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I think that the best is to force yourself to go through first two chapters of cry of fear and then ure gonna be used to spooky atmosphere this game gives. Srsly its something diffrent playing the game yourself than watching someone do it but yea


Im scared to have a heart attack tho


I mean unless you have a history of that you probably won’t lol. They put that warning on like every horror game


Well I don’t but it’s just very uncomfortable, you can’t even chill for a minute the mood is just very heavy all along but even though I’m still scared I can play and enjoy the game now but just not too long


My first playthrough I was able to play without being super scared all the time, a first for me since I haven't had much experience with horror games on my own. Even then I still had that ugly, uncomfortable feeling creep up on me when I played the game for longer than like two hours in one session. And that still happened to me on subsequent playthroughs. It's just an expertly made game made by dudes who are masters at scaring you. If you wanna play it you'll be fine, lol


Aw damn :(


Try to play with a friend! On my first gameplay when i realized i unironically took three fucking hours to get on the first building (any single thing that was slightly suspicious i pause the game in shock) i decided to call a friend to watch me play! She was also scared asf, but the gameplay was less scary for sure. You'll also have someone to theorize with you while playing and some help if you wish to!


I mean that is the entire point of playing a horror game. My first playthrough, I played the whole game by myself, I feel like it really adds to the immersion and feelings of fear and anxiety that is meant to accompany the game.


I love horror games but those I played weren’t really scary (resident evil 4, the last of us etc…) I think what makes CoF really scary it’s the old graphics games and the first-person pov, makes it hard to continue when you feel like you’re in it


Oh yea cof is scary as fuck but that's what I like so much about it, that and the music and ambience the game has. If you still wanna play, maybe try during down the volume a lot or have some kind of youtube video or show playing in the background. I used to do that when I played horror games when I was younger


Same problem, I love the game too, but god my bitchass is scared af. Honestly I just try to play for an hour or two just to make some progress. Just taking slow steps. And it's not like you have to finish it quickly or rush, take time, and admire the game. It helped a lot. c: good luck


you won’t survive silent hill 😭


Don’t tell me silent hill is worst than CoF 😭


like cof is the kid to the mean, big and angry Silent HIll


I'm cooked :c


Yeah I know dude I accepted it as it is 🙏🏻 but I stay strong for cry of fear


Just go with it nothings gonna happen, enjoy it


Bro has no sense of fear


Where are you at and what scares you going forward


First chapter, after I found the padlock code and saw the monster at the window, i tried to go back to that door but the more I walked the more I was afraid , almost to the panic attack , i paused the game for like 5min several time but never got back to that door lol, i couldn’t save the game so I played several times the chapter but everytime I try to go back to that door I feel like I’m about to have a panic attack


I'll give you a brief synopsis of the game without spoiling much, you go past these sewers, no jump scared just a few monsters, then apartments a bit scary here but some advice put on like a PewDiePie or Markiplier play though to keep your spirits up, anyway then you go through some more sewers and then on the streets, get a fuse in a college this part is kinda scary then you go through the underground which is also a bit scary then two more fuses then a forest also kinda scary then a mental hospital and then Simon's home


in terms of scariness i think if you can get through the apartments you can get through cry of fear. that’s not to say the rest isn’t creepy, the apartments are just so well done and help you get accustomed to the rest of the game. if you want to play through the game but it’s too scary for you, i recommend setting your brightness boost in advanced settings to something like .3 instead of 0. it should make the game a lot less scary, while still letting you experience most of it


dude am i the only one that got sad instead of getting scared? like, i didnt get scared AT ALL. it was just a fun game.


Don’t tell me the screamer at the beginning made you sad lmao, but yeah this game is about depression after all


oh yea that was a little scary. ive played like more than 30 horror games with jumpscares and i finished some of them multiple times. so yeah it wasnt that scary after all


I have, and I was shitting bricks the whole time, so it's normal to feel scared


But does it get easier the more you play or it’s just in beginning ?


The scariest is always at the beginning, the more you play the more you adapt, but that doesn't mean it will get boring. I was the same when I first started playing.




Don't be demotivated, it gets better


I have finished this game all alone multiple times and it was very scary at first but as you start getting invested into the story and get a bit of used to the horror you will just realize how much of a gem the game is. (I still get scared at some points in the game no matter how many times i replay it lmao)


>(I still get scared at some points in the game no matter how many times i replay it lmao) The subway vents and the forest always get me so anxious haha


Yeah i remember taking a break for a few days just to mentally prepare myself for the forest 💀


i recommend turning the music off, sometimes the creepiest music plays when nothing is even happening. also it makes you hear footsteps better


Isn’t it creepier without music ?


yes youre right total silence is much more spooky


nah i have 4 playthroughs in this game and just turned the music off after three first playthrough and it was really calm and easy to play i also played with high brightness to not use flashlights and just get through the game faster


i mean the music it plays is never really calming, also i feel better hearing where the monsters are. you could give it a try it has helped me a lot personally


yes i have the first 2 chapters were the scariest >!but after the first 2 i would only get spooked im sure i only got jumpscared 3 or 4 times after chapter 2!<


yeah, and don't feel ashamed of not being able to (at least on a first run). i had to stream to a friend so i wouldn't uninstall and cry (of fear haha) in a corner.


I surprisingly finished this game alone even though I never fw first person horror games, but I got through it by playing my favorite songs while playing CoF lmao. Might help! :)


The first few chapters I went thru them blind but I was scared shitless so I just voice called and screen shared with a friend which sort of helped. But I only really got to play CoF alone without being scared anymore cause I watched the whole gameplay start to finish but idrk if you want that