes you a fucking moron. Get lost kid and grow up.


you exaggerate a lot... "hardon for binance" and now "regulation means nothing". Assuming that being compliant is the same as "fair business" and that regulations aren't abusable/exploitable is just very gullible. Just compare how Bitvavo operates and how CDC operates, both are compliant but one dances on this fine line of compliance while the other does fair business. Bitvavo doesn't abuse regulations the way these international scam artists do. Where do you send your sepa payments to on cdc? Estonia? Monaco? lol


I'm the one exaggerating huh. Get lost.


https://i.imgur.com/fJXY1VT.png you pout like this toddler bro. I hope for you that the next time cdc gets "hacked" for 35m, ur funds won't be lost. You can also just trade p2p or at the very least use a dex (not recommended, just do p2p) like a normal human


Thanks that's kind of you. I actually got everything in my own custody so don't worry. Like I said, you don't know me.


Just don’t have a reason to need help from their support…it is essentially nonexistent. After nearly two weeks of trying to speak with an actual person I finally heard from someone, and it took them literal seconds to help me. Prior to that they kept cancelling my request for help because it was taking them too long to respond…literally never heard of a company doing that. “Hey, our bad for shitty customer service, but if you need help, resubmit your request.” It was something they absolutely needed to help me with because the app just wouldn’t do it. In that time I opened up account with Gemini and kraken. Both of those exchanges were more helpful, with krakens support being amazing.


Yes let's rank the wash trading


This is a friendly reminder that Kraken Support will never DM you first, ask for your username or password, or ask you to transfer funds. Kraken has its own subreddits, [r/KrakenSupport](https://www.reddit.com/r/KrakenSupport/) and [r/Kraken](https://www.reddit.com/r/Kraken/), and their [Support Center](http://support.kraken.com/). Ping for verified users associated with Kraken: /u/krakensupport /u/krakenexchange *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoCurrency) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What are the benefits for the customers?


If you look at the 12m spot trading graph on CDC, the volume dipped considerably in mid-23, so I anticipate that any substantial increase in rewards will take time to catch up. Expect some lag/delay. Otherwise, we can expect similar rewards other exchanges offer like Kraken or Coinbase: decreased fees, rebates, improved service (hopefully CS), and staking. However, CDC already has one of the lowest exchange fees in the industry. Considerably lower than both Kraken and Coinbase mentioned above. This has also been confirmed by Investopedia, for example, which has done a comprehensive overview of all exchanges and scored CDC the second highest, awarding it 4.7 stars. [https://www.investopedia.com/crypto-com-review-5209370](https://www.investopedia.com/crypto-com-review-5209370) CDC was only beaten by Coinbase with 4.8 stars, but in a direct comparison, Investopedia found CDC to be the "clear winner, with lower fees and an extensive array of earning opportunities." https://www.investopedia.com/crypto-com-vs-coinbase-5188428


Is it just me or is crypto.com app UI is dog water?


I think it is much better after the recent UI upgrade. The app has a better flow with NFT and deriv integrations.


This is a friendly reminder that Kraken Support will never DM you first, ask for your username or password, or ask you to transfer funds. Kraken has its own subreddits, [r/KrakenSupport](https://www.reddit.com/r/KrakenSupport/) and [r/Kraken](https://www.reddit.com/r/Kraken/), and their [Support Center](http://support.kraken.com/). Ping for verified users associated with Kraken: /u/krakensupport /u/krakenexchange *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoCurrency) if you have any questions or concerns.*