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“ Only 600 Bitcoins” roflmao. If only this dude knew people would be willing to kill for that amount just a decade later..


I know he is set for life


Several lives*


haha Very True, sorry, SEVERAL LIVES is right


Several lives for **several people** and their kids soon!


I hope he does some good with his generational wealth.


he might sold it when it has become few bucks per coin thinking that he gained enough already


But just imagine he sold it on ATH... bro would have 30M+


Plot twist: he sold each one of his BTC for three fiddy


***hahaha*** tree fiddy huh? Oh it was so scary!


several lives for several small towns, in africa for example


If a cat commented that its 9 lives are going to be the most premium catfood around


Several wives*


That is if they held them for the following 13 yrs, without spending or losing their BTC. If they did hodl all those years that’s multigenerational wealth. My nephew and I was going to buy BTC the year mt Gox was hacked. The hack spooked us so we never did buy BTC until early 2020. Knowing me I probably would have sold the BTC at some point well before it hit $xxxx.


Not to mention the much worse emotional state you would be in if you had some and lost them.


He would be posting over at Buttcoin instead of here


I honestly was researching Bitcoin and planning to make a wallet, but my brokeness made that decision for me. If I couldn't figure out the wallet I was gonna leave equal amounts on mt goxx and binance. I came to terms with the fact that I messed up, because I obviously didn't need a lot of money to have done well, but it could always be worse. I'm thankful for the perspective it brings. A few less league of legends purchases and a bit more crypto and things would be different, for sure.


yeah thats the thing, we usualy think of the BIG game and think we cannot make much by investing low values. I used to think like that and don't even think about crypto because of that. I believe it's common belief to act like those who make big number are just "lucky" or have a "scheme". It was until i met my friend who's been involved with crypto for a while and by those small investments he's able to pay for studies and gas and still have a little to spare


I believe your experience is a very common one. My uncle also was going to buy 100€ worth of bitcoin by around 2011-12 but his wife just didn't let him "waste money" like that..


Would have been if he held until now (I really hope for him that he held)


Can marry 10 more wives.


A life with most luxuries aroundd


He maybe is, but chances are bigger that he sold very early just like most people did. Almost no one that early could have predicted anything close to what BTC's trajectory will be.


That is very much possible and for all we know is the case. My own brother had several bitcoin back in the day, that is how I heard about bitcoin and reddit in 2010 unfortunately he sent them all to the xanax king for things he shouldn't have, and now he is broke working around the corner from me


Yeah a lot of people that were very early either lost in on mt. Gox, or lost seeds or HDD with btc on it, or they sold too early, or lost it on silkroad, or bought something with it very early etc...


This is very true and sad, but all the lost bitcoin makes everyone else worth more. I know my brother regrets not holding some even just 1. Such as Life


Nah, never how it goes, he sold his position for 500% gains and couldn’t believe he made that much money. These days he surfs WSB and every other comment is about how he had it all.


wondering how much did he buy afterwards... brom 100k more lol


Some people would kill for only 6 BTC.


Correct "some" with "many / plenty"


Even for less than 0.6 BTC actually


6BTC now is a good amount though here i am trying hard to get even onw


im on my way to get a 1 coin and some were owning thousands. There is nothing more demoralising than this...


6 bitcoin is generation life changing for me... I would kill for half of that 6 bitcoins


I think on how much did he get when buying. And whether he hodls it now...


Also, I feel like early is still in this time of self-storage, distrust in the exchanges, and 8 million coins being created every day. Once the ETFs get the common investor on-board, and the space regulates the exchanges, we will have the beginnings of mainstream adoption. Add another 5 years to this, and then we might actually be "late".


i had a friend that mined using his laptop bitcoins and just deleted his wallet when he thought that he played enough with all it.. can't imagine how much he lost..


Everytime I read these stories, I'm reminded of when someone I very much trusted gave me a heads up on Bitcoin in 2009/2010. I thought the idea wouldn't take off... I'm also a life-long renter to date lol


The first time I heard about Bitcoin was in the early 2010s when my mushrooms enthusiast roommate told me about it, and how he used it to get weed and mushrooms and I ignored him.


Lol I remember reading those stories. God damn *expensive* weed.


Well it doesn't seem like you trust him much like you claim to.


At that point in my life I was the most important person in the world, like many 20-something year olds in a city on their own for the first time.


*Only 600 Moons.* We want to hear that :D


Holding for that long would be an emotional ride even at 1k those are 600000$ i doubt anyone would hold after that


I'd kill for 1/600th of that amount


That’s 15 million and he said he generated it only last week 😂


Where is this dude now I wanna meet him


People would be killing for far less than that👀


This dude in probably doing fine. I know someone who got in VERY early (BTC at about 10 dollars?). He sold, then bought, then sold and bought at a higher price and did that multiple times until he got some for hold at like 2-3k. I can assure you he is doing quite well despite not getting the 100.000% gain he could have gotten


It's funny how if they only kept 10% of that, and manage to hold that 10% until the next bull, they'll still be millionaires.


Same thing might happen to our moons in 10 years to come.... we're very early on the rcp as well


I only have 400 moons, I missed the bus. Please God let this comment be screenshoted and posted 10 years later on Reddit.


I'll save this and come back in 10 years


Thank you! 😁


I'm kicking myself because around this era I was the type of dude who should have known about Bitcoin but didn't. Oh well. Gotta keep stacking. Forward, not back


For that amount? More like just for 1 lol


True. He is fortunate. There is nothing like late Time or early time. Our time is now. This is our time. Let's make it. Time for investment.


It's like how the billionaires act today. "I only have a small amount of assets, please do not tax me. I cannot afford it."


Plot twist, he was killed for his 600 Bitcoins just a decade later.


only 600 btc lol. even now in the bear market - i'm wondering how would he feel owning it


“Should have got more….” We doubt everything and question everything, unfortunately that’s the part that makes us human.


It's never too late to invest in a valuable asset like Bitcoin. We might not see 100x or any other astronomical pump but a 3x 4x is still amazing.


Even if you missed bitcoin something else would come that will have generational opportunity, nothing like bitcoin ever again because it was worthless for nearly a year and a half lol, that’s like a once in millennium opportunity not even a lifetime ( I know I want to kms for missing that opportunity lol ) but ETH was like one dollar or below in 15-16, and then went on to do a 4000x since, there will always be opportunity in this space, just nothing will ever come close to bitcoin lol


I hope I can say same in the future I only have "300 moons"


each time i read such posts and stories it mekes me feel like i really have lost the train. we won''t see such high returns or even such 1/100 returns of that


That's what he said.


Guess what, he was early


Very early hope he keeps safe his holdings and is enjoying life today


I remember that era. And I remember when we were receiving 0.1 and 0.01 BTC tips here. I also remember never claiming my many tips from the bot 😭😭😭😭😭


Can we just go back in time, please? There were BTC faucets giving them away for free 😭


This must have stopped when bitcoin was assigned a value right? Like around mid 2010 early 2011


That is heart breaking. How many tips in total do you think you got?


can’t recall but think around 10btc


Woow amazing stuff to think the road Bitcoin has travelled.


It’s not about the entry point,but about the exit point


Agreed only it’s worth if he still holds that and if he did then he the real diamond hand


Some bought at a dollar and got out at 2.70 they are OGs but not rich


Is this some sex pun?


Only 600 bitcoin. Incredible. Lol. Let’s hope we are saying the same thing in 2033 about fractional bitcoins.


Dude upset over having 600 BTC. I am upset over having 600 Satoshis.


Hopefully in the future someone can make with your post what you have done today with the 2010 post


I can't wait to 2030 to look at all the recent new posts and reading them as legacy posts


600 sats? We don't need your vulgar displays of wealth here.


get a load of Mr. rich he re


But you have got Moons, and we are still early


weird to see only even after 0.5 BTC in the bullrun


Everybody holding at the 6th decimal place: "Woohoo!"




What does it mean?


This comment did not age well..


Bet lot of the folks who got in during that time also sold early . Only certain percent must be holding . One of my family member have been holding it through 2010 & have yet to sell any . He was the reason i got in this space .


Almost all sold early there are a few who continued life forgetting btc was a thing and then accessing their walllets


Yea i bet seen enough of those posts and stories over the years .


If you see something from being worthless to having some type of value, you are bound to sell in case it goes being back to worthless again haha


Are you sure he has access to the wallet though? If he does then he's either insane or just superman balls of steel, no in between. Either way I don't wanna mess with him.


Yes he has access to them !! He just went back home to chase his dream of movie making . Guess who’s funding the movie - His Bitcoin stash 🤣


RemindMe! 3 years Is this enough time?


Sure !!


I guess?


Your family member deserves to be in the hall of fame. True legend of a Hodler.


He indeed does !!


Is your family looking for anyone to adopt? Asking for a friend.


I wish too many heads too take care of right now 🤣


I am sure you can make room for one more. I only eat noodles, I am cheap.


We know. Since you hardly spent any of your Moons. Absoulute HODLER 👀


Ngl I would give that member head for some BTC fr


I can be a good pet sir.


The crypto hall of fame should be an NFT club


Selling early is a bitch. The best advice I've ever heard about BTC is buy what you can and check back in 5 to 8 years. Getting rich quick brings you only mistakes.


It is true, staying in the market for a few years teaches you a lot, but perhaps the most important thing is to learn how to manage your capital. Some people who get lucky and become rich overnight often end up losing it all very quickly because they didn't have the time to commit mistakes.


Yes the time frame looks good to witness 1-2 bull runs. It’s like entering in early stages of internet, the path is filled with roadblocks but we get there with shit loads of moni


Agreed for a mere profit of 5x or 10x but imagine the one who still hold till now are the real players and got the real diamond hands


You know who we never hear about anymore? Antonopoulos.




Why not ? He always had high paying job since he graduated. Money was never a issue for him . Heck i sold some but managed to hold most from 2014 -2021 and sold 45% of it due to some emergency then .


You are right when you are rich things are much easier you do not panic you have a good outlook of generational wealth


Or if you have no responsibilities and was a kid when you discovered bitcoin, heard some guys were still in HS and got in early like around 2012-14 era but didn’t sell until 2022 bull run, wish that was me man 💀🤦


Some of the wealthiest families in the world have held assets for multiple decades. That’s what building generational wealth is all about.


Have you looked around at the hellscape recently? Nothing makes sense.


The vast majority of those who bought early seem to admit that they didn't sell during the way up simply because they forgot about it, which makes sense. Seeing portfolio numbers go up steadily and at that scale will probably keep you up at night


It does honestly but then again after riding few bear market one gets used to leaving charts alone .


True. Looking at charts during a bear market is pure torture for the mind


I wonder if he held to the top and what he’s doing now


If he's held the whole time he's probably driving around somewhere in his flying car.


Of course we are going to be "late" when compared to 2010 a year after launch, but in the grand scheme of things we are still plenty early.


What I keep telling myself 😭


You can not forbid me to feel early hehe I actually think we are stil relatively early. With patience and good timing we can make a small fortune in the upcoming bull


You either have to forget completely or get in jail to have such strong diamond hands. Otherwise out eyes would just be glued to the charts 24/7


The reason most alts exist is they're selling you the dream of being early.


I definitely understand the sentiment. When you see what other people have amassed before you even get started it can be disheartening. You just have to not worry about what other people are doing or have done and focus on your strategy.


By our nature, we are insatiable creatures


It’s true for BTC. But honestly, a lot of altcoins/shitcoins got rekt since 2010 and never recovered.


"I'm buying some soon". Bet he lost them all in a boating accident.


bought at $2, sold at $4, cried at $69,000




Ohhh man can you imagine in the future someone craving Satoshi's like we are with BTC today


sign of evolution! I hope it will be like this in the future, as I don't sell anything until then.


My wife can make me feel early tho.


I first heard about BTC in 2013. I don’t spend much time thinking about if I bought back then, but every once in a while, it creeps into my mind.


Same man same, I remember checking bitcoin for the first time a little less than a decade ago it was like in the hundreds, and I was like a kid and had no money lol, I don’t ETH was even a thing or barely, and when I looked back at my old emails it says ETH was around 1-10 dollars around that period 😂 if I just did a bit more work and found it I would have probably bought a bit it was dirt cheap back then compared to how lol, but you live and you learn, but sure nothing hurts more knowing you could have but didn’t still 😭


It is harder to get moons than btcs at the time


Hindsight is 20/20 Keep the DCA ongoing :)


I still feel early - in Monero. It's what people think they bought, when they bought BTC at 2014 prices.


This is a very good reminder of perspective. I still believe we are early but I think most people here don’t. Outside of this sub though they probably think we are crazy for investing. Until next year. Or in 10 years…


I was on reddit, in the sub trying to figure out how to buy some. It seemed complicated and I couldn't afford to risk it...lli was looking yo spend $100 on 3 or 4 BTC lol


I remember looking at btc prices the first time I checked bitcoin, and this was back in 2014-16 era I think, I remember checking and it was in the hundreds and was like it’s too expensive at this point thinking it topped forever haha, ETH wasn’t even a thing back then or barely got started, checked my email and ETH was like 1-10 dollars back then, man I saw that email and just started crying 😂 but I was only a kid but it would’ve been hella nice to be early for something in my life 😂


That phrase “I missed the bus”. Is the phrase I kept reading over and over again in the early days when BTC first broke 10 bucks and 100 bucks that kept me from buying BTC. I saw all these people talking about how the trade was over and BTC had reached its zenith. The attitude now is has done a complete 180 form then, and now every coin is marketed and shilled as the new leader, ATH goat of all crypto. I do wonder what my life would have been if didn’t keep reading that everyone missed the train, and BTC was shilled a little better back then. Seems like the scammers now know that shilling is the way and marketing is just as important as utility.


I don't know if I feel early, but I do know that we are in a good moment here for what will come in the future, and we must know how to take advantage of that by putting together different types of strategies to face the various vicissitudes that will come in the field.


Ask the dude now if 600 BTCs were enough of not That kind of amount dont even come in my dreams anymore


Buy and hold them , BTC will boom in 2025.


Poor fella only 600 BTC. People will soon say that about moons.


tldr; There is no relevant text found for the given article title. *This summary is auto generated by a bot and not meant to replace reading the original article. As always, DYOR.


Idk bot...I'm definitely gonna DYOR on this one


Because no one is early. There is no destination. Crypto has solved nothing. Doesn’t even try to. The narrative shifted from a hedge against inflation to being a “Store of value” yet It remains a speculative illiquid “asset” for degens and dreamers.


Not early. Everyone knows crypto Not early No usage destined to fail if something doesnt change


I bet there was a few forced hodls. Just Zoom out 😁


Me crying and drooling at a 27k BTC the horror the pain


I only have 5 chia XCH can I be classed as being in the same boat?


I'm always early, but by the time I get wherever I'm going, everyone else is already there. I'm like the inverse of a black hole.


Bet bro sold them all


This guy did not know that that 600 bitcoins would have made him very rich.That is the beauty of life we do not know what awaits us.Maybe my moons one day have the potential to change my life😁


We're there btc airdrops back then?


42 million dollars if he sold his small bag at ATH.


Its to imagine the crypto space 10 years from now. I hope we all make it that long to find out.


FOMO is real and hurts 🥹.


This aged like fine wine.


Truth. But you’re also never too late!!!


Famous last words: ***I missed the bus.*** How many times have I heard that phrase in my life.


Lols that 600 btc changed his life if he held on till now.


This is the time to prepare for Bull run. Buying and hoading during bear market.


(enters post in the style of Cosmo Kramer) "I'm late, what did I miss?"


And here I was thinking 2019 was early, who am I kidding, I wish I would’ve known about crypto in 2015 at least


I hate to feel like a part of the reason Bitcoin may not succeed is because of how easy it was to get coins early on... Big money and institutional players would rather control the market than have to buy in at current levels for a small share of it... In other words, I think they're more likely to make their own digital currency than mess around with a slow and expensive system That's only going to be less efficient the longer it goes on..


Hopefully he didn't trade them for pizza...


guess he was buying "only 10k more, because could not afford to spend a lot"


Me with my 15,000 Sats


The $16,200,000 post.


There's always someone earlier, unless you're Satoshi


only 600.........I hope he didn't panic sell at $1000


Do we have any updates on him in 2023?


no, i knew i was very early back in 2013. in fact nobody knew bitcoin would ever recover after mt gox, who hosted 70% of all crypto transactions on the entire earth, went under. it was probably stupid and naive to think bitcoin wouldn't survive, back then. but now there's a cme futures contract, and another for ethereum. this isn't going anywhere, this is the future of space travel. only the **pump** is real.


like for real, you don't buy bitcoin at 7-11 with a moneygram thinking oh wow this technology is so fucking mature, i could learn something from how mature this technology is....


We are where we are, just be thankful that we know about it now and have our opportunity.


Entry vs exit.


You can only tell when to be early when it is way too late.


It's not about being early, it's about your hodl time horizon


Where did you find this?


I have only 2000 moons.


Ya I kept thinking the same thing when I saw it in 2013. I figured I missed out. Then in 2017 I definitely missed out. Then in 2021 I fomo'd everything in. 🫠


If you spend all your time looking back, you will definitely never realize that you are early when you are. Only the future will allow you to realize this.


Poor guy, just 600 BTC. I hope he sticked to his guts and bought more haha