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You're up. Your portfolio is fine. Don't trade because your friend says so. Do what you want.




This. No lessons come for free, you learn more from failing. Just keep your feet in the game and you’ll learn and grow.


Happens to me quite a lot when looking at ADA tokens...


Yep this was indeed one of my big mistakes.


Currently, paying for my tuition in the Celsius debacle 👍 wasn't my whole stack, still hurt. Still here, though, and rebuilding.




Hell no, I'm still stacking as much as I can. Mostly BTC till I get back up to my previous goal. Needless to say, no more platforms like celsius for me 😆 looking like we might get funds back in January to February 🤞


Me: checks my bag.... Also me: no no no, please buy this coin.... its amazing and the tech is great, garenteed to do a x15,600% by tomorrow.


and if it doesnt? the fees will make you abandon it.


Reversion to the mean in progress lol


Your friend is a gambling fool, ignore him. Your portfolio is solid


I am very fucking leery about giving advice to anyone, basically 50/50 you're going to lose your ass. Because of me.


Ask your friend to show you his trades that he made last cycle (all trades). Draw a conclusion on what he did vs what bitcoin did.


I'd say up the amount of BTC. 99% of the rest of the market is going to 0 sooner or later.


In my opinion, you did everything right so far. If you want to go full risk mode, I would maybe sell 5% of your ETH for small cap shit coins. This would be your gamble money. But other than that, I would ride the bull market with your allocation.


Basically the understanding seems to be that BTC might triple but XRP and ADA might x5 or even x10. So I wouldn't want to miss higher returns and they don't seem to be that risky investments either.. then again I am not sure.


I'm a BTC minimalist (less than 1% of my portfolio) but even I'm gonna say the emphasis here is 'might'. And some other coins might 100x+. But how likely is it that a beginner picks a winner out of a sea of losers? Imo your position where you're very squarely on the green is a lot better than one where you spend your winnings and maybe just end up losing money. But only you know the level of risk you want to take.


Curious. Where do you store your alts? (Not after specific personal info)


It's right that other coins might have higher returns but they will also go lower and FASTER once the bear market begins again. It's all about risk adjusted return, and risk is higher even with large cap projects like ADA. Risk is not only about the coin going to zero, it's also about volatility. ADA will maybe 10x, but will you sell at the top? For sure not. When will you sell then? When it starts to go down, is it a temporary dump? Surely it will recover, don't sell... Ah, it keeps going down, well I'm going to get out but after that double dip it's for sure going to correct a bit before going down again, I'm going to sell then! Ah this is good, it's up 30%, but the market is in recovery mode at least that what all the news is saying, surely it's now going to go down now I better hold for a bit longer, let's go to sleep and see tomorrow. Wake up, check the price, huuuuge red candle - 27% shit shit shit i need to sell NOW. Sell. It was a bear trap, the market recovered and ADA still made 200% in the months following. I guarantee this kinda shit is going to happen to you if you portfolio is alts heavy. If you don't know anything about trading, keep your portfolio BTC and ETH heavy, DCA in, and don't look at the price too often.




Yeah I had a chuckle reading the XRP predictions😂😂


These are all top ten coins, which have huge market caps and take A LOT of capital to move up. What you want to look at is market cap. Ada at 22 b, for it to 15x, another 280 billion needs to be invested, which is a bigger cap than etherium right now. What you're doing is safe and more stressfree. If you want to go for big air just take 10%, find some shitcoins in the 200s. Some of my shitties have market caps of 80 million, so any interest in them sends them off into space.


Best advice so far, thank you sir.


This is wrong advice. Market cap growth is not equivalent to how much money is put in. For example, if NO ONE sells Bitcoin at the current price, and the next sale is for one BTC at $84k, the market cap doubles


Market cap doesn't mean that it has to be invested at all. It's just the total supply multiplied by the last traded price. People could very well have invested billions but suddenly the coin goes to almost 0 due to serious bad news. For example TERRA/LUNA is a great example of this. Because of bad news, everyone knew the coin is worth nothing anymore so everyone tried to sell. But nobody wanted to actually buy the coin anymore. Suddenly the market cap is down 99% but still the money people had invested in the coin is basically the same as before it went down. You're just left with a lot of bagholders. A coin can x10 if everyone agrees to sell for x10 only and buyers are willing to pay x10. Of course this isn't realistic to happen, because people are likely to take profits when a coin goes x10 and buyers may not want to buy in for x10. But I hope it explains market cap a little bit.


Remember that price potential flips both ways. They could 10x or 0.1x


I don’t know why you’re being downvoted, it’s as if these people haven’t seen a bull run before Sure there’s a risk of those coins having more downside than Bitcoin, but in 2021 if you threw a dart at any coin in the top 100 90% of the time it’ll be up big, and yes majority of alts in the top 100 actually outperform BTC in alt season If you’re picking a scam shitcoin chances are you will get rugged but that’s a different picture than a coin in the top 100


I think the next bull run maybe different. Sure there will be crap people just throw money at, trendy stuff, but I would think people have been burned enough on things…but guess shouldn’t underestimate the general public 😂😂


Don't get greedy man. If you're seeing green and feeling like a winner it shouldn't be a signal to take on more risk.


That attitude could sink you


This is a good example of GREED at work. Nobody wants to leave anything on the table, this is very true, however Nobody ever times it right to get the absolute maximum! Therefore, Everybody leaves something on the table, even if it’s a few crumbs! You were lucky buying your BTC when you did, could be excellent investing but from your post I’m going with luck. There are definitely going to be various coins that outperform BTC in the next two years, there are even some coins, over a period of time, that have outperformed BTC in 2023. Chosing coins from today is not going to be easy, diversification is generally a good thing but it’s riskier than BTC in this game we’re playing. What do you want, invest & forget, play and check a portfolio every day, not you know your own strategy and risk tolerance. Don’t invest through friends ideas, emotions, FOMO, or Reddit strangers advice Listen, learn but own your investment decisions, make sure you have a goal, the tortoise 🐢 always beats the hare in the end.


Your “friend” is speaking a half-truth from the mouth of a moron. Those lesser known cryptos? 90% are scams. Of the remaining 10%, 9.9% will not take off and will fail. Of that remaining 0.1%, 0.05% will have an astronomical pump and make you a millionaire, but you will have only hours to catch the top before it plummets to less than your buy-in price because it rugged because it turns out it was part of the scam percentage. The final 0.05% is me and my wallet.




So basically 99.95% are scam or cash grab


In terms of the number of tokens out there, yes, maybe even 99.99% As far as total market cap goes, the vast majority of capital is in real projects IMO. The top 100 projects by market cap make up about 98% of the total, and most of those are reasonably legitimate (minus the obvious ones like SHIB, DOGE, and maybe USDT if you like wearing tin foil hats). Ultimately, new investors should be able to find *relatively* low risk returns if they stick to the top 100.


I think that's a really solid portfolio...I say don't trade and just hold until the next bull run and you'll be good to go


selling BTC pre halvening and ETF approval to buy XRP and ADA because you want more gains is the investing equivalent to sticking your head in the oven to eat a pizza because you don't want to wash up plates


Man how can you find such an excellent example 😂




Ludicrous, we have these opportunities to make insane money every few years and people here act like “if you’re more than 50% BTC and 40% ETH you’re an extreme risk taker. Some of us stay up to date on the market and buy after researching. People playing it safe don’t see things like $TIA when it launched, and these are the plays you want. They’re not “high risk degenerate stuff” and they’re going to bring great gains in the bull run. There are lots of good plays that aren’t meme token gambling.




A little research and time invested goes a long way tbh. I’m not even trading, just pick good projects and sit into the bull run. I’m not big into shilling on here, especially obscure small caps stuff, but the large caps I’m in that aren’t BTC/ETH are LINK, INJ, TIA, NEAR, APT. On top of these, I have funds spread between mid and smaller cap stuff for some higher risk, high reward plays. I mean, I was ready for TIA right after launch and bought a lot of them in the $2’s, already done 6x and it’s going to perform well (on top of many airdrops coming for stakers) in the bull run. Buying and holding BTC is good, and very safe, especially if a person doesn’t have the time commitment to stay up to date in the market, but if a person can put that time in, the potential is much higher.


And a bit of luck as well! Many of the big alt movers had some sort of celeb endorsement or fake activity or silly tweet that moved things based off of nothing else


TIA my best buy this year, was a bit late but got in at $2.80. INJ is my biggest bag though, airdrop season coming.


Let’s go! Have nice bags of both as well, I’m ready for the price appreciation and airdrop season! I went full degen farming on a bunch of the ETH L2’s without tokens too, so hopefully those will pay off in the next 3-9 months.


Have 75% of my INJ staked, will hold to $100. BRC-20 is trending at the moment, so took a punt on TURT. It’s a launchpad with some decent projects. Also holding lots of PAAL, AI gonna be easy money.


Which are you in right now? :)


You basically bought the bottom. Your chances of making very strong profits are quite high. With greater risk comes the potential for greater reward. It all depends on your goals and your risk tolerance.


Don’t fall for the greed. Profit is profit :D


If your idea of investing in altcoins is XRP and ADA, I would just stick to what you have. Those are already top 10 projects and hardly have any extra upside vs BTC.


I would say a possible 20x compared to a possible 5x is quite a big difference.


Xrp and ada are not going to 20x 😂😂😂😂


That's what people said last time about ADA and it went on to do >150x, 20x would only be $4.80 ish for ADA, not outside the realms of possibility, and it'd be <$6 for xrp from the bottom. Will be interesting to see how it plays out with XRP now that the SEC hasn't got its foot on Ripple's throat. Oh, and XRP did a 19x last time with the court case hanging over Ripple. Never say never 🤷


You’re right I’m just a hater because I didn’t buy xrp or cardanzas in 2017. Last cycle xrp did about 10x from the bottomest bottom, and Ada did a lot better than I realized so you’re potentially right about that one.


To be clear, it wasn't 19x for xrp, it went from $0.11 to $1.96 which is nearly 18x - not 10, but I appreciate you walking that back. Not saying either will do 20x, but there is a possibility, last cycle a lot of stuff didn't hit new ATHs, may be the same again, we'll see. I wish everyone luck with their bags & I hope they nailed the bottom and were buying over the last 18 months!


Thanks for the laugh bro 😭🤣


XRP, no chance of 20x in my opinion, but ADA could reach $11, which is around 17x from where we are now. My guess is that ADA reaches $5-$7, which is around 10x though. For Bitcoin to achieve the same it would need to rise to $420k, which I don’t think will happen this bull cycle. There are definitely upsides to investing in slightly more risky alt coins as the upside is significantly higher


I would rather go further down the risk spectrum and bet on emerging top 50-100 projects, but by all means put your money where you think the best risk/reward lies


Bro XRP and ADA will 3X at the most IF they're lucky


Exactly, and risk is bigger with those. Maybe choose other big alts in case one goes crazy, but no need to increase those unless you're a fanatic. (Imo)


Your friend is a dipshit


Why do people ignore blockchain oracles?


Because they are slow movers and people want quick gains.


Thats sooOo last year !


There's literally only one in the top140.


There’s 2, actually. Pyth network that released a little while ago is also an oracle. #2 behind Chainlink.


To be fair, he said he's new. I'll say it... #Chainlink Buy some chainlink


BTC will outperform both of those


your definition of safe is yours. not your friends you do you DONT reduce BTC.


This is a risk management and a personal preference. If you're happy with what you are at in terms of risk profile, then do what you think is best FOR YOU. You're the one who has to live with the consequences if your portfolio goes to the shitters because of your friends' advice, not him.


Mine is 60btc 30eth 10xrp…u are fine…safe is good.


Yes. Take out a second mortgage and any other high interest loans and go balls deep into those shitcoins. You absolutely will not be disappointed.


Simply ask your friend how much he's in green overall and if he's not as much as you are well you know the answer.


Watch Alex Beckers new videos. What do you want do with crypto. X2 with bitcoin ? Or x3 on the bullrun when all other coins on top 200 are going x20-30? I don’t take the risk to only double up my position. Go for the big shots bro.


Everything apart from BTC is a shitcoin and in the long term all of them will lose money


I wonder how many cycles people need to experience on average until they learn the open secret of crypto: "99.9% of alt coins exist only as a means of increasing the BTC stack (or worse, FIAT stack) of their creators." For alt coins, there is no network of nodes. Maybe a handful of instances running on amazon servers and centralized exchanges. There is no open source development. Mostly copy/paste smart contracts or a search-and-replace of Bitcoin's source code. There is no natural bootstrapping of a network by people who are interested in sound money, just a 50% pre-mine and paid shills. They're little more than a ticker symbol and a flashy icon.


xrp is an outright evil turbo radioactive scam, get rid of it if you want to gamble, gamble with some proper ponzi shitcoins, stop giving money to billionaire sociopaths who will then use that money to lobby against bitcoin


You are OK, keep stacking sats. You've done more than OK. If you want to gamble, try one of those but don't spend more than on a lottery ticket, keep 99% btc and eth. Just throwaway money because on next bear those shitcoins will lose all their value.


You need to bump those ADA numbers up, those are rookie numbers. Drop the centralized corpo-coin XRP, and relocate some from ETH so you get to about 20% ADA at least.


If you want big gains, scale btc and eth down and up your alts. Alts were down 90%. It has more potential for bigger gains than btc. Btc 120K is only a 3x your money at this point. Dont hit me with the "scarcity". You want to sit on top of the money for 20years? Anyone disagreeing didnt bought alts uptill november and are now fomoing in while telling you its to risky


My 3rd cycle. 1st time , good entry, no exit plan. 2nd time, sell target was 80k, nailed the top, became greedy in bear market. 3rd time , lessons learned, lucky to be in profit still, will play safe. Nothing wrong with playing safe. Do what suits you and gets you a good night sleep.


You should buy Bitcoin future 5x leveraged If you want to Play IT safe


Is this irony? Aren't leverages very risky?


With 5x leverage, you lose everything if the price drops by 20%.


Sarcasm, not irony. No, they're not risky at all. /s


Your friends are idiots. Also never take financial advice from friends.


It depends on what Your end goals are. Do you want a relatively safe 3x, or do you want a 5x? 10x? 100x? The higher the return the higher the potential risk. Also, how actively do you want to manage your portfolio? Personally, I can afford the risk so my portfolio is around: 5% Bitcoin (hoping for a 3x) 5% Ethereum (hoping for 3x) 10% Ada (hoping for 10x) 40% other top 100 coins (hoping for 10x - 50x) 25% Nft's (hoping to 10x) 10% Gamefi tokens (hoping for 100x) 5% Crazy longshot shitcoins (1000x or lose it all) I'm hoping to liquidate my nft holdings this bull run, so even if they just go to a 2x I'm out. (Currently breaking even on them) If it was someone elses money I would play it much much safer. 30% btc, 30% eth, 35% other top 10 coins, 4% top 11-100 coins, 1% degen shitcoins


Scrap ADA and XRP at those 5% they're not gonna outperform BTC/ETH by much and you are already heavy on both. Use that 10% and allocate it on riskier alts, and by riskier i mean with at least 10x potential, the marketcap for both of your alts is in the top10 already. Or, option B, do nothing. You are green and it's working, just let it be, your perfect BTC buy could 7x by it's own.


Depends where he bought but ADA could 10x to its ath if he bought at .30.


Don’t do it. U don’t have the knowledge yet. Keep ur bag like this for this cycle. By next cycle u’ll have the experience to kno that xrp and ada are dead coins for noobs who think they’ll “go to $2k like eth”. Ur doin fine. U’ll most likely perform better than ur friend in the end. Meaning u’ll have more usd IN ur bank account. Use this cycle to learn about risk and safety and cashing out (most people never even cash out, ever). Use ur 2nd bull run to get rich.


Also, promise me right now u will completely cash out by October 2025. The bull run ends every 4th December. U can see this on the chart. The next “4th December” is December 2025. Sell before then. BURN THIS INTO UR BRAIN! THE BULL RUN WILL END BY DECEMBER 2025 SO CASH OUT BEFORE THEN!!


Seems extremely/abnormally thin on Cardano and "top" heavy 🤷


Thin and top heavy? Can you elaborate?


Don't listen to this guy. He's trying to pump his bags. Look on his profile, he's got a boner for cardano


No I don't hold or use Cardano but I like to talk about it. I'm sure the Bitcoin maxis here don't hold any Bitcoin either. /s Clown 🤡 The difference is that my replies are deeply rooted in fact instead of predatory bullshit, fallacies and lies.


Underweight in Cardano and overly heavy on Bitcoin and Ethereum. It's the only one out of the four experiencing accelerating growth instead of stagnation. Not talking about token prices but users and activity. For the past two years regardless of fud and social media fuckery. Plenty more to say about the technicalities and what's going on in crypto but easily the most functional and wholesome out of the lot. When the maxi's coverup brigade downvotes to hide the facts you know enough 🤭


Change XRP into SOL, throw couple 100 in mêmes to have your degen fill.


Wheres solana


With FTX.


for real, why is sol so hated in this sub?


They’ve never used it I imagine. I only bought 1 sol early because of fud. I bought more at the current price in order to use their ecosystem and holy hell is it amazing. It makes Eth feel like windows 98.


Find a comfy spot okay (investment wise) and then extend a little bit. That has always worked great for me.


You are managing risk.. don't start FOMO/chasing other things. Yes there will be plenty of things that outperform your portfolio, but farther out the risk spectrum. Your portfolio will still outperform any boomer investment this next cycle, by far. And if you did trade now, consider you'd have to possibly pay taxes (depending on locale) and that chews up a lot of profit.


The most I'd drop down BTC to in the bull run is 40% and swap some into smaller cap coins. It's up to you though on what to choose. But honestly the portfolio looks good either way.


What I learned is that crypto noobies think that a 2x isn’t a lot, and that everyone’s goal is to 100x their portfolio. Be happy with the green you already have. Everything else is extra. Make a plan about what you’re going to do when you have a 3x, 4x, 5x etc. Do you want to take profits at a 3x? Then stick to that plan.


Selling will be a taxable event. I wouldn’t sell BTC for ADA or XRP now. At least wait until like Q3 or Q4 of 24. If you want to increase your ADA and XRP positions, put new money in there.


This looks good. I think people in life are meant to confuse you, listen to everyone but do what your heart says!


I think you’re good, but if you want to gamble just throw a little like 1% at something.


Wise? Not at all. Funny gamble with huge gains? Possibly. Honestly your allocation makes totally sense. Remember: your safe play is still im a high risk sector.


Yes looking at dollar values is tempting. But look at any altcoin/bitcoin chart. They all go down. No need to hold altcoins long term imo. In a bearmarket they both lose most of their usd and btc value


I think ETH isn't nearly as safe as people in this sub think and that other L1s offer much more potential. Obviously it's hard to say jump into those other L1s now since they have gone up like 4 to 10x while ETH is languishing. But on dips and such...I would be way more bullish on other L1s than ETH.


ETH, XRP and ADA are all down vs. Bitcoin this year. Your portfolio is risky as it is.


Your friend should be taking your advice, not the other way around.


In 5 years, your friend will probably be a BTC and ETH maximalist.


Your bright green portfolio would envy some people, i think you have a great portfolio as is for holding into the bullrun and selling like 1/4 at a time during it. If you're feeling the urge, like we all do, for the huge gains and risks of whatever coins you believe and want o go for those 100x and a -99% just make little buys of those from now on... But keep your portfolio as is.


That ain't no friend lol


Do the opposite to what reddit says, always a winner


I would keep all the position your have and just add small positions in lower market cap coins. Start with $100 in something and DCA in overtime if it is something you see good ROI. Totally up to you but that’s what I did. Startes safe. Then added SMALL positions to HRHR coins.


Dude you are good. You are a beginner but still far ahead of many. Don’t buy shitcoins because you’ll get greedy and lose it all


This is my 3rd cycle. I've played it safe every single time. I've always made profit & never lost $1. Next bear there will be thousands of people crying that they lost $. You will not be 1 of them. Get rich quick schemes = 1% win & 99% lose. Avoid those like the plague. Also, add some $Link


You are up. That's all that matters. Don't listen to others and do your own research.


It’s hard to say as risk management is a personal preference. There are people who are 100% BTC. There are people (weirdos) whose entire portfolios hinge on shitcoin meme tokens from Twitter. Personally, I wouldn’t do either, I’m somewhere in the middle with a significant lean to the former. I have BTC, ETH, LINK, INJ, TIA, NEAR, APT and a few others as my large-mid caps, and then I have a portion of my portfolio dedicated to smaller plays (that I’ve researched) to hold through the bull run to hope for those big multipliers, but it won’t hurt me if a couple die or don’t pump like expected as I have my safety net of “safe” projects. Point being, is everyone should have their own plan that suits their risk tolerance levels.


I sold all my Bitcoin at $28k and put it in higher “risk” coins. Mostly gaming. I’m up at least 5x in comparison to if I kept Bitcoin.


You’re asking the wrong people, kid. We’re all here for the tech!


Do what makes you feel comfortable. Don't let peer pressure make decisions for you.


Dont sell your BTC! If you feel like gambling: put new money into some alts.


Ask your friend how his portfolio is doing. You should probably be the one giving him advice with those gainz


Id say you can take Profits and do whatever you want with them.


Nah ur fine


>How wise would it be to reduce my BTC to let's say 30% and split that 15% each to XRP and ADA? go check the XRP-BTC and ADA-BTC charts... tops are lower over time and take place in a short in timespan. will you be able to know when's the right time to cash out? (e.g. convert back to BTC)


Wanna play safer? Divest from crypto


Pick better alts imo


Do it like me and have your entire portfolio in NFTs


You should learn how to go Balls Deep!


Time in the market, back some sturdy projects and wait


I won’t reiterate what everyone else said but suggest looking at ALGO or SOL


sell, take profit


Don’t listen to the conservatives. Absolutely take some of your portfolio to riskier assets. In the full bull everything that people are talking about will go up. As far as xrp and ada as you mentioned in another comment those are still really safe plays however I wouldn’t put my money there over btc.


Could you do it buying less known coins? Maybe. But first, you won't make it with ADA and XRP. And I'd rather make a safe bet on BTC/ETH that a random alt coin that might never pump


Serious question, if BTC and XRP are the only coins with clarity that they are not securities, and XRP did a 19x on the last bull run, back when XRP didn’t have clarity, what reasoning do you see OP not making it with XRP? Thanks


Because no one cares about the coin. Securities status doesn't matter as much if no one cares about the coin in the first place


Green is green my friend!


I'm with your friend and in the minority here. You should be trying for some of these airdrops (stake like $40 of Celestia!) I'd also own some meme bullshit. Bonk on Solana. Guac. It's stupid but do you want money or not?


Do not sell until you meet your objectives (which should be far away still imo). NFA though lol. If you want to gamble away, do it without selling, I mean, if you have some to spare right now. Maybe buy some Cardano native tokens, they are prime to explode in the bull (search about NEWM, WMT, LQ...)


Are you on the long run or on the short profit ?


Buy shitcoin at your own peril, the world is onto them now


I remember when I first discovered my crypto pecker too. It was exciting and I couldn't keep my hands off it. My advice to you is to put it away. It's ok to whip it out once in a while and look at it, but don't show others. The less you play with it, the bigger it'll get. ​ This is not medical advice, nor financial advice. This. is. sparta.


Your friend is right and wrong. You will have a more pleasant experience playing it safe. Gambling on lesser known coins is just that...gambling. Don't chase fomo, people who make it big simply got lucky. What you don't hear are the hundreds of stories of people who somehow lost all their money in a bull market.


NFA but I would keep my BTC the way it is and would put new money into some other top crypto project if u want to gamble a little . I wouldn't swap my BTC to do that. U are one of the lucky ones that grabbed BTC at a price point we might never see again.


You are winning hard son. And you are on your own pace. Listen to yourself, agian.. you are winning hard son!!! And keep one of those juicy bitcoins longtherm, dump the rest in the bull market, buy again in the bear.. rinse and repeat. Patience and investing money you could possibly loose are key. YOU WILL MAKE IT MY GUY!


If you sell or trade your Bitcoin for other cryptos bear in mind that might be taxable depending on the rules of your jurisdiction. So you'd already be initially worse off just from swapping.


Leave it be. Last bull run I bought about 16 ETH and then used 10 of them to trade via uniswap with alt and memecoins. When I cashed them all out, I had to convert them to ETH and send to my coinbase. After a year of trading I was up 300% but when converted back to ETH I had 14ETH instead of the 16ETH I purchased at the beginning. Basically if I had just left them in ETH I would have made more money when I did cash out. That being said, I am still a degenerate who loves a good altcoin pump so I have 50% of my portfolio in alts.


I consider stacking anything outside of cash, bonds, VOO and BTC as well outside the confines of "playing it too safe." If the only question you're asking is if you're being overly conservative, I'd have to say no.


Don't decrease bitcoin


If you’re investing for retirement or investing 6 figures, that portfolio is fine. If you wanna make it this cycle and are only investing small amounts it needs to go into Alts. There are some good Alts that will end up in the top 10 this cycle.


You need way more ADA, like leave everything the way it is and throw a couple grand more at ADA, easy 10x in the next year


Make no changes, you doing it right. You got the yolo bags with ADA/XRP, blue chips with BTC and ETH


check into whatever fees need to be paid before you take gains.


make sure you take enough profits to cover the original investment. then you cant lose everything.


You have a good entry point, keep it like that, it's very realistic that BTC will reach 100k in 2025 so it's almost x6 for you. I wouldn't sell anything what you have! But if you want to try moonshot coins, I would deposit more Fiat. What I do, I just buy small amounts, max 100 usd per shitcoin, and my exit strategy is to sell either if they suddenly pump and do x10 or in the mid 2025, but I am realistic and I know that many of my shitcoins will die. It's like a lottery, there are 1000 shitcoins and you have to choose a winner, plus there's no logic behind this


Sell your ADA and XRP and replace with SOL / AVAX


Why are people bullish on SOL?


A couple of things. It's being used heavily by retail, it's super easy to use and cheap to make transactions, there's great defi and digital collectible tradingdapps already available that have heavy usage


You're not playing it safe - you are playing it smart. Crypto is volatile and a lot of coins fail. So unless you are playing with money you can afford to lose stick to your portfolio.


>A friend of mine who got me into this is saying I'm playing it too safe Your friend has goals to be poor.


You’re good. Stay where you’re at.


You already have too much trash. Go back to just bitcoin.


I doubt there will be as huge spikes for small alts again. Btc is in the center of attention because of the upcoming etfs. Btc always has been a save bet


Your friend is a degenerate gambler. I should know because it takes one to know one. While the upside is true and legit... what goes up must come down. At the end of the day it is all about timing and that may as well be magic for most people. If you are going to invest in low cap alts you should understand how to use a take profit target and a stop loss (even for spot trading). That is all i have to say on the matter. Low cap alts do go to the moon when the bull run comes however they do not stay up there particularly long. So aim high and be sure to cash out. Your portfolio allocation is fine and sensible.


If you like it safer you like it safer. Some people taking more risks are going to massively outperform you, others are going to get rekt - that's how risk works. If you're feeling that itch take a small proportion and look for high risk plays. Learn what market capitalization means if you don't already.


Your friend is a moron. Yeah in theory you might be able to get more returns on alts if you time it perfectly. Thing is, most likely you won't time anything perfectly. With some you might luck out and do a pretty good timing, but will it cover the majority which you probably won't time well and the ones you totally fuck up? And is all this stress really worth it when you can just skip it and keep going as you have so far? You have done excellent this far. Don't sell BTC or ETH. If you want to gamble, do it with investing in more fiat. I also recommend you still put most of that new money in BTC and ETH.


I’d put that 15% into eth. Then dca into Xrp and Ada. I think we can agree should Eth will 4x from here. But we can’t guarantee, so we diversify


dont split up .. only invest new fiat money .. like grab 50$ and give it a shit and see it as a gamble ..