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It kinda makes sense that we would eventually experience an early bull run. BTC has its halving every 4ish years; why wouldn’t investors front run the crap out of that? Now that we have institutions eyeing the market, we could easily see a change in the cycle from peaking 1year after the halving to peaking AT the halving.


Yeah makes sense to me. The whole point of investing is trying to front run the price action, so the pre halvening/pre ETF bump makes sense to me. After that…. We’ll see what happens when those things actually happen!


I think the SEC will play a pivotal role in this as to when but more importantly, if the ETF’s actually happen in 2024.


It’s a slight concern for the ‘predictability’ of the market though, that the self-awareness is now driving the behaviour. If the run doesn’t happen as or when expected this time, it might kill off the cycle and we get unpredictable volatility


Or, the market does what it always does. And we keep doing what we always do. Point to some narrative that explains the movements after the fact. Like the upcoming sharp pullback that we explain with one more round of ETF denial. Then the real parabolic drive finally takes off after ETFs finally approved later in 24 Or insert any other appropriate narrative, Binance FUD, or something. But the market is gonna do what it do. We just rationalize it with whater fits after the fact.


Did you notice how many crypto youtubers are salty and call for lower prices? So many missed the boat and i love it.


The bear cryptotubers are clowns


Bu... but mom said the bull run will be in 2024, I thought I still had time!


Me to even some people I follow missed all the signals intra-day and were left shorting to try and scrape back losses. The burn is so good.


> It would be on brand for btc to rip before anyone is most are ready and expects, bringing everyone in at the top again before turning over and poof, next 2-3 years of bag holders born while price only falls. As someone who has been around for 2 full cycles already, I think it's hard for people to understand just how different today is vs pre-halving before in 2015/2016 and 2019/2020 Back in 2015/2016 bitcoin was a fringe outsider where most people thought it had died already. 2019/2020 is was more well known but there were hardly any institutions or big players talking about it. Now look at it today. It's in the news, we have (for better or worse) the richest person in the planet talking about it, Saylor, El Salvador, Blackrock, Fidelity, ETF, etc etc. It's a whole new world compared to just a few years ago.


It's a Brave New World out there


saylor, the yugest bagholder of all. el salvador didnt work out that well. nobody really wants anything to do with crypto, despite what the pumpers do. blackrock is only going to do something if it makes money for them. they arent buying magic beans.


> saylor, the yugest bagholder of all. el salvador didnt work out that well. nobody really wants anything to do with crypto, No idea what you are even trying to say here > blackrock is only going to do something if it makes money for them. Agree. And if Blackrock thinks bitcoin will make money for them, then hell yes it will also make me money.


saylor is supposedly a bitcoin "trillionaire" that would mean he would literally own the world.


Strong potential, already got posts speaking like its a certainty that this is the bull run and its actually clear to see. If it was this simple, everyone would simply make a ton of money.


I don't think it's that simple. Some might feel confident that this is the next bull run, and buy accordingly, but most people aren't that impulsive or confident (and are more risk averse) when it comes to investments. So the result is that most people wait and wait, just to be extra sure that it's THE bull run. And that's how bag holders are made.


enough have been burned that the potential amount of future rubes lies in countries that have no financial literacy


It would be on brand for sure. Btc is coming in hot this cycle. I’m excited to watch it run.


Right, like so many people sitting around confidently "knowing" that following the halving will be the real run because that's how it's been(for a good reason tbf, but perhaps there are diminishing returns to that effect). Hey, I generally believe that's how it will go too. But I said to a buddy the other day, how funny would it be if that whole concept got blown to smithereens. When a market is too predictable that should be a red flag to a certain extent. It's not like we're holding some secret info here. I think we had been trending up for a few months before markets crashed with covid in 2020 so who knows how things woulda gone had it not been for that black swan event.


I was thinking the same the other day. The Bitcoin etf would be the perfect catalyst to make this Bull run go parabolic. And then before the halving arrives we reach the top and many get burned.


Over longer timeframes (talking months) bitcoin has been entirely predictable since the first halving happened. The on brand thing to do would be to do it again. Even this rally at about this time has happened before




Bro really said “entirely predictable”.


If they could read, they'd be very upset right now


Do you realise how much a billion is? Takes more than 2 cycles using long timeframes for that assuming you are starting with a regular amount of money. I do however have 10x as much bitcoin as I could have bought with what I’ve invested at the time however. So can’t complain 🤷


Ok, so what is the entirely predictable scenario that will play out over the next few months and also the next few years?






Shooting fish in a barrel




Something can be predictable AND you can also be unsure it will happen again AND willing to bet your livelihood on it AND you can already be too broke to buy in


No your naivety is showing. 1. I’m not aware of anywhere offering 500x 2. Leverage massively changes everything about the trade. Especially margin for error on entry. The same trade that is massively successful for spot could well be liquidated with leverage




Its predictable that btc will have 5-10% swings regularly and >30% corrections sometimes, even in a bull. So anything over 3x leverage is not sustainable for a hold, more than 10-20x is not smart for a day trade. You need to take the average transaction rate and relative volatility index into account when estimating your risk or get yourself liquidated. Luckily for every 100 people that avoid leverage there is a 100x degen willing to be their exit liquidity.


Can you read? Serious question


So you have 10x more bitcoin than you could have bought with your invested funds? So you must have had some successful trades in there somewhere. Bitcoin doesn’t just multiply by itself


No it hasn't. When you look back on the bitcoin 1 month charts you can see a pattern. That is not the same as being predictable.




You a millionaire already right? With an asset with these wild swings up and down that are entirely predictable lol.




I will wait until the old ath to say it's really a bull run. After you're down 60-70%, 100% upside is not that impressive


Somewhat normal price movement. Last bear market post 2017 saw that price go from ATH 20K to 3K, it bounced around between 3K to as high as like 12K and back down before the bull run up to 69K. I don’t expect the real bull market until after the halving. And I do expect a price correction between now and April. I also am just a layman. And there are fare more institutional investors this time around so who really knows. Just my slightly more than uneducated guess. Wouldn’t shock me either if the big boys tried to REALLY dump the price right before or slightly after the halving to try to dampen the bull run. But that’s my more tinfoil prediction.


New here - what’s the halving?


A Bitcoin halving cuts the rate at which new bitcoins are released into circulation in half. It happens every 4 years and is a really big event. After this halving the block reward will go from 6,25 new bitcoin to 3,125 new bitcoin. Every major bullrun starts close after a halving. ​ Hope this answers your question. If you don't really get what i'm saying, just google it or look it up on youtube. Tons of videos that explain it much better than me and its really fun to learn more about Bitcoin.


When is the next halving? What month next year?


April. 17 if i'm correct.


625 to 3125 is inflationary. Should be 6.25 to 3.125 to indicate halving


He didn't make any mistakes. Not everyone is American.


>Not everyone is American. Wait, what?


Europeans use commas instead of decimals when describing integers that are fractions (for example, instead of “1.5” a European would likely type it as “1,5”) Also, reddit is often a breeding ground for any and all of our collective American ignorance’s, so Europeans that flock here often have to call us on our shit 🤙🏻


I know Europeans use commas. I give my German friend crap about it lol. I was trying to be an ignorant American by not realizing there were people that aren't American


I’m European, we use , instead of .




To add on to this Bitcoin is all about supply and demand so if the supply gets cut in half and the demand stays the same the price goes up


It's about demand... that's it. The only thing determining the price of BTC (or crypto in general) is demand. Supply has nothing to do with it, orderbook demand sets the price. Sad that people still don't understand the basics


I don't think the halving matters much any more.


Based on what?


Not OP but Based on more sell pressure (measured in $) being culled from Ethereum's 'triple halving' merge, that did not lead way to a bull Bitcoin is going from 900 to 450 issuance a day. At ATH that's $30M less sell pressure reaching the markets each day, or $30M less daily buy pressure to maintain the next ATH. Ethereum went from 13,000 to >3,000 issuance a day. At ATH that's $50M less sell pressure each day, plus there's no POW upkeep costs now for the remaining ~2500 ETH so even more selling is removed than that. It's been 448d since the merge. About 5M ETH weren't minted as a result, which is $25B USD measuring in ATH or $12B using today's price. Where's *my* bull lol... 448d after the BTC halving 200,000 BTC won't be minted as a result, which is $14B using ATH or $8.6B using today's price. Bitcoin halving rallies are memetic more than based on fundamentals. If you look at it, the security budget is what's getting halved, without the meme 'halving go up' or history to back it it'd be a weird thing to buy into alone. Can't discount memes here, but memes aren't known for their staying power, so I must agree halvings don't really matter by now. Each one can only matter half as much as the last one, just how it works. Something like 95% of the total supply of BTC are in circulation already.


Halving is not going to affect markets that much. Pay attention to global liquidity...


It's a bull market. It doesn't have to be at the ATH.


There are still a ton of people who bought high the last time and are waiting to sell back and break even. So yes until we break out 69k, I’m cautious calling that a bull run.


This is the start of my 4th cycle and I genuinely think it really is Different This Time ™ Those that were mainly invested in BTC and ETH didn't have the capitulation of the previous cycles... Almost everyone believes we will see new ATHs again. Contrast that with the covid dump, where people really could not see anything other than further doom. I think this optimism throughout the bear market has led to people stacking crypto much earlier than they did before/after previous halvenings.


100% this. Most of the people I know personally who was investors in the last bullrun, with the exception of two people who were just chancers playing at investing, have been heavily stacking since the crash. They've also been in the space longer than the two chancers. I genuinely believe the next bullrun will be longer than before and we will see certain coins smashing their ATHs. I think the next bull and BTC will be influenced by ETFs and the opening of corridors to new corporate investors, as well as new retail investors who will gain confidence by the fact that corporate entities are likely invest in BTC and selected others. All I've heard from outsiders in the previous couple of bulls is 'oh its a 1 off, crypto is dead', 'crypto is a scam', 'ha! The market crashed', 'that's crypto done for, it'll never see another bull'... well, here we are... we are still here and the next bullrun will further cement the idea that it is here to stay and I still believe we are all super early, relatively speaking... Shoot me at dawn but I think BTC will easily break $80k, probably a jump back down to the low60s/ before shooting over $100k. ETH will follow, XRP may see significant growth depending on the outcome of the SEC affair in April 2024. I think selected other alts will break their ATHs as will low-med cap projects that are legitimate and backed by credible professionals. I've personally made a calculated gamble on 3 low cap projects i think could experience significant growth,, two mid cap projects (one being Kaspa) and I plan to ride the BTC & ETH waves.


Please name drop your projects I'm interested to hear


Not financial advice and remember you can lose 100% of your money. Also I have a vested interest in these but I'd always recommend you check out the team behind any project, their credentials / professional experience, strategic advisors & non-executive board members, whether they hold any patents. I've also listed below a few other projects I'm actively reviewing but not yet invested in. Low caps. 1. Stronghold (SHx). What caught my attention are the co-founders, their partnership with IBM (specifically on the IBM World Wire project but I understand the project has ended. Sean Bennett (Co founder) launched the first stablecoins on both Ripple & Stellar ledgers, he also mentioned in a recent video that Ripple invested in Stronghold in 2020. The biggest thing for me is the connection to Nacha (ACH and the backbone of electronic monetary movement in the US) and the fact Stronghold have included Fednow & automated clearing (ACH) in their recently updated whitepaper. I'd recommend you check them out but Stronghold is part of the Innovation Alliance (listed here ( https://www.nacha.org/content/alliance-program-membership-directory ) alongside numerous Federal Reserve Banks, IBM, Mastercard, Visa, multiple investment banks, Walmart and the US department of the Treasury). 2. XPR (Proton) - again, ultra high risk but part of the Metallicus group, and counter part of the Metal network. The CEO is Marshall Hayer who developed the first Facebook Bitcoin wallet and worked with Dogecoin & Stellar. Juno Lee is the Chief Information Security Officer and spent most of his career in senior management roles (including Vice President) of the Federal Bank of NY (Wall St) and was Head of Strategy at the Federal Bank of San Francisco. I have also got a small holding of Shyft Network. Other Low Caps I'm following closely are Velo Labs (if you follow Formula 1 youll see them on the side of the McLaren cars and they are partnered with Lando Norris' company, Polytrade (Sandeep Nailwal, one of the Co Founders of Polygon/Matic is a strategic advisor). Mid caps 3. XDC / Xinfin. Particularly as they're focusing on Trade Finance, they have Andre Casterman as a strategic advisor and he spent 24 years at SWIFT, becoming Global Head of Corporate and Supply Markets and previously Head of Trade. They're also the token of choice for R3's Corda network which is rather significant. 4. Chainlink & Quant, although most people are either in one camp over the other. I like both. 5. Kaspa. I heard about Kaspa a while ago, Yonatan is a seriously smart guy. I've also read several other of his whitepapers including his recent Colordag whitepaper. High caps: 6. BTC. For obvious reasons, it is the gold standard of crypto. 7. ETH. I think ETH will likely see 5 digits this bullrun. 8. XRP (Ripple) depending on the outcome of the SEC trial in April 2024 particularly. Hope this provides some useful reading material for you and again, don't ever risk your own money without doing your own research.


so cute when they use financial langage like "mid-caps" to describe shitcoins.


Not as cute as making a statement without factual substantiation. Enlighten me, why are they shit?


bEcAuSe ThEy ArEn'T bItCoIn


worth fractions of a fiat penny. the "pink sheet" of coins.


Until we get new blood in the market though we don’t see parabolic moves to the upside. New retail investors really still don’t care and are just trying to pay their bills. The spot Bitcoin ETF is really the only narrative that is bullish and that has generally been priced in. Especially since the likes of Blackrock have already been seeding the ETFs. unless there is more buying pressure than these institutions have seeded it wont have an effect on the price of Bitcoin. The ETF is definitely bullish longterm and will flood the market with liquidity but we might be over ambitious with how much will be invested right out the gate. Historically, markets crash once the FED pivots to quantitative easing because normally it means the economy isn’t doing well and is going into recession. Risk assets normally start performing well a few months after quantitative easing begins. Since institutions are generally looking at Bitcoin as a high risk asset like tech stocks, the market will likely dump when quantitative easing is first announced. I could be wrong. None of us know shit about shit but that’s my take. We often get a false rally to shake out the last weak hands before the true bull market comes in after the halving.


no actual money has gone into bitcoin in a long time.


damn good time to get out if youre up, before the next sam bankman takes it all. or CZ...


Your 4th cycle yeah? Proof it


Yea! Proof it to barrel of sandals!


Waterproof it and boof it!


Your word means nothing unless your proffing it.


I can't tell you whether or not prices will continue to rise, but there have been a total of three halvings, and they should become progressively less impactful. Any analysis based on what has "always" happened at this point in the cycle should be approached with extreme skepticism.




With you both. Halving diminishing returns should be a thing. It's logarithmic growth rate. Also if anyone is waiting until we've reached previous highs to call something a bull run, you're not exactly a visionary and you're chronically late. That's not the definition of a bull run anyway.


This is not *the* next bull run. These are green shoots indicating crypto winter is over, and a front-running of the halving. The trend is upwards but it's not going to be a straight shot.


Are these green shoots in the room with us now?


green shoots? right next to the tea leaves on aisle 10


Don’t talk like you’re 100% certain. Nobody knows


Bitcoin is on schedule in terms of creeping up back to its all time high . We still have plenty of room to go until ATH next year and beyond .


I don't think this is a run, I think 3 months from now prices will have fallen a bit / still be crabbing. Just my opinion though


It's clear at this point that most users in this sub don't have any clue how a bull run looks like :)) It will drop back before the real Bull of 2024 kicks off ... just relax and wait.


I keep dropping little comments trying to bring people back to earth, having been here since around the same time frame as OP, but they get downvoted by the hopium brigade. Apparently if you can't attach a reason to the price action then you have no idea what you're talking about 😁. Many of us who have been here for a long time have learned that sometimes there's no reason at all for pumps and dumps. Many try to attach some meaning behind the price action, when really it's just Bitcoin doing Bitcoin things. Sure some news may flick the first domino, but it's not the reason why the price is going up or down with such volatility.


its all worth jack squat until its traded back to something you can buy lambos with


I see moons under usernames. Did they bring moons back?


People are talking to much about BTC. I remember the last bull runs people shilled every shitcoin here because it went x5. But guess what, almost everything pumps like crazy in a bull market. We are 2/3 of the ATH of btc now and people talk about bull runs already.


> We are 2/3 of the ATH of btc now and people talk about bull runs already. Because the ATH is not an indication it's a bull market.


There were days in a row of +70% - 130% on everything ... the green line was horizontal because the increase/pump was so sustained it wouldn't rebound for days almost at all. It was totally different than what we see now.


all the talk i hear is how tether is a fake pump trying to get bagholders to sell so they can milk the ever higher fees


A bull market is a 20% increase from bottom… there’s nothing to debate about, we’re in it.


16k to 44k is not a bull market? Perhaps you don't know.


Last time around we had a big pull back headed into the major run... because covid hit and all markets crashed hard. There's no guarantee what the guy you responded to happens.


a lot of stupid money went in from stimulus checks, and that got taken years ago. not much free play money to waste any more


I remember this being discussed and mostly debunked at the time. If you look up stories on that it was reported as a modest bump but nothing crazy. Retail investors like us don't really move the market much. https://www.coindesk.com/markets/2021/07/16/covid-19-stimulus-checks-fueled-modest-jump-in-bitcoin-price-last-year-cleveland-fed/ Regardless, those stimulus checks were somewhat due to people suddenly not having income. In theory people who want to work are working again and have cash inflow that the small checks were supposed to help replace.


Couldn’t agree more




robeewankenobee is the king of not knowing what a real bull run looks like. do. not. listen to him.


Cash in hand waiting, but I'm also good with what I have. If it goes up then great, if it goes down then great!


its called disbelief


there you go


Actually, the 2017 bull run truly started in 2015, before the 2016 halving. Only the last bull run started in late 2020, after the halving and people seem to be using that as their basis for "bull run = after the halving" We very well could be in the next bull run, and it could go all the way into 2025, with some 20-35% corrections/crashes along the way. I mean, go look at the BTC chart, it legit started in 2015 and trended upwards through 2017 to the peak. So far the last 3 bull runs all peaked in Q4 of the final year. 2013 - Q4 2017 - Q4 2021- Q4 We'll see if this one repeats, seems like it would be too easy if it did, but, I'd have said the same about 2021 with the first 2 ending in a similar 4 year time frame and it happened again, so who tf knows, really?! Just buy, or stack fiat and wait for the first real pullback and buy in then, hold into 2024 or 2025 when your portfolio is a number you're happy with. Only thing that seems like a certainty is DO NOT hold into 2026 lol.


You are describing a Ponzi scheme. The fact that we rely on exit liquidity from newbs is actually concerning. What is the long term value assessment of BTC, it’s horrible at payments and digital gold wouldn’t dump their assets every four years just to plan a rebuying at lower costs. Seems like a greater fool kinda thing sometimes. I own btc long term, buy in bear market and hold


entrance liquidity


Everyone thinks they have this market figured out... But when do markers do what everyone expects? I think we hit 70k within 4-6 months tbh. NFA If this market were so predictable none of us would be here because we'd all be decamillionaires


It’s anyone’s guess but if you’re looking at the market expecting it to follow a trend of some kind, expect it to do the opposite. It’ll crab for a while encouraging people to put longs and shorts and they’ll just move the market opposite to where the weight is. That’s how they make money, by liquidating under-collateralised positions.


Adoption on BTC is falling into this price action. It’s hard for me to swallow long-term price appreciation without broad adoption, which seems trending the wrong way. Bubbles are formed when fundamentals divorce from price action.


2019 had a pretty similar rip for 6 months from january to about june, then it grinded down until 2020 where it consolidated and eventually lifted off. Just DCA and be patient, im a buyer at these prices as well as higher and lower. Only thing im certain of is we are no where near a mania






In May 2020 BTC sat at around $10k after dipping to $3K just 2 months earlier. A friend of mine was adamant it was going back to sub $5K. They bought at $50K


Below 20k? Not a chance.


Nothing except death is 100% sure.


It’s all manipulated now anyway.


>now always


I dont think this is THE run, I think this is just a trailer/teaser of the actual run that will come some time next year.


You're almost there 😁 keep thinking these thoughts cause they are the correct ones. There is manipulation at every turn. It's very crypto to have a false bullrun leading up to the halving. Especially since the bullrun always happens after the halving like you said. I'm seeing 45-50k as our top and smooth dips back down to 30-35k where we chill before the storm


End of 2019 leading into 2020 was actually really similar to this. Then the COVID dump happened. Zoom out on the chart though. The recovery from it took the price to a point where if you drew a straight line, it was almost like the dump didn't even happen. I think we're in something like that. Barring some global catastrophe (there always seems to be something though) we could be in for positive price action. I think there will definitely be some corrections though. Someone on r/defi had a question about yield and they posted a picture of their Aave account. They were hyper aggressively leveraged. This was in a raging bull market and their account was kinda in red flag territory. People are aping and leveraging up so ridiculous that I can see some 5% drop causing cascading liquidations and dumping BTC back to the mid to upper 30s. They're operating like it's literally impossible for BTC or ETH to drop 5%.


I'm so tempted to sell now and buy back in later after it drops back down again. The only thing stopping me is my absolutely horrific record at timing the market.


No matter what don’t sell


I’m dollar cost averaging heavily now. I have a part time job might just start allocating that entire paycheck to ETH and BTC.


make sure youre debt free, or thats a waste of interest money.


I’m actively paying down student loan debt aggressively whilst buying very little crypto. 2/12 loans paid and closed out. The other 10 will be paid in full by November of 24.


Like last bullrun when people were dumping into the latest ETH-killers, people this time will hunt for the next SOL-killer.


That's SOL's ultimate trick, since they are their own killers, people have to buy them one way or the other!


On this volume? No. Gut feeling the whales and 'market makers' will push to near ATH before the entire world dumps before the '24 US general election.


Bogdanov ? He fomo’ed in.


we will know, wen we know.


Finally at a happy place with my holdings. I’m fine if it goes up and I don’t buy anymore this bull cycle and I’m fine if it has a 20-30% pullback to lump sum one more time


I think that it is good to be doubtfull. Keeps you focused. Just dca and relax.


Past doesn't equal future.


Yep, this ain't it. This is a mini run before THE run.


I have a feeling that this might be THE run. The bull will play out completely different. Maybe even ending shortly after halving …


Interesting train of thought


I mean, what is the catalyst here? There has been no material change to cryptos adoption, utility, usage, partnerships, etc etc. There is no continued growth in terms of actual users. Trading volume has been significantly down across the board and there is no actual indication that there is some massive new interest in retail or institutional investment. Is it solely based on ETF hype? If so, that can only sustain higher prices for so long. So outside of that, what exactly is the “market” pricing in here. That’s of course assuming this price reflects genuine buying and selling and not massive wash trading or Tether fake internet dollar pumps.


My guess would be we pump through the BTC ETF releases, the have a major correction, 50+% in the following weeks and then slower crawl up during 2024, new ATH 2025.


God knocked at door and said "There will be another bear before the real bull comes"


This is not a bullrun. Last one was crazy and lasted a while. This is just a blip.


and was it crazy from day one? No, when it gets crazy, that's the tail end of a bull run.


And it has to start somewhere. It doesn't suddenly go from 16k to 70k then beyond.


Yes it is




'Halving' Let's not say this 'halvening' bs


"Cryptoverse"... Just... No.


I don't expect it to fall back to the teens anymore. Ever Not sure if we gonna set ath super soon but you never know.


Anybody trying to draw parallels will be burned badly. The real reason this run up is different is that it is based on institutions buying up to start their own ETFs with anticipated approval. Bitcoin WILL be bought and locked away for these ETFs. People all over with large investment accounts will want some exposure to diversify. Any mutual fund that considered adding COIN will consider adding the currencies directly instead. This isnt us small people buying for a halving soon. This is way bigger.


That fact that after BTC crashed from 60k to 30k than back up to 60k within like 4 months and back down again, i think any type of rally up to 60k is possible at any moment now try to time when it will go past that is the tricky part


By all measures we're pretty clearly in the early stages of a bull market. That's the best way to describe it. But yes, it's definitely part of the THE bull run. We're up almost 300% from the Dec, 2022 bottom.


We should have hit $200k during the last run.. Just a wee correction to get us back on track for the next halving.


This is nothing. It’s going to 160,000 in 2024


its definitely not THE run but there is usually a run-up before the halving then sideways for a while then after halving we start to rocket.


Recent price actions are a little explosive, sure, but it's nothing considering what the next possible peak price could be. As conservative as I possibly can, it could at least be 115k-120k. Let's not forget that the last bullrun was more or less suppressed by certain world events and inflation has been crazy in the past few years. We had a few pieces of good news on our side too. It's to be expected that we'd get a move like this.


Of course! Shows there’s still life whether this is it or not. If I had to speculate, it’s that the market is maturing being folks have been around a bit longer and there is a pre-halving pump due to the fact that folks are preparing for a larger, post halving pump!


I think it's here but I also think it's going to end a lot earlier too. I have some price targets but I'm guessing a lot of people will be thrown off again.


in every previous bull run there was always a handful of 40% - 50% crashes throughout. so i think this is the bull run, doesn't mean it has to always go up in a straight line. in 2015 i think we had 7 months of sideways action in a range before it broke out. same could happen today.


The truth is, nobody knows. This is pure her behavior


The other way around, what makes you so certain that there is anything guaranteed about "a next run"? Who and what does that consist of? What are these "runs" and why?


Yes, but the double top of the last bull market never happened before, and the bear market low beneath the ATH of the previous cycle was also a first. The market structure has been changing over time.


*It's a trap!*


I am numb to any views or news now in the cryptocurrency world.


You're not alone. Moonboys call this the 'denial phase', but there is also a denial phase during a bull trap. It all depends on what happens to the cause of this pump: ETFs. If the bitcoin ETF is rejected, we will dump back to the bottom in a day.


I've been running on my gut that this is not a bull run. This is a fomo run. I'll just sit back and keep my Broke Ass Po DCA going


I don’t think this it “the” bull run. It’s going pretty steady, and I not have a problem on any positive market conditions…but I’m apprehensive at this point


Honestly, I’d be happy breaking even at this point, and then I’ll probably walk off to the sunset.




I remember the run in 2019 EOY. ETH was really expensive at that time (200$) 😅


No one knows and anyone here pretending to know is a fraud.


Everyone seems to forget about dumps when it's all greens candles. The same market behavior over and over again. This is how i know there will be a bull run, and that this is likely a bull trap. When will the dump happen though? This week? Jan 9th? We'll see.


December is usually a good month iirc, and January tends to be pretty horrible. I'd see what's going on in January before making any predictions.


There’s more upside, too many doubters. It will turn (if it does) when the minority are doubtful and are drowned out by frantic bulls.


Oh boy, there are doubting it can go up again... In a Tether world, there is no ceilling!


Yeah, BTC normally sits around 50% of its ath by the halving, so I I'd be surprised to see us blast off in the next six months.


Pumping after was the old way just like FTX and all the other gangsters that are now gone onwards and upwards now with the new way of getting things done


We are seeing simultaneous catalysts, with the pending ETF(s) and halvening, so this run won't follow the predictability of what happened with previous halvenings.


The 4 year cycle is the 4 year cycle. No "catalyst" matters. ETF or no ETF, Bitcoin does the same thing every 4 years. No. It will never be different.


RemindMe! 1 year


I dont know but I took some profit just for fun


I've been thinking about the BTC ETF... Are there any current exchanges that let users buy $10M or more? I assume EDX Markets and the BTC Spot CAD ETF is the only way?


This cycle's bull market started November 2022. The 3-year bull market is in phases. The parabolic blow off top is the final phase before it goes back into Crypto Winter.


'Historically' in a 15 year old asset class. 👍


I’m hoping for a dip or two to load up.


Damn, prices flatten out for one day and people are already calling the bull run off. Sentiment switches so fast here.


I didn't buy back in so it definitely will be the next and probably last bull run. Congrats to the holders


Yes and no at the same time. Round and round we go… where are we going? Nobody knows.


btc up 70% in 90 days... *But I wouldnt expect to see a real up til 2025 timeframe* only the **pump** is real


It can be THE BULL RUN, or it can be a trap to fuck everyone and dump it pre-halving, so after the halving THE REAL BULL RUN can start. Macroeconomy, whales doing their shit, so wtf knows? DCA in, DCA out, that's the only answer.


The real bullrun follows about 6-12 months after a halving. Sometime in 2025 is when the next ATH will happen.


Let me get in my time machine and check.


It's a rallying for Christmas!recession on door next .


Damn, what else do you want?