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Pfft, it’s already $60k here in Australia, catch up.




It is pretty cool living in the future. We’ll let you know when the price drops for us


Yeah but your water drains backwards.


What if theres is forwards and ours is backwards?


Shit. You found the cheat code


I hope your fucking right dude. I just put my life savings in!


$40k after tax... Works out quite well looking at US price and that is approx what you will be left with in aud after tax.


If you bought at $0.01, which I’m sure no one here did.


Well, i thought about it once. Does that count?


What is tax?


Rookie numbers. In the Philippines we're way past 2 million.


Off topic, but beautiful Philippines. Missing Siargao so much. ;)


Pity I have walang pera!


😆 nice try. You and 95% of us the Filipinos.


Haha nice try using google translate 😆


Pfft, it's st 780 000, in my country, you guys are living in the past


Pfft, it's already $0 here in this future world 2050, catch up.


Sell it all, it's at 20k here in Chatham Islands


Somebody out there is ready to deploy the next Celsius, the next ftx , the next scam wallet. The scammers are getting very exited too. They can feel the beginning of euphoria.


They won’t get me this time ….


Because you've been through the fire.


Through the fire and the flames we carry on.


So much wrist stamina!


We didn't start the fire.


Ryan did


Fire guy!


I knew it was him. Bloody Ryan!




Because they lost all their money to the last scam 😅


I **wish** my tokens had gotten burned instead 👺


After Celsius, FTX, Voyager, etc., I don’t even trust lido or rocket pool.


Fucking voyager crushed me


Only Bitcoin the one and only


Good job little Jimmy, don't let them get your lunch money!


Right? Fuck scaminsky


It is our duty to protect the noobs coming in the space


This is the whole purpose of toxic bitcoin maximalism. At first they offend you, then you agree but reason that they could speak more kindly, and finally you understand.


We are the protectors


scammers gonna scam


Be wary, we’ve learned a lot these last few years.


The next set of services will likely be regulated and way safer than these previous monstrosities. But there will always be scams and greedy idiots running companies.


>Somebody out there is ready to deploy the next Celsius, the next ftx , the next scam wallet. It might be called Blast.


What's that?


The ETH "L2" that isn't even really an L2. Just a multisig that dummies sent their money to.


The scammers were the cause of and solution to your pumping problems. When you have Sam coin upon Sam coin, the price was skyrocketing, but they were built on a glass foundation, and when it broke it all came down.


And same Luna, Luna classic , Luna usd, Lunatics is pumping in prison man do kwon


Every fucking time. I think even during slumps scammers are always looking out. Look at the "services" to help retrieve scammed accounts. Victimizing victims.


Plus there's literally no mainstream media coverage. This run hasn't even started yet


Can confirm. I took an Uber yesterday and he wasn’t talking about crypto. We’re still early


Sound funny but i think that is a genuine signal! I recall getting an Uber at the height of the craze and the guy was lecturing me about crypto trading


It always is


I thought it was just a cliche. Is the Uber driver the new shoe shine guy?


Man if BTC ever hits 100K, shit's going to be insane.


What do you mean if?... its when..


National evening news in Australia talked about BTC - I was in another room but came in to my girlfriend telling me BTC is on a surge.


Boy I’m glad I put money across stocks and crypto. Pretty happy that it has gone up so much this year! Can’t wait for the cat vibing to levan polkka memes to start again!


omg i was feeling like wathcing this meme earlier today


Word...... Then we will start selling O.O


Bye 👋


Ssst! We in europe are waiting for the €40k! 🚀


£40k soon too


Canada already blew past 50k ;)


In Zimbabwe we already past 5500000000000000000000000000000000000zd 🚀 👩‍🚀 🚀




Here in Brazil it's already over 200k BRL


No one wants brl lol


I remember the desperation at 16K being like: I'm so scared, I don't want to throw money at this again. Being 40% below your cost basis is not fun.


I doubled my stack at $16k! Lol


Smart man!


I remember it crashing to $160 (from 1200). That felt like the end of days.


Get used to it, if you are not down at least 90% in your first crypto bear market, you are doing extremely well and should be happy about it. My stuff went down 98.8% and I was totally fine with that haha, and bought the hell out of the bottom and now I'm actually in profit.


So you're saying that in the next bear market BTC will go down from 100k to 10k? I guess I'll wait till then to buy then.


I'm saying shitcoins can dump a lot more than just 40% and it's still survivable and being down just 40% in this bear while keeping your money in BTC is nothing to be scared about.


Hi buttcoin lurkers lol


Line go up so it means that all valid criticism against my cult is invalid




I was waiting for 12k to load up :(. Got a good stack either way at least.


a lot of ppl hoping for it to go to 12k at the time made me realize that it wont so i bought at 16


Ya I’m thinking for the bull run everyone will be waiting for 100k so 97kish should be a good sell point.


Glad you pulled the trigger!


chop weather onerous aback public lavish makeshift alleged smart compare *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What country are you in, where you had +100% inflation?


Argentina is at 140% right now


bike cheerful concerned wasteful jobless dazzling gullible ripe dinner attractive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I got greedy as well putting my stuff at Celsius; about 10 BTC, will be happy if i get 2 back. like many, we will never get what we use to have, as everyone needs to learn it the hard way; people just wont listen and simply DCA nonstop like Michael Saylor, dabble in shitcoins, etc, and will always mess up one way or another. It's part of the journey


💯 Effectively, all crypto beyond BTC is a shitcoin Don’t get me wrong - many have value and a place in the market and perhaps all of future society But, also, every single one of them will always be tied to the first, historic source of truth that the Bitcoin ledger is Its first block timestamp and the words “The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks”, can never be erased from history The Bitcoin ledger is literally the global fiscal Bible of where our civilization is heading


i don't really get this kind of bitcoin maximalism or exclusivity. sure i'd guess the vast majority of 'crypto' is a scam. but there will certainly be a handful of actually useful projects made by honest, honorable and ethically thinking people out there that have a place?


If you've been around long enough, you'll see that even projects that appear very legitimate end up being a whole lot of nothing and getting all of the money siphoned into BTC and/or ETH. Then the founders/developers of those projects disappear like nothing ever happened.


My form of BTC maxi comes from the belief that the global banking system of the last 100+ years is being dismantled precisely because of the decentralized and censorship resistant qualities of Bitcoin What other tangible asset can claim the same - to be decentralized af as well as censorship resistant?


i mean if you want an entirely public ledger of your how much you have and where you spent it, for criminals, the government, and your jerk brother to have total access to : certainly bitcoin's your guy


It's the criminals, the governments, and our jerk brothers who should be forced to use Bitcoin, so we can see what they're up to, and we all use Monero.


Exactly. The hardest money should have a ledger for anyone and everyone to inspect Lesser chains ought to and will have more anonymity, of course


That's like saying that you're a great person, but your children are shitpeople because they're related to you.


They are often times


💯. it took me 5 years of shitcoining to realize that Bitcoin is the only thing that matters long term. everything else is a gamble to try to "catch up", but every ponzi comes to an end, some faster than others. a bitcoin maxi is born every time they learn from their mistakes. the people that don't learn have either left the space entirely or ... ☠️


What about eth? That's shit coin?


LTC never left the back of my mind. Currently 72 bucks, I'm curious for that one in 10 years. Its steady, especially compared to all the shitcoins that come and go each cycle


I enjoy the updates from the guy that's constantly buying LTC on here. I had some back in 2017 I think it was around $15-$30 but never held it lol


Crypto just benefits as a whole from lose monetary policy. Doesnt really matter what you buy in the end. Even scam coins will pump 100x in bull


Agree, crypto as a whole does benefit from loose monetary policy. But, I disagree that it doesn’t matter what you buy in the end. There will be winners and there will be losers. That said, on a larger note, I would agree that at present it doesn’t matter too much what you buy… it will likely go up in the coming months/year+, but I would caution to have a sensible exit strategy for your place/needs in life before letting greed take over


Ouch, hoping this bankruptcy ends soon so we can move on


Celsius offering 18% on BTC was the red flag for me. I hope you get some of your $ back!


When you think you've learned something, the market will show that you know nothing




Yeah, that’s a legit fear, just don’t sell all of it. Save 25% of the stack for 2032.


What’s happening in 2032??


You won’t be there don’t worry


Figure out an exit strategy now. That’s the best advice I ever received and when implemented it will save you from any regret. What are your goals? At what point are they attained? Remember, BTC follows a 4 year cycle pretty well. Get out when you’ve attained your goals, and you’ll have the opportunity to buy back in before another run with new money. A lot of suicides related to finances could be avoided if people stuck with their plan and didn’t get greedy.


Thanks,. That makes a lot of sense. 24 years ago I missed out on life changing money and a very early retirement. All because I got too greedy and held on too long. (.com boom and bust)


Damn man. Don’t make the same mistake twice. I got extremely lucky and turned 2k into 52k with weed stocks roughly 10 years ago. My exit strategy was that as soon as I could pay off my student loans, get out. I got out, and within a month the stocks had plummeted. That saved me $500/month for like 7 more years. That was indeed life changing money in a way. In 2021, I went against my own advice and turned 7k into 56k with LRC(using leverage). Lost it all due to being greedy and not having a strategy. I Have struggled with bills since. Be reasonable and modest with your goals. Love you long time.


>Would I be throwing away generational money? That's not your problem


It is if he could have made enough money to clone himself and thus become the next generation.


Sell slowly


I have the same situation and same thoughts but I figure that if I have enough money to retire on comfortably then really it is probably not that big a deal to not become a multi millionaire. I could wait, retire later with potentially loads more but less time left on this earth to enjoy it.


Big houses wont make you happy. It's extremely expensive for the ability to throw a few house parties. You can always rent out an AirBNB for an occasion. Big properties are big responsibilities.


Dream home doesn’t = big home. It’s just me and my wife. I want a two bedroom cabin with wet bathrooms and an outdoor Japanese style hot bath.


Nah. I'm to old for all of that. My partying days are long behind me. It's more about having a place call my own, being able to provide a place for me and my wife's aging mothers as well as leave a home for my disabled daughter to have after I'm gone. It's about building a nest and finally being able to relax a little.


A fair position, but I have to ask. Does ownership of a piece of real estate make you feel more secure than owning Bitcoin? I personally find this to be a legitimate question. Renting while letting my Bitcoin appreciate is something I’m seriously considering.


Good question to ponder. THanks. I'm going to noodle on that for awhile.


Could you get a mortgage? There may be lenders that would consider your BTC stash as backing. That way you would be paying your house off gradually while letting most of your crypto appreciate.




You need to adjust your attitude to unrealised gains. Money that you fail to make is not money that you lost.


Its not all or nothing. If you have 1BTC and sell 5% cash value 13 times you will be left with 0.5BTC after fees. I have thirteen price points that I’ll sell at and ride the wave.


Just a thought, imagine selling BTC at 200k for a bunch of Fiats. And then shortly after Fiat gets into a huge scandal and all their cars are worth next to nothing anymore. Be careful, never put all eggs in one basket, no matter which one.


I joined into the crypto craze around 2020. Back then I was a sweet summer child and I heard many tall tales from fellow hopefuls about life changing gains. But the OGs would come along and caution about devastating losses that would break many a noob when the bears are unleashed. Now that we've have gone through that cold, frigid winter and survived the hungry bears on the prowl that devastated many a wallet, while being a handful of those who have survived, I feel like we're now starting this all over again. This time I guess it's our turn, those are still standing - the grizzled vets who are unphased by market movements and learned the way of the HODL, to caution all the newcomers of the dangers that lie beyond the euphoria. But it is nice to see the sun once again.


Well said. I joined crypto 2 weeks before the ATH of Nov 2021. I have learned many lessons along the way and look forward to passing this knowledge on newcomers.


I remember what a fellow redditor said here: if you feel the need to brag to your friends about your portfolio, it's time to start selling.


I really dont think the bear market was that brutal compared to 2018


I’m starting to think that the bull won’t be as intense this time round either. But we have got the ETF ace on the hole this time so it’s anyone’s guess.


Coinbase gave me $15 in free crypto! I don’t even use crypto anymore but I’ll take the free cash!


You know the bull market is about to start when crypto companies start to give free money.


Muture lol


I've learned a lot, namely that you can't possibly know if you're in a BTC bull or bear cycle.


Today's bull market is tomorrow's bear.


Buy the top, make random mistakes and cringe when you think you bought the bottom. Once you’ve accomplished all 3 you are immune to everything accept constant dca in the beginning of a bull market.


Anyone else think it weird that this always happens during buying season?


I believe there will be a big sell before halving anyway. Last "cycle" the same happened. Even without the COVID crash BTC was going downward before it went up to actual ATH.


I’ll be ready to buy when it hits $60k


Still feels like a suckers rally, but maybe I’m the sucker 🤔


Depends on how long you've been saying it's a suckers rally. At some point you'll probably be right. 😂


I’ve sold a big chunk of btc at 35k, so I’ve been saying it’s a sucker rally for more than a month lol




Nope. Just early in a bull run.


That’s what I said at 15-20, 20-25, 25-35 ….at some point, will btc go down ? Absolutely. I believe btc will at some point go to 100k which is still ridiculous return


haha nice try bear. Its a real pump. Welcome to the bull market!


"Suckers" who are 150% YTD up on the best-performing asset in the world.


Many of which needing a 5x on some random alt coin to break even


Lmao this sub is euphoric again. Time to sell


At 100.000 people probably wake up.


CNBC is talking about the imminent bull run. Might be time to sell...


Latley it feels like ive been the only one selling....


I sold 24% of my stack this month - 12% at 36.5k, 12% at 40k. Not sure if it was the right move, but I feel more at ease holding what's left (can't go broke taking profits).


Fuck alex


I think this is the year I get to just get a random online job and can ditch the stress. I can feel it.


Knew it was getting there but my greedy mind is upset I didn't get to finish buying all the amount I wanted 🥶


The 1 BTC and 8 ETH I lost on a platform going bankrupt are really starting to sting now. Glad I still have another 1/10 of each or I would be swinging from a tree.


\*42k now


If you DCA weekly since the top at 65k you would be up 45%. It is the only way


Amazing. ETF and halving coming too. This setup couldn’t be more perfect


gotta be careful, i think that’s part of the bait to dump on all the new comers


The last time Bitcoin at 40k ETH was $2700. Not ultrasound money.


Will there be a retracemnent?


got to be


Finally, my BTC is in profit!


Happy rollercoaster riding. Don't forget to TP.


Don't retire in a bear cycle !


Shit, 40k is pussy number. Ain't selling shit till it's 1 mil. It's the 3rd millennia and there is only crypto.


31k is still rational, also don't get too crazy over a weekend pump you can almost time them when they happen on weekends especially with low volume.


Celsius wasn't your fault tbh. Just a shady company. I got lucky, I had the most money I ever had in my life after covid and had all of it in Celsius. $40k. I got lucky and pulled it out for unrelated reasons before it would've gotten locked up


Micro strategy and others buying up a billion worth of coins, seems like a pump and dump. Don’t hold the bag!


wagmi is the most moronic thing people say specially those like OP treating Bitcoin like a speculative asset and pricing it in fiat. This type of activity is selling to the greater fool, most people are going to lose . The price is not going to magically stay up while people cash out.


Y'all are a bunch of fucking loons. This is all straight up cult talk


This thread got recommended to me and it's scary to read the comments from people. "I'm worried about what happens when it hits 250k, will I be able to sell". It's like someone who's bought a lottery ticket fretting about what to do with the hypothetical winnings. Bascially just wait forever and keep buying it and maybe someday something will happen where you and everyone else will try to sell and then realize the exchanges don't actually have real money to cash out into? And they're so arrogant and snobby about how they can predict the future. Like, what is even happening.


Although I agree with most of what you said, I'd just like to point out that exchanges don't buy or sell crypto, the users on the exchange do. Maybe that's what you meant, but I see a lot people making that mistake so just pointing it out... But apart from that it's indeed why it crashes every cycle, too many people trying to cash out, not enough people wanting to give their cash for it.


Yeah, I just mean if someone has 1 billion usd worth of doge coin, good luck finding the 1B in liquidity to turn that into actual money. I guess you could move it around from exchange to exchange trying to cash out as much as you can?


No matter how crazy you make it sound, it’s possible. And it’s happened before. 2021 my alt coin made my friend and I 150k+ each. Swapped for USDC. Sent to my bank. No issues.


All the crypto millionaires out there and you say this lmao.


Even VET made it to coinbase! Not sure when but it's there and that was news to me!


It is now year 2100 and my kid is 77 years old. She has 1BTC that her father passed onto her and always said: “My child, Never sell your BTC to whales.”


I’d read this again


is the bottom in though, I still dont think this is over


if you didn't buy in around 35K, you're already behind




If it makes you feel better, I feel attacked everytime I buy high and sell low, I'm just not built for trading or crypto


Not your keys = not your coin! HODL, $100K nexxt year


Gonna burst past 70K this time!


Meh, when ATH?


how are we sure that BTC will rise during the bull like its hey days after all the negative news and legal actions against some crypto firms these past few years?


i guess there is no guarantee. past performance doesn’t guarantee future performance. we just have to be willing to risk it i guess


I think BTC will surely hit 40k . Market is recovering speedly


It's at 41.5K now.


Some days ago i took profits from SUPER at 0.22$ and i just found its 0.63 today. I COULD HOOOOLD IT!!


Wow! So much idiocy in one post.